Integrated Assessment of Smallholder Farming’s Vulnerability to drought in the Brazilian Semi-Arid: a case study in Ceará Diego Pereira Lindosoa,b,*, Juliana Rocha Dalbonia, Nathan Debortolia, Izabel Ibiapina Parentea, Flávio Eiróa, Marcel Bursztyna, Saulo Rodrigues Filhoa a Center for Sustainable Development, University of Brasilia b CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil, Brasília – DF 70040-020, Brazil *Corresponding author at: Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro - Gleba A, Bloco C - Av. L3 Norte, Asa Norte - Brasília-DF, CEP: 70.904-970, Brazil E-mail address: Supplementary Material Online Resource 1 – Relevant aspects of socioeconomic context of Brazilian Northeast and Sertão de Quixeramobim microregion Brazilian Northeast Region stands out because of its socioeconomic inequalities. It has a history of political manipulation and productive negligence (Broad et al, 2007). Until today, the lowest layers of society are often trapped into a poverty sustaining cycle, a relationship of dependency with the so-called colonels 1 when it comes to their basic needs. In 1991, 40% of Brazilian population was considered poor2 while in the Brazilian Northeast, in the State of Ceará, and in the study area (Sertão de Quixeramobim), poverty rates reached 67%, 68% and 82%, respectively (IPEAdata, 2011). Even though such imbalances have decreased between 1991 and 2000, poverty rates were still alarming in 2000 (Figure S1). The income per capita followed the same pattern (Figure S2). Figure S1. Evolution of poverty rates (%) between 1991 and 2000 in: Brazil, Northeast, State of Ceará and Sertão de Quixeramobim microregion. (Source: IPEA data, 2011) 1 A clientelistic political system that comes from the beginning of the colonization process in Brazil during XVI century 2 A poor person was defined as someone whose household income per capita is less than R$ 75.50 (equivalent to ½ minimum wage in August, 2000). 1 Income per capita (R$) 350 300 250 200 1991 150 2000 100 50 0 Brazil Northeast Ceará Sertão de Quixeramobim Figure S2. Evolution of income per capita (R$) between 1991 and 2000 in: Brazil, Northeast, State of Ceará, Sertão de Quixeramobim microregion. (Source: IPEA data, 2011) Similar information for the last few years is not available in IPEA’s database. However, the latest Brazilian Demographic Census 2010 provides some interesting information. According to the census, the percentage of the population aged ten years and older earning less than half a minimum wage monthly has increased in the last 10 years in the entire country, but more intensely in the studied territory (Figure S3). This may suggest a setback, nevertheless, this trend is partly explained by the substantial increase in the minimum wage during this period, which rose from R$ 150.00 in 2000 to R$ 510.00 3 in 2010. The extreme poverty rates in rural Northeast Brazil are also striking. While in Brazil 25.5% of the rural population was considered extremely poor in 2010, in the Northeast Brazil, the rates were 35.4% for the rural population (Brasil, 2011). This situation was the same as in the Brazilian North Region (35.7%), but much higher than the ones featured by other Brazilian Regions (10.2%, 6.8% and 11.7% in Southeast, South and in Center-West, respectively). People earning monthly income lower than ½ minimum wage (%) 20 15 10 2000 2010 5 0 Brazil Northeast Ceará Sertão de Quixeramobim Figure S3. Percentage of people ten years of age and older earning a monthly income lower than ½ minimum wage in 2000 and 2010 (source: IBGE SIDRA, table 1384 and table 2903). 3 1.00 US$ = R$ 1.87 (December 30, 2011) 2 The impacts of extreme climatic events are felt with increasing intensity and generate serious economic losses. Along with economic difficulties and landtenure conflicts, catastrophic climate events lead to the displacement of smallholder farmers to other rural areas or to cities (Dillon et al, 2011; Ibnouf, 2011). In Brazil, this process has been intensified during the past decades due to the migration of youngsters seeking better education and employment opportunities in urban areas (Krol & Bronstert, 2007). As a result of this phenomenon, a growing tendency of the ageing of the rural population and an unplanned growth of cities has been evidenced. In regions where agriculture is the main economic activity, the aging of population may represent an increase of vulnerability since the elderly population has less physical ability to undertake changes or interventions in agricultural systems in response to impacts. The territory analyzed by the research has followed the same national tendency in terms of urban growth and rural exodus (Figure S4). At a municipality level, the urbanization and the aging process were also observed, even though some of the case study’s municipalities are still essentially rural. This is the case of Ibaretama and Choró, in which around 70% and 65% of the population still live in the rural zone, respectively (IBGE, 2010). Furthermore, the local population is becoming clearly older (Figure S4 and Table S1). In Sertão de Quixeramobim microregion, the elderly population has substantially increased between 2000 and 2010, reaching rates over 25% of the population (Table S1). Population living in rural zone(%) 70 60 50 40 Brazil 30 Northeast 20 Ceará Sertão de Quixeramobim 10 0 1991 2000 2010 Year Figure S4. Trends in rural population in: Brazil, Brazilian Northeast, State of Ceará and Sertão de Quixeramobim microregion (source: IBGE SIDRA, tables: 200, 1552, 1378). Table S1. Percentage of the population aged 60 years or older 2000 (%) 2010 (%) 8.56 23.01 Brazil 8.42 22.23 Northeast 8.87 23.5 Ceará 10.55 27.08 Sertão de Quixeramobim Source: IBGE Sidra table 1522 and table 137 3 Online Resources 2 – Comparison with other indexes in literature Other indexes have been proposed in literature to assess smallholder farming’ vulnerability to climate. They differ from the present index in some aspects: database used, scale of analysis and number of indicators (Table S2). Table S2. Comparison of different assessment systems of agriculture vulnerability in some developing countries regarding: data base, scale of assessment and number of indicators Scale of No of Authors Country Data base assessment indicators Present paper Brazil Official Secondary data Municipality 11 O’Brien et al, 2004 India Official Secondary data District 10 Swain and Swain, Blocks of India Official Secondary data 19 2011 District Field surveys Hahn et al, 2009 Mozambique District 31 Official Secondary data Gbetibouo and South Africa Official Secondary data Province 19 Ringler, 2009 Field Survey Etwire et al, 2013 Ghana Region 31 Official Secondary data Differences in the way indicators are organized into vulnerability framework were also identified (Table S3) Table S3. Comparison of different assessment systems of agriculture vulnerability in some developing countries according to vulnerability framework Authors Sub-indices Present paper Sensitivity, adaptive capacity, exposure O’Brien et al 2004 Sensitivity, adaptive capacity, exposure Swain and Swain, Drought adaptability, physical exposure and 2011 drought risk Hahn et al, 2009 Sensitivity, adaptive capacity, exposure Gbetibouo and Potential impact, adaptive capacity Ringler, 2009 Etwire et al, 2013 Sensitivity adaptive capacity, exposure The differences are due to particularities of each country to which the indexes have been developed, as well as preferences of researches and stakeholders involved in assessment elaboration. This suggests that a universal assessment framework may be very hard to be achieved. The first barrier is the quality and particularities of official database used to feed the assessment systems. On the one hand, socioeconomic indicators usually have some equivalence. On the other hand, biophysical data and agricultural census present great variability of quality, periodicity, geographic resolution and methodology of aggregation. Field surveys were used in some of the assessment systems (Table S2), which allow gathering high detailed information about many aspects of vulnerability. However, such approach is expensive and demands a great field effort, which allows such methodology to a small set of farmers. Furthermore, vulnerability and adaptation are specific to local contexts and each country has a particular set of factors. For instance, HIV and malaria prevalence is a relevant indicator of social adaptive capacity in Africa (Gbetibouo and Ringler, 4 2009; Hahn et al, 2009). Monsoon dependency is a particular exposure indicator of India (Swain and Swain et al, 2011; O’Brien et al, 2004). Another difference refers to indicator classification within vulnerability framework. Irrigation rate, for example, is considered an adaptive capacity in some papers (O’Brien et al, 2004, Swain and Swain, 2011) and as sensitivity in the present paper, as well as, in others (e.g. Gbetibouo and Ringler, 2009). At same time, many indicators are shared by different assessment systems. Literacy rate and related indicators are considered in the different assessment systems mentioned above. Some works also organize the indicators in major components before integrate them in sensitivity, adaptive capacity and exposure. Etwire et al (2013) used the major components proposed by Hanh et al (2009): water, socio-demographic profile, livelihood strategies, social networks, health, food and natural disasters and climate variability as major components. O’Brien et al (2004) aggregated the indicators in factors: biophysical factors, socioeconomic factors, Technological factors, climate sensitivity index and exposure. Gbetibouo and Ringler (2009) classify adaptive capacity indicators in social capital, human capital, financial capital and physical capital. The present paper did not adopt this strategy in order to avoid implicit weighting. This occur, for instance, when one major component has two indicators and other has four. In the composite index, this implies that each indicator has different weights. We recognize the importance of weighting process, but given the lack of criteria, we decided to not weight the indicators. The literature displays a long list of assessment systems that share a related core and goals, but many different approaches and indicators sets, adapted to each national and subnational context. The Vulnerability Index to Drought of smallholder farming presented in the present paper is one example and it has many aspects in common with others assessment systems. However, it is designed to be simple and representative of the most vulnerable smallholder farming’s context in Brazil. In order to achieve this goal, a small set of indicators were chosen, using a simple methodology of aggregation (normalization and simple average) and based on official database available for free in the Internet. The targets are stakeholders in different levels of decision making that do not have local expertise or access to more complex data to assess vulnerability. This is paramount in Brazilian rural zone, in which there is a lack of scientists and expertise to develop more complex assessment systems. Online Resources 3 – Normalization methodology The seven municipalities, the microregion of Sertão de Quixeramobim, the State of Ceará and Brazil compose the sample considered in this paper. In order to stress the differences and facilitate the comparison among these ten territory units, the indicators were normalized accordingly to the formula presented below: 𝑉𝑥−𝑉𝑚 Inorm. = = 𝑉𝑀−𝑉𝑚, in which Inorm = normalized indicator; Vx= observed value; Vm = lower observed value; VM = higher observed value 5 The normalization process was undertaken to each one of the indicators of sensitivity, adaptive capacity and the exposure indicator. During the process of normalization, the lower (Vm) and the higher (VM) values of each indicator are identified. They are the worst and the best performances observed among the sample, shown as the values 0 and 1, respectively. The intermediate values are normalized using the formula above. Thus, the comparison is valid only when one has as reference the sample’s components. Notwithstanding, if the objective is to compare the results with other realities (municipalities/States/Countries), it is necessary to incorporate the new values into the sample and remake the normalization calculation. Online resources 4 – Sensitivity, Adaptive Capacity and Exposure Indicators Table S4. Sensitivity Indicators Brazil/State/ Microregion/M unicipality People engaged in Smallho lder farming (%) Brazil Ceará M.R.S.Q Banabuiu Boa Viagem Choró Ibaretama Madalena Quixadá Quixeramobim 7 12 24 21 34 38 24 29 15 23 Agricultural System Sensitivity Index Temp. Crops (%) No Livestock (%) 53 67 64 71 75 58 76 91 37 64 51 69 55 31 62 33 43 52 59 51 Level of Smallholder farming’s income dependence on vegetal and livestock production (%) 75 70 53 55 53 31 54 92 50 47 Water accessibility (%) Number of Rain-fed smallholder farms (%) 94 93 96 91 98 97 96 99 96 95 Lakes and Weirs (%) Water Tanks (%) 37 38 62 69 54 60 58 46 70 69 65 80 76 64 46 80 68 100 100 89 Source: IBGE, Agricultural Census 2006 Table S5. Adaptive Capacity Indicators Number of Household Smallholder Brazil/State/ heads able farmers Microregion/ to read legally Municipality and write owning the (%) land (%) 63 76 Brazil 43 56 Ceará 34 53 M.R.S.Q Banabuiu 40 58 Boa Viagem 35 51 Choró 28 59 Ibaretama 58 61 Madalena 32 59 Households receiving technical assistance from government cooperatives(%) 22 12 14 7 5 8 4 23 Household s with electric energy supply (%) 93 89 82 87 86 72 97 95 Household heads involved in associations, unions and cooperatives (%) 41 43 51 73 55 59 44 49 6 Quixadá Quixeramobim 28 36 53 52 19 71 49 22 83 42 Source: IBGE, Agricultural Census 2006 Table S6. Exposure indicator and sub-index Aridity Index Brazil/State/ Exposure sub-index Microregion/ Aridity index (1- AIn) Aridity Index (AI) Municipality Normalized (AIn) Brazil Ceará M.R.S.Q Banabuiu 0.44 0.43 0.57 Boa Viagem 0.32 0.00 1.00 Choró 0.54 0.79 0.21 Ibaretama 0.60 1.00 0.00 Madalena 0.51 0.68 0.32 Quixadá 0.43 0.39 0.61 Quixeramobim 0.45 0.46 0.54 Source: Adapted by the authors from FUNCEME, 2011 Online resources 5 - Aridity Index According to the United Nations definition the Aridity Index (AI) can be described as: AI = 100 x PR , in which ET0 PR is the precipitation ET0 the potential evapotranspiration Ratios higher or equal to 1 indicate a mean precipitation equal or higher than potential evapotranspiration. In those cases, the AI is classified as humid. Values lower than 1 indicate precipitations lower than the evapotranspiration rate, thus contemplating – in a decreasing aridity scale – the categories of Moist sub-humid, Dry Sub-humid, Semiarid, Arid and Hyper-Arid zones (table S4). This classification follows the United Nations recommendation to use the precipitation historic mean (1975-2002) and evapotranspiration levels with a record of at least 20 years. Table S7. Aridity Index and its categories Aridity Index < 0.20 0.20 < AI < 0.50 0.50 < AI < 0.65 0.65 < AI < 1.00 > 1.00 Category Arid Semiarid Dry Sub-humid Moist Sub-humid Humid Source: Adapted by the authors from FUNCEME, 2011 The method employed by FUNCEME in the Arid Index for the region considered was the following. The potential evapotranspiration was estimated in each post as 7 70% of the average climatological evaporation in seven meteorological stations provided by INMET (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia - The Brazilian National Institute for Meteorology). For each post the used values were the ones from the closest meteorological stations. The INMET stations utilized were: Fortaleza, Acaraú, Morada Nova, Barbalha, Campos Sales, Juazeiro do Norte e Tauá. Here it is important to highlight that the data available in FUNCEME should be considered in a decentralized way, observing punctual values since they have been generated through the interpolation of scattered values, which have not precisely the same amount year after year. Therefore, in the year of 1975 there were 71 stations available and in 2002 there were 305, consequently, when we look to the available data one should account the quantity and localization employed in the data outsets. Alas, the interpolation method employed by FUNCEME is not entirely adequate, due to data scarcity and deficiencies in fine scale detailing, yet, these are government data and are the only ones officially available for the State of Ceará; until new data are accessible, these, although biased, can be considered as an approximated exposure indicator. Freitas (2010) has applied a series of methods to rank water stress in Ceará but these data sets are not fully available yet. References Brasil (2011) O Perfil da Extrema Pobreza no Brasil com base nos dados preliminares do universo do Censo 2010. Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome (MDS) il_A.doc/view. Accessed 14 December 2011 Brasil (2011) O Perfil da Extrema Pobreza no Brasil com base nos dados preliminares do universo do Censo 2010. Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome (MDS) il_A.doc/view. 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