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Wiki Task Card
Center 4
Developed by Phyllis Derise and Tiffany Broussard
03a. Analyze the significance within a context of literary devices, including imagery (ELA-1-H2)
03g. Analyze the significance within a context of literary devices, including tone (ELA-1-H2)
04d. Draw conclusions and make inferences about ideas and information in grade-appropriate texts in oral and written
responses, including poetry/epics (ELA-1-H3)
09b. Analyze, in oral and written responses, distinctive elements, including theme and structure, of literary forms and types,
including lyric, narrative, and dramatic poetry (ELA-6-H3)
38b. Participate in group and panel discussions, including acting as facilitator, recorder, leader, listener, or mediator (ELA-4-H6)
45c. Follow acceptable use policy to document sources in research reports using various formats, including: using standard
formatting for source acknowledgment according to a specified style guide (ELA-5-H5)
Big idea
We all have things that we do every day that we do without thinking about how it affects people, the
environment, other life around us, or whatever. In the poem “Reapers” by Jean Toomer, he writes about
reapers harvesting the fields in rhythm, like a machine, revealing to the reader how it affects a field rat
caught in its path. Why would a poet write about such an ordinary event?
Essential Focus Question:
What literary devices and techniques are used in this poem to take the reader along on this journey with
Death? How do the characters and event in this poem relate to real-life experiences today?
To complete this activity you will work with a team of peers. As a team you will read and analyze
“Reapers” for literary techniques and devices used in the poem. Notice how Toomer uses meter to add to
the reader’s sensory experience of the “ordinary event.” As a team, you will create a Wiki in Blackboard for
Jean Toomer’s poem, “Reapers.” A Wiki is a page, or set of pages, that can be collaboratively edited by all
participants. (A log, of all editions, is kept and all changes made to the editorial history and students editing
activity shows in the log which is excellent for grading.)
Your goal is to create a Wiki that will illuminate the reader to think about what he or she does on a daily
basis and the effect(s) it may have.
You will be assigned a role.
Assist teammates in preparation for assigned task.
You should share information with your teammates to answer any questions you might have as you
progress through this investigation.
Your team is a group of high school reporters for I’m Aware e-magazine. Your assignment is to bring
awareness to the effects of ordinary tasks and events utilizing the poem “Reapers.” Using the analysis of
the poem that your team will conduct; you will create a Wiki to make others aware of effects of everyday,
ordinary events. This wiki will include pictures/graphics, text from your analysis, and literary devices and
techniques used in the poem for your final product.
1. Your team will read and analyze “Reapers” by Jean Toomer utilizing the Poetry Analysis Worksheet
to assist you. You will find that worksheet in the learning center folder. (You may write on the
worksheet, but please do not leave it in the folder.)
 http://www.studyworld.com/newsite/basementpapers/papers/stack36_5.html
 http://www.eliteskills.com/analysis_poetry/Reapers_by_Jean_Toomer_analysis.php
2. Once you have analyzed the poem as a team, your team will use the Poetry Analysis Worksheet to
assist in the creation of a Wiki in Blackboard. Log into Blackboard, go to High School ELA
organization/2010-2011 CBT/Wiki Projects, and select your rotation.
 Each team member will create one Wiki page to be written in paragraph form for different
aspects of the poetry analysis and to be divided as follows:
 Literal Meaning – (use #2) Find at least one picture or graphic to include.
 Figurative Meaning – (use #3) Find at least one picture or graphic to include.
 Poetic Devices – (use #4) Find at least one picture or graphic to include.
 Theme – (use #5) Create a word cloud to be used as the picture in your Wiki. Include a
paragraph that consists of an interpretation of the theme using the words in your word
 http://www.wordle.net/
 http://www.abcya.com/word_clouds.htm
 Be sure to review and proofread the Wiki article for spelling, grammar, and relevance.
 Each member should include documentation of the resources (content and images) used to
develop his or her page.
 Use the Wiki QuickTip sheet for Wiki assistance.
3. Utilize peer-editing to comment on at least two of your team member’s Wiki pages.
Wiki Rubric (see center folder)
Address the following discussion question in your BlackBoard Journal:
During this activity, you should have discussed why the poet would write such a poem. How do the
characters and event in this poem relate to real-life experiences today?
Post your response as a group in the appropriate discussion board forum in Blackboard. Each member must respond to at
least one other group.
Adapted from resources found at the following website
Based on a template from The WebQuest Page