ANESTHESIOLOGY/PAIN MANAGEMENT DELINEATION OF PRIVILEGES DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY Name: _____________________________________________________________________Date: __________ PRIVILEGE CRITERIA To be eligible to use this form to request clinical privileges, general membership criteria as indicated in the medical staff bylaws, must be met in addition to the following minimum threshold criteria for privileges. Basic Education Minimal Formal Training Board Certification Required Experience Current Competence FPPE Reappointment CME NOTE MD or DO Minimum formal training: Successful completion of an ACGME or AOA accredited training program in the specialty where privileges are sought Applicants shall be board certified, board qualified as defined by the specialty board for his/her specialty, or comparably qualified as defined by the Medical Executive Committee Applicants for initial appointment will be requested to provide documentation of at least 250 anesthesia cases during the past 24 months. Applicants have the burden of producing information deemed adequate by the Hospital for a proper evaluation of current competence, and other qualifications and for resolving any doubts. A Focused Professional Practice Evaluation (FPPE) will be conducted on each new privilege according to guidelines. Current demonstrated competence and an adequate volume through a case log according to criteria outlined in the privilege delineation, with acceptable outcomes for the past 24 months based on results of the focused professional practice evaluation process (FPPE), and the ongoing focused professional practice evaluation (OPPE) process. Evidence of current ability to perform privileges requested is required of all applicants for renewal of privileges The applicant shall provide documentation of continuing education as related to the clinical privileges requested. The ability to ‘Admit’ patients is determined by the selection of Staff Status as defined by the Medical Staff Bylaws. Please do not write in privileges If you wish to add a privilege that is not listed on this form, please contact Medical Staff Services. In case of emergency, all practitioners with privileges are expected to do whatever he/she can within the scope of their License to save a patient according to the medical staff bylaws provision entitled “Emergency Privileges”. Management of patients rendered unconscious or insensible to pain and emotional stress during surgical and certain other medical procedures, including pre-, intra-, and postoperative evaluation and treatment; the support of life functions and vital organs under the stress of anesthetic, surgical, and other medical procedures; management of patients with a difficult airway; ventilator management <24 hours in post-op patients; management of problems in pain relief; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; and supervision of patients in post-anesthesia care units and critically ill patients in special care units; except for those listed under Special Privileges. Premature and age <6 months Adolescents 14 to 18 years Children 6 months to 14 years Adults 18 years and greater Not Recommended State Reason Recommend ANESTHESIA CORE - PLEASE CROSS THROUGH THOSE YOU DO NOT WISH TO REQUEST: Criteria Met REQUESTED (Check here) Chair Review ONLY Procedure Criteria COMPREHENSIVE CRITICAL CARE Requires certificate of subspecialty certification on Critical Care Medicine Anesthesiology (CCM-A), eligibility for CCM-A, or documentation of equivalent credentials: State Reason Not Recommended Recommend SPECIAL PRIVILEGES To be eligible to apply for a special procedure privilege listed below the applicant must demonstrate successful completion of an approved and recognized course or acceptable supervised training in residency, fellowship, or other acceptable experience; and provide documentation of competence in performing that procedure as listed below. Criteria Met REQUESTED (Check here) Anesthesia/Pain Management – DELINEATION OF PRIVILEGES Comprehensive management of patients in critical care units including but not limited to the use of procedures such as chest tube insertion, transvenous pacemaker insertion, cardioversion, hemodialysis catheter insertion, ultrafiltration, thoracentesis, and pericardiocentesis. Requires qualifications for general anesthesiology, plus documentation of current training and/or experience in the management of critically ill patients: LIMITED CRITICAL CARE This category is limited to use of the following procedures: fiberoptic laryngotracheobronchoscopy, mechanical ventilation, and invasive hemodynamic monitoring. Requires certificate of subspecialty certification for pain management (PM), eligibility for participation in the examination process for PM, or documentation of equivalent credentials: COMPREHENSIVE PAIN MANAGEMENT LIMITED PAIN MANAGEMENT Comprehensive management of acute and chronic pain; continuous intraspinal narcotics, neurolytic nerve blocks, facet blocks, and dorsal column stimulator. Does not require subspecialty certification for pain management This category is limited to use of the following procedures: Epidural steroids, post-op pain blocks (including spinal and epidural); femoral, interscalene, sciatic catheters for short term pain management; epidural blood path; trigger point injections; acupuncture ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PRACTITIONER I have requested only those privileges for which, by education, experience and/or licensure/certification, I am qualified to perform, and that I wish to exercise at Texas General Hospital. I also acknowledge that my professional malpractice insurance extends to all privileges I have requested. I understand that in exercising any privileges granted, I am constrained by hospital and medical staff policies and rules applicable generally and any applicable to the particular situation. Signature of Applicant: Date: DEPARTMENT/COMMITTEE CHAIR SIGNATURE Comments/Notes: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: Approved – CC: 11/12 Date: MEC: 11/12 BOD: 11/12 2 of 2