Emergent Monopoles in Spin and Water Ices Randall S. Frost* 3454 Smoketree Commons, Pleasanton, California 94566, USA We provide a phenomenological theory for the presence of magnetic monopoles in spin ice—as well as in water ice and disordered materials containing oxygen atoms. Noting that the structure of spin ice is similar to that of frozen water, with spin orientation playing a similar role to that of the hydrogen position in the latter, we consider the coexistence of oxygen vacancies, water molecules, and a magnetic monopole on a Flory lattice consisting of an isotropic system of rigid rods and an emergent monopole. The model—driven by a most-probable distribution of interatomic oxygen distances—predicts that a magnetic monopole having a frequency of 2.012 THz will be separated out of an isotropic system at an oxygen interatomic distance of ~3.5 Ǻ based solely on the spaciogeometric constraints of placing water molecules on an oxygen vacancy lattice. Introduction.— Pauling noted in 1935 that the structure of water ice exhibits degrees of freedom that should be expected to remain disordered even at absolute 1 zero.1 He pointed out that even upon cooling to 0 K, water ice should have an intrinsic randomness, arguing that this is the case because the structure of ice contains oxygen atoms with four neighboring hydrogens such that for each oxygen atom two of the neighboring hydrogen atoms are near and two (i.e., the hydrogen atoms of a neighboring water molecule) are further away. The structure of spin ice is similar to frozen water where each oxygen atom has two short and two long bonds to four hydrogen atoms, with spin orientation in spin ice playing a similar role to that of the hydrogen position in water ice.2 Flipping a single spin in a spin ice state should result in the creation of a monopole–antimonopole pair in two adjacent tetrahedra.3 This was demonstrated by Paulsen et al., who succeeded in producing a nonequilibrium population of magnetic monopoles in a single crystal of dysprosium titanate (Dy2Ti2O7).4 Recently, Sala et al.5 noted that a description of magnetic monopoles in spin ice in terms of monopole dynamics alone is insufficient at low temperatures. They proposed that oxygen deficiencies are the leading cause of magnetic impurities in as-grown samples of the spin-ice material Dy2Ti2O7. In this paper, motivated by these observations, we consider a magnetic monopole coexisting as an emergent particle in a system of oxygen vacancies and water molecules. To do this, we use a Flory lattice to model the coexistence of the 2 vacancies, water molecules, and an embedded magnetic monopole. By taking into account the size differences of the water molecules and the oxygen vacancies, we identify the conditions under which the monopole will be separated out. The Flory lattice.— In 1956, Flory proposed a theory to describe the thermodynamic properties of athermal binary mixtures consisting of a solvent and monodisperse rodlike particles.6 In the theory, the system consists of a mixture of rodlike particles differing in axis ratio x dispersed in a solvent. The rods are assumed to have identical diameters, with their lengths variable, and the solvent to be isodiametric with a diameter equal to the mean thickness of the rods. A solute segment is defined as the portion of the solute segment having the same volume as, and geometrically equivalent to, a molecule of solvent. Thus, the parameter x is equivalent to both the axis ratio and the number of segments comprising the solute molecule. The solute molecules, n2 in number, are inserted into a space subdivided into no lattice sites. Their locations are chosen at random, apart from the requirement that occupation of a site by a segment be exclusive. The orientation of a molecule j relative to the domain axis is specified by a disorientation index yj such that each solute molecule j has an axis ratio xj oriented at angle with respect to the axis of a domain. Each molecule is thus divided into yj = xj sin submolecules, each 3 aligned parallel to the domain axis. In the theory, the separate yj are replaced by an equilibrium disorder parameter y that characterizes the average orientations of all species for which x > y. Taking one of the axes of the cubic lattice to be parallel to the domain axis, each submolecule occupies a sequence of lattice sites parallel to this axis. The system as a whole thus consists of submolecules confined to such rows, and calculation of the particle orientations amounts to the mixing of submolecules and solvent molecules (or vacancies) in one dimension. Later, Flory and this author7 considered the portioning of a so-called most probable distribution of rodlike particles between isotropic and anisotropic phases. The most probable distribution8, 9 describes the molecular size distribution that results when polymers are formed under the conditions of equal reactivity of all functional groups. In the most probable distribution, the probability that a molecule consists of exactly x units is (1 – p)p x –1 (p for each of the x – 1 linkages and 1 – p for the terminal link), where p may be considered to be the expectation of perpetuation of a sequence of units to include at least one more unit and 1 – p the expectation of termination of the sequence. The probability that any molecule selected at random is composed of x units must equal the mole fraction of x-mers, and the total number of x-mers is given by 4 Nx = N(1 – p)p x–1, where the total number of molecules of all sizes is N = N0(1 – p) and N0 is the total number of units. Therefore, Nx = N0 (1 – p)2p x–1. If the added weight of the end groups in the polymerization is neglected, the molecular weight of each species will be directly proportional to x. The volume fraction of species x can then be written vx/v2 = xNx/N0 = x(1 – p)2p x–1. Here, v2 = –p–1 ln p denotes the mean volume fraction for all species x and vx is the corresponding volume fraction of solute particles consisting of x units.7 The number average size or axis ratio xn is xn = N0/N = 1/(1 – p). In the case that there is a portioning of rodlike molecules conforming to the most probable distribution in a system consisting of coexisting isotropic and anisotropic phases, our theory shows that an incipient anisotropic phase can emerge from the parent isotropic phase only under very specific conditions. The 5 character of this emergent phase is characterized by three parameters: the number average size or axis ratio in the anisotropic phase xn', the disorder parameter y, and the volume fraction of solute in the anisotropic phase v2'. Here, the prime refers to the anisotropic phase. According to the theory,7 in order for the isotropic and anisotropic phases to coexist, the following conditions have to arise: xn' = ∞, y = 0, and v2' =1. Under these conditions, the solute in the isotropic phase is transferred in its entirety to the anisotropic phase. The emergent anisotropic phase thus consists of perfectly ordered species of infinite length. These conditions for its existence apply regardless of the average axis ratio in the isotropic phase, xn = 1/(1–p), provided that xn > 2.3102.7 The minimum value of xn corresponds to a complete absence of solvent or vacancies in the isotropic phase (i.e., v2 = 1). If the anisotropic phase contains a solvent, is finitely disoriented, or consists of rods of finite length, it cannot coexist in equilibrium with the parent isotropic phase in which the solute comprises rods having a most probable distribution of lengths. Emergent monopole in water ice.—In order to model the coexistence of a magnetic monopole in a system of water molecules and oxygen vacancies, we consider a lattice of oxygen vacancies in which a magnetic monopole has been embedded, which we will then fill with water molecules. Because the water 6 molecules are larger than the oxygen vacancies, they will not fit exactly into the lattice sites. To describe the accommodation of the water molecules by the oxygen vacancy lattice, we imagine the water molecules to undergo the following "reactions" to form rigid rods made up of oxygen atoms: H2O O + 2H O + H2O O + O + 2H or (O)n–1 + H2O (O)n + 2H, (1) where (O)n is a chain consisting of n oxygen atoms. One should note that these reactions are not meant prima facie to correspond to physicochemical reactions. They are at this point simply a theoretical construct to represent the constraints of placing the water molecules on the oxygen vacancy lattice. That is to say they model the physical constraints of filling the oxygen lattice vacancies with water molecules. The extent to which they might correspond to physical phenomena will be discussed later in the paper. 7 We assume these reactions to proceed until the lattice is completely filled (i.e., until all of the lattice vacancies have been filled), so that the volume fraction of oxygen rods v2 is equal to 1. This corresponds to an isotropic glass state where the oxygen rods are "frozen" into random positions. If the probability of adding an oxygen atom to a rod is independent of the number of oxygens that have already been added, the distribution of oxygen rod lengths will be described by a most probable distribution. Since the volume fraction of hydrogen atoms produced in the reactions will be much less than that of the oxygen rods, their contribution will be neglected when calculating the most probable distribution of rod lengths.9 Based on the theory, as long as the average axial ratio of the (O)n rods >2.3102 (depending on degree of dilution in the isotropic phase), an incipient anisotropic phase can coexist with a parent isotropic phase. Under these conditions, the polymer must ultimately be transferred in its entirety to an anisotropic phase characterized by xn' = ∞. We will now limit our discussion to the case where n = 2, corresponding to diatomic oxygen. The axis ratio xn that appears in the theory then corresponds to the separation distance between the two oxygen atoms. Taking the separation distance L between two oxygen atoms at which the repulsive and attractive forces between the atoms just balance as 3.5 Ǻ from Lennard-Jones potential theory in the 8 harmonic approximation, 10 one has xn = 2.3102 = L/D, where D is the diameter of the oxygen atom, and we calculate an oxygen atom diameter of 1.515 Ǻ, or a radius of 0.758 Ǻ. It follows from our theory, which predicts that species with an average axial ratio of xn' = ∞ will be separated out with the emergence of the anisotropic phase, that the coexisting magnetic monopole—which is an infinitely long Dirac string11,12—that we initially placed on the lattice will be partitioned out from the undiluted glassy state when the two oxygen atoms in the isotropic phase are separated by a most-probable distance of about 3.5 Ǻ. We note again that our theory also predicts that an emergent monopole could coexist with an isotropic phase at larger values of xn, but only under dilution. Spin ice.— In spin ice the atoms are arranged in four-sided tetrahedra stacked together to form a pyrochlore structure. At temperatures near absolute zero, the electron spins begin to align into their lowest energy state, corresponding to a configuration where two of the tetrahedron’s four spins point toward the center of the tetrahedron and two point outward. This “two-in, two-out” configuration is analogous to the ice rule that describes how hydrogen bonds form in water ice,1 where each oxygen atom is surrounded by two close-in hydrogen atoms and two farther away. 9 The equivalence of pyrochlore spin ice to water ice follows from identifying the centers of the pyrochlore tetrahedra with the location of the oxygen atoms. The spins are then located at the midpoint of the bond between a pair of neighboring oxygens.13 If some of the tetrahedra end up with three spins pointing in or out and just one in the opposite direction, a monopole should be produced. This observation prompted Castelnovo et al.3 to propose a search for confined magnetic monopoles at temperatures near absolute zero in spin ice materials. Thermal conductivity.— Zeller and Pohl14 noted a number of years ago that (1) all noncrystalline solids have thermal conductivities that show a characteristic plateau around 10 K, (2) their low-temperature specific heat is larger in the glassy phase than in the crystalline one (suggesting that there are extra modes associated with the glassy phase), (iii) the specific heat below 1 K in noncrystalline solids does not follow the Debye T3 law; (iv) all noncrystalline solids have practically identical thermal conductivities (suggesting that scattering must have a very simple origin), and (v) the specific heat of Pyrex glass containing iron impurities had been reported to increase with the concentration of impurity spins. Later, this author considered the interactions of phonons with polymeric glasses and oxygen molecules.15 There, it was shown that when the wavelength of the phonon is comparable to the dimensions of the disordered (glass) system, solid 10 state theory could be used to describe the interactions of the phonons with the electrons in the oxygen molecules. Specifically, the case was considered in which a phonon was created with an electron transferred from state q' to q and the reverse one in which the phonon was destroyed. It was shown that in this system the relaxation time tep describing the interactions of phonons with electrons varies inversely as (N +1)f '(1 – f) – Nf(1 – f '), where N is the Bose-Einstein distribution function given by N = [exp(ℏω/kBT) –1]–1, ℏω is the energy of the phonon created or absorbed in the process, kB is Boltzmann's constant, and f is the Fermi-Dirac distribution functions given by f = {exp[(Eq – EF)/kBTs] + 1}–1 with f ' determined analogously for Eq'. Here EF is the Fermi level and Ts is a paramagnetic spin temperature15 that characterizes the Fermi-Dirac statistics of the electrons. When T = Ts 1/tep ~ (N +1)f '(1– f) – Nf(1 – f ') = 0 11 and the phonon-electron relaxation time tep becomes infinite. However, if T ≠ Ts, tep remains nonzero. The case in which phonons interact with the electrons in oxygen molecules was considered in the aforementioned paper.15 Letting Eq' correspond to the energy of the electron in the singlet state and Eq to that in the paramagnetic state, we now consider the case where the emergent monopole coexists with paramagnetic and singlet electrons having nearly the same energy but different electronic states at the point of phase separation. At the interatomic distance of about 3.5 Ǻ that we estimated for the onset of phase separation in our oxygen rod system, molecular orbital calculations do in fact show that the energy of the triplet state electron (with electron spin ↑ in the first π* orbital and spin ↑ in the second π* orbital) should be very close that of the singlet state electron (with electron spins ↑ and ↓ in the first π* orbital and the second π* orbital empty).16 It is at this point that we would expect the monopole to separate out of the lattice. We will now evaluate the parameters in our theory. To calculate Ts corresponding to xn = 2.3102, we note that at absolute zero the oxygen vacancy lattice will be filled such that xn = 1. Using the thermal expansion coefficient α from Charles' law of 3.66 x 10–3 K–1, we set α = dxn /dT = (2.3102 –1)/ Ts to obtain Ts = 358 K. 12 When the probability that the O2 molecule is in the reactive (singlet) state is just overtaken by the probability that it is in the nonreactive (triplet) state the oxygen chain polymerization (1) stops. Taking pf '(1– f) as the probability of the former and (1 – p) f (1 – f ') for the latter, where p as before is the expectation of chain perpetuation, we have in the limit that Eq' >> EF [15] p/(1–p) ~ exp [(Eq' – Eq)/kBTs). For xn = 2.3102 (p = 0.56714), we find Eq' – Eq = 0.27019kBTs = 0.008 eV at Ts = 358 K. The triplet-singlet electron transition will correspond to the emergence of a monopole having energy hc/λ and frequency c/λ, where λ is the monopole's wavelength, h is Planck's constant, and c is the speed of light. Setting hc/λ = 0.008 eV, we solve to obtain λ = 149 µm (about the thickness of a mica sheet) and c/λ = 2.012 THz, which can be taken as signatures of monopole-oxygen interactions. Discussion.— By considering the placement of water (ice) molecules on a lattice of oxygen vacancies, we found that when (i) the oxygen vacancy lattice is completely filled with oxygen atoms and (ii) the most probable distance between oxygen atoms equals 3.5 Ǻ, a coexisting anisotropic phase appears in which a monopole having frequency c/λ = 2.012 THz is separated out.17 13 We now assess the reasonableness of our results by considering whether water (ice) and oxygen molecules (at a most probable oxygen-oxygen distance of ~3.5 Ǻ) would be in resonance with the monopole frequency. In Table I we show the harmonic frequencies for a standing wave connecting two water molecules separated by L = 3.5 Ǻ in which the 1st harmonic (natural) frequency is equal to the monopole frequency of 2.012 THz. The associated wave velocity (frequency times wavelength) is 1408 m/s. The calculated wave velocity agrees well with the experimentally determined sound velocity (1402 m/s) in water at 0 oC.18 Table I. Harmonics for two water (ice) molecules whose 1st harmonic frequency is equal to the monopole frequency. The calculated standing wave velocity is 1408 m/s when the oxygen atoms in the two water ice molecules are separated by 3.5 Ǻ. Noncrystalline water ice Frequency (THz) Wavelength (Ǻ) 1st harmonic 2nd harmonic 3rd harmonic 4th harmonic nth harmonic 2.012 4.015 6.072 8.096 2.012 n 7.0 3.5 2.33 1.75 7.0/n Calculated standing wave velocity (m/s) 1408 1408 1408 1408 1408 We next consider the harmonic frequencies for a standing wave connecting two oxygen atoms in which the 4th harmonic frequency is equal to the monopole frequency. In this case, the associated wave velocity is 352 m/s. This value compares favorably with the measured sound velocity (361 m/s) in oxygen at 358 K (the lattice temperature calculated above).19 14 Table II. Harmonics for two oxygen atoms whose 4th harmonic frequency is equal to the monopole frequency and to the 1st harmonic frequency of two water (ice) molecules (Table II). The standing wave velocity is calculated to be 352 m/s when the oxygen atoms are separated by 3.5 Ǻ. Diatomic oxygen Frequency (THz) Wavelength (Ǻ) 1st harmonic 2nd harmonic 3rd harmonic 4th harmonic nth harmonic 0.503 1.006 1.509 2.012 0.503 n 7.0 3.5 2.33 1.75 7.0/n Calculated standing wave velocity (m/s) 352 352 352 352 352 If an oxygen atom is suddenly decoupled from the vibrating diatomic molecule (corresponding to the formation of an oxygen vacancy), the first harmonic of the subsequent vibration will then be λ = 4 x 1.75 = 7.0 Ǻ (with a corresponding frequency of 2.012 / 4 = 0.503 THz. Subsequent harmonic frequencies will be given by (n+2)(0.503)THz, where n is an odd integer. In other words, there will no resonance with the monopole frequency, as predicted by our theory. Equation (1) can now be interpreted as a representation of the structural resonance that occurs between water and oxygen molecules at the monopole frequency.20 Conclusion.—Purcell et al.21 noted over 50 years ago that magnetic monopoles should experience a repulsion with diamagnetic molecules, causing the 15 monopole to remain free (not bound). In paramagnetic molecules (or diamagnetic systems containing paramagnetic molecules), however, an isolated paramagnetic molecule could contain an unpaired electron spin with a monopole some distance away, so there would be an attractive potential corresponding to the ground state where the electron spin is polarized favorably along the atom-monopole axis. As our calculations showed, the monopole frequency is resonant with the electronic transition in diatomic oxygen from the ground-state triplet to the singlet electronic state at the same interatomic separation. Thermal vibrations having the monopole's resonant frequency will selectively couple to this electronic transition, causing a monopole initially bound by a paramagnetic (triplet-state) oxygen molecule to be repelled by the resulting diamagnetic (singlet-state) molecule, and separated out of the isotropic phase. As a result, there can be a very sudden and rapid appearance of large numbers of monopoles due to thermal interactions with the oxygen molecules. Separation out of a magnetic monopole with the transition from the O2 paramagnetic (triplet) state to the O2 diamagnetic (singlet) state is consistent with the conditions—driven solely by interatomic bond distance—that give rise to an emergent monopole in our oxygen lattice model. These conditions might 16 reasonably be expected to arise in a wide range of noncrystalline organic and inorganic materials, as well as in water and spin ices. * rfrost808@hotmail.com References 1 Pauling, L. "The structure and entropy of ice and of other crystals with some randomness of atomic arrangement." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 57, 2680 (1935). 2 Ramirez, A. P., Hayashi, A., Cava, R, J., Siddharthan, R., and Shastry, B. S. "Zero-point entropy in 'spin ice'." Nature (London) 399, 333 (1999). 3 Castelnovo, C., Moessner, R., and Sandhi, S. L. "Magnetic monopoles in spin ice," Nature (London) 451, 32 (2008). 4 Paulsen, C., et al. "Far-from-equilibrium monopole dynamics in spin ice," Nat. Phys. 10, 135 (2014). 5 Sala, G., et al. "Vacancy defects and monopole dynamics in oxygen-deficient pyrochlores," Nat. Mater. 13, 488 (2014). 6 Flory, P. J. "Statistical thermodynamics of semi-flexible chain molecules," Proc. Phys. Soc. London Sect. A 234, 73 (1956). 17 7 Flory, P. J. and Frost, R. S. "Statistical thermodynamics of mixtures of rodlike particles. 3. The most probable distribution," Macromolecules 11, 1126 (1978). 8 Examples of the types of reactions that can be modeled by the most probable distribution include condensation polymerizations that produce molecular chains having the structure H–ORCO–ORCO–…–ORCO-OH, with water as a byproduct of the condensation.9 9 See Flory, P. J. Principles of Polymer Chemistry (Cornel, Ithaca, 1953). 10 Oobatake, M., and Ooi, T. "Determination of energy parameters in Lennard- Jones potentials from second virial coefficients," Prog. Theor. Phys. 48, 2132 (1972). In our model, the equilibrium distance corresponding to the energy minimum in the Lennard-Jones potential is equal to twice an atom's van der Waals radius. 11 Dirac, P. A. M. "Quantised singularities in the electromagnetic field," Proc. Phys. Soc. London Sect. A 133, 60 (1931). 12 Dirac, P. A. M. "The theory of magnetic poles," Phys. Rev. 74, 817 (1948). 13 Moessner, R., and Ramirez, A. P. "Geometrical frustration," Phys. Today 59, No. 2, 24 (2006). 18 14 Zeller, R. C., and Pohl, R. O. "Thermal conductivity and specific heat of noncrystalline solids," Phys. Rev. B 4, 2029 (1971). 15 Frost, R. S. "Paramagnetic spin-lattice interactions in glass-forming polymers," Phys. Rev. B 20, 2163 (1979). 16 Takahashi, Mitsuo, and Fukutome, Hideo, "Unrestricted Hartree-Fock description of the ground and the lowest singlet states of oxygen molecule," Prog. Theor. Phys. 59, 1787 (1978). 17 A recent paper by Keen and Goodwin considered the relationship of the structure of cubic ice to the pyrochlore lattice in which spin-ice monopole behavior has been observed. In their model, the individual water molecules in cubic ice are randomly oriented in the cubic lattice, with the oxygen atoms forming the centers of the water molecules completely aligned. This structure is in accord with our theory, which predicts such an alignment of oxygen atoms at phase separation. See Keen, David A., and Goodwin, Andrew L., "The crystallography of correlated disorder," Nature (London) 521, 303 (2015). Mostame, S. et al., in "Tunable nonequilibrium dynamics of field quenches in spin ice," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 111, 640 (2014), give a value of 3.5 Ǻ for the pyrochlore lattice constant. 19 18 Greenspan, Martin, and Tschiegg, Carroll E., "Speed of sound in water by a direct method," Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards 59, 249 (1957). 19 Obtained from the velocity of sound at 273 K (315 m/s) with the sound velocity varying as the square root of absolute temperature. See Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 56th ed., edited by R. C. Weast (CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 1975). p. F-79. 20 For a discussion of structural resonance, see Pauling, L., The Nature of the Chemical Bond (Cornell University Press, New York, 1960). 21 Purcell, E. M., Collins, G. B., Fujii, T., Hornbostel, J., and Turkot, F. "Search for the Dirac monopole with 30-BeV protons." Phys. Rev. 129, 2326 (1963). 20