I.30 Duty Day Agendas FA11

North Centers
Faculty/Classified Professionals Duty Day Agenda
August 11, 2011
Willow International, Forum Hall 150
8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast – AC1-175
8:30 a.m.
Welcome and State of the Centers Overview – T. Kershaw – Forum Hall 150
Introduction of New Faculty and Staff – D. Ikeda
Tenured Faculty Recognition - D. Ikeda
Greeting – L. Barnes
Student Activities and other business – M. Cuevas, D. Griffin
SARS Early Alert – R. Munoz, E. Johnson
Faculty Evaluation Process – T. Mester
9:30 a.m.
SLO Review – E. Fritz – Forum Hall 150
SLO Analysis Breakout Sessions - rooms will be assigned on Duty Day
10:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Facilities Master Plan – B. Speece - Forum Hall 150
Accreditation – C. Glaves, D. Ikeda – Forum Hall 150
Self-Study Update - C. Glaves
Visitation Process – D. Ikeda
Resource Allocation Process and Action Plan – J. Mendoza
11:30 a.m.
District Update – Dr. Deborah Blue, Chancellor
12:15 p.m.
Lunch – AC1-175
Division Rep Lunch Meeting – AC1-181
1:00 p.m.
Strategic Plan – Room 150
Review 2010 Results
Review 2011 Draft Plan
2:00 p.m.
Faculty Association Meeting – AC1-150
3:00 p.m.
Division Meetings
Business– AC1-145
Humanities – AC1-181
Math/Science, Health – AC1-187
Social Science – AC1-193
4:00 p.m.
Evaluation Meeting for Faculty (Required for all new full-time, tenure track faculty and faculty evaluators) – AC1-187
Evaluation Process
Faculty Mentor
Library Orientation
Web Advisor
5:30 p.m.
New Adjunct Faculty Orientation – AC1-175
6:30 p.m.
All Adjunct Faculty Orientation – Forum Hall 150
State of the Centers Overview - T. Kershaw
Faculty Evaluation Process –T. Mester
Adjunct SLO Assessment Training – E. Fritz
7:15 p.m.
SLO Assessment Process:
Business – AC1-145
Humanities – AC1-181
Math/Science, Health – AC1-187
Social Science – AC1-193
North Centers' Mission Statement: The mission of the North Centers is to provide affordable and comprehensive educational opportunities to a diverse population of
students who seek opportunities for basic skills development, associate degrees, certificates, transfer, and lifelong learning that will enable them to become engaged
participants in local and global communities. Student success will be measured through a continuous improvement process with an emphasis on student learning
North Centers
Faculty/Classified Professionals Duty Day Agenda
January 5, 2012
Madera Center TM 11
7:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast – TM 11
8:00 a.m.
Welcome and State of the Centers Overview – T. Kershaw – TM 11
Introduction of New Faculty and Staff – D. Ikeda
Accreditation Update and Planning – D. Ikeda and C. Glaves
Program Review Update – D. Ikeda
Student Success Taskforce Update – D. Ikeda
Gainful Employment – D. Ikeda
CSU Transfer Degree Update – T. Hutchings
Student Activities– M. Cuevas
Grants Update – M. Cuevas
Admission and Records– D. Griffin
9:30 a.m.
Strategic Plan Update – D. Ikeda
10:15 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
District Update – Dr. Deborah G. Blue, Chancellor
10:45 a.m.
SLO Update and Workshop – Erik Fritz
12:00 p.m.
Lunch – TM 11
1:30 p.m.
Faculty Association Meeting – AV 114 A
2:30 p.m.
Division Meetings
Business – AV1-146
Humanities – AV1-147
Math/Science, Health – AV1 - 148
Social Science – AV1 - 149
North Centers New Adjunct Orientation
at Willow International
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
AC 1 – Room 175
North Centers' Mission Statement: The mission of the North Centers is to provide affordable and comprehensive educational opportunities to a diverse population of
students who seek opportunities for basic skills development, associate degrees, certificates, transfer, and lifelong learning that will enable them to become engaged
participants in local and global communities. Student success will be measured through a continuous improvement process with an emphasis on student learning
Willow International
Faculty/Classified Professionals Duty Day Agenda
August 9, 2012
Willow International, Forum Hall 150
8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast – AC1-175
8:30 a.m.
Welcome and State of the Centers Overview –D. Ikeda– Forum Hall 150
Introduction of New Faculty and Staff – J. Chin
Tenured Faculty Recognition – J. Chin
Student Support Services –D. Griffin/J. Preston-Smith
Emergency Management – D. Cousineau
District Strategic and Integrated Planning Model – T. Mester
Accreditation Response Update – C. Glaves, D. Ikeda
9:30 a.m.
2012 Willow International Strategic Plan Alignment with District Plan – J. Chin – Open Lab
10:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
SLO Review – E. Fritz – Forum Hall 150
11:30 a.m.
District Update – Dr. Deborah Blue, Chancellor
12:30 p.m.
Lunch – AC1-175
Department Chair Lunch Meeting – AC1-181
2:00 p.m.
Faculty Senate Meeting – AC1-150
3:00 p.m.
Department Meetings
Business and Social Sciences– AC1-145
Humanities – AC1-181
Math/Science, Health – AC1-187
Student Support Services– AC1-193
4:00 p.m.
Evaluation Meeting for Faculty (Required for all new full-time, tenure track faculty and faculty evaluators) – J. Chin –
AC 187
Evaluation Process
Faculty Mentor
Library Orientation
Web Advisor
5:00 p.m.
Academic Standards Committee – AC1-270
5:30 p.m.
New Adjunct Faculty Orientation – AC1-175
6:30 p.m.
All Adjunct Faculty Orientation – Forum Hall 150
State of the Centers Overview – D. Ikeda
Faculty Evaluation Process –T. Mester
Adjunct SLO Assessment Training – E. Fritz
7:15 p.m.
SLO Assessment Process:
Business and Social Sciences – AC1-145
Humanities – AC1-181
Math/Science, Health – AC1-187
Student Support Services – AC1-193
North Centers' Mission Statement: The mission of the North Centers is to provide affordable and comprehensive educational opportunities to a diverse population of
students who seek opportunities for basic skills development, associate degrees, certificates, transfer, and lifelong learning that will enable them to become engaged
participants in local and global communities. Student success will be measured through a continuous improvement process with an emphasis on student learning
Willow International CCC
Faculty/Classified Professionals Duty Day Agenda
January 3, 2013
Willow International, Forum Hall 150
8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast – AC1-175
8:30 a.m.
District Update – Dr. Deborah G. Blue, Chancellor
Welcome & State of the Center– D. Ikeda - Forum Hall 150
Introduction of New Faculty and Staff – K. Fowler
Student Support Services – J. Preston-Smith
DSP&S – R. Hirata
BIT Overview – N. Forey (J. Preston-Smith, R. Munoz, C. Elliot)
C-ID and TMC – T. Mester
District Strategic and Integrated Planning Model Update – T. Mester
DRAM – J. Mendoza
Commencement – J. Mendoza
2012 Willow International Strategic Plan (as aligned with District Plan) –
D. Ikeda, K. Fowler
10:00 a.m.
2012 Willow International Strategic Plan (8 Goals) – Open Computer Lab (Pit)
Group Review – Feedback Breakout Session
10:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Accreditation Update – C. Glaves, D. Ikeda
SLO Update – E. Fritz
12:00 p.m.
Lunch – AC1-175
Department Chair Lunch Meeting – AC1-181
1:00 p.m.
Faculty Senate Meeting – AC1-150
2:00 p.m.
Department Meetings
Business and Social Sciences– AC1-145
Humanities – AC1-181
Math/Science, Health – AC1-187
Student Support Services– AC1-193
3:00 p.m.
Evaluation Meeting for TENURED Faculty (Required for tenured faculty that are due to be
evaluated and faculty evaluators) – K. Fowler – AC1-187
Evaluation Process
New Adjunct Orientation
5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
AC1 – Room 175
North Centers' Mission Statement: The mission of the North Centers is to provide affordable and comprehensive educational opportunities to a diverse population of
students who seek opportunities for basic skills development, associate degrees, certificates, transfer, and lifelong learning that will enable them to become engaged
participants in local and global communities. Student success will be measured through a continuous improvement process with an emphasis on student learning
Willow International CCC
Faculty/Classified Professionals Duty Day Agenda
August 8, 2013
Willow International, Forum Hall AC1-150
Continental Breakfast – AC1-175
District Update – Dr. Deborah G. Blue, Chancellor
Welcome and State of Willow International Overview – D. Ikeda – Forum Hall AC1-150
Faculty and Staff Update – K. Fowler
Behavioral Intervention Team, Psychological Services Update, Mental Health First Aid and
Introductions – Naomi Forey
A&R Update – D. Griffin
Security Update – G. Sakaguchi
Student Activities – P. Stumpf
Accreditation – C. Glaves, K. Fowler
Program Review, Curriculum and SLOs – K. Fowler, M. Stannard, C. Elliott, E. Fritz,
Resource Allocation Process and DBRAAC Update – K. Ainsworth, B. Shamp
How to Respond to an Active Shooter – Training Workshop
Vision, Mission, Strategic Plan Update – K. Fowler
Strategic Plan Activity – Open Computer Lab
Lunch – AC1-175
Department Chair Lunch Meeting – AC1-181
Campus Activity – Open Computer Lab
Academic Senate Meeting – AC1-150
Department Meetings
Business and Social Science – AC1-145
Humanities – AC1-181
Math, Science & Engineering – AC1-187
Student Support Services – AC1-193
Evaluation Meeting for Faculty (Required for all new full-time, tenure track and faculty evaluators) – AC1-187
Evaluation Process
Academic Standards – AC1-187
New Adjunct Faculty Orientation – AC1-175
All Adjunct Faculty Orientation – Forum Hall 150
State of the Willow International Center Overview – D. Ikeda
Adjunct SLO Training – T. Mester, E. Fritz
Department Meetings:
Business and Social Science – AC1-145
Humanities – AC1-181
Math, Science & Engineering – AC1-187
Student Support Services – AC1-193
North Centers' Mission Statement: The mission of the North Centers is to provide affordable and comprehensive educational opportunities to a diverse population of
students who seek opportunities for basic skills development, associate degrees, certificates, transfer, and lifelong learning that will enable them to become engaged
participants in local and global communities. Student success will be measured through a continuous improvement process with an emphasis on student learning
Willow International CCC
Faculty/Classified Professionals Duty Day Agenda
January 9, 2014
Willow International, Forum Hall AC1-150
Continental Breakfast – AC1-175
Welcome and State of Willow International Overview – D. Ikeda – Forum Hall AC1-150
Introduction of New Faculty and Staff – Kelly Fowler
Psychological Services Update – M. Scoggins and D. Griffin
A&R Update and First to Know, D. Griffin
Security Update – B. Gafford
Assessment Center Update – S. Adams
Student Activities – P. Stumpf
District Update – Dr. Deborah G. Blue, Chancellor
Accreditation – C. Glaves, K. Fowler
Update on Accreditation - C. Glaves, K. Fowler
Program Review, Curriculum and SLOs – K. Fowler, M. Stannard, R. Hickey, E. Fritz,
Resource Allocation Process and DBRAAC Update – L. Hopper
Mandatory Reporting Training – Grey Taylor
Distance Education Update – E. Johnson and B. Nabors
Student Success Update – D. Griffin and K. Fowler
Lunch – AC1-175
Department Chair Lunch Meeting – AC1-181
Outcomes and Assessment Workshop – Dr. Robert Pacheco (Open Computer Lab)
Department Meetings
Business and Social Science – AC1-145
Humanities – AC1-181
Math, Science & Engineering – AC1-187
Student Support Services – AC1-193
Academic Standards – AC1-187
New Adjunct Faculty Orientation – AC1-175
LGI Workshop for Adjunct Faculty
North Centers' Mission Statement: The mission of the North Centers is to provide affordable and comprehensive educational opportunities to a diverse population of
students who seek opportunities for basic skills development, associate degrees, certificates, transfer, and lifelong learning that will enable them to become engaged
participants in local and global communities. Student success will be measured through a continuous improvement process with an emphasis on student learning
Clovis Community College Center
Faculty/Classified Professionals Duty Day Agenda
August 7, 2014
Forum Hall AC1-150
Continental Breakfast (optional) – AC1-175
Welcome and State of Willow International Overview – D. Ikeda – Forum Hall AC1-150
Introduction of New Faculty and Staff – Kelly Fowler
Student Services Update (Psychological Services, Testing Center) Doris Griffin
Instructor Drops and Grade Submission – D. Griffin
Security Update– L. Hopper
Program Review, Curriculum and SLOs – K. Fowler, M. Stannard, R. Hickey, E. Fritz
Accreditation Overview – C. Glaves, K. Fowler
Student Success Update – D. Griffin and K. Fowler
Student Activities – P. Stumpf
Accreditation Exercise K. Fowler, C. Glaves, D. Ikeda (Open Computer Lab)
Strategic Plan Exercise – K. Fowler, M. Johnson (Open Computer Lab)
Lunch – AC1-175
Department Chair Lunch Meeting – AC1-181
Data, Data, Data! – Erik Fritz (Open Computer Lab)
Academic Senate Meeting – AC1-150
Department Meetings
Business and Social Science – AC1-145
Humanities – AC1-181
Math, Science & Engineering – AC1-187
Student Support Services – AC1-193
Tenure Track Evaluation Meeting
Academic Standards – AC2-149B
New Adjunct Faculty Orientation – AC1-175
Adjunct Faculty Orientation –AC1-150
Adjunct Faculty – Department Meetings – To Be Announced
North Centers' Mission Statement: The mission of the North Centers is to provide affordable and comprehensive educational opportunities to a diverse population of
students who seek opportunities for basic skills development, associate degrees, certificates, transfer, and lifelong learning that will enable them to become engaged
participants in local and global communities. Student success will be measured through a continuous improvement process with an emphasis on student learning