Loss and labour Gender differences in labour market performance of surviving relatives in the Netherlands Katja Chkalova Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS), The Netherlands k.chkalova@cbs.nl September 20, 2013 This paper analyses the gender differences in labour market trajectories of surviving partners in the Netherlands. Using panel data of Statistics Netherlands, the sequence of labour market transitions of survivors of bereavement in the five years after losing their partner are reconstructed; their labour market trajectories are examined; and a sequence typology is developed. For that end I am using the alternative method for computing differences amongst sequences which was introduced into social sciences by Cees Elzinga survivors are followed more by likely cluster to analysis. continue their The results show participation or that male to start working shortly after the event. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to withdraw from the labour market or to stay inactive. Keywords: gender; labour market participation; events [1] widowhood; life course 1 Introduction Gendered labour market outcomes manifest in the level of participation, but even more so in its continuity and intensity (Daly, 2000). As the level of women labour market participation in the Netherlands slowly approaches the males', the intensity and continuity of participation remains significantly different as women remain working part time en mass and are more likely to interrupt vulnerable their careers (Brakel and fragmented female at al., labour 2010). market The causes participation of are more often linked to the life course perspective. Life course events, such as the birth of a child, are often seen as main causes of interruptions or changes in the female’s labour market careers when often having no effect or the opposite effect on male careers (Mol, 2008). The persistent gendered division of unpaid labour, elaborated by Hochschild (Hochschild, 1989), may be one of the major explanations of these gendered labour market outcomes. This is especially the case when young children are present in the household. The gap in labour market participation between men and women starts widening just after 25th year of age: the age when families are formed, children arrive and the quantity of unpaid labour in the household sharply rises. Losing a life partner is a life event that may have severe consequences on many life domains, including labour market participation. Consequences of survivorship such as personal grief over losing a partner, loss of income and increase in care duties can contribute to the weakened position of these individuals after such an event. Survivors of bereavement usually come up as a particular subgroup in poverty research or in studies on social security benefits (Van Eekelen & Vleeming, 2008). However, most studies with survivors as research objects focus on the financial consequences of the death of the life partner and the likelihood of poverty as a consequence of widowhood (Corden et al., 2008; Namkee, 2005) while labour market participation of the survivors has hardly been investigated. The lack of interest for this particular group is mainly because it concerns a subpopulation that usually is of an advanced age and hence is of no special interest for labour supply studies. Another important reason for leaving this particular group out of research is the small size of this subgroup; which leaves survivors of bereavement invisible in surveys. The only study, I could find, that examined the effect of the partner’s death on the labour market supply (Haardt, 2007), found noticeable effect on female survivors and no effect on widowers. However, the mentioned results [2] of that study were not statistically significant due to a very small case numbers examined. There is a field of research analysing labour market involvement of widows as a viable adaptive option to cope with problems of widowhood by increasing women's economic, social and psychological resources (Morgan & Leslie, 1980; Pai & Barrett, 2007). This line of research investigates the possible positive effect of paid labour on well-being of widowed. I could find one study that analysed the labour market participation of widows finding that about 17 per cent of widows who were unemployed at the times their husband died entered paid labour (Morgan & Leslie, 1984). Unfortunately, this study cannot be of any help in my current research as it is somewhat outdates considering the fact that the female labour market participation has changed dramatically since the 80’s. In addition, the widowers’s labour market behaviour has been left out of consideration in this study. Another study I could find regarding labour market involvement of widowed is dated from 1972 (Pihlblad et al. 1972), reporting tendencies for widows widowers to tend adjust to to reduce lower incomes expenditures. by I seeking cannot employment, take this whereas results into account as this paper concerns widowed aged 65 and over and is out of date considering great changes in the female labour market participation. Another line of research that can contribute to the theory building regarding gendered labour market outcomes focusses on gender differences in emotional distress as a consequence of widowhood. There are strong evidence that widowers have more excessive detrimental consequences than widows (Lee & DeMaris, 2007; Nieboer et al., 1999; Stroebe et al., 2001; Stroebe, 1998; Umberson et al., 1992). This gendered vulnerability is linked to the fact that widowhood is not the same event for men and women. The loss of a spouse means primarily the loss of marriage benefits, which differ greatly between men and women (Umberson et al., 1992) making the emotional distress followed by widowhood between genders incomparable. By applying this argument to the labour participation, one can argue that difference of marriage benefits leaves survivors with different issues they need to overcome to continue their labour market participation. Besides physiological effects of survivorship, there is a reported effect of severe financial consequences for widows as opposed to widowers during the 20th century in the Netherlands. This was due to the so-called breadwinner model that was common at the time. Women usually withdrew from the labour market after marrying and became financially dependent on their husbands. In case of early death of their spouse, women often had to rely [3] on social security benefits or had to appeal to their families or to charity (McGarry & Schoeni, 2000). On the other hand, men, the breadwinners, had little financial disadvantage after losing a partner. On the contrary, husbands often experienced an increase in disposable income as fewer persons Bruggink & te were dependant Riele, 2007). on This the same is why income social (Namkee Ahn assistance 2005, in the Netherlands was usually focused not on the widowers but on the well-being of widows, who needed assistance to be able to support themselves (SER, 2006). Over the past occurred decades, that Individualisation, however, impacted on changing family demographical widows' and economical financial structures and an changes circumstances. increase in women labour market participation all contributed to the financial independence of women, and therefore widows. The breadwinner model is consequently no longer the standard family structure. Most women participate in the labour market even after giving birth (Leufkens, 2009, Brakel et al., 2010). This results in a blurring of traditional roles within the family. The twoincome family structure has become the norm since then in the Netherlands (Moonen & Kösters, 2011), thereby equalizing the financial consequences of survivorship between genders. However, in most households the women still remain secondary earners as they usually work part time (Brakel at al., 2010). In spite of more universalistic financial risk distribution of widowhood between genders, there are few factors that can lead to gendered outcomes on the labour market. Firstly, the majority of Dutch women occupy part time jobs that are often more suited to combine work and care, compared to the more rigid full time jobs man usually have. This may make women more resilient when it comes to continuing labour market participation under unusual circumstances. Moreover, it is more accepted for Dutch women to temporarily Whereas most or permanently Dutch male reduce workers work still hours have due a to hard personal time matters. accepting and getting part time appointments (van Beek et al., 2010). Secondly, since most women already are responsible for the major part of the unpaid labour in their households, they will not experience care as added pressure after losing their partner and will be able to adapt to the new situation more easily compared to males who are more inexperienced to household labour. At the present, little is known about the labour market behaviour of survivors in general and the possible gendered effect it may have on the labour market outcomes. Considering the fact that other life course events [4] often lead to gendered labour market outcomes and hence contribute to a persistent gender desirable, not gap, only empirical from the evidence position of about the this phenomenon academics and is policy researchers, but also from the position of politicians who are currently in the process of reshaping the Dutch social security system. [5] 2 Research aims The main question of this research is whether and to what extent the labour market outcomes of survivors of bereavement are gendered. The aims of this research are primarily explorative. In particular I am interested in the type of trajectories survivors of bereavement adopt after the loss of their life partner, labour and market whether gender trajectories the is a significant survivors follow determinant after the of what event of widowhood. Survivors of bereavement are not a homogeneous group of people. The only binding factor between the individuals in our database is the widowhood event itself. A working person at the end of the research period that passed through a series of transitions is fundamentally different in my eyes from a person who worked all along. For these reasons I am making a distinction between widowed persons who have worked prior to widowhood, and survivors who were inactive prior to this life event. As I already mentioned in the introduction, the main issues survivors of bereavement face in terms of paid labour concern the loss of income on one hand, and the increased household load on the other hand. The first issue concerns mostly women who are more dependent on their spouse for income and hence experience a loss in disposable income after becoming a widow in a greater extent. The later issue concerns mostly men who are often not as experienced in combining the household and care tasks with paid job compared to their wives. Therefore I expect the reaction to this strain to be gendered. Considering this and taking into account gendered outcomes when it comes to other life events, I assume that men are less likely to choose for staying home compared to women and vice versa. Hypothesis 1 Women are more likely to follow the trajectory work – event - inactive. Hypothesis 2 Man are more likely to follow the trajectory work – event – work. I expect employment women as to they be are more flexible showing more when it comes fragmented to durability employment records of in general and hence are more at ease interrupting their careers. Hypothesis 3 Women are more likely to follow the trajectory work – event – fragmented career path. [6] The argumentation above applies to survivors who worked prior to the widowhood. When it comes to survivors with starting position inactive, I still expect women to make career switches more often compared to man. Hypothesis 4 Women are more likely to follow the trajectory inactive – event – fragmented career path. Hypothesis 5 Women are more likely to follow the trajectory inactive – event – work. As it comes to trajectories where survivors of bereavement were and stay inactive after the event, I expect men to make this transition more often. As primary earners, men are expected to work while their wives take care of the household. Men who did not work in the first place, are presumably unemployed or disabled with limited chances returning to the paid labour. Building on this breadwinner model, I expect inactive men more likely to stay inactive compared to their female counterparts who stay at home for other reasons then their limited chances on the labour market. Hypothesis 6 Man are more likely to follow the trajectory inactive – event - inactive. Considering the dominant breadwinner ideal of a man that should be working and if he doesn’t participate, it is solely for the reasons of limited chances on the labour market, I expect that other covariates (age, household configuration, presence of children in the household and personal income) will have greater explaining power for widows compared to widowers. Hypothesis 7 Age, household configuration and personal income have a greater explaining power for routes widowers [7] the widows take compared to 3 Research design, concepts and definitions In this research I am using the Social Statistical Database of Statistics Netherlands. This database contains information from many registers as well as data from sample surveys that are linked through a unique key. This statistical database enables us to select persons who lost their partner in the period of 2003, 2004 and 2005 and acquire statistics about these groups. Such as the monthly labour market position from 2002 up to 2010 and other demographic and socio-economic characteristics of these individuals. In the Netherlands, in the years 2003, 2004 and 2005, 39.8 thousand persons in the age category 18-54 lost their partner. These individuals form my research population. To construct labour market transitions I used monthly indicators of employment one year before the death of the spouse and five years after the widowhood event. Consequently, I have constructed the sequence of labour market states for the total period of 73 months for all individuals: 12 months before the widowhood, the month when the event took place and 60 months after the event. To make a distinction between the persons who were working prior to the widowhood event en persons who were inactive prior to the event, I separated persons who worked more than 6 months prior to the event and persons who were not. These groups were examined separately. Over 60 per cent of almost 40 thousand examined survivors have not changed their labour market status in the period we examined. Almost 70 per cent of these non-changers have worked continuously in that period of time. Survivors who did change their labour market position experienced between more than two transitions on average. The most dynamic person in our data set changed his labour market position 29 times in 73 months. In the state distribution plot (see plot 1) the impact of widowhood is visible. Around the 13th month of the sequence, the month of the death of the life partner shows a break in the state distribution. However, the static picture in plot 1 does not give us any idea about which workers became inactive and which inactives entered the labour market. It also fails to show us what paths and trajectories are common amongst these groups. This is why I apply sequence analysis at this point. Sequence analysis makes it possible to calculate distances between the sequences. Using the measured distances I could consequently develop sequence typology with cluster analysis. [8] When one talks about calculating distances between the sequences, one is actually trying to find a measure of how the sequences differ from one another. In other words, I need to calculate similarities between distinct sequences by measuring them. The most common way to compute the distances amongst the sequences is Optimal matching (OM). This method was introduced into social sciences by Abbot and Tsay (Abbott & Tsay, 2000). OM is originated from biology where it is commonly used to analyse strings of DNA. The OM computes the minimal amount of the so-called substitution or deletion costs: the costs that are required to make one sequence identical to another sequence. sequence In 2003, by inserting Elzinga or proposed deleting alternative certain states methods for into a expressing differences amongst sequences in social sciences (Elzinga, 2003) which take into consideration the particular sequence attributes. Considering the objective of this research I choose LCS (longest common subsequence) method to calculate the distances. This method calculates the longest common subsequence between every pair of sequences. An important detail of this calculation is that subsequences do not necessarily consist of consecutive parts of a sequence (string). After calculating the longest common subsequence between every pair of sequences I developed sequence typology using cluster analysis. To get more insights into who ends up where, I applied logistic regression with gender, ethnicity, age, presence of children in the household and personal income as independent variables. For all clusters I used the regression model with covariates age category, gender, personal income, presence of children and ethnic background with interaction effect gender by personal income. Not every cluster benefits from this model. In some clusters the included interaction effect had little to no impact compared to other models. However, I have chosen to implement this model for every cluster to keep the results of different clusters comparable and gain maximum explained variance. The R square scores and other coefficients are included in the appendix. [9] 4 Results The frequencies of the emerged clusters are shown in table 1. There were four main clusters distinguished in each of two groups. The majority of the group of persons who worked prior to the event, over 76 per cent, show little to no change in their participation. Almost 5 per cent show fragmented paths of work with interruptions. And almost 19 per cent became inactive just after the event or years later. The group who did not work prior to the event show similar results. Three quarters have not changed their inactive status. The remaining quarter entered the labour market just after the event or years later. The fragmented paths did not show up as a separate cluster in this group. Applying regression analysis I determined the role of gender determining the chances one will end up in one of the clusters. The results of the analysis are attached in the appendix. The regression models come out with R square varying from 0.08 to 0.17 for the clusters concerning no changes and clusters event. The concerning weakest switches models are in the the career ones made concerning shortly the after clusters the where transitions were made later in the research period. The R square of this type of clusters vary between 0.02 and 0.04. This minor explained variation is of no surprise. It is hardly to be expected that widowhood will cause the labour market transitions made years after the event. Many other factors as another life event or particular circumstances could contribute for a greater deal explaining the changes in participation years after the widowhood. Besides minor explained variation most of the results of these type of clusters show only few significant outcomes. For these reasons I will leave these clusters out of consideration in the further discussion. In the following I will discuss the results in the context of my hypotheses. The overview of the findings by hypothesis is included in the table below. # Hypothesis 1 Women are Results more likely the Supported follow the Supported follow the Not conclusive to follow trajectory work – event - inactive. 2 Man are more likely to trajectory work – event – work. 3 Women are more likely to [10] trajectory work – widowhood – fragmented career path. 4 Women are trajectory more likely inactive to – follow the widowhood Not conclusive – fragmented career path. 5 Women are more likely to follow the Refuted the Refuted trajectory inactive – widowhood – work. 6 Man are trajectory more likely inactive to – follow widowhood – inactive. 7 Age, household configuration and personal Not conclusive income have a greater explaining power of division of trajectory clusters of widows compared to widowers Hypothesis 1 Women are more likely to follow the trajectory work – event inactive. The trajectory ‘Work – event – inactive’ where the survivors make a transition to inactivity shortly after the event, is almost 2 times more likely to be taken by women than by man. This first hypothesis is therefore supported by the results of the analysis. All other covariates also show a significant contribution explaining why widowed end up taking this route after losing a life partner. The chances ending up in this cluster are greater with older age, with children present in the household and for ethnical minorities. The greater income, on the contrary, has a negative correlation with this cluster. This indicates that when put between the financial need and the care duties survivors with better paid jobs are more likely to choose for their jobs while workers with low paid jobs are more likely to quit working. But when we examined the interaction effect with gender, women show the reverse picture, where greater income makes widows more likely to quit working. The explanation for this phenomenon could be due to the conceptualization of personal income in this research. The income variable I used in this analysis consists of income not only from paid jobs, but includes also the component of pensions, social security benefits and other sources of income. The assumption that men often are the providers of the households with income consisted mainly from income from paid labour, and women more often have marginal jobs complemented by other sources of income such as pensions, can offer the explanation for this [11] interaction effect. While men are more depending on their income from paid labour choose for their jobs, women can rely on other sources of income and hence experience less financial strain, making them to be able to terminate their participation after becoming a widow. Hypothesis 2 Men are more likely to follow the trajectory work – event – work. This hypothesis is also supported by the outcomes of the analysis. Men are more likely to end up in the cluster. However, factors as greater income and age show higher score on Wald statistics hence playing a greater role in explaining why widowed end up in this cluster compared to covariate gender. In this cluster we also see the reverse effect of income when interacted with gender similar to the results in follow the cluster work-event- inactivity. Hypothesis 3 Women are more likely to trajectory work – widowhood – fragmented career path. The results show negative correlation with gender category ‘female’, meaning that women are less likely to follow this fragmented career path after widowhood. However, these results are not statistically significant. Therefore, this hypothesis cannot be supported by the results nor it can be refuted. Hypothesis 4 Women are more likely to follow the trajectory inactive – widowhood – fragmented career path. The trajectory inactive – widowhood – fragmented career did not show up as a separate cluster in my analysis. Hence this hypothesis cannot be supported nor it can be refuted. Hypothesis 5 Women are more likely to follow the trajectory inactive – widowhood – work. The cluster for this trajectory concerns inactive widowed who entered the labour market short after the event. The results show statistically significant negative correlation with gender category ‘female’ meaning that women are less likely to follow this career paths after widowhood compared to men. This hypothesis is therefore refuted by the results of the analysis. Age has the highest scores on Wald statistics meaning it has greater explaining power in this cluster [12] compared to other covariates included in my analysis. Younger widowed have greater chances entering the labour market after the event of widowhood compared to older widowed. The income has also positive correlation with taking this career trajectory. The higher personal income at the time of the event, the more chances the survivor of bereavement will enter the labour market. Having children in the household has a negative effect on the chances ending up in this cluster. Hypothesis 6 Man are more likely to follow the trajectory inactive – widowhood - inactive. The results of the analysis refute this hypothesis as well. Women are more likely to follow this path compared to men. Seemingly, men who were unemployed prior to the event tend to choose for paid labour when are put into a position of choosing between staying home and paid labour. Having children in the household have a positive effect on chances ending up in this cluster, same as age. Covariate age in this cluster appears to be a greater predictor compared to other covariates. Hypothesis 7 greater Age, explaining household power of configuration division of and personal trajectory income clusters have of a widows compared to widowers. To put this hypothesis on test, I have conducted logistic regression for men and women separately without interaction effects. The results of this analysis are included in the appendix. For the research population that worked prior to the event, the covariates age and having a child in the household at the time of the event have more predictive power for women, while income and origin have more predictive power for men. For the population who were not working prior to the event, the gender differences in predictive power of covariates differ amongst clusters. The cluster with trajectories inactive - event – working short after the event the covariates income and age have more predictive power for men while in the cluster with trajectories inactive – event - inactive the same covariates have more predictive power for women. The covariates origin and having children in the household show no significant outcome for this group. Due to this ambiguous results, this hypothesis cannot be supported nor it can be refuted. [13] 5 Conclusion The majority of the survivors of bereavement don’t change their labour market status after distinguished withdraw the groups who paid labour from event of (re-)enter after widowhood. the the labour death of However, market their there (13%) spouse are and who (9%). The distinction between these three groups is gendered. Men are more likely to continue their participation or to start working after the event, while women are more likely to withdraw from the labour market or stay inactive. The causes of this gendered outcomes could besought in a strain survivors of bereavement face between the loss of income on one hand and the increased household load on the other hand. My assumption that men are less likely to choose for later compared to women and vice versa is supported by the data. Another notable result from the analysis is greater predictive role of and the interaction effect with personal income. This could indicate that women often complement their income from other sources than paid labour compared to men, with less financial pressure as a result. My hypotheses regarding surviving relatives who were inactive prior to the widowhood are refuted by the data. My assumption was that men who were inactive labour prior market to the event compared to would have women. This more seems difficulties not to be entering the case. the One possible explanation for these results could lie in the cause of death of the deceased preceded by spouse. a period If the of death of the sickness, it is partner possible was to not sudden assume that but the surviving relative would take time off to nurse the dying partner; and hence not be active shortly before becoming widowed. This means that the reasons surviving relatives were not working prior to the widowhood event were personal and have nothing to do with their chances on the labour market. My assumptions regarding greater explaining power of covariates on paths women take, are only partially supported by the evidence. For surviving relatives who were working prior to the event, the covariates age and having a child in the household at the time of the event have more predictive power for women, while income and origin have more predictive power for men. The covariates income and origin are often linked to the chances on the labour market as men with low paid job, who are often low educated, and men of foreign origin have higher risks of unemployment (Dagevos, 2006). The greater predictive power the presence of children in the household has on women when it comes to withdrawing from the labour [14] market supports my assumption that women will more often choose to stay at home when are given the choice between keeping the job and the added care pressure. For the survivors who were not working prior to the event, the gender differences in predictive power of covariates differ amongst clusters. The covariates income and age have more predictive power for man who entered the labour market short after the event. The greater role of these covariates could be linked to the chances men will find suitable job after being inactive. However, the same covariates have more predictive power for women who were and stay inactive. The assumption that the composition of income differs between genders, could explain greater predictive power of income on women with these trajectories. As women are more likely to have other sources of income besides paid jobs, they are more likely to have less financial strains and therefore have more liberty to choose to remain inactive after becoming widowed compared to man. All in all, the results show clear gendered outcomes of the labour market performance of the surviving relatives. Age and personal income, both seem to play a major role in the decision making process of survivors regarding their participation on the labour market. The presence of children in the household that represents the added pressure of care is as expected more of a concern for women than men. On the other hand, the covariates linked to the chances on the labour market such as income and origin have more influence on male survivors. [15] References Abbott, A. A., & Tsay, A. A. (2000). Sequence Analysis and Optimal Matching Methods in Sociology: Review and Prospect. Sociological Methods & Research, 29(1), 3-33. Beek, A. van, W. Henderikse, B. 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[18] Appendix Figure 1 State distribution plot of research population Figure 2 State distribution plots of inactive survivors prior to widowhood and working survivors prior to widowhood [19] Table 1 Group 1 working prior to the event 28.900 100% Few or no changes (type 5) 22.040 76,3% Work – event - inactive shortly after the event (type 8) 3.890 13,5% Work – event - inactive years later (7) 1.550 5,4% Work – event – fragmented career path (6) 1.420 4,9% Group 2 inactive prior to the event 10.940 100% Few or no changes (type 3) 8.240 75,3% Inactive – event – working shortly after the event (type 2) 980 9,0% Inactive – event – working two years later (type 1) 960 8,8% Inactive – event – working 3-4 years later (type 4) 760 6,7% [20] Figure 3 State distribution plots of 4 trajectory types (clusters) of inactive persons prior to the widowhood [21] Figure 4 State distribution plots of 4 trajectory (clusters) of working persons prior to the widowhood [22] types Table 2 Nagelkerke R square of different regression models Work – event Work – event – Working prior to the event Work – event inactive Few or no fragmented - inactive shortly after changes career path years later the event 0,119 0,027 0,016 0,150 0,135 0,035 0,017 0,168 Nagelkerke R Square No interaction effects Interaction gender*income* Inactive – Inactive – event – event – working Inactive prior to the working two shortly after Few or no event – working Inactive – event years later the event changes 3-4 years later 0,044 0,073 0,098 0,029 0,045 0,079 0,103 0,030 Nagelkerke R Square No interaction effects Interaction gender*income* * model used in the analysis [23] Table 3 Coefficient’s logistic regression for group working prior to the event Working prior to the event Few or no changes odds ratios Wald Sig. Work – event – Work – event - Work – event - fragmented career inactive years inactive shortly path later after the event Exp(B) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Man (reference cat) (1) women 15,962 0,000 0,726 (reference cat) 102,550 0,000 (1) non-western 91,687 0,000 0,597 (2) western 17,744 0,000 0,808 (reference cat) 82,518 0,000 (1) 36-45 52,344 0,000 79,789 0,000 1,928 0,165 474,359 0,000 (1) 15.000-25.000 euro's 13,662 0,000 1,411 (2) 25.000-50.000 euro's 275,495 0,000 196,484 1,534 0,216 0,849 0,013 0,910 5,676 0,059 4,996 0,371 0,984 31,240 0,000 55,039 0,000 0,025 1,243 44,971 0,000 1,794 0,542 0,940 15,691 0,000 1,406 9,522 0,009 8,525 0,014 0,741 3,201 0,074 1,143 2,263 0,132 0,895 0,697 0,607 0,436 0,943 0,948 0,330 0,937 2,656 0,103 0,859 33,799 0,000 0,525 0,000 17,363 0,002 1,086 0,297 0,845 3,931 84,175 0,000 0,282 12,266 0,000 4,134 65,918 0,000 0,217 334,820 0,000 70,753 6,321 0,012 0,772 1,008 208,937 0,000 122,783 0,000 1,798 38,978 0,000 33,235 0,000 1,475 8,769 0,003 1,201 122,001 0,000 78,517 0,000 1,613 1,070 119,456 0,000 1,777 46,954 0,000 1,462 382,263 0,000 7,799 0,005 0,700 0,000 0,612 222,145 0,000 0,168 5,776 0,016 0,680 133,433 0,000 0,155 12,177 0,016 320,292 0,000 0,315 1,191 0,073 0,788 0,952 6,895 0,009 1,434 0,260 46,118 0,000 2,989 2,028 0,154 1,265 214,224 0,000 6,658 0,242 18,391 0,000 2,994 6,990 0,008 1,760 109,135 0,000 6,897 Indigenous population < 35 years old years old (2) 45+ no children (reference cat) (1) children present < 15.000 euro's (reference cat) 144,63 1 3,491 0,062 0,752 (3) 50.000 euro's and higher female by income < 15.000 euro's 0,000 female by income 15.00025.000 euro's female by income 25.00050.000 euro's female by income 50.000 euro's and higher [24] Table 4 Coefficient’s logistic regression for group inactive prior to the event Inactive prior to the event Inactive – event – Inactive – event – working two years later the event odds ratios Wald Sig. Inactive – event – working shortly after Exp(B) Wald working 3-4 years Few or no changes Sig. Exp(B) Wald Sig. later Exp(B) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Man (reference cat) (1) women 47,737 1,000 0,502 (reference cat) 15,519 2,000 (1) non-western 15,304 1,000 0,696 0,120 1,000 0,962 106,202 2,000 23,519 0,000 0,596 40,038 0,000 39,403 0,000 0,546 3,819 0,051 0,799 195,994 0,000 83,399 0,000 1,971 80,020 0,000 79,072 0,000 1,756 7,471 0,006 1,234 435,318 0,000 3,668 0,055 0,795 11,452 0,003 9,688 0,002 0,730 3,617 0,057 0,780 66,461 0,000 Indigenous population (2) western < 35 years old (reference cat) (1) 36-45 years old (2) 45+ 13,233 1,000 0,726 42,648 0,000 0,567 66,763 0,000 1,649 3,434 0,064 0,835 100,177 1,000 0,405 194,406 0,000 0,286 410,952 0,000 3,521 56,986 0,000 0,467 1,020 1,000 0,889 7,587 0,006 0,712 5,914 0,015 1,208 0,096 0,756 1,038 11,893 4,000 64,466 0,000 38,133 0,000 10,646 0,031 5,491 1,000 0,694 0,294 0,588 1,087 6,140 0,013 1,316 2,488 0,115 0,740 0,030 1,000 1,031 43,759 0,000 2,803 13,446 0,000 0,629 4,752 0,029 0,571 0,842 1,000 0,611 18,514 0,000 4,394 4,828 0,028 0,490 0,157 0,692 0,785 5,375 4,000 31,809 0,000 38,014 0,000 5,244 0,263 0,428 1,000 0,877 5,214 0,022 0,636 3,423 0,064 1,287 0,580 0,446 0,838 2,547 1,000 0,664 25,961 0,000 0,298 33,153 0,000 2,774 1,751 0,186 0,614 0,093 1,000 1,242 7,167 0,007 0,229 6,548 0,010 3,139 0,888 0,346 0,411 no children (reference cat) (1) children present < 15.000 euro's (reference cat) (1) 15.000-25.000 euro's (2) 25.000-50.000 euro's (3) 50.000 euro's and higher female by income < 15.000 euro's female by income 15.000-25.000 euro's female by income 25.000-50.000 euro's female by income 50.000 euro's and higher [25] Table 5 Nagelkerke R square of logistic regression by gender Man Work – event Working prior to the event Work – event – Work – event - inactive Few or no fragmented inactive years shortly after changes career path later the event Nagelkerke R Square 0,073 0,044 0,020 0,093 Cluster frequencies 12.360 470 670 590 87,75% 3,30% 4,76% 4,19% Inactive – Inactive – event – Inactive – event – working event – Inactive prior to working two shortly after Few or no working 3-4 the event years later the event changes years later 0,046 0,153 0,128 0,022 Nagelkerke R Square Cluster frequencies 290 340 1.340 170 13,59% 15,70% 62,65% 8,06% Women Work – event Work – event – Work – event - inactive Few or no fragmented inactive years shortly after changes career path later the event Nagelkerke R Square 0,012 0,003 0,015 0,020 Cluster frequencies 9.680 950 880 3.300 6,43% 5,96% 22,29% Working prior to the event 65,32% Inactive – Inactive – event – Inactive – event – working Inactive prior to working two shortly after Few or no working 3-4 event – the event years later the event changes years later Nagelkerke R Square 0,031 0,034 0,072 0,039 Cluster frequencies 670 650 6.900 590 7,57% 7,36% 78,38% 6,69% [26] Table 6 Coefficient’s logistic regression for group working prior to the event by gender Work – event – Working prior to the event, man odds ratios Few or no changes Wald Sig. Exp(B) fragmented career Work – event - Work – event - inactive path inactive years later shortly after the event Wald Sig. Exp(B) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Indigenous population (reference cat) 72,513 0,000 6,413 0,041 34,206 0,000 31,708 0,000 (1) non-western 54,410 0,000 0,531 6,409 0,011 1,449 22,446 0,000 1,859 21,490 0,000 1,845 (2) western 26,149 0,000 0,635 0,056 0,813 1,043 16,080 0,000 1,669 14,679 0,000 1,692 28,774 0,000 4,422 0,110 19,327 0,000 29,702 0,000 old 12,974 0,000 0,758 0,376 0,540 1,080 1,082 0,298 1,134 17,233 0,000 1,714 (2) 45+ 28,759 0,000 0,667 1,426 0,232 0,857 14,346 0,000 1,546 29,577 0,000 2,012 11,960 0,001 1,388 0,694 0,405 0,874 13,510 0,000 0,549 0,827 0,363 0,873 444,474 0,000 132,143 0,000 20,964 0,000 351,962 0,000 14,358 0,000 1,425 3,691 0,055 0,745 0,859 0,354 0,860 8,301 0,004 0,692 267,715 0,000 3,889 80,514 0,000 0,288 13,861 0,000 0,593 213,719 0,000 0,172 190,392 0,000 4,109 61,187 0,000 0,227 7,966 0,005 0,633 128,504 0,000 0,157 < 35 years old (reference cat) (1) 36-45 years no children (reference cat) (1) children present < 15.000 euro's (reference cat) (1) 15.000-25.000 euro's (2) 25.000-50.000 euro's (3) 50.000 euro's and higher [27] Work – event – Working prior to fragmented career Work – event - the event, women Few or no changes path inactive years later odds ratios Wald Sig. Exp(B) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Wald Sig. Work – event - inactive shortly after the event Exp(B) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Indigenous population (reference cat) 43,398 0,000 1,440 0,487 26,694 0,000 18,086 0,000 (1) non-western 41,988 0,000 0,640 0,537 0,464 1,101 25,149 0,000 1,798 16,733 0,000 1,378 3,105 0,078 0,899 0,785 0,376 0,896 3,306 0,069 1,236 2,359 0,125 1,111 57,940 0,000 5,850 0,054 7,485 0,024 95,842 0,000 old 39,961 0,000 0,732 3,153 0,076 1,179 7,225 0,007 0,777 61,935 0,000 1,596 (2) 45+ 54,318 0,000 0,703 0,007 0,931 0,992 4,004 0,045 0,837 93,650 0,000 1,748 15,597 0,000 0,801 1,836 0,175 0,856 21,633 0,000 0,495 62,779 0,000 1,619 14,196 0,007 9,242 0,055 17,335 0,002 20,591 0,000 3,109 0,078 1,081 1,603 0,205 0,900 6,373 0,012 0,801 0,037 0,848 1,010 0,106 0,744 1,014 4,230 0,040 0,842 7,551 0,006 0,785 5,741 0,017 1,127 0,016 0,899 0,990 6,327 0,012 0,645 2,221 0,136 1,236 0,628 0,428 1,074 (2) western < 35 years old (reference cat) (1) 36-45 years no children (reference cat) (1) children present < 15.000 euro's (reference cat) (1) 15.000-25.000 euro's (2) 25.000-50.000 euro's (3) 50.000 euro's and higher [28] Table 7 Coefficient’s logistic regression for group inactive prior to the event by gender Inactive prior to the event, Inactive – event – Inactive – event – working two years working shortly later after the event man Inactive – event – working 3-4 years Few or no changes later Exp(B odds ratios Wald Sig. Exp(B) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Wald Sig. ) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Indigenous population (reference cat) 0,297 0,862 2,615 0,271 2,149 0,341 5,182 0,075 (1) non-western 0,052 0,819 1,036 2,606 0,106 0,775 0,114 0,736 1,040 1,897 0,168 1,293 (2) western 0,179 0,673 0,910 0,221 0,638 0,904 2,149 0,143 1,270 2,105 0,147 0,637 < 35 years old (reference cat) 29,816 0,000 135,209 0,000 153,805 0,000 0,792 0,673 (1) 36-45 years old (2) 45+ 1,114 0,291 0,844 43,573 0,000 0,355 30,278 0,000 1,994 0,685 0,408 1,196 25,199 0,000 0,415 134,930 0,000 0,126 147,629 0,000 5,001 0,073 0,787 1,062 no children (reference cat) (1) children present 0,314 0,575 1,151 0,188 0,664 0,895 0,009 0,923 0,982 0,001 0,970 0,987 < 15.000 euro's (reference cat) 12,115 0,017 86,865 0,000 51,497 0,000 12,492 0,014 (1) 15.00025.000 euro's 4,495 0,034 0,713 3,483 0,062 1,354 1,666 0,197 1,161 3,441 0,064 0,696 0,483 0,487 1,135 65,817 0,000 4,188 27,701 0,000 0,488 5,272 0,022 0,543 0,547 0,459 0,671 27,841 0,000 6,694 0,162 0,687 0,781 (2) 25.00050.000 euro's (3) 50.000 euro's and higher [29] 8,773 0,003 0,376 Inactive prior to the event, Inactive – event – Inactive – event – working two years working shortly later after the event women Inactive – event – working 3-4 years Few or no changes later Exp(B odds ratios Wald Sig. Exp(B) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Wald Sig. ) Wald Sig. Exp(B) Indigenous population (reference cat) 25,660 0,000 41,247 0,000 103,348 0,000 19,850 0,000 (1) non-western 25,079 0,000 0,547 40,510 0,000 0,441 103,214 0,000 2,222 19,371 0,000 0,580 (2) western < 35 0,027 0,869 0,979 3,457 0,063 0,775 4,792 0,029 1,210 2,129 0,145 0,811 years old (reference cat) 81,236 0,000 84,267 0,000 294,399 0,000 83,401 0,000 (1) 36-45 years old 15,206 0,000 0,662 13,992 0,000 0,668 45,334 0,000 1,615 (2) 45+ 79,370 0,000 0,391 81,192 0,000 0,381 277,444 0,000 3,260 76,153 0,000 0,371 7,120 0,008 0,746 no children (reference cat) (1) children present 1,766 0,184 0,839 7,226 0,007 0,682 6,542 0,011 1,246 0,009 0,925 1,012 < 15.000 euro's (reference cat) 19,148 0,001 12,285 0,015 66,295 0,000 28,685 0,000 (1) 15.00025.000 euro's 14,885 0,000 0,608 9,750 0,002 0,674 44,524 0,000 1,710 12,358 0,000 0,625 4,292 0,038 0,672 1,781 0,182 0,784 22,124 0,000 1,807 15,438 0,000 0,350 0,393 0,531 0,747 0,013 0,908 0,952 (2) 25.00050.000 euro's (3) 50.000 euro's and higher [30] 2,276 0,131 1,591 2,478 0,115 0,322