Electronic Supplemental Material # of Sites Longitude Latitude Designation ~Population per km2 reef Island Abbreviation Island Archipelago Table S1. Details of islands used in the present analysis including abbreviations for island names used in Figure 1. Archipelago abbreviations are as follows: AMSAM: American Samoa, MAR: the Mariana Islands, HI: the Hawaiian Islands, LI: the Line and Pacific Remote Island Areas and, PI: the Phoenix Islands. AMSAM Ofu & Olosega OFU 140.28 INHABITED -14.18 -169.62 7 AMSAM Ta'u TAU 100 INHABITED -14.23 -169.45 8 AMSAM Tutuila TUT 1560.78 INHABITED -14.30 -170.70 22 AMSAM Rose ROS 0 UNINHABITED -14.55 -168.14 10 AMSAM Swains SWA 15.42 UNINHABITED -11.06 -171.08 8 MAR Guam GUA 1695.56 INHABITED 13.47 144.78 9 MAR Rota ROT 271.32 INHABITED 14.15 145.20 5 MAR Saipan SAI 1098.45 INHABITED 15.18 145.76 3 MAR Tinian TIN 240.82 INHABITED 15.00 145.63 3 MAR Agrigan AGR 0 UNINHABITED 18.77 145.67 6 MAR Aguijan AGU 0 UNINHABITED 14.85 145.56 3 MAR Alamagan ALA 1.88 UNINHABITED 17.36 145.50 3 MAR Asuncion ASU 0 UNINHABITED 19.67 145.42 3 MAR Guguan GUG 0 UNINHABITED 17.31 145.85 3 MAR Maug MAU 0 UNINHABITED 20.02 145.22 8 MAR Pagan PAG 0 UNINHABITED 18.10 145.76 8 MAR Sarigan SAR 0 UNINHABITED 16.72 145.78 3 MAR Uracas URA 0 UNINHABITED 20.56 144.90 4 HI Hawaii HAW 767.56 INHABITED 19.57 -155.50 18 HI Kauai KAU 326.08 INHABITED 22.08 -159.50 11 HI Lanai LAN 68.96 INHABITED 20.83 -156.93 6 HI Maui MAI 714.73 INHABITED 20.80 -156.33 9 HI Molokai MOK 45.82 INHABITED 21.13 -157.03 4 HI Niihau NII 23.88 INHABITED 21.90 -160.17 6 HI Oahu OAH 2337.65 INHABITED 21.47 -157.98 11 HI French Frigate Shoals FFS 0 UNINHABITED 23.75 -166.15 28 HI Gardner GAR 0 UNINHABITED 25.02 -167.98 3 HI Kure KUR 0 UNINHABITED 28.42 -178.33 5 1 HI Laysan LAY 0 UNINHABITED 25.77 -171.74 3 HI Lisianski LIS 0 UNINHABITED 26.06 -173.97 7 HI Maro MAR 0 UNINHABITED 25.42 -170.58 5 HI Midway MID 0.7 UNINHABITED 28.20 -177.38 7 HI Molokini MOL 0 UNINHABITED 20.63 -156.50 3 HI Necker NEC 0 UNINHABITED 23.57 -164.70 3 HI Pearl and Hermes PHR 0 UNINHABITED 27.80 -175.85 33 LI Tabuaeran TAB 273.01 INHABITED 3.86 -159.36 11 LI Kiritimati KIR 152.23 INHABITED 1.88 -157.40 10 LI Teraina TER 203.36 INHABITED 4.68 -160.38 3 LI Caroline CAR 0 UNINHABITED -9.95 -150.22 11 LI Flint FLI 0 UNINHABITED -11.43 -151.80 8 LI Jarvis JAR 0 UNINHABITED -0.37 -160.05 6 LI Johnston JOH 0 UNINHABITED 16.76 -169.52 12 LI Kingman KIN 0 UNINHABITED 6.38 -162.42 15 LI Malden MAL 0 UNINHABITED -4.02 -154.98 14 LI Palmyra PAL 0.32 UNINHABITED 5.87 -162.10 20 LI Starbuck STA 0 UNINHABITED -5.62 -155.93 9 LI Vostok VOS 0 UNINHABITED -10.10 -152.42 6 LI Wake WAK 4.37 UNINHABITED 19.30 166.63 13 PI Baker BAK 0 UNINHABITED 0.19 -176.48 6 PI Enderbury END 0 UNINHABITED -3.13 -171.08 3 PI Howland HOW 0 UNINHABITED 0.80 -176.63 4 PI Kanton KAN 0 UNINHABITED -2.83 -171.72 6 PI McKean MCK 0 UNINHABITED -3.58 -174.03 3 PI Nikumaroro NIK 0 UNINHABITED -4.67 -174.52 5 PI Orona ORO 0 UNINHABITED -4.50 -172.17 6 PI Rawaki RAW 0 UNINHABITED -3.72 -170.72 3 2 Table S2. Results of 2 way fixed effects analysis of covariance (ANOVA) using a General Linear Model (GLM) with latitude as a covariate on different benthic groups. Because the Phoenix Islands do not contain any inhabited islands we treated these islands as members of the nearby Line Islands group (results are not changed if the Phoenix Islands are left out altogether). Reef builders include both coral and CCA while fleshy algae includes turf algae and fleshy macroalgae. Effect Latitude Archipelago Habitation Archipelago x Habitation df 1 3 1 3 Coral F p 4.23 0.045 2.17 0.104 1.10 0.300 0.22 0.885 Macroalgae F P 0.93 0.339 4.84 0.005 0.80 0.375 4.82 0.005 3 Reef Builders F P 10.49 0.002 0.50 0.684 10.61 0.002 0.86 0.469 Fleshy Algae F P 3.44 0.070 3.22 0.031 6.77 0.012 0.23 0.874 Table S3. Results of the two-way multivariate permutation-based analysis of variance (PERMNAOVA) of the BrayCurtis similarity of the untransformed percent cover data of the entire benthos (among islands). Both archipelago and habitation were treated as fixed effects and latitude was treated as a covariate. The following functional groups were used in this analysis: hard coral, CCA, calcified invertebrates, turf algae, fleshy macroalgae, fleshy invertebrates and non-biological substrata. A total of 99,999 permutations were used in this analysis. Effect Latitude Archipelago Habitation Archipelago x Habitation df 1 4 1 MS 22735 2442.4 2920.7 Pseudo-F 53.821 5.782 6.915 P (permutation) 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 3 574.39 1.360 0.2082 4 Table S4. Results of the Similarities Percentages (SIMPER) analysis which identifies the taxonomic functional groups that contribute to the dissimilarity between inhabited and uninhabited islands. From this analysis turf algae explain the greatest differences between islands with and without local human populations followed by hard coral, CCA and finally fleshy and calcified macroalgae. These 5 groups explain 97.23% of the dissimilarity across all of the inhabited and uninhabited islands in our data set. Taxonomic Group Average Cover on Inhabited Islands Average Cover on Uninhabited Islands Average Dissimilarity Percent Contribution to Dissimilarity Turf Algae Hard Coral CCA Fleshy Macroalgae Calcified Macroalgae 56.04 14.87 12.4 3.24 37.32 23.89 20.48 6.27 9.7 6.66 5.14 3.26 34.10 23.40 18.05 11.44 Cumulative Percent Contribution to Dissimilarity 34.10 57.49 75.54 86.98 4.54 4.76 2.92 10.25 97.23 5 Table S5. Pearson’s correlation coefficients and associated p values between all benthic functional groups analyzed in this study across 56 islands in the central Pacific. Significant correlations at alpha < 0.05 are indicated in bold and significant correlations with a Bonferroni correction for multiple tests (p<0.002) are indicated in bold and gray shading. CCA Calcified Macroalgae Calcified Invertebrate Turf Algae Fleshy Macroalgae Fleshy Invertebrate Coral CCA R=0.162, p=0.232 R=0.094, p=0.492 R=0.040, p=0.773 R=-0.708, p<0.001 -0.128, 0.348 -0.053, 0.697 R=0.206, p=0.128 R=0.204, p=0.132 R=-0.686, p<0.001 R=0.166, p=0.220 R=-0.054, p=0.690 Calcified Macroalgae Calcified Invertebrate Turf Algae Fleshy Macroalgae R=-0.027, p=0.845 R=-0.389, p=0.003 R=-0.032, p=0.815 R=0.333, p=0.012 R=-0.126, p=0.354 R=-0.070, p=0.608 R=-0.061, p=0.6556 R=-0.245, p=0.069 R=-0.121, p=0.374 R=0.118, p=0.388 6 Figure S1. Relationships between the abundance of A) coral, B) macroalgae, C) active reef builders (corals and crustose coralline algae) and, D) fleshy turf and macroalgae with latitude. Each point represents the mean of an island. Circles with black fills represent uninhabited islands while circles without black fills represent islands that are inhabited. Colors correspond to the archipelago specified in the legend and in Figure 1. 7 Figure S2. Mean percent cover of all benthic functional groups used in this analysis by island, archipelago and habitation (gray shaded islands are inhabited while non-shaded islands are uninhabited). The lighter pastel colored functional groups are all of the calcifying organisms while the darker colored functional groups are all fleshy, noncalcified taxa. The purple bar indicates non-living material such as sand and basalt. Samoa only includes islands in American Samoa and the Line Islands include the US islands and atolls in the Pacific Remote Island Area (PRIA) Marine National Monument of Wake and Johnston which are nearby but not technically part of any archipelago as well as the Kiribati islands and atolls. 8