The Weather Song The Weather Song (To the tune of BINGO) (To the tune of Bingo) What is the weather that you like? Could it be sunny? S-U-N-N-Y S-U-N-N-Y S-U-N-N-Y Is sunny your favorite weather? What is the weather that you like? Could it be sunny? S-U-N-N-Y S-U-N-N-Y S-U-N-N-Y Is sunny your favorite weather? What is the weather that you like? Could it be cloudy? C-L-O-U-D-Y C-L-O-U-D-Y C-L-O-U-D-Y Is cloudy your favorite weather? What is the weather that you like? Could it be cloudy? C-L-O-U-D-Y C-L-O-U-D-Y C-L-O-U-D-Y Is cloudy your favorite weather? What is the weather that you like? Could it be windy? W-I-N-D-Y W-I-N-D-Y W-I-N-D-Y Is windy your favorite weather? What is the weather that you like? Could it be windy? W-I-N-D-Y W-I-N-D-Y W-I-N-D-Y Is windy your favorite weather? What is the weather that you like? Could it be rainy? R-A-I-N-Y R-A-I-N-Y R-A-I-N-Y Is rainy your favorite weather? What is the weather that you like? Could it be rainy? R-A-I-N-Y R-A-I-N-Y R-A-I-N-Y Is rainy your favorite weather? What is the weather that you like? Could it be snowy? S-N-O-W-Y S-N-O-W-Y S-N-O-W-Y Is snowy your favorite weather? What is the weather that you like? Could it be snowy? S-N-O-W-Y S-N-O-W-Y S-N-O-W-Y Is snowy your favorite weather?