SIR Branch 52 Executive Committee Meeting Location: Moose Lodge Paradise, California January 21, 2015 Incorporated. A Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation for Retired Men Devoted to the Promotion of Independence and Dignity of Retirement Attending: Big Sir: Michael Johnson, Little Sir: Phillip Serna, Secretary: Peter Brown, Treasurer: Larry Krepelka,mber Attendance 2 Chairman: Darrell Bridges, Events Director: Bernie Dubbert, Directors: John Rawlings, Ted Dzwonek, Fred Carrasca, Jim Long, Randy Bullock , 2011 TOPIC OPENING BIG SIR LITTLE SIR SECRETARY DISCUSSION J ACTION STATUS Big Sir—Michael Johnson opens meeting at 10:02, welcomes all in attendance and reports special structure to meeting today for a presentation. Roll call taken by Secretary, Peter Brown and a quorum was present. Michael Johnson—The minutes for the November meeting, which were taken by Jeff Rice, and had been posted on the web site, were voted on and approved. There was a special meeting in December, 2014 which was attended by the 2014-2015 board members to discuss the presentation that will be given today. The presentation had been posted on the web site. Called for guests and there were none. Reported that all officer positions for 2015 have been filled, including alternates. Mike Hanson will be taking care of the raffle. Form 27 is in compliance and is up to date. Roster is now on web site and is up to date. Thanked George Schiller for taking care of that. Any questions can be directed to George. New officers training was supposed to take place but has not happened yet. Big Sir will check with other branches to see if possible to combine training. Also, will check at State level for lack of availability of training programs. Phillip Serna—Read the Branch’s obligations from the SIR Leaders Guide for January and February. Each of the Obligations were noted as completed or being on track for timely completion. Little Sir excited to take this office and stated goals for the year are to increase membership and hopefully have a great and successful year. Peter Brown—The minutes for the November, 2014 meeting, which were taken by Jeff Rice, and had been posted on the web site, were voted on and approved. Voted On -1- Accepted SIR Branch 52 Executive Committee Meeting Location: Elks Lodge Paradise California TOPIC TREASURER DISCUSSION Larry Krepelka—Report given to members as per the form 28, as always any member is welcome to see said report or obtain a copy if they wish. Larry will be happy to answer any questions you may have about said report. Motion made to accept report as given----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMBERSHIP David Moore—Reported current membership at 103, with 98 active and 5 inactive. State membership stands at 15, 932. Branch 52 ranks at ninth in the state. There are no new member applications at present. ATTENDANCE Darrell Bridges—Reported there were 73 members present at the November Luncheon meeting. There are no termination actions required at this time. Paul Plaskiewicz not in attendance. BOWLING Ralph Johnson—Reported 59 participants present at last tournament and everyone had a great time. GOLF RV’ers Bernie Dubbert –Reported Spring trips are planned starting in June, with the month of May still open for Wagon Master. All activities have been posted on web site. Any further questions can be directed to Bernie. LUNCH OUT Fred Kopp—Reported all set for first lunch outing will be Thursday, January 22 at Annie’s Country Kitchen at 1PM. No report given. HORSESHOES No trips currently planned. FISHING SUNSHINE Joe Najera—Reported the passing of a member’s daughter—a card will be sent to the family. Big Sir states that during an emergency, such as a death in the family, that Branch 52 will cover the cost of the members lunch. Information should be passed on the Darrell Bridges. -2- ACTION Voted On STATUS Accepted SIR Branch 52 Executive Committee Meeting Location: Elks Lodge Paradise California TOPIC DISCUSSION NEWSLETTER Mike Johnson reported that there were 8 dinners refunded by the Elks due to poor meal quality and the lateness of the service. The Expenses for the dinner fell only $7 short for the event plan requiring the Branch’s funds to support that shortfall. A hundred and thirty meal tickets were sold, which included band members.. George Schillar—Reported that the deadline for articles to be submitted is the last Thursday of the month for the following newsletter. OLD BUSINESS Any New Business to be brought before the Board needs to be submitted 30 days prior to that meeting. As long as information is given by the 5th of the month for the month in question, this is acceptable. CHRISTMAS PARTY NEW BUSINESS Randy Bullock presented information about audit. Committees need to report to Randy regarding monetary balances, which includes beginning and ending balances. Please get information to Randy as soon as possible. Asked for any New Business from membership. Paradise Post needs to be notified of change of meeting location. Mike Johnson will take care of notifying the newspaper. Darrell brought up a question about insurance coverage for members who are not in attendance for a period of three months and shared members were asking if the No Lunch Price was planned to be reduced in the future. An additional question was posed about the cost of lunches. Mike responded that a power point presentation is being given during lunch today regarding future meeting location and the cost of lunches. Meeting adjourned : 10:39 AM Respectfully submitted, Peter Brown Secretary, Branch 52 -3- ACTION STATUS