Course Contents

Department of Nursing
Course Contents
Real Numbers, Natural, Rational and Complex Numbers / Linear Equations / Inequalities / Graphs /
Functions and Inverse Functions / Functions Problem / Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
/ Limits and Continuity / Limits Problem Solving / Differentiation and Techniques of Differentiation
Human anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Musculoskeletal and Central Nervous System Anatomy.
Cell and blood physiology, body fluids, nutrition and metabolism, nervous system, kidney,
respiratory, digestive, endocrine and reproductive systems, physiology, environmental physiology.
Physics and Measurement. Vectors. One-Dimensional Motion. Two-Dimensional Motion. The Laws of
Motion. Circular Motion. Static Equilibrium and Elasticity. Work and Energy. Conservation of Energy.
Linear Momentum and Collisions.Static equilibrium of rigid bodies. Rotation and angular momentum.
Metric systems, Conversion Factors, Density, Specific Gravity, Temperature Relations, the Structure
of the Atom, Isotopes, Electron Arrangement, Orbitals, Properties of the Periodic Table, Compounds,
Bonding, Mole Concept, Radioactivity, Physical States of Matter, General Principles of Inorganic
Chemistry, Physical States of Matter and Energy, Gases, Solutions, Solubility, Electrolytes.
Living systems, Biomolecules, Cell Structure and Functions, Energy Metabolism, Quality of Genetic
Material, DNA packaging and chromosome structure, RNA structure, synthesis and function of the
genetic code and protein synthesis, The basic principles of heredity and Mendelian inheritance of
single gene disorders, cell cycle and cell division, mutation, The importance of nutrition-related genes
and biotechnological products
The Aim of the Revolution and Related Topics / The Decline and Fall of Ottoman Empire, The First
World War / Mondros and Sevres Agreements / Mustafa Kemal and the Organization of the National
Struggle / The Last Ottoman Parliament and the Proclamation of Misak-ı Milli / The Establishment of
Turkish Grand National Assembly
Cell Physiology, Nerve Physiology, Muscle Physiology, Blood Physiology, Circulation Physiology,
Respiratory Physiology, Physiology of Excretion, Digestive Physiology, Metabolic Physiology Sensory
Physiology, Endocrine Physiology
Introduction to The World of Computers, History of Computing ,What Is a Computer System, How
Does A Computer System Process and Communicate Data,Information Processing, Hardware and
Software Program Coding and Programming Languages ,Word Processing and Desk-Top Publishing.
During four years of undergraduate education, the nurses have the grasp of understanding the
importance of English in the professional development, following basic professional English
publications and appreciating the basic principles of translation.
Orthographic Rules , Phonetics ,Semantics, Wording, Language.
General Theories of Sociology and Sociological Methods, Social life (culture, society, norms,
groups),Social institutions (family, religion, media), Social change and famous sociology theorists.
Scientific Foundations of Psychology, Basic Concepts and Scientific Methods in Psychology. Basic
Processes and Applications in Psychology.
Introduction to Microbiology, The Structure of Bacterial Cell, bacterial physiology and genetics,
bacterial growth, antibiotic action and resistance mechanisms. Sterilization-disinfection, Introduction
to Immunology , The Basic Mechanisms of Immune Response, Hypersensitivity Reactions, Serological
tests, Fungi, Protozoa, Helminths and Viruses Investigation.
Health Education Concepts, Training Methods and Tools, Basic Features of Adult and Children's
Education, Curriculum Development.
Definitions of Statistics and Biostatistics, The Use of Statistics in Health Sciences, studies Data
Collection, Descriptive Statistics, Tables and Graphs, Probability and Probabilistic Distributions,
Sampling, Hypothesis Testing, Regression and Correlation Analysis.
Conducting researches at various health institutions and preparing thesis report.
Introducing Management and Organization Principles, Domestic and Foreign Physical Therapy
Centers, Contemporary Organization and Management models.
The Development of Nursing in Our Country and in The world; Introduction to the Profession (duties,
authority and responsibilities); Nursing-related Concepts (human, health, environment, diseases,
nursing, family, society, values, ethics-ethical codes, theorists, and nursing, process and the
philosophy of profession and nurse-patient communication)
Introduction to Microbiology, General and Morphological Characteristics of Bacteria and General and
Morphological Characteristics of Viruses, General and Morphological Characteristics of Fungi,
Introduction to Parasitology, General properties of helminths and joint legs, Antibiotics and
mechanisms of resistance against antibiotics, and sterilization methods, Dezenteksiyon, Asepsisantisepsis, Entamoeba histolytica and amobiyaz, digestive system and urogenital system kamçılılan,
Plasmodiumlar and malaria, and immune resistance of the organism against microbes, antigens and
antibodies, Toxoplasma gondi and toxoplasmosis, Pneumocystis and other protozoa, Leishmenia type
and infection, Microbiological Submission and evaluation of laboratory results, microbiology
sampling, diagnostic methods of infection, bacteriological examination of the hands and the
environment, the body's normal flora, Bacteriological investigation of the body flora. Hospital
infections and nursing, investigating body flora by a bacteriological approach,
Trematodes, Bowel sestods, examination of blood parasites, and cultural demonstration and various
preparations, vaccines and immune serums, and formed enteric bacteria infections, hydatid cyst,
small bowel nematodes, nematodlan colon, skin, tissue and circulatory system, nematodes
infections, examining the samples of Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio cholera,
S tafilokok, Streptococcus, Neisseria, and selofan band stool specimens, serological tests, and their
demonstrations, Mites, and vectors diseases, Medically important insects and other animals,
Brucella, Bacillus anthracis, Clostridum tetani, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Treponema pallidum,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the examination of macroskobic and
microscopic examination of samples, superficial fungal infections, hepatitis viruses, AIDS, rabies,
beats and creates disease, measles and measles viruses and infections, herpes viruses and diseases.
Nursing and Health Care (Internal Diseases Nursing and Primary Health Care Nursing Process); Health
Care Holistic Vision (Homeostosiz, the concept of Health discussion);
Public Health Problems in Medical Patients, Fluid and electrolyte imbalances and Nursing Care
(Water-sodium imbalance and Nursing Care, Nursing Care of Potash ~ m imbalance, calcium
imbalance and Nursing Care, magnesium imbalance and Nursing Care);Acid-base imbalance and
Nursing Care (H + ion imbalance and compensation mechanisms, Acidosis and nursing care, and
nursing care Alchoholysis); Shock and Nursing Care (Description and classification of the shock,
Etiology, Symptoms and signs of shock, shock treatment and nursing care ); Pain, treatment of pain
Pain and Nursing Approach to painful patients (Definition, detection, classification of pain and
organism's reactions to pain), sleep and nursing approach to sleep disorders (Definition of sleep, the
physiology of sleep and wakefulness, Sleep Disorders, sleep, rest and nursing approach) Nursing Care
of Bed-Dependent Patients (Description, benefits, effects of bed rest, Systems Effects of Bed Rest,
Diseases that requires Bed Rest, Bed Dependent Care Nursing); Definition of Old Age, Psychological,
Social, Economic and Cultural Aspects of Elderly Care, Physiological and Anatomical Changes at the
Old Age, Geriatric Nursing Care of the patient);Terminal Period Individual and nursing care (Definition
of Death, Death Symptoms, Terminal Period nursing approach for meeting the individual's physical
needs, nursing approach to the individual's behavior to his/her family, Body Care Nursing Care after
death and nursing approaches);Nursing Care and Oncology –patients with oncological problems
(Definition of cancer, cancer formation, cancer Etmiyolgy, Diagnostic Procedures, Symptoms and
Results of Cancer Treatment, Kontrendications and side effects, Nursing Care and Approaches to
patients with Oncological Problems. The Importance of Cancer Prevention and Early Diagnosis);
Immune System Diseases and Nursing Care; Structure and Function of Immune System; Factors
affecting Immune System, Diagnosis Used in the Assessment of Immune Diseases and Nursing Care
(AIDS, hypersensitivity diseases); Nursing Care for Infection Diseases Infection and Isolation methods
and Nursing Care of connective tissue disease (rheumatoid Artr (SLE, Poliarteriitis Nodosa (PAN),
Polimyositis and Dermatomyositis, Vasculitis, Spondyloarthropathy, Arteritis, Arthritis Secondory
(Whipple's Disease);Nervous System Diseases and Nursing Care; Structure and Function of Nervous
System, the evaluation procedures of the diagnostic patients and nursing care, unconscious patients
and nursing care; KİBAS and nursing care; SYH and nursing care; SYH; Seizure Disorders (epilepsy);
Infections ( MenenjiHer); Senkrop; Headache; Individuals with degenerative neurological disease and
nursing care (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease with Multiple Selerosis, Myastania gravis, Guillainpublican, Physical Examination Methods of Nervous System Diseases); BematoiajiK Diseases and
Nursing Care; structure and functions of blood elements; hematologic disease diagnostic procedures
used in the evaluation of the individual and nursing care; Red blood cell diseases (Anemia,
Hemoglobinopathies, Thalassemias, polycythemia vera,); Leukocyte disease (ALL, AML, CLL, CML,;
lymphoid Tissue Diseases (Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Lymphoma NONHODGKİN); Multuple Myeloma;
LT.P.; Dic; Respiratory System Diseases and Nursing Care, Respiratory System, Structure and function
of Respiratory System, Diagnostic Operations and Nursing Care in the Evaluation of Respiratory
System Diseases General Symptoms of the Respiratory System Diseases ; Upper Respiratory System
Disorders and Nursing Care (pharyngitis, rhinitis, Laranjit) and the Lower Respiratory Diseases.
Treatments (COPD, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema); Traccabronsitis,; Branşektazi; Prankim Diseases,
(Atelectasis, influenza, pneumonia. TB);ARDS; Sarkoidozis; Physical Examination Methods of
Respiratory System Diseases; Cardiovascular Diseases and Nursing Care; Structure and Functions of
the Cardiovascular System, Diagnostic Procedures of Cardiovascular Diseases and Nursing Care;
General Symptoms of Cardiovascular System Diseases, cardiac function patients' nursing care
(Coronary Artery Diseases, Angina Pectoris, Myokart Infarction, Congestive Heart Failure,
Arrhythmias); Cardiac Arrest and Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; the Heartly Diseases and Nursing
Care (rheumatoid fever, infective endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis,)Patients With Peripheral
Vascular Diseases and Nursing Care (Hypertension (Heart Disease) Diseases of lymph vessels
(lymphangitis, Elefantiazis); of Cardiovascular Prevention Hastalıklanndan; Cardiovascular Disease
Testing Methods in Physics; Urinary Tract Diseases and Nursing Care; Structure and Functions of the
Urinary System, diagnostic procedures used in the evaluation of Urinary System Diseases; bladder
(cystitis) and Nursing Care, urethral diseases and nursing care (Üretitis), renal diseases and nursing
care (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, nephrosclerosis, (HT.böb.hast., Renal failure (ARF-CRF);
Digestive System Diseases and Nursing Care; Structure and Functions of the Digestive System; Oral
and dental diseases and nursing care (periodontal diseases (Jinjiuit), Stomatitis, Vincent angini,
Herpes Simplex, Cardidasis (Monoliasis); Secretory Gland Diseases and nursing care (inflammation);
Esophageal Diseases and nursing care (Kalazya); Nutritional Disorder (Anorexia nervosa, bulimia
nervosa, obesity);Inflammatory diseases (acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer); Bowel Diseases
and nursing care (malabsorbtion syndrome, Wipple disease Intestinal tuberculosis, asthma colon Sp),
liver, bile ducts and Pancreatic Diseases (Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, pancreatitis); Digestive System
Hastalıklannda Physics Testing Methods; Endocrine System Diseases and Nursing Care; Structure and
Functions of the Endocrine System, Diagnostic Procedures used for Endocrine System Diseases and
Nursing Care; Pancreatic Diseases and Nursing Care (Diyabetüs melitüs Hyperglycemic, hyperounder,
nonketotic coma, hypoglycemia); Thyroid and Haraoid Diseases and Nursing Care (hypothyroidism
(Mixödem), cretinism, Hipoparatiodizm ); Cretinism, Hipoparatiodizm); Adrenal Glands Diseases and
Nursing Care (Addison's (adrenal insufficiency); Nörohipofız disease (Diabetes insipidus);
Musculoskeletal Diseases and Nursing Care; structure and functions of the musculoskeletal system,
Diagnostic Procedures used in the evaluation of musculoskeletal system diseases and nursing
Osteoporosis and nursing care; hyperparathyroidism; Osteomyelitis; Scoliosiz; Musculoskeletal
System and Physical Diagnosis Methods; Skin Diseases and Nursing Care; Structure and Functions of
skin, Diagnostic procedures used in the assessment of , skin diseases and nursing care; Pruritus;
Ekzematit Diseases (Dermatitis (Atopic-Stasis) ; Bullous Diseases (Pemphigus); Infectious Diseases
(Ericepel (snake) and Cellülitis (connective tissue ihihabı), herpes Zozter); Nail Diseases
Definition of pathology and general information; Pathology laboratory; Hospital; Cell injury, necrosis
and types; Cellular Adaptation I: Cellular Adaptation II.; Fluid balance disorders and edema;
Congestion, hyperemia and kanarna; Thrombosis, Embolism, and Shock İnfaktüs; Metabolic disorders
I; Metabolic disorders II, Inflammation, acute and chronic inflammation; Gronülomatöz
inflammation, wound healing, immune system, general inflammation;, Tumors, Tumors naming;
tumor etiology; Special Tumors: Pathology Laboratory; Pathology of Infectious Diseases;
Introduction to Basic Concepts of Surgeryl And Surgical Diseases Nursing, History of Surgery, When
Surgery Is Required; Classification of Surgery; Effect of Surgery on the Patient, Surgical nurse's task,
responsibility and authority; Basic Theoretical Concepts of Surgical Nursing (Homeostasis, Stress,
Body Image, AGN); Surgery Aseptic Techniques and Surgery; Infection; Nurses' Role of hospital
infection (NAZOKOMİY AL INFECTION);Asepsis and Aseptic Technique, Liquid-Electrolyte, Acid-Base
Balance and Surgery, Liquid-electrolyte balance, fluid and electrolyte imbalance; Acid-Base Balance
and imbalance, the body response to trauma surgery and fluid-electrolyte balance, shock,
classification of shock shock; Pathophysiology and Stages, symptoms and signs of shock; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR); Tissue Injury and Wound Healing: Cell Structure and Position; Tissue
Types; Defense Mechanisms, Inflammation, and Factors Affecting Wound Healing; preoperative,
intraoperative and postoperative Periods and Nursing Care, Preoperative Preparation : the
preoperative Nursing Care, Post-operative (postop .) Nursing Care; Types of Burns, Burns
complications and Nursing Care; Breast Surgery and Nursing Care, Breast Anatomy and Physiology,
Diagnostic Utility Test and Applications of Breast Diseases; Breast Diseases and Treatment Methods,
Fibrocystic Breast, Fibroadenoma; Infections, Breast Cancer, Treatment and Prevention; Breast
Surgery and Nursing Care, Nervous System Surgery and Nursing Care; Nervous System Structure and
Function; Neurosurgery Diagnostic Procedures and Nurse Responsibilities; Neurological Examination;
Lumbar puncture, cerebral angiography, Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, myelography,
electroencephalography (EEG); Nervous System Diseases Requiring Surgical Intervention, Treatment
and Care; Tumors; Head trauma, Spinal Injuries, Hemi; Intracranial and Nursing Care; Unconscious
Patient and Nursing Care, Respiratory System Surgery and Nursing Care, Respiratory System
Structure and Function, Respiratory System Processes Related to the diagnosis and nursing
responsibilities; Thoracentesis, Bronchoscopy; Bronkografi; Pulmonary Angiography, Pulmonary
Function Tests;Lumber Ponksiyon; Serebral Anjiografi; Tomografi; Magnetik Rezonans; Miyelografi;
Elektroensefalografi (EEG); Respiratory Function Tests; Lower Respiratory System Diseases Requiring
Surgical Intervention, Treatment and Care; Bronchiectasis; Pleural Effiizyon, Lung Abscess, Pulmonary
Embolism, Tumors, Breast Trauma; Cardiac Surgery and Nursing Care; Heart Structure and Function;
Heart Surgery Operations and Nursing responsibilities; Heart Diseases Requiring Surgical and Nursing
Care, Surgical Interventions on Heart Valve Diseases; Vaskü1er System Surgery and Nursing Care
Structure and Function of Veins; Arteries Diseases Requiring Surgical Intervention; Urogenital System
Surgery (Urology) and Nursing Care; Urogenital System Structure and Function, Process and
Diagnosis in Urology and nursing responsibilities; Urologic Diseases Treatment and Nursing Care,
Congenital anomalies, Infections, tumors, diversions, Stones, Obstruction and Staz, Kidney
Transplantation and Nursing Care; Urologic Surgery; Preoperatifve Postoperatif Treatment
Gastrointestinal System (Gis), Surgery and Nursing Care, Digestive System Structure and Function;
GİS.Surgery Diagnostic Procedures, Treatment and Nursing Care; Urogenital System Surgery
(Urology) and Nursing Care; Urogenital System Structure and Function, Process and Nursing
Diagnosis in urology; responsibilities; Urologic Diseases, Treatment and Nursing Care: esophageal,
gastric, intestinal, anorectal diseases, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, acute abdomen , Musculoskeletal
Surgery and Nursing Care System, KLS Structure and function; WMD Surgery Diagnostic Procedures
and Nurses' responsibilities; KIS Diseases Requiring Surgery, Treatment and Nursing Care (Infections,
Bone Tumor, Broken Bones, aseptic necrosis, Soft Tissue Injury); KIS Surgical Therapies (Physical
Therapy, Gypsum, Traksiyonlar, Amputations, Replantation, prostheses), Eye Diseases And Nursing
Care, Eye Structure and function, and Utility organs; diagnosis of eye diseases and nursing
responsibilities; Structure and functions of the eye and auxiliary organs; Eye Surgery, Diseases,
Treatment and Nursing Care (Eye Lid Diseases, Tear System Diseases, Konjektive Diseases, Komea
Diseases, Vascular Diseases Layer, Retinal Diseases, Diseases lens, Optic Nerve Diseases, Strabismus,
Refractive defect, tumors); Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery and Nursing Care, Ear, Nose, Throat
Structure and Function; diagnosis of ear diseases and nursing responsibilities; Ear Diseases,
Treatment and Nursing Care (outer ear Diseases, Trauma, otitis Ekstema the External Ear, Outer Ear
Tumors, Middle ear diseases and Otitis media, mastoiditis, otosclerosis, Inner Ear Diseases, trauma,
Meniere's syndrome, labyrinthitis, Mastoidectomy, Tympanoplasty, Myringoplasty, stapedectomy,
fenestration, hearing device); Hearing Problem Patients, the nose and sinus Diseases, Treatment and
Nursing Care (nasal Polyp, nasal bleeding, sinusitis,); Throat Diseases, Treatment and Nursing Care
(Pharyngitis, Tonsillitis, Tonsillectomy, tumors, laryngitis).
Definition of Epidemiology, purposes, historical development, Epidemiologic Data Resources,
Classification of Data Resources, Characteristics of Data Resources, Data Collection Instruments,
Epidemiologic Criteria, Criteria that determines the level of death (mortality),(Koh, IMR, AOH), The
Criteria that determines the level of infertility (CVD, GDH). Criteria(incidence, prevalence) that
determines the level of ilness (morbidity), Planning of Epidemiologic Researchs, Important variables(
age, gender, etc.) within Epidemiological Investigations, Sections that should be in a research plan,
The survey methodology and characteristics, Survey types, Sections of the questionnaire, Types of
survey questions, Rules for the preparation of the survey questions, The procedure of the
implementation of the questionnaire, Epidemiology of infectious disease, General features of the
problem of infectious disease, Chain of infection, Various concepts related to communicable
diseases, Control of communicable diseases, Epidemiological study of epidemic, Types of Epidemic,
Detection of the status of outbreak, Examination of Epidemic, Important infectious disease.
Women's health and care system (The importance of the women's health, The concepts related to
the women's health, Women's health and nursing, Health education for women), Structures and
biological functions of the Human Reproductive System(Embryonic development of Reproductive
System, Cell Division, Gamatogenezis, Female reproductive system, Pelvic bone, teh external genital
organs, Breast, Male Reproductive System, The internal Genital Organs Glands, Semen, Physiology of
Female Reproductive System, Hormones of Reproductive System, Menstural Cycle, Uterinal Cycle,
Uverial Cycle, Females who have a reproductive cycle problem and nursing care, Cycle
Disorders,Pain, Flux, Infection, Bleeding, The genetic basis of Reproduction and nursing care, Women
with reproductive organ abnormalities and nursing care, Genetic counseling and Nursing,
Developmental Stages of Women and Nursing Initiatives (girl, puberty and adolescence, sexual
majority, Klimakterium and menopouse, old age, Family Planning Services and Nursing (the
importance of family planning, the role of nurse in family planning, Family planning methods,
infertility and nursing care.), Pre-term birth and Nursing (physiological changes with pregnancy,
fertilization, implantation, formation of the fetus and annexes, Changes in the body system of the
pregnant women, pregnancy symptoms, The social psychological changes in pregnancy and
adaptation, Emotional changes, Body Image, Transition to the role of parenting, Nursing assessment
of pregnant women, High-risk pregnant women and nursing care, Determination of high-risk
pregnant women, Pre-existing risk conditions, Diabetes melitusu pregnant, Pregnant women with
heart disease, Urinary or renal disease, Pregnant women with chronic hypertensive disease, Anemia
in pregnant women, RH and AB incompatibility, Adolescant, Undesirable Pregnancies, Risky
situations arising during pregnancy, Hypertension, Urinary tract infection caused by pregnancy,
Koryoamnionitis, Prenatal bleeding, Molhidatiform Abortions, Ectopic Pregnancy, Plesenta Previa,
Ablacio Plesenta, Multiple pregnancy, Nursing care in the act of birth (Factors that started the birth
action, socio-cultural and emasional factors that effects the birth action of the women, Women who
have problems on the birth action and Nursing Care(uterine contraction abnormalities, anomalies of
presentation position, head-pelvic incompatibility, uterotonic agents, amniotomy, episiotomy,
forceps, caesarean section, vacuum, fetal distress, pre-term activation, post-term activation, uterine
rupture, premature rapture of membranes, umbilical cord prolapse, amniotic fluid embolism,
placenta abnormalities, Women in the post-partum period, Newborn and Nursing Care(physiology
and care of the newborn, first postpartum care and assesment of newborn, physiology of the
newborn, newborn day-care, minor problems, mother's physiology and care, the process of
involution, losia character, puerparal maintanence and lactation, Neonate that needs Special
Care(low birth weight, postmature, premature, neonatal complications), Mother who has
postpartum problem,Uterine inversion shock, pueperal infection, chest problems, thromboembolic
disease, Trauma and hematoma, Placenta retention injury, Good and Bad tumor in the genital
organs,(Ovarian tumors,Uterine tumors,Breast tumors,Reproductive system cancers); Gynecological
Examination Test Pass Women and Nursing and Operations (gynecological examination, testing and
operation, dilation-curettage, cryo, konizasyon, koteterizasyon, biopsy, laparoscopy, tubal surgery,
hysterectomy, colposcopy, kuldosentez-pap smear)
The Historical Evolution of Ethics and the Ethics of Science, Nursing Ethics and Deontology; Patient
Care Concept of the first ages, families and communities of primitive functions and factors affecting
patient care and health, medical and nursing care of various civilizations, Christianity, the effect of
patient care, and Deacon, Deaconess, the Middle Ages,The concept of Patient Care, Patient Care in
Islam, and II. World war, in various countries and Turkey, establishment of the modern nursing,
Florence Nightingale Effect of nursing, Florence Nightingale nursing theory; Factors Affecting Patient
Care and Nursing, Nursing Development in Turkey, Turkey in World War II and establishment of
modern nursing; our countries nurse leaders; professional qualities of nurses, nursing philosophy,
nursing duties, powers and responsibilities; major nursing theory, and o the reflection of the Service
(Orem, Orlando, Peplan, Abdellah, Henderson, Roper, Logan and Tierney, Roy, King, Rogers); the
behavior, attitudes of the nurses toward patients,Development and Status of Nursing Education,
Nursing Education philosophy; the purposes of Nursing Education, Nursing graduate education,
historical development of nursing and midwifery education, and bachelor's degree programs in
nursing, nursing profession, the concept of morality, the international law nursing ethics, human
rights and patient rights statement; the laws, rules, regulations about nursing profession , directives
and instructions; Inpatient treatment institutions and business regulation, law No. 657 state officials,
health care directive No. 54 about the execution of the service areas, nursing and other laws and
regulations mentioned, WHO, the Red Crescent, Red Cross, Ministry of Health, Department of
Nursing, nurses and unions in Western countries.
Children's health problems and the Role of the nurse; Normal Newborn Nursing Care: High Risk
Neonatal Nursing Care: Effects of bed treatment on Child and Family, Children with Chronic Illness,
Life Threatening Killer / Deadly Disease Child; oncological and neurological problems,child with
musculoskeletal problems and nursing care, child with genetic problem,the child with the endocrine
problem and and Nursing Care, Liquid-Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance, imbalance and Nursing
Care; Drug implementations; History Taking and Assessment in the pediatric nursery.
Introduction to Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, the concept of mental health and mental
health factors, mental health and psychiatric nursing definition, purpose, philosophy, historical
development, conceptual framework and standards of practice, mental health and psychiatric
nursing therapeutic communication principles and techniques, mental health and psychiatric nursing
systematic! a planned approach to nursing, psychiatric treatment team, the team members' roles
and responsibilities; Culture and psychiatry; in the world and our country, The Role of Community
Mental Health Services and Mental Health Nursing, Mental Disorder and Nursing Individuals who
works well in the general symptoms in individuals with Mental Disorder, Schizophrenia and other
individuals with psychotic disorder and the nursing approach; affective disorder and the nursing
approach to the individuals, individuals with psychoactive substance that use disorders and the
nursing approach; Anxiety, Somataform and Dissossiyatif impaired individuals and nursing approach,
individuals with organic mental disorders and the nursing approach; Personality disorder individuals
and the nursing approach; individuals with sexual disorders and the nursing approach; various groups
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Developmental Periods, eras characteristics, and nursing
approach to psychiatric problems arising in this period, and the nursing approach to individuals with
psychophysiological disorder, psychiatric emergencies and emergency psychiatry nursing; chronic
psychiatric ill and nursing, psychiatric patient's family, and Treatment Methods Applied to the Field
of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing responsibilities, biological therapies, individual and group
therapy, cognitive and behavioral therapies, the media treatment, stress, and stress method; Crisis
and crisis intervention; Other treatments (Assortif Behavioral Development Education, Music
Therapy, Movement Therapy, Occupational vb.) Non-Psychiatric Nursing Psychosocial Environments
implementations; Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Liaison Psychiatry Nursing, Role and responsibility;
Physical Disease in Individuals with Psychosocial Problems , Patient Rights and Ethical Issues.
Basic Concepts Related to Public Health Nursing Instructor (Health, disease concept, the structure of
society, culture and health-related, holistic approach to health protection, development, self-care,
self-responsibility); Society Recognition (Society of the purposes of recognition, the general structure
of society, society, population characteristics , of the use of existing services, disease and health
status, risk factors present in society, health-related knowledge, attitudes and behavior patterns);
History of Medicine and Public Health Nursing (Medicine Man and the birth of the concept of
disease, three phases of development of medicine, treatment medicine, Social Medicine, the
historical development of public health nursing); Health Management (Definition, Organization,
Personnel Retrieval and Running, Orientation, providing co-ordination, Supervision, Budget
Preparation, Organization of Health Services, the period before the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman
Empire period, the period of the Government of the Republic of Turkey, organization of health
services); Public Health, H ~ rr .. (H:: ı.lk Health Nursing Objectives, functions of public health nurse,
nurse roles Haik Health, Care giver, the educational consulting, , Leadership, Advocacy); Held
Registration and Statistics (the importance of record keeping and benefit from, health record form,
health levels and criteria, the criteria of death, fertility measures, the disease criteria, other criteria);
Care Plan (Data collection, problem determination, Planning , reviews); Home Visits (Definition,
Importance, the purposes of health education, Health planning phases of education, health
education types, considerations for choosing methods, and tools used in education features); Control
(Definition, Control process, Cascade, succeeded to the fulfillment of the conditions for an audit, put
Supervision, Supervision and başansızlıklar experiencing difficulties; Environmental Health (Health
and environmental relationships, drinking and waters, Waste, Air Pollution Radiation, Noise, and
damage to health institutions, Cemeteries, Vectors, Food Sanitation); Occupational Health (Business
and Labor, and the importance of health, work and purpose of workers' health, the prevention of
Occupational Diseases Occupational hastalıklanndan principles, Business and Commercial, Business
entry and periodic examinations, workplace nursery, Requirements for Workplace nurse), Population
and Health (Definition of the population, the field of health of the population (demographic) where,
in Turkey, the world population growth, population
The size, distribution and structure, the relationship between population and health); Family and
Health (Definition of Family, Family types, family types and their relation to health, Mother and Child
Health (Maternal and child health status and its importance in the world and in Turkey, Mother and
child health problems, the main and environmental factors affecting children's health proposals
Solution, home delivery); School Health (School health importance, a healthy school characteristics,
school health services planning, School health education roles in the school health nurse, Infectious
Diseases and Social (Importance, important local diseases in our country, The, Trohom, malaria,
cancer, AIDS, parasites, gonorrhea, leprosy, syphilis, Communicable Disease Prevention and Care);
Early Diagnosis (Definition and The importance of how to Early diagnosis, and special efforts are
required, purpose of periodic inspections, the required properties of a screening test), chronic
diseases (people with chronic disease, home care, nursing care at home in the family, education,
patient selection and the person facing education); Aging (Aging problems, old age home care,
healthy aging, Aging and Social Services, Community Mental Health, Social Services (serving our
country, health-related institutions, the duties of nurses in these institutions)
First aid, disaster nurse / health officer's role, civil defense and nuclear warfare, first aid bleeding,
heart-lung revival, respiratory arrest first aid, burns, heat shock, and first aid, first aid freeze,
fractures, dislocations and sprains first aid, the head , spine injuries and abdominal area first aid, first
aid coma, intoxication, first aid, insect stings and bites first aid, first aid shock.
Heavy physical condition, for patients requiring advanced care skills, nursing care planning and the
continuation teaches.
Organic and inorganic food, caloric value, nutrition disorders, relation of food with health, food
groups and nutrition training, nutrition problems in society, diseases connected to nutrition, hospital
kitchen and menu preparation.
Basic Environment Concepts, Basic Ecological Concepts, Ecosystems, Environment - Health
Relations,Social Responsibilities
Civilization, Prehistoric Period, Ancient Civilizations, Turkish-Islamic Period, Scholastic Period,
Enlightenment,Three Rs, Industrial Revolution, Technological Revolution, Communication
Introductory Concepts and Environment, Individual Characteristics, The Intra Personal Level
(Individual), The Interpersonal Level (Groups and Team Workings), The Organizational Level, Process,
Leadership, Power and Politics, Information and Communication, Decision Making , Conflict and
Negotiation, Change, Innovation and Stres
Sovereignty and State, State and Society, Interactions between the Governments and the Citizens
,Political Representation and Institutions, Political Participation and Political Culture
Health Conception, Healthy Life, Health Services Organizations , Human Anatomy , Health Problems
in Turkey , Reproduction Health ,Patient Rights , First Aid
Basic Concepts of Economics , Consumer Theory: Budget Constraint, Preferences, Utility, Choice;
Demand and Changes in Demand , Consumer's Surplus, Individual and Market Demand,
Intertemporal Choice, Uncertainity and Information, Theory of the Firm: Technology, Producer's
Problem: Profit Maximization- Cost Minimization, Cost Curves, Firm Supply, Industry Supply,
Imperfect Competition: Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly , Factor Pricing and
Basic concepts and approaches of public health , evaluation of important health issues ,Basic Health
Services , Health indicators ,Demography , Epidemiology (Child health in Turkey, health of old age,
cronical diseases, mental health, sexually infected diseases, infectious diseases) ,Environment health
, Nutrition , Improving health
French Revolution ,Vienna Congress ,1830 and 1848 Revolutions ,Industry Revolution, German and
Italian National Unities , Changing Balance of Power in Europe and the Rise af Germany ,The Path to
the World War I: The Term of Major Crisis , World War I
Global Networks ,International Non-government Organizations , Interest Groups Beyond Nations ,
International Finance and Trade ,Environment Politics ,Health , International Labour Rights , Battles
inside the Nation and the System of the World
Main Concepts ,General Theorical Approcahes ,International Relations and the Factors Determining
The Foreign Policy, International Political System , Decision Making Processes, Foreing Policy Tools
and Methods , The Concept of Battle and War , International Security Problems, International Energy
Politics ,Environment at International Politics , Human Rights, Migration and Migrants
The development of business life in Turkey , Historical and up-to-date information about work
environment and organizations ,The historical development of business life in Turkey after becoming
The Republic of Turkey, the phases of the business life after the republic (the fundamentals of the
new economy, drift toward liberal politics and agriculture revolution, composite economy and
planning experience after 1960, the rise of market movement and industrialization toward export
during 1980s) , The tendency of modernization and the change at Turkish business life ,current
structure of the economy and the industry, work environment, Efficient organizations , Organizations
created by the modernization at the economy, The role of the government at economy and the
relations of the government with the business life
The Concept of Occupational Heath and Its Development,Work and Health Relationship, Principles of
the Application of Occupational Health ,Occupational Illnesses and Prevention Methods / Ergonomics
, Accidents at Work , Legislations in the Health Sector
General principles of human resources management (HRM) , Development over time, Functions and
principles of HRM ,HR planning in the organizations, employee need estimation for the companies ,
Recruiting employee ,Employee selection, importance, Methods of employee selection ,Personnel
orientation ,Training and development, Organizational socialization and career management ,Job
analysis, job design, Job evaluation, involved concepts and methods ,Performance appraisal and
systems ,Base wage and salary systems - Pay structure decisions, wage policies.
The Content of Strategy, The process of Strategic Management, External Analysis ,Internal Analysis,
Operations-level strategy, Business-level strategy, Corporate - level strategy, International-level
strategy, The Challenges of Change and Organizational learning, The Challenges of Change and
Organizational learning, System Levers, Action Levers.
Strategic management, entrepreneurship, creativity, human resources management and
communication, Entrepreneurship, financial management, strategical marketing, Entrepreneurship in
Turkey / Success stories.
Basic Concepts of Art, Historical Development of Art, Theories of Art and Basic Trends
Functions and Inverse Functions, Functions Problem, Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Functions,
Limits and Continuity, Limits Problem Solving,Differentiation and Techniques of
National and İnternational Art Activities Since 1960, Discussions of the İnfluences of Artistic Products
on Society and İndividuals
What Is Philosophy?, Basic Theories in Philosophy ,What Is the Meaning of Making Philosophy?,
Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics
Basic concepts of health sociology, Behavioral sciences, health attitudes, The conception of health.
Technical Material Used in Health Services, presentation and functions of materials such as x ray,
ultrasound, MR, computerized tomography, phaco, laser, place of technology in health services,
conventional methods and high technology required methods, to procure efficiency, feasibility,
investment plans, biomedical engineering services, maintenance, repair and preventive maintenance,
training services.
Quality Concept, Quality and theories, Applicability of theories in health services, quality and
customer, quality and efficiency, quality and cost, Total Quality Management, Quality development
in health services, integration of total quality management with health services, establishment of
Total Quality Management culture (teamwork, training, organizational culture), analytical methods in
total quality management, accreditation