Morris Community Schools Shared Services Committee February 13

Morris Community Schools
Shared Services Committee
February 13, 2013 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 5:08pm by Superintendent Teri Shaw. Members
in attendance were: Teri Shaw, Kathy Perry, Pat Halloran, Lou Klusak, Dennis Best,
Tom Talarico, and Scot Hastings.
The Feasibility of Consolidation Study was discussed. Saratoga has not approved
funding of the study. District 54 and District 101 will discuss splitting the cost of the
study at $3750 per district. An action item will be placed on the March 2013 District
54 School Board Meeting agenda for approval. Discussion at District 101 will take
place at the February Finance Committee Meeting.
Howie Crouse from PMA presented findings on the analysis of the shared
transportation proposal between Districts 54, 60C and 101. He explained that the
critical factor in evaluating the data is the number of miles traveled and the cost per
mile. Utilization of more double routes lowers the cost per mile. For example, the
driver salary is able to be absorbed more efficiently by traveling more miles on a
double route. Mr. Crouse stated that there would be advantages in using the current
Saratoga bus leases. The buses are fairly new and there is a good mileage allowance
built into the leases. These factors will help decrease maintenance costs. There will
be variable costs involved including the cost of diesel fuel and how many miles each
route runs. Budget adjustments may need to be made in the area of healthcare costs
for potential new drivers.
Questions for Mr. Crouse and comments from those in attendance included the
1) A District 54 board member asked why was there a drop of 24,000 miles for
Saratoga buses from 2011-2012?
Superintendent Perry indicated that this decrease reflected running two
mid-day routes versus one mid-day route.
2) A District 54 board member questioned the validity of the figures presented
at the Joint Boards Meeting. He stated that after factoring in the cost of
additional healthcare, expenses would be $931,000 versus the $920,000
originally presented. This would result in estimated savings of less than
3) A District 101 board member asked if Saratoga owns their own fuel pumps.
Superintendent Perry stated that Saratoga does own their pumps. The fuel
vendor is currently Grainco FS. Saratoga is able to go out for bids for fuel if
4) An audience member asked if there was a clause in the current fuel contract
that allows for fuel cost differentials. Superintendent Perry indicated that
the clause is tied to the CPI 1.3%.
5) A District 54 board member asked if a fuel escalator could be built into the
intergovernmental agreement for shared services. Superintendent Perry
commented that Saratoga is a not for profit organization.
6) An audience member stated that he had worked with Superintendent Perry
on various occasions. He felt that her transportation figures were “honest,
bare bones” numbers and that the savings realized “sounds like a good deal.”
7) Superintendent Perry stated that there are definite efficiencies that can be
realized from shared transportation. Care must be taken when comparing
the figures from Saratoga to bids from private contractors as different factors
are used when presenting and analyzing a private bid.
8) A district 54 board member repeated his request to see detail from the
Saratoga spreadsheet figures for transportation.
9) Superintendent Perry stated that any surplus gained from shared
transportation can be transferred to the education funds of the participating
districts. She stated that she could not speak for her board members, but she
anticipates benefits of savings to the community on an annual basis.
10) Superintendent Halloran stated that “there is too much intuitive savings in
the proposal not to move forward.”
Superintendent Perry also gave an update on participating in the natural gas
agreement with Morris Hospital. Rates are currently at NG1 plus 2.5 cents. Under
the agreement with Morris Hospital, rates would change to NG1 plus 1.0 cent. All
necessary information has been completed and sent to the new energy providers.
Public Comment-Vicki Valentine asked if the amount of miles that are built in to the
current transportation contracts change at all. Superintendent Shaw indicated that
the contracts are structured for payment on a per route basis and are not based on
the number of miles.
The next Shared Services Committee meeting will be held on March 13, 2013 at
The meeting was adjourned at 6:07pm.