Active Transport Practice 2015

LHS Academic Biology
Mr. Zahm
Active Transport Practice
- Active (Protein) Transport, Endocytosis & Exocytosis
1. Active Transport is a method by which a cell moves dissolved particles (solutes) in to and out of a
cell, from __________ to _________ concentration = against the concentration gradient. This
requires the cell to do work (use energy = ATP).
 TYPES: P____________ Transport, Endo_____________, & E______cytosis
2. ______cytosis is the process by which a C_____ M ____________ surrounds a food particle,
encloses the particle in a V___________, and brings the particle INTO the cell
3. ______cytosis the process by which a _________________ is released from the cell through a
vesicle; it transports the material to the cell surface and then fuses with the membrane to let the
substance OUT of the cell
4. Active (____________) Transport is the movement of materials (in/out) with the assistance of a
membrane protein. The cell has to work or use ______________, because it is moving particles
“against the concentration gradient” - from __________ to _________ concentration.
5. A Concentration Gradient is a (gradual) change in _______________________ between to
neighboring areas.
1. A. Which type of Active Transport is taking place below?
B. In what cell structure are materials stored after this process?
C. Does the cell have to use energy (ATP) to transport these particles? (Yes/No)
A. _________________________
C. ______
Active Transport Practice 2015.docx
B. __________________
LHS Academic Biology
Mr. Zahm
A. Which type of Active Transport is taking place below?
B. In what cell structure is material stored before this process?
C. Does the cell have to use energy (ATP) to transport these particles? (Yes/No)
A. _________________________
B. __________________
C. ______
Nerve Cell
A. Which type of Active Transport is taking place below?
B. In what cell structure is material stored after this process?
C. Does the cell have to use energy (ATP) to transport these particles? (Yes/No)
A. _________________________
B. __________________
C. ______
4. EXTRA! Calculate the concentration inside and outside one of the cells and write it there.
Active Transport Practice 2015.docx