8th Grade Language Arts Syllabus

Navasota Jr. High
8th Grade ELAR / Pre-AP Syllabus
Instructor: Miss Marsita Jordan
Room: #212
Phone: 936-825-4225 ext. 6117
Email: jordanm@navasotaisd.org
Conference Period: 8th, 3:03p-3:50p
Grading Period: 1st Semester: 1st & 2nd 9 Weeks
Course Description:
ELAR (English Language Arts Reading)- This course focuses on the main Language Arts
conventions of Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Presenting and Thinking. Various literary
genres will be covered during this semester including Fiction, Drama, Non-fiction, Poetry, and
Persuasive Texts, Informational Texts, and Media Literacy. Writing will be on-going and
includes composition writing as well as free writing in journals to develop creative and
grammatical skills. Speaking and presenting is pertinent during drama and presentation units.
Every student will have to actively listen and process what is heard through verbal and/or written
relay to demonstrate critical thinking.
Pre-AP (Pre-Advanced Placement)- Pre-AP students will read various literary texts for course
work including outside reading. Assignments, vocabulary and projects may extend outside the
scope of course study. This course focuses on the main Language Arts conventions of Reading,
Writing, Speaking, Listening, Presenting and Thinking. There will be composition writing as
well as free writing in journals to develop creative and grammatical skills. Speaking and
presenting is pertinent during drama and presentation units. Every student will have to actively
listen and process what is heard through verbal and/or written relay to demonstrate critical
TEXTBOOK-Literature Texas Treasures, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2011
 Summative Assessment (Participation)
 Warm-ups
 Formative Assessment (Pre-Assessments / Quizzes / Checkpoints /Major Tests)
 Writing Journals (Every Friday)
**Grades are weighed 70/30-70% is daily grades and 30% is major grades
Late work will be accepted. It MUST be completed. You will not receive a grade higher than 70
on completed late work unless extenuating circumstances has occurred.
1st Nine Weeks
General ELAR
UNIT 1A: Analyzing Fiction
UNIT 1A: Analyzing Fiction
Fiction-Read “The Giver” by Lois Lowry. Fiction-Read “Divergent” by Veronica
Identify the elements of fiction. Create and
Identify the elements of fiction. Create
utilize graphic organizer and linear plot
and utilize graphic organizer and linear
development to identify the elements of
plot development to identify the elements
plot, conflict and conflict resolution.
of plot, conflict and conflict resolution.
UNIT 1B: Analyzing Drama
UNIT 1B: Analyzing Drama
Drama-Read “The Diary of Anne Frank”
Drama-Read William Shakespeare’s
play from the Literature as well as
“Romeo and Juliet” as well as excerpts
excerpts from other plays to build
character maps and to identify Elements of from other plays to build character maps
Drama such as characters (e.g. protagonist and to identify Elements of Drama such
as characters (e.g. protagonist and
and antagonist), use of dialogue, and
staging as well as examine Points of View. antagonist), use of dialogue, and staging
as well as examine Points of View.
1st Nine Weeks
General ELAR
UNIT 2A: Analyzing Literary
Non-fiction-Read Number the Stars by
Lois Lowry.
Examine literary devices, word choice
and phrasing used in speeches and other
non-fiction literary work to identify
techniques (e.g. aphorisms, epigraphs)
and to understand the author’s message.
UNIT 2B: Analyzing Poetry
Poetry-Read various poems to examine
genres, poetic techniques, forms and
UNIT 2A: Analyzing Literary
Non-fiction-Read Night by Elie Wiesel
Examine literary devices, word choice
and phrasing used in speeches and other
non-fiction literary work to identify
techniques (e.g. aphorisms, epigraphs)
and to understand the author’s message.
UNIT 2B: Analyzing Poetry
Poetry-Read various poems to examine
genres, poetic techniques, forms and
NOVELS-**Pre-AP—Novels, “Divergent” and “Night” will need to be
purchased hardcover, paperback or e-book, or may be borrowed from a library for
home reading.
**General ELAR—Novels, “The Giver” and “Number the Stars” are available
on-hand in class library. You may check out books from me for home reading.
“READ 20”-Parents, please try to get your child to read at least 20 minutes a day!
Reading helps our children to be more SUCCESSFUL IN EDUCATION. Every
student will have a Reading Log where you can sign off on their reading at home
and they will be rewarded in class.
UPDATES-Syllabus information for the next Units will be provided on my
webpage. Please check my school webpage periodically for updates to the Syllabus
and assignment due dates. The webpage will be updated regularly. You also may
subscribe to the webpage and/or to Remind to receive instant notifications via text
or email when updates are made to my page.
Supply List for 8th Grade ELAR:
*See District Supply List for 8th Grade
*See District Supply List for 8th Grade
* The novel “Divergent” by Veronica
* The novel “Night” by Elie Wiesel
Additional materials and supplies may be requested at any time during a project as
necessary to complete the finished product.
I am looking forward to an OUTSTANDING year!!!
Marsita S. Jordan
Dear Parents and Students:
I am SUPER excited about the upcoming school year!!! This is my 2nd year as a 8th
Grade ELAR teacher at NJH. We had some challenging moments but overall, the
8th Grade Fangs did well in ELAR by showing remarkable improvement on their
STAAR tests.
I am also the NEW 8th Grade Girls’ Coach for Volleyball, Basketball and Track.
So, I am also looking forward to a fantastic sports’ season.
I plan to be supportive in your learning challenges and achievements. I intend to do
my very best to provide you with a safe, fun and conducive learning environment. I
am also here to support you outside of the classroom. Make a date with me for oneon-one assistance or, for me to attend your sporting, cheer, choir or band event; or,
even your solo at your church on Sunday. I am here FOR YOU!!!
Marsita Jordan
8th Grade ELAR / Pre-AP
Navasota Jr. High
Room #212, ext. 6117