MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN I. P. T. VERAGUAS WEEKLY PLANNING SUBJECT: ENGLISH TEACHER: EZEQUIEL HERNÁNDEZ S. LEVEL: 10 F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N Ñ. TRIMESTER: III WEEK: JULY 15 TO 19th. COMPETENCES: Communicative, Interaction with the surrounding, Social, Cultural, Learning to learn. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Listens to and understands problems and complaints. LEARNING OUTCOME To describe problems using the target grammar in context. CONTENTS CONCEPTS Nouns: complaint, refund, store, etc. Verbs: order, arrive, find, etc. TEACHING METHODOLOGY (ACTIVITIES, STRATEGIES, TECHNIQUES, MATERIALS) PRESENTATION: Review on nouns and the past tense of verbs. Grammar - Wh questions - Adjectives PRACTICE: LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS - Talks about common complaints and possible solutions. ATTITUDES -Shows interest in solving problems. Describing house problems using useful nouns and phrases. Describing complaints and saying solutions to the rest of the class.. Analyzes sentences using the current explanation. CLOSING: BIBLIOGRAFY: Interchange – Jack Richards. Observations: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Makes sentences of their using the past tense of regular and irregular verbs. Understands current vocabulary. Uses new words in context. Comprehends word definitions. Understands and uses useful phrases. Asks questions. ASSESMENT STRATEGIES DIAGNOSTIC: Questions FORMATIVE: In- class practices SUMATIVE: Group workshop MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN I. P. T. VERAGUAS WEEKLY PLANNING SUBJECT: ENGLISH TEACHER: EZEQUIEL HERNÁNDEZ S. LEVEL: 10 F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N Ñ. TRIMESTER: III WEEK: JULY 22ND TO 26th. COMPETENCES: Communicative, Interaction with the surrounding, Social, Cultural, Learning to learn. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Listens to and understands problems and complaints. LEARNING OUTCOME To describe problems using the target grammar in context. CONTENTS CONCEPTS Nouns: complaint, refund, store, etc. Verbs: order, arrive, find, etc. Grammar - Wh questions - Adjectives LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS - Talks about common complaints and possible solutions. ATTITUDES -Shows interest in solving problems. TEACHING METHODOLOGY (ACTIVITIES, STRATEGIES, TECHNIQUES, MATERIALS) PRESENTATION: Discussing a new vocabulary as a warm-up. PRACTICE: Searching for words in the dictionary for evaluation. Discussing the meaning and some uses of the new concepts. Practicing material for the final exam and presenting ideas in front of the class and using the whiteboard. CLOSING: BIBLIOGRAFY: Interchange – Jack Richards. Observations: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Saying sentences in the past tense orally as a pretest review. Understands current vocabulary. Uses new words in context. Comprehends word definitions. Understands and uses useful phrases. Asks questions. ASSESMENT STRATEGIES DIAGNOSTIC: Questions FORMATIVE: In- class practices SUMATIVE: Group workshop MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN I. P. T. VERAGUAS WEEKLY PLANNING SUBJECT: ENGLISH TEACHER: EZEQUIEL HERNÁNDEZ S. LEVEL: 10 F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N Ñ. TRIMESTER: III WEEK: JULY 29th TO AUGUST 2ND. COMPETENCES: Communicative, Interaction with the surrounding, Social, Cultural, Learning to learn. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Listens to and understands problems and complaints. LEARNING OUTCOME To describe problems using the target grammar in context. CONTENTS CONCEPTS Nouns: complaint, refund, store, etc. Verbs: order, arrive, find, etc. TEACHING METHODOLOGY (ACTIVITIES, STRATEGIES, TECHNIQUES, MATERIALS) PERFORMANCE INDICATORS PRESENTATION: Completing a pretest practice and sharing answers as a group. Grammar - Wh questions - Adjectives LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS - Talks about common complaints and possible solutions. ATTITUDES -Shows interest in solving problems. PRACTICE: Solving test on unit 5 for evaluation. Practicing the pronunciation of a song. Solving a final practice on workbooks to evaluate participation. Understands current vocabulary. Uses new words in context. Comprehends word definitions. Understands and uses useful phrases. Asks questions. CLOSING: Singing a song. BIBLIOGRAFY: Interchange – Jack Richards. Observations: Students will solve half (30 %) of the final exam and will sing a song for the other half (60 %). ASSESMENT STRATEGIES DIAGNOSTIC: Questions FORMATIVE: In- class practices SUMATIVE: Group workshop MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN I. P. T. VERAGUAS WEEKLY PLANNING SUBJECT: ENGLISH TEACHER: EZEQUIEL HERNÁNDEZ S. LEVEL: 10 F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N Ñ. TRIMESTER: III WEEK: SEPTEMBER 16th TO 20th. COMPETENCES: Communicative, Interaction with the surrounding, Social, Cultural, Learning to learn. LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understands common environmental problems. LEARNING OUTCOME To talk about environmental problems using the target grammar in context. CONTENTS CONCEPTS Nouns: street, fumes, pollution, acid, etc. Verbs: threaten, use, etc. Grammar - Wh questions - Prepositions - Passive voice. LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS - Talks about common social and environmental issues. ATTITUDES -Shows interest in discussing the topic. TEACHING METHODOLOGY (ACTIVITIES, STRATEGIES, TECHNIQUES, MATERIALS) PRESENTATION: Reviews previous material as a warm up by answering questions from latter classes. PRACTICE: Completes a pair classwork using prepositional phrases and vocabulary already discussed about environmental problems. Looks for words in the dictionary and discusses meaning and usage. Listens to and repeats the pronunciation of the new words. CLOSING: BIBLIOGRAFY: Interchange – Jack Richards. Observations: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Completes sentences about environmental issues making use of the passive voice and the current vocabulary. Answers questions correctly. Understands current vocabulary. Uses new words in context. Comprehends word definitions. Uses useful phrases. Asks questions. ASSESMENT STRATEGIES DIAGNOSTIC: Questions FORMATIVE: In- class practices SUMATIVE: Group workshop