File - Leeds Marrow

Committee 2013-2014
Although it’s only January, if you are considering going for the committee next year, it’s a good time
to think about what position you would like to go for. More info on when the AGM is (after Easter)
and what you need to do (manifesto & short speech) will be released at a later date, but for now, it’s
worth having a look at what roles do what.
If you are interested, please fill in the form on the website ( so
we know and can arrange a meeting for people to get more information.
Also, check out the constitution in the members area (kite87 is the password) – This has the set
rules that committee members must follow – Some roles will not be on there yet as they are new.
In this document is:
General Committee responsibilities
List of available positions
Descriptions of available positions
Teams these positions operate in
Available positions (this is the probable running order but may change depending on what roles
people want) There are 16 positions available
Vice President/Clinic Coordinator
Fundraising Coordinator
Clinic Coordinator x 2
Training Rep
Publicity Rep x 2
Fundraising Rep
Social Sec
Digital Media Rep
Societies & Diversity Rep
Community Rep
Schools Rep
If you don’t get the position you want, you can go for others.
Awards Night
On an evening a couple of days before the AGM, there will be an awards night to hand out our
prestigious awards & certificates of achievement. It is highly recommended that all people going for
a position attend the awards night!
General Committee Responsibilities
Being on the Marrow committee is different to being a volunteer. It’s a very rewarding role, as you
get to play a massive part in the success of the biggest Marrow group in the country.
However, it is a lot of work. We sign up 25% of the total Marrow sign ups, and 6% of the people who
join the Anthony Nolan register, so this is a huge responsibility. People rely on us and so there are
some general responsibilities we ask all committee members to adhere to.
To take the position for a full year – Many roles have things to do over the summer in
preparation for the year ahead. It runs from May to May, not just in term time.
To abide by the rules set out in the constitution
Attend committee meetings
Attend a good number of clinics, fundraisers and socials (all committee members should be
getting gold easily)
Be organised and fulfil the requirements of your role in good time.
Ask for help if you need it – Theres plenty of support available to help you do your job.
That’s about it. We hope you’ll find being part of the Marrow committee a fantastic experience. The
work you do in the year you are part of it will help save lives.
Has overall responsibility and control for the whole of Leeds Marrow
Deals with anything that doesn’t come under anyone else’s job
Delegates out jobs and follows up
Arranges and runs committee meetings
Oversees all roles and deals with any internal problems.
Works closely with everyone
NOTE: Must have been on committee for at least one year to apply
Vice President/Clinic
Vice President Part
Works closely with the President on most of the roles of the President.
Does any jobs President is not able to do.
Clinic Co-ordinator Part
Has overall responsibility for all clinics
Works closely with most of the committee (publicity, training, social secs all
impact how successful clinics are)
Arranges and books all clinics during summer
Arranges meetings and co-ordinates the clinic team.
Attends & runs clinics
Tracks attendance/non-attendance at clinics
NOTE: Must have been on committee for at least one year to apply BUT you don’t
have to have been a clinic-coordinator beforehand.
As we run over 20 clinics a year, this position is quite time intensive. High
attendance at clinics is expected
Fundraising Coordinator
Responsible for fundraising for the whole year, organises street collections, bag
packs etc…
Coordinates the fundraising team, delegates jobs and follows up on them.
Think of new ways to raise money
Works closely with fundraising team & treasurer
Coordinates volunteers at fundraisers
Tracks fundraising attendance/non-attendance.
NOTE: Fundraising is one of the most important positions on the committee and
needs someone who is outgoing and committed.
Key role as responsible for the organisation of Marrow
Works closely with the President to do lots of little odd jobs
Book rooms, takes detailed minutes at meetings and promptly sends out to
Checks email account regularly, and ensures all emails are replied to before
being archived.
Keeps dropbox files relevant and organised
Organises the calendar and diary
Follows up on jobs delegated out to the committee
Keeps up-to-date records of volunteers, helps manage backlog at training time.
Does any odd jobs that need doing
NOTE: Important for this person to be very well organised and give a lot of time to
the admin side. Jobs often need doing at short notice.
Clinic Coordinator
(TWO positions available)
Work very closely with vice president and publicity reps (paired up with one of
the publicity reps)
Responsible for completing risk assessments
Responsible for ordering supplies
Responsible for bring food to events
Attends & helps run clinics. Brings sweets to events.
Ensures publicity before a clinic is completed
NOTE: As we run over 20 clinics a year, this position is quite time intensive. High
attendance at clinics is expected
Training Coordinator
Runs all initial training sessions
Trains all new volunteers at the initial training clinics
Completes verifications on counsellors
Ensures committee are all verified to train people
Completes spot checks throughout the year
Works closely with President & Vice president/clinic coordinator
NOTE: Training officer is very busy at the start of the academic year, and needs to
be able attend all/most of the training clinics.
First face people see of Marrow, so needs to be confident & friendly.
Publicity Rep
(TWO positions available)
Works closely with vice president and clinic coordinators
Is paired with a clinic coordinator and completes all publicity for a clinic i.e.
facebook groups, emails to residences, posters
Works in the fundraising team to promote events such as poker night and Miles
for Marrow.
Works on publicising Leeds Marrow as a whole e.g. radio, newspaper articles,
videos etc
NOTE: As we run many clinics, these people are involved every week and so need
to be organised. Useful to show initiative.
Fundraising Rep
 Main job is to work with the fundraising coordinator on all fundraising activities
 Help fundraising coordinator follow up on rest of the team
 Organises and collects collection tins throughout businesses in Leeds
Social Secretary
Organises socials for the whole year, including the fortnightly pub quiz, and
makes Marrow more fun for everyone
Very important position as it keeps volunteers coming back
Works with volunteer team to fit in socials around clinics and fundraisers
NOTE: Due to large amount of events, socials need planning well in advance so
requires someone who is outgoing and organised
Digital Media Rep
Gives regular updates to the facebook page, twitter account and website
Makes social network links, getting big pages/tweeters to share our
posts/retweet us
Gets more fans/followers
Works closely with publicity, fundraiser & clinic coordinators
NOTE: This position is very important as social media is a big way of promoting our
work. Requires good knowledge of FB & twitter, and someone willing to post very
regular updates
Keeps bank account in order
Tracks peoples expenses and pays them weekly
Keeps up-to-date account balance sheets on the dropbox account.
Chases up missing expenses claims & ensures we don’t go bankrupt
NOTE: As a very busy society, there are lots of expenses claims, so needs someone
who is organised, is able to go to the Union on a weekly basis & good with money
Societies & Diversity Rep
Community Rep
Schools Rep
Anthony Nolan need more donors who are from ethnic minorities and men aged
18-30 so S&D rep focuses on increasing awareness and running clinics within
these groups e.g. Islamic society, rugby team
Aims to promote Leeds Marrow within societies in the University
Arranges mini-clinics and talks for larger societies and talks for smaller ones near
a big clinic.
Makes links so societies may do fundraising for us/make us their charity for the
 The community rep is primarily responsible for community fundraising
 This includes looking for charity of the year applications, rotary clubs, working
with businesses.
 Manages any sponsorship deals for Marrow
 Also helps set up donor recruitment events outside of University.
 Looks after the RnBe teaching project, where we go to colleges and give a talk on
bone marrow donation, blood donation and organ donation
 Works with schools in West Yorkshire for fundraising opportunities (e.g. nonuniform days).
Non elected positions
Support Officer
A position with no specific responsibilities, but helps with advice and other roles
if needed
Reserved for committee members who get a gold level of achievement, wish to
remain on the committee, but don’t want a specific role.
In rare cases - offered to people by president & vice president who would be
deemed an asset to the committee but were not elected into a role.
NOTE: There is still, like all other committee positions, an onus to come to a good
number of events and committee meetings.
Honorary Rep
A position with no specific responsibilities, but helps with advice.
Reserved for ex-presidents and vice presidents
In rare cases – offered to people by current president & vice president who
never held these positions but have been heavily involved with Marrow for a
long time.
NOTE: There is no onus for honorary reps to attend committee meetings
Some of the positions work in different teams, which are important to the success of Marrow.
Executive Team Members
• Responsible for the overall running of the societey.
• Led by: President
• Vice President/Clinic Coordinator
• Fundraising Coordinator
• Secretary
Clinic Team Members
• Responsible for all things related to donor recruitment
• Led by: Vice President/Clinic Coordinator
• President
• Clinic Coordinators
• Publicty Reps
• Training Rep
• Digital Media Rep
Fundraising Team Members
• Responsible for all things relating to fundraising
• Led by: Fundraising Coordinator
• President
• Fundraising Rep
• Societies & Diversity Rep
• Community Rep
• Publicity Reps
• Digital Media Rep
Volunteer Team Members
• Responsible for all things related to volunteers such as training,
freshers fair, next years committee etc...
• Led by: President
• Vice President/Clinic Coordinator
• Fundraising Coordinator
• Training Rep
• Social Sec
If you have any questions, get in touch with us via email –
If you may be interested in a committee position (no commitment needed yet!) please let us know