TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 WORKSHOP MEETING AT 5:30 P.M. (Discussion) 1) Summer Feeding Program Budget 2015 2) Two properties that were acquired by Town from Ulster County through the Greater Catskill Flood Remediation Program to be sold at Public Auction 3) Catskill Construction Consultants, LLC – Service and Assistance contract 4) Town Comprehensive Plan Committees 5) Pilgrim Pipeline 6) Humane Society of Walden REGULAR AND AUDIT BOARD MEETING AT 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG REMEMBRANCES: ROLL CALL FIRE EXITS NOTED CORRESPONDENCE: PETITIONERS ATTORNEY CONCERNS: William Collier III AGENDA 7:05PM- PUBLIC HEARING- Continued from January 15, 2015 Agenda-The purpose of the Public Hearing is to receive input from the public on proposed Local Law#---of the year 2015 “A Local Law amending Chapter 112 of the Code of the Town of Wawarsing entitled “Zoning”. PUBLIC HEARING- Continued from January 15, 2015 Agenda -The purpose of the Public Hearing is to receive input from the public on proposed Local Law# --- of the year 2015 “A Local Law imposing a Six-Month Moratorium on New Major Subdivisions”. PUBLIC HEARING- Continued from the January 15, 2015 Agenda - The purpose of the Public Hearing is to receive input from the public on proposed Local Law# --of the year 2015 “A Local Law Imposing a Six-Month Moratorium on the Placement of more than three (3) Dwellings on a Single Lot”. TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 RESOLUTION# 2015- The Wawarsing Town Board to approve, by Resolution, to urge a more thorough removal of PCB’s from the Hudson River and calls upon the General Electric Corp. to: (1) dredge all areas of PCB-contaminated sediments in River Sections 2 and 3 that would require cleanup under the applicable-standards in River Section 1, including, at minimum , the 136 acres identified by the federal Trustees; (2) conduct any additional necessary removal of soils and sediments in PCB-contaminated “hot spots” in and around the Upper Hudson River, including cleanup of the Champlain Canal to ensure full use of the canal by deep draft shipping vessels; and (3) complete a thorough analysis and robust cleanup of the Hudson River, including the floodplains and the Old Champlain Canal, in order to restore the River to its full health and value as a natural and economic resource. RESOLUTION# 2015 – The Wawarsing Town Board to approve, by Resolution, the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Intermunicipal Memorandum of Understanding. 1. Town Board to approve the attached Budget Modifications: 2. Town Board to approve bills as audited. 3. Town Board to accept the minutes of January 2, 2015 Organizational Meeting. 4. Town Board to accept the minutes of January 15, 2015 Regular and Audit Meeting. 5. Town Board to accept the minutes of January 26, 2015 Workshop Meeting. 6. Town Board to approve the monthly report of the Ellenville Wawarsing Youth Commission for December 2014. 7. Town Board to accept the Deed and Conveyance and Indemnification Agreement between the Town and the County for the eight parcels that were conveyed to the Town on January 6, 2015. The eight parcels, located in the Hamlet of Wawarsing are as follows: 75.4-1-15 75.4-1-18 75.4-1-19 75.82-1-26 75.82-1-28 75.82-1-12 75.82-1-31 75.82-1-30 30 Fox Hill Road 7058 Route 209 7056 Route 209 27 Smith Lane 33 Smith Road 10 Smith Road 11 Smith Road 15 Smith Road TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 8. Town Board to appoint the following to be members of a committee entitled “Comprehensive Committee” for the purpose of updating the Town’s Comprehensive Plan: James Dolaway, Michael Sommer, Leonard M. Distel, Hank Alicandri, Maggie Heath, Hank Bartosik, Bryant Arms, Frank Wood, Michael Durso, Jack Grifo, Paul Lonstein and Mary Lou Christiana. 9. Town Board to appoint the following to be members of a committee entitled “Zoning Committee” for the purpose of updating the Town’s Comprehensive Plan: Mary Lou Christiana, Robin Coleman, Victor Markowitz, Paul McAndrews, Barbara Paes, Bryant Arms, Pat Dillon, Hector Figueroa and Terry Houck 10. Town Board to authorize the Supervisor to execute an agreement with the Animals for Adoption of Accord, N.Y. to accept any dog, subject to kennel availability, brought to the shelter by our Dog Control Officer, Jill Shufeldt for boarding. The term of this contract will be from January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2015. 11. Town Board to authorize the Town Clerk to publish legal notice of sale of excess real property located at: Vacant parcel located at 7056 Route 209-SBL#75.4-1-19 Vacant parcel located at 27 Smith Road SBL#75.82-1-26 12. Town Board to authorize the Supervisor to execute a “Memorandum of Agreement” with the IBEW, as required, which pertains to employees in the IBEW Highway and Transfer Station bargaining unit and excludes those employees in the IBEW Water/Wastewater-Maintenance-Airport bargaining unit. This is in regards to the amendment of the following sections of (7.1 – HOLIDAYS): 7.1.1 – Designated Holidays 7.1.2 – Holiday Pay 7.1.3 – Holiday Pay (Assigned to Work) 7.1.4 – Holiday Pay Eligibility 13. Town Board to approve to hire Kareen Donohue as Time Keeper for the Town of Wawarsing. Mrs. Donohue will be given an annual stipend of $4100.00, to be prorated; she will then be paid on a weekly basis. TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 14. Town Board to approve Jim Montanya and Damian Petrick to attend a Water/Wastewater training session Laboratory sponsored by the New York Rural Water Association on Wednesday March 11, 2015. The fee for the training session is $100.00 per person and will give them six (6) credits each towards recertification. A town vehicle is to be used for transportation. 15. Town Board to approve Bryant Arms and Robin Coleman to attend a class for continued education for Code Enforcement Officers as mandated by NYSDOS on Wednesday February 18, 2015 at the Garden Plaza Hotel, Kingston, N.Y. It is sponsored by Tri County Chapter of NYSBOC. The fee for the class is $75.00 per person and will give each of them seven (7) hours of credit. A town vehicle is to be used for transportation. 16. Town Board to approve Stanley Noval to attend two (2) classes for the renewal of his pesticide license. The class will be held on Tuesday March 3, 2015 at the Holiday Inn, Middletown, N.Y. It is sponsored by Focus on Training USA, LLC of Quakertown, PA. The fee for each class is $75.00. A town vehicle is to be used for transportation. 17. Town Board to approve to give $500.00 to the Federated Sportsmen Club of Ulster County. This amount is donated each year to stock the pond at Lippman Park for the Children’s Fishing Contest in May. 18. Town Board to authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for the following positions for the Ellenville/Wawarsing Youth Commission 2015 summer employment: Full Time Camp Counselor, per diem/on call Camp Counselor, Full Time Group Leader, Chef Manager, Cook Helper, Bus Driver, Custodian and Certified Life Guards. These positions are to be advertised in the Shawangunk Journal on 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, & 3/13. Applications will be returnable to the Town Clerk’s office by Friday March 20, 2015. TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 19. Town Board to authorize the Supervisor to execute Change Order# 5 from Billman Ross and Associates, Inc of Middletown, NY in regards to the construction of the Napanoch Filtration Facility, CDBG Project# 1215PW102-11 This will increase the contract by $590.00 for a revised Contract Amount of $1,109,647.87. The Change Order will also increase the time to Substantial Completion by 202 days, for a revised date of Substantial Completion of April 20, 2015. It will also increase the time to be Ready for Final Payment by 212 days, for a revised date of Final Payment of June 4, 2015. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT CONCERNS: Tony Paes COUNCILPERSON CONCERNS: Stephen Bradley: Airport & Sheriff Substation Kerhonkson Water & Sewer Napanoch Water & Sewer Mike Durso: Building Dept. /shared with Supervisor Distel Time Warner Cable/shared with Supervisor Distel Ellenville/Kerhonkson Pool Youth Commission Terry Houck: Highway Department Parks and Trails Transfer Station Dan Johnson: Ambulance District Fire Districts/SUPSA Village Board/shared with Supervisor Distel SUPERVISOR CONCERNS: Leonard Distel: Village Board/shared w/Councilman Johnson Building Dept. /shared w/Councilman Durso Time Warner Cable/shared w/Councilman Durso Personnel TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: 1. February is Black History Month 2. February 16th- President’s Day-Town Hall Closed 3 February 28nd - Spaghetti Dinner 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Elks Club in Napanoch for the July 4th Committee funding raiser. UPCOMING MEETINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. February 9th – Historic Preservation Commission-8:30AM-Town Hall February 10th –Zoning Board Meeting-7:00PM-Town Hall Court Room February 17th -Planning Board Meeting-7:00PM-Town Hall Court Room February 19th –Town Board Meeting-7:00PM-Town Hall Court Room MOTION TO ADJOURN TOWN OF WAWARSING BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015