First Encounters Analytical Essay Instructions

Name: _____________________________________
Organizer for First Encounters Analysis Paper
Literature to cite in your essay:
“The World on the Turtle’s Back” – Iroquois Creation Myth
“First Encounters” – Unit Introduction
Excerpt from Columbus’ Travel Log
Excerpt from“LaRelacion” – Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
Excerpt from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano- Olaudah Equiano
Excerpt from Blue Highways- Wiliam Least Heat-Moon
Goal: Choose a UNIVERSAL TRUTH or theme that unifies the above pieces of literature and
construct a thesis that serves to argue/prove a very specific belief regarding that theme. Every
piece of evidence in the body of your essay serves to support the thesis statement.
Breakdown of Goal:
Job 1 Determine your universal truth and provide an insight about the experience of being
human (universal), then elaborate on the UNIVERSAL TRUTH by how this insight relates
to the literature.
 The thesis must show cause and effect (there is a logical, coherent link between the
literal and the insight)
Job 2 Maintain a consistent focus on your thesis claim
 Argue and develop the idea with evidence, examples, explanations
 Topic sentences maintain the focus by echoing the thesis AND introducing ONE
compelling point that supports the thesis (make sure TS is specific to novel and not a
fact but an opinion that is arguable)
 TLQ can maintain your persuasion and support the argument
 Concluding sentence in body paragraph revisits the topic sentence showing both the
thesis and the subject of the topic sentence
 Revisit major ideas in your concluding paragraph – How is the argument resolved,
enlightened, illuminated by your argument. DO NOT REPEAT THE INTRODUCTION,
Job 3 Evidence is direct quotes or paraphrasing of the novel (do not use “ “ for paraphrasing)
 Chose quotes or examples (paraphrase) that support your topic sentence, meaning it
would both focus on the thesis as well as one of the points that proves your thesis
Provide commentary – focus the mean and the matter to proving your thesis with a
specific focus on the subject of your topic sentences.
Invoke the literary aspect of literary analysis and call upon rhetoric to support your
commentary (in the matter) Use this link for a complete list of AP rhetorical devices
Attributes of an Effective Thesis Statement
 It addresses the prompt (when you are provided with one- in this case you are
creating your topic
 Arguable – meaning not a fact
 Is a declarative sentence (never a question)
 Not obvious
 It is specific and focused (attempt adjectives where appropriate)
 Are concise NOT wordy
 Focus on issues the big issue of the literature being discussed – states the reasons in
more ENDURING terms (meaning it speaks some truth about the human condition or
the human condition as it appears in the novel).
 It does not tell details of plot but rather provides a map to guide the reader through
your work.
 It does not assume
• It avoids vague language (like "it seems").
 It never uses the first person. ("I believe," "In my opinion")
 Grammatically sound
 Ideally should use “because” or “although
• Must be one or two sentences – no more no less.
 Must not be an announcement
 Can be developed – not simplistic
Compiling Evidence for Body Paragraphs through SAY/MEAN/MATTER
The quote itself. Copy it
exactly and in full. Also,
include the context (who
said it about who) for your
lead-in. Include the page
number and the author (if
quoting more than one
Esperanza watches Marin in
the evenings, interpreting
what her dreamy actions
might mean as she ponders,
“Marin, under the
streetlight, dancing by
herself, is singing the same
song somewhere. I know. Is
waiting for a car to stop, a
star to fall, someone to
change her life” (27).
Explains the scene in more
Show your understanding of
the scene on a deeper level,
almost as if you are able to
translate the emotional
importance of the scene. Read
between the lines. What does
this quote show in terms of the
meaning of the work?
What is being depicted?
Esperanza understands that
Marin believes her life will
change when someone will
come into her life. That
someone will be a man. Marin
knows she can use her beauty
to escape the trap that is
Mango Street. Esperanza says
she “knows” what it is to dream
of changing her life and
escaping Mango Street. But
while Marin is stuck, “singing
the same song”, Esperanza
wants to make change happen,
not just wait for “someone to
change her life.”
Analyze the quote in terms of the meaning,
themes, and the thesis. Why is it vital to this
piece of literature? What does it mean in
terms of the “big ideas?” How does it prove
your argument? (revisit/reinvent the thesis)
Note any stylistic devices (rhetorical
devices) (similes, metaphors,
personification, symbols, alliteration, etc)
The classic fallen star that one wishes upon
symbolizes Marin’s dependency on
something outside of herself to bring
change. Like most of the women on Mango
Street- Sally, Rafaela, Minerva- Marin
represents a hopeful yet hopeless cycle of
poverty, violence, and despair. All are
trapped in relationships and circumstances
they want desperately to but cannot
Esperanza is more than an observer of this
scene. She clearly “knows” the longing and
despair of the women on Mango Street. She
verbalizes the dream, beautifully expressed
in the sleepy alliteration of “singing the
same song somewhere.” But because
Esperanza can see and report the situation,
she sets herself apart from the others. She
will not wait for a man; for change to
happen, she will create a life on her own