October 2, 2015 Infinite Scholar Program (ISP) is hosting its sixth

October 2, 2015 Infinite Scholar Program (ISP) is hosting its sixth annual scholarship fair in North
Carolina at North Carolina Central University. In 2014 North Carolina Central University allowed
ISP to host our very first scholarship fair on their campus, where about 246 students attended,
and over 3 million dollars in scholarships was awarded onsite, from the 25 colleges and
universities in attendance, that day.
In 2005, 2006, & 2007 Infinite Scholar Program hosted scholarship fairs in Jacksonville, North
Carolina (NC) with the graduate chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. February 16, 2006
Diane Mouskourie “Infinite ways to land money for college” wrote in The Daily News
(Jacksonville, NC) about Infinite Scholar Program very first scholarship fair where 114 students
received over $7 million in scholarships. (Mouskourie, February 16, 2006) In 2008 Infinite
Scholar Program was moved to Fayetteville, NC with The 100 Black Men of Cape Fear Region.
Each year CFNC was onboard to assist ISP in our efforts to bring onsite scholarships to North
Carolina students. The CFNC official helped to educate parents and students alike in our FAFSA
workshops. Parents were informed about the FAFSA process. This way while the students are
interacting with the college or university admission director, the parents are being pulled away to
learn how FAFSA works to their students advantage. Our campaign began on January 2, 2015,
where we work to invite every college and university in NC, Tennessee, South Carolina, and
Then ISP attract students to attend by free-registration @
Students who register are informed about scholarship fairs in 25 different state locations.
Students, specifically high school seniors, are asked to attend with the following information:
-2.7 Grade Point Average or above
-18 ACT or above/1600 SAT or above
-3 Letters of Recommendation from a city, church, or state official
-Evidence of talents, skills, and abilities in local philanthropy, school clubs or extra-curricular
activities, and
-A Letter stating “Why I want to attend college”
NOTE: On October 2, 2015 students are asked to attend with a portfolio of all the above
mentioned information and dressed to impress. It is recommended that students bring at least
several portfolio’s, one for each college or university representative. The more competitive the
portfolio, the better the student chances of receiving an on-site scholarship. Acceptance letters,
partial scholarships, and consultation is also offered to students who do not qualify for a
scholarship on that day. High school junior and sophomores are strongly advised to attend.
Tivon Madison is Director of NC ISP and he is who you all can contact for any question
concerning the scholarship fair, students who plan to attend, or anything pertaining Infinite
Scholar Program.
Tivon Madison
Infinite Scholar Program (North Carolina Director)
Mobile 407-637-4493<tel:407-637-4493>
Video phone 1009910304 (*AccessLink.acndirect.com<http://accesslink.acndirect.com/>)
EFax 614-807-1710<tel:614-807-1710>
Email Tivon@infinitescholar.org<mailto:Tivon@infinitescholar.org>
I would like to personally invite each county superintendent of schools to register their high
school juniors and seniors @
www.infinitescholar.org/>. As well as prepare their students for the October 2, 2015 event.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI), can not endorse the program, but are
going to provide their assistance where needed.
If there are any questions or concerns please contact Tivon Madison.
Infinite Scholar Program (ISP) Director, U.S. Eastern Region
Okpahrah P. Fennerson, Sr.
Phone: 818-319-8433<tel:818-319-8433>
"World leaders can take whatever course of action to change the people of a nation; but, if
education is not the top priority, then those actions and changes will go misunderstood!" Okpahrah Fennerson
Scholarship Fair: http://youtu.be/yBsMfUJ5-Xk
Category: B92 (Remedial Reading, Reading Encouragement)
EIN: 83-0373655
Ruling Year: 2006
Infinite Scholars Program (ISP), Inc. is a federally recognized 501c3 non-profit organization that
has an overall mission of providing all students, especially low income and first generation high
school students, with the resources and guidance that is necessary for them to accomplish their
higher education goals. We strongly believe that regardless of nationality, sex, ethnic origin, race,
or creed all students are entitled to the right of furthering their education.
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Indiana College & Scholarship Fair 2011
Indiana College & Scholarship Fair 2011