Assessment #2 History of Rock n’ Roll Timeline: Create a timeline from the 1950’s up to the Beatles: Timeline should include important styles, artists & political/social influences. Submit, through my dropbox account: password = CHRHSBand or e-mail it to: Ideas for you timeline might include color coding by style, artists, etc. Graphics, music links, photos, etc. are encouraged. Be creative! The following link provides an example of a very elaborate timeline created through website: Grading Rubric: A = Timeline is highly creative and unique. It is produced in electronic form h(or posterboard) and contains all important facts with regard to chronology, styles, artists and political/social influences. Spelling/grammar is correct. B = Timeline is creative and contains most important facts with regard to chronology, styles, artists and political/social influences. Spelling/grammar is mostly correct. C = Timeline is basic and covers many important facts with regard to chronology, styles, artists and political/social influences. Some details may be lacking. Spelling/grammar is mostly correct. D = Timeline is incomplete and lacks many important facts with regard to chronology, styles, artists and political/social influences. Many errors in spelling and grammar. Presentation shows minimal evidence of time and thought F = Timeline is complete and lists very few facts. Work is illegible and show little to no evidence of time and thought. Or American Bandstand: Present a live or videotaped performance of the American Bandstand to the class (group project). Your performance may be lip-synced and should include a variety of music from the time. The demonstration should reflect appropriate clothing, hairstyles and dance trends. Grading Rubric: A = Performance accurately reflects the music, clothing and styles of the times. Costumes, hair-styles are elaborate and accurately reflect the time period. A variety of dance styles are accurately presented. The production clearly reflects great effort in time and research. B = Performance accurately reflects the music. Some effort is displayed in depicting clothing, hair styles and dances of the times. The production reflects considerable effort in time and research. C = Performance is lacking in creativity but accurately portrays the musical trends of the time. There is little demonstration of clothing, styles and dance forms of the era. Some of the material presented may be inaccurate. D = Performance is lacking in many details reflective of the time. Production has many inaccuracies and lacks in creativity. Little thought was given to the performance and it appears to have been created in a “haphazard” manner. F = The performance is completely inaccurate and is devoid of any creativity. The music presented is not reflective of the time. There are no examples of clothing, hair or dance styles. The production reflects minimal or no effort. Due Date = Tuesday, March 17