Limited Route A - Hardin Park Elementary

Hardin Park limited bus route information
Bus 28 Morning: Leave Hardin Park Proceed to State Farm and Sunnyside dr. (6:42) proceed to Furman rd. Stop(6:45).
Proceed to Kimberly Dr. stop (6:46) Proceed to all Bamboo stops . Proceed to Kellwood and Adams (6:48) Meadowview
stop (6:50) Proceed to Zeb st. stop (6:55) Proceed to bottom of Deck Hill for all stops on Deck Hill(7:00) Proceed to
Winkler’s Meadow stop (7:02) Proceed to Hwy 105 Ext stops (7:10) Proceed to State Farm and Laurel Dr stop (7:10)
Proceed to Hwy 105 and Dove Circle stop (7:15) Proceed to Brook Hollow stop (7:20) Proceed to Hardin Park (7:35)
Proceed to State Farm road stops (7:45) Proceed to Deerfield stops (7:55) Proceed to Kellwood stops (7:57) Turn around
and proceed via Deerfield rd to Proceed to former salvation Army parking lot for Jordan V. Cook stops (8:00) Proceed to
Greenway and Zeb St. and Meadowview stops (8:00) Proceed to Hwy 105 ext stop (8:05) Proceed to Hwy 105 and Dove
Circle stop (8:13) Proceed to WHS (8:20)
Afternoon: Leave HP, proceed to State Farm stops, Proceed to Furman Dr. and Kimberly Dr. stops, Proceed to stops on
Meadowview, Zeb and Greenway. Proceed to bottom of Winkler’s Creek rd for all stops on Deck Hill and Winkler’s
Creek, Proceed to stop at the old Salvation Army for all Jordan V. Cook stops, Proceed down Deerfield to Bamboo to
Fairway and Kellwood, Proceed to Bamboo and Deerfield stops. Proceed to bottom of Wilson Ridge and Deerfield for
Wilson Ridge stop. Proceed to State Farm, then Hwy 105, then Hwy 421, proceed to WHS. Proceed to to State Farm
stops. Proceed to Blairmont and Deerfield for Blairmont stops. Proceed to old Salvation Army for Jordan V. Cook stops.
Proceed to Deck Hill turn around at Carlton Circle for Payne Branch stop. Proceed on Hwy 321 and Niley Cook and
Crocker rd. stop for all Niley Cook, Sorrento and Friendship Church stops. Proceed back down Hwy 321 to Aho rd. for all
stops. Proceed to Hwy 321 and Astor Cook stop. Proceed to Edmisten Rd. Stop – turn around. Proceed to Shops on the
Parkway stop. Proceed down Hwy 321 to the Church on the right. Proceed to Canyons, turn around, proceed to WHS.
Bus 157
Morning: Leave Hardin Park Stop on Hwy 421 for North Hampton (6:45) Proceed to New River Hills stops(6:49)
Proceed to Wilson Ridge and Hickory lane for all Wilson ridge, Raven’s ridge and Hickory lane stops. (6:55) Stop at
Bamboo and Green Briar for all Green Briar and Margo rd stops (7:00) Stop at Bamboo and Sunny knoll (7:05) Proceed
to Old E. King st stops. (7:10) Proceed to Dan’l Boone dr. stop (7:13) Proceed to Perkinsville and Meadow Hill stop
(7:15) Proceed to Hardin Park (7:20) Proceed to Brook Hollow Rd. (7:30) Proceed to HP (7:40). Proceed to Brook
Hollow stops (7:45) Proceed to Bamboo stops (7:48) Proceed to Hickory ln and Wilson Ridge for all Hickory Ln. stops
(7:50) Proceed to WHS.
Afternoon: Leave HP, proceed to Brook Hollow stops. Proceed to Bamboo stops. Proceed to Brookshire rd. stops.
Proceed to WHS. Proceed to Castleford rd stops to end of Tom Jackson rd. Proceed to CastleFord and Milton Moretz for
stop on River Ridge. Turn around proceed to Watauga Wood products stop. Proceed to Howard’s Creek rd stops to end of
Grady Winkler for all Grady Winkler stops. Continue to Jim McNeil rd, turn around proceed to HP.
Bus 155
Morning: Proceed to Fitness center Parking Lot for those who live on Poplar Hill/Dogwood, Snaggy Mountain and
Stadium Dr.(6:50) Proceed on Hwy 105 to Homespun Hills. Bus will wait behind Wilco Parking Lot for Homespun Hills
riders (6:55) Proceed to Poplar grove road for stops on Poplar Grove (7:00) (Bus will not travel into Kalmia Acres)
Proceed on King St. turn right on Oak St. Pick up at Oak Street and Pine Street (7:10) Turn left on Horn in the West stop
at Horn in the West and Blanwood (7:15) Proceed to Tuesday Morning’s parking lot for University Village stops (7:20
Proceed to Hardin Park (7:25).
Afternoon: Leave HP, proceed to King st. stops, proceed to Poplar Grove rd. stops. , stop at end of Kalmia ln for Kalmia
Acres stops, Proceed to Wilco on Hwy 105 for Homespun Hills stops, Proceed to Fitness center at the bottom of
Highland for all Poplar Hill/Dogwood, Snaggy Mountain and Stadium Dr. stops, proceed to Highway 105 and Sunset dr
stop, proceed to WHS. Proceed to Hwy 105 Byp stops, bus will travel on white oak rd. for stops, Broadstone , Proceed up
Hwy 194 right on Rominger stop at fire dept. Proceed to Charlie Hicks rd., Proceed to HP.
Bus 16 Morning:Leave Hardin Park proceed to (Watauga County Library and pick up on the corner of Queen and Depot
St. for all stops on Junaluska (7:05) Proceed down Queen st. to Green Heights and Green St. (7:10) Proceed to Hwy
421 and Pinnacle. (7:15) Proceed back to County Library (7:20) Proceed to King St. and Grand Blvd.(7:25) Proceed to
HP (7:30).
Afternoon: Leave HP, proceed to Meadowhill and Perkinsville Rd. stop, Proceed to corner of Council and Cherry st. for
Cherry dr, Eastbrook, Westbrook, and Hunting, proceed to Watauga County Library for all Junaluska stops, proceed to
corner of King st and Grand Blvd for all Grand Blvd stops, proceed down King st. to WHS. Proceed to Tuesday Morning
parking lot for University village stop. Proceed to corner of Council and Cherry st. for Cherry dr, Eastbrook, Westbrook,
and Hunting. Proceed to Public Library for Junaluska stops. Proceed to Queen and Water st stop. Proceed to corner of
Green and Green Heights stop. Proceed to Hwy 421 stops will not travel side roads for these stops. Proceed to Oak Grove
stops. Proceed to Hodges Gap stops. Proceed to George Wilson stops. Proceed to Hwy 105 bypass stops. Proceed to
Fitness center at Highland Ave for all Poplar Hill, Stadium, and Dogwood stops. Proceed to Hwy 105 ext stop. Proceed to
Bus 104 Morning: Leave WHS Proceed Bethel School for Stone Mountain and Forest Grove stops (6:30) Proceed to
Tater Hill stop (7:05) Proceed to Slabtown Rd. stop (7:10) Proceed to Hwy 421 stop (7:10) Proceed to Hwy 105 Bypass
for stop (7:15) Proceed to HP (7:35). Proceed to WHS
Afternoon: Leave HP, Proceed to Watauga Public Library for Summit St. and Water St. Stop. Proceed to Hwy 105 Byp
stops. Proceed to HWY 105 stops (Not travelling on side roads) Proceed to Hwy 194 stops (Not travelling Oliver Hill or
Bladen) Proceed to WHS.
Bus 2806 Morning: Leave Hardin Park proceed to on regular route with exception of Field Stream stop on Jefferson
Road. Proceed to WHS
Afternoon: Proceed to Jefferson Rd. and Field Stream. Proceed to as normal with exception of Dogwood stop at Fitness
center on corner of Highland and Hwy 105. Proceed as normal with exception of Stone Mountain stop at Bethel school.
Proceed to HP.
Bus 35 Morning:Leave WHS proceed to Bottom of Winkler’s Creek rd (6:45) Regular route to Old Bristol stop at Allied
storage parking lot for Old Bristol and Maple Ridge stops (7:10) Proceed to Hwy 421 and Knollwood (7:11) Proceed to
Proceed to Hwy 421 stop (7:12) Proceed to Market Hills and New Market Dr. for Market Hills stops (7:22) Proceed to
Hardin Park (7:30) Proceed to WHS (7:50).
Afternoon: Leave HP, proceed to New Market and Market Hills, Proceed to Tuesday Morning parking lot for all
University Village stops, proceed to corner of King st and Chestnut st., proceed to corner of King st and Farthing st.,
proceed to Oak st. Stops, proceed to corner of Oak and Horn in the West, for Blanwood and Woodland stops. Proceed to
Daniel Boone dr and extension stops. Proceed to WHS. Proceed to Market Hills and New Market dr. Proceed to
Meadowview dr. stops. Proceed to Zeb st. stops. Proceed on Hwy 321 to Payne Branch then to Flat Top rd. stops.
Proceed to Blowing Rock school. Proceed to Main st. stops. Proceed to Hwy 221 stops. Proceed to WHS
Bus 50 afternoon: Leave HP, proceed to Queen and Gragg st. stop, proceed to corner of Green and Green Heights for
Stonybrook ct. , Charles st, Gladys st., and Green st. stops, proceed to corner of Pinnacle and King st. for Pinnacle and
Bradford Ln, and Pinnacle Ln, proceed to Hwy 421 stops proceed to Hwy 421 and Knollwood for all stops on Knollwood
and Maple Ridge. Proceed to Hwy 421 and Old Bristol for Old Bristol stops. Proceed to all George Wilson and Hodges
Gap stops. Proceed to WHS.
Bus 14 afternoon: Leave HP, Proceed to Old E. King st. stop, proceed to Hwy 421 stops, proceed to New River Hills
stops , proceed to Brook Hollow stop, proceed to Bamboo rd. stops, proceed to corner of Bamboo and Greenbriar for all
Margo and Greenbriar stops, proceed to Corner of Wilson Ridge and Hickory ln. for all Hickory ln., Wilson Ridge and
Raven’s Ridge stops. Proceed back Bamboo, Hwy 421, State Farm to corner of Deerfield and Blairmont for all Blairmont
stops. Proceed to WHS.
Bus 23 Morning: Leave HP, Proceed to Deerfield then Bamboo road for Hampton TP stop. proceed to Brook Hollow
stops, proceed to Hardin Park. Proceed to WHS.
Afternoon: Leave HP, proceed to Brook Hollow stops, Proceed to Hwy 194 stops. Proceed to WHS, Proceed Fairway
and Kellwood. Proceed to George Hayes Rd. stop, Turnaround on George Hayes, proceed to all Sampson rd stops.
Turnaround, return to HP.
Bus 31 Morning Leave HP, proceed to Hwy 105 and Old Danner rd. Proceed to Hwy 194 at Fire Dept for Bladen Rd
stop. Proceed to Watauga Public Library for Summit st. stop. Proceed to Fitness center at Highland Rd. for Stadium dr.
and Dogwood and Highland stops. (7:10) Proceed to corner of Doctors dr. and Birch stop (7:15) proceed on regular route
to HP. Proceed to Tuesday Morning Parking lot (7:45) WHS. proceed to Shops on the parkway parking lot. Proceed to
Aho road stop
Bus 31afternoon Leave HP Proceed to corner of Doctors dr. and Birch stop. Proceed to Payne Branch then Flat top stop.
Turnaround on Flat top proceed to Shops on the Parkway parking lot. Proceed to Aho stop. Proceed to WHS. Proceed to
Tuesday Morning parking lot. Proceed to Howards Creek stops. Proceed to Fitness center at Hwy 105 and Highland ave.