THE MEMORY ROOM OF OUR IDENTITY:OUR MUSEUMS VILLAFRANCA DE LOS BARROS 3-9 November 2013 EVALUATION FORM TOPICS ARRIVING IN SPAIN FIRST IMPRESSIONS PRESENTATIONS OF THE PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES AND CITIES Bulgaria Poland Slovenia The first impresions of Spain were excelent. Everybody was friendly and willing to communicate 10 The presentations of each country were different from each other, 10 S P A I N Τurkey İt was very nice, but especially greece was very prepared Italy Greece Romania -We appreciated the fact that the Spanish team was looking for us since we were waiting for them at a wrong floor. -The village was small but nice. Friendly faces at the airport, cheerful atmosphere in the bus to Villafranca and the spanish cloudy sky all over . Every team did its best in order to present its country and city. In Turkey's case the Good impressions on the arriving in Spain. We met our partners and we changed opinions about our travel. -Each country presented the town where the school is located in a clear and exhaustive way. Greece was excellent. The presententation s were different, the participants used audio and but they were all interesting. PRESENTATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS PRESENTATION OF SCHOOLS The presentations have shown the differences in the educational systems of each country. 9 Eight education systems are presented by students. Maybe they could be presented more professionally The Greek presentation was made perfect. 9 Presentations could be supported with videos and pictures -The countries presented the educatıonal system in an effective way. -We really liked the Greek presentation. material used for the country's presentation was a professional film (obviously well made), but not a childrens’ work. A brainstorming of information for either teachers or students. The teachers have had a chance to compare and comment. The students have created a cheerful atmosphere. video equipment. They were made by students, but there also existed just video presentations. Most interesting part of the meeting. A variety of schools and social contexts. The presentations of Greece and Turkey were very interesting. Educational systems are similar, there are 7 theoretical schools, except the school from Romania, which is technical. 9 THE HISTORICAL MUSEUMS We saw different kind of museums which were connected to the purposes of the project. TEACHERS’ MEETING Logo, website, questionnaires, other activities, future meetings. We chose logo of the project. The website was liked by everybody. We decided about the activities of the future meetings. 9 Museums were very interesting for us; we learnt different history and historical items. -We really enjoyed the time at the museums Teachers didn't listen each other carefully. There were some talkings between teachers and this made meeting less efficient -Working in a Comenius Project with 8 countries can, in a certain way, be difficult. Sometimes it was hard to make decisions, listening to others, expressing ideas. Misunderstandi ng on what the subject of this presentation should be. Being the last presentation of a long working day, the Hist. Mus. have had really no audience among the students. Although it took place after a day excursion, it has been fruitful at the end. It would be better, if it had been organised in two parts (and different days): one part introducing the subjects to be discussed (logo etc) and the other summing Greece and Romania respected the subject of the presentation. The meetings in the first mobility have been fruitful. It has been noticed that the teachers and students proved a great implication. STUDENTS’ WORKSHOP Let’s know us better INTRODUCTORY QUESTIONNAIRE EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES OUTDOORS, MUSEUMS, ARCHEOLOGICAL SITES etc. It was really fun, and it made the students know each other better. 10 I think questionnaire was very good for students to know each others' country. I am sure that students have enough knowledge about each other -The students fulfilled their duty. The programme was chosen very well. And the visits were very interesting. 10 They were also good; we had enough knowledge about historical museums. I think there was Effectiveness in planning, organizing and efficiently handling activities. up the results and the proposals for the future meetings. The Greek team (which has worked on the Introductory Questionnaire) had proposed the workshop as an activity both for students and their teachers in the beginning of the meeting. Anyway, it served as a final reflection on our students' interaction. More than satisfactory, the outdoors activities kept the main role in this meeting. Every new This mobility allowed teachers and students to know each other, to interact and to find information about different cultures and countries. Our students had the opportunity to express themselves in a foreign language, to limited educational activities ACCΟMMODATION AND LEISURE TIME The organisation was very well. 10 Hotel was good enough but maybe we could have some more leisure time in evenings COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION The partners were very communicativ e and they found common language. 9 Communication and collaboration were good enough PROPOSALS FOR THE NEXT MEETING It will be better if the students and teachers have common activities. Differe nt studen ts' works hops Maybe next meeting before any activities, in order to enhance communication and experience better than the former. -The hotel was very comfortable and clean. -The students enjoyed the period at the host families but at the beginning it was not so easy for them to socialize with peers -It was the first meeting and we were so many that we did not have the time to integrate. -Improving collaboration and communication. Showing a cooperative spirit. For our students the days they spent with the Spanish families will be an experience to remember. All of us have had alot of fun. So far so good. We believe that communication and collaboration will improve as time passes and know more each other. 1.More involvement of the students in educational activities or workshops. 2.Always know different customs and to promote their own country. The program was well organized and gave us the opportunity to interact. I think that everybody was willing to communicate and find new things about the others. There is a need of some more liberty in choosing when and what to eat. collaboration between students and teacher, we can have a breakfast or an activity. comment on the relationship between MemoryIdentity and Museum through action and not academically. 3. More balance in the meetings' program between educational and “touristic” part.