LAB #7: UAV Aerodynamic Performance Zak Weaver Darrell Randall Tyler Burke 11/16/2012 Dr. Jim Gregory Friday 1:50-3:40 Introduction The objective of this lab is to evaluate the performance of a small reconnaissance UAV. The primary question trying to be answered is at what velocity must the UAV be flown to achieve maximum range? Our data will be obtained using XFLR5 to evaluate various aspects of the Dragon Eye UAV. This data will be compared to experimental data from previous tests. Procedure The first step is to put information about the Dragon Eye UAV into XFLR5. Data from the Liebeck LA2573A airfoil must be obtained and loaded into the program. After analyzing the 2D airfoil it must be turned into a 3D model of the entire wingspan. Next this 3D model should be put through an analysis at a freestream velocity of 40 mph over angles of attack from -2 to 20. The results can be viewed interactively using the program itself, or displayed in a table by exporting current polar data. Analysis and Reporting 1. Q1a. Cp distribution across the wing is highest in the center of the airfoil and gradually tapers when you get close to the wing tips. Lift also follows this same trend. These are altered from 2D conditions by showing the effects the entire wing has on Cp and lift instead of a cross section of it. This causes a different distribution for Cp and lift for different parts of the wing. Q1b. Downwash increases as angle of attack increases. Downwash near the wing tips increases at a higher rate than down wash in the middle because of stronger wingtip vortices at high angles of attack. Q1c. As angle of attack increases transition location on the top of the wing stays roughly the same while on the bottom the transition will start to move back on the wing gradually, starting from the center. Because of this induced drag becomes gradually larger in the center of the wingspan. Q1d. The highest panel force is located at .25c and at half the wingspan. Lift for the wing is shown below for various angles of attack.. Lift Curve 1.2 1 0.8 L 0.6 C 2. 0.4 0.2 0 Computational Experimental -0.2 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ο‘ Plot 1. Shows Cl vs α for computational and experimental data 18 The drag polar was calculated and graphed for experimental and computational data Drag Polar 1.2 1 0.8 C L 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Computational Experimental -0.2 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 CD Plot 2. Drag Polar for experimental and computational data 0.18 L/D was found and graphed for various angles of attack Lift-to-Drag Ratio 15 L/D 10 5 0 Computational Experimental -5 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 ο‘ Plot 3. Compares experimental and computational L/D vs α In general the shape is nearly identical for each graph. The main difference is magnitude. In ideal computational conditions it is possible to get the data obtained from XFLR5, but in reality the experimental results are received. This can be because of disturbances on the airfoil, or a changing temperature or anything that cannot be absolutely controlled. 3. To Estimate the coefficient of drag of the fuselage of the UAV, the computational data must be fit to the experimental data as closely as possible. To do this, we chose a value of 0.02. Unfortunately, the curves for experimental and computational have very different shapes so it is impossible to get an exact value for the drag on the fuselage, but 0.02 is a nice average of the values. Drag Polar with Fixed Computational CD 1.2 1 0.8 C L 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 CD 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 Plot 4. This shows drag polar with fixed CD from fuselage 4. Various values from both data sets are shown below. CLα Computational Experimental CD0 0.0618 0.0469 CDmin αL=0 CLmax (L/D)max 0.0170 0.0168 -0.5856 1.0827 14.4306 0.0262 0.0251 -0.5622 0.8280 9.6100 Table 1. Shows the values of various key points on the lift curve and drag polar. 5. The span efficiency factor was determined using the equation 1 π= ″ π πAR + 1 + δ The value for π ″ was estimated to be 0.01 given the usual range of 0.009-0.012. The value of δ was given to be 3.75 as read from the chart for an aircraft with a taper ratio of 1.0 and an AR of 3.75. Plugging these values into the equation, the span efficiency factor was found to be 0.8656. 6. The aircraft will achieve maximum range when the ratio of lift-to-drag is at its maximum. At the point of (L/D)max the aircraft is the most efficient and thus can achieve maximum range. The equation for velocity at (L/D)max is: ππΏ⁄ π·πππ₯ = √π 2∗π€ ∞ ∗π ∗πΆπΏ The CL in this case is the CL at (L/D)max which is .4209. ππΏ⁄ π·πππ₯ 2∗6 = √.0023769∗3.75∗.4209 = 56.56 ft/s 7. The stall speed of the aircraft will occur at the maximum lift coefficient C Lmax. Looking at the experimental data for the UAV the maximum lift coefficient is 1.0827. Using the equation ππ π‘πππ = √π for stall speed: 2∗π€ ∞ ∗π ∗πΆπΏ πππ₯ Where w is the weight of the UAV (6 pounds), ρ∞ is the density (.0023769 slug/ft3) and s is the wing area (3.75 ft2). 2∗6 ππ π‘πππ = √.0023769∗3.75∗1.0827 = 35.26 ft/s 8. Plot 5. Shows the power available compared to the power required to fly at speeds at sea level and 10,000 feet. Both power required curves follow the same trend, an increase in velocity means an increase in the thrust required. This is true because to maintain steady level flight thrust is equal to drag and as velocity increases drag increases. Thus to maintain steady level flight thrust must also increase. The point at which the thrust required lines intersect the thrust available indicates there is no more thrust available from the engine. This intersection indicates the maximum speed the aircraft can fly at each altitude. The maximum speed the UAV can fly at sea level is 141.71 ft/s and 163.72 ft/s at 10,000 feet. Appendix A close all; clear ;clc %Read in variables from xls file for experimental portion Aexper=xlsread('Lab7.xlsx','A3:A21'); C_Lexper=xlsread('Lab7.xlsx','B3:B21'); C_Dexper=xlsread('Lab7.xlsx','C3:C21'); %Read computational data ComputationalData=importdata('Lab7computationalData.txt');; Acomp=Comped(:,1); C_Lcomp=Comped(:,2); IC_dcomp=Comped(:,3); PC_dcomp=Comped(:,4); %Sum the drag components for capital D drag. C_Dcomp=IC_dcomp+PC_dcomp; %Plotting fun for lift vs. drag figure(1) plot(C_Dcomp,C_Lcomp,C_Dexper,C_Lexper) ylabel('C_L'); xlabel('C_D'); title('Drag Polar') legend('Computational','Experimental',4); grid on %Plottin the lift curve woot woot figure(2) plot(Acomp,C_Lcomp,Aexper,C_Lexper) ylabel('C_L'); xlabel('\alpha'); title('Lift Curve') legend('Computational','Experimental',4); grid on %One more graph! One more graph! Let's go L/D! LDcomp=C_Lcomp./C_Dcomp; LDexper=C_Lexper./C_Dexper; figure(3) plot(Acomp,LDcomp,Aexper,LDexper) ylabel('L/D'); xlabel('\alpha'); title('Lift-to-Drag Ratio') legend('Computational','Experimental',4); grid on %Estimating the drag coefficient of the fuselage %I'll do that later... %Done! C_Dfuse=C_Dcomp+0.02; figure(4) plot(C_Dfuse,C_Lcomp,C_Dexper,C_Lexper); grid on xlabel('C_D'); ylabel('C_L'); title('Drag Polar with Fixed Computational C_D') %Alright now for analysis question 4!! %Compute the lift curve slope LCSC=diff(C_Lcomp); AverageLCSC=mean(LCSC) LCSE=diff(C_Lexper); AverageLCSE=mean(LCSE) %Calculate parasite drag coefficient at 0 lift for r=1:length(C_Lcomp)-1 if(C_Lcomp(r)<0) if(C_Lcomp(r+1)) C_D0C=((0-C_Lcomp(r))/(C_Lcomp(r+1)-C_Lcomp(r)))*(C_Dcomp(r+1)C_Dcomp(r))+C_Dcomp(r); end; end; end; C_D0C for r=1:length(C_Lexper)-1 if(C_Lexper(r)<0) if(C_Lexper(r+1)) C_D0E=((0-C_Lexper(r))/(C_Lexper(r+1)C_Lexper(r)))*(C_Dexper(r+1)-C_Dexper(r))+C_Dexper(r); end; end; end; C_D0E %Calculate C_D minimum C_Dmincomp=min(C_Dcomp) C_Dminexper=min(C_Dexper) %Calculate \alpha at 0 lift %Computational for r=1:length(C_Lcomp)-1 if(C_Lcomp(r)<0) if(C_Lcomp(r+1)>0) % Linear Interpolation A0comp=((0-C_Lcomp(r))/(C_Lcomp(r+1)-C_Lcomp(r)))*(Acomp(r+1)Acomp(r))+Acomp(r) end; end; end %Experimental for r=1:length(C_Lexper)-1 if(C_Lexper(r)<0) if(C_Lexper(r+1)>0) % Linear Interpolation A0exper=((0-C_Lexper(r))/(C_Lexper(r+1)C_Lexper(r)))*(Aexper(r+1)-Aexper(r))+Aexper(r) end; end; end %Calculate C_L maximum C_Lmaxcomp=max(C_Lcomp) C_Lmaxexper=max(C_Lexper) %Calculate (L/D) maximum LDmaxcomp=max(LDcomp) LDmaxexper=max(LDexper) %Determining the span efficiency factor of the wing. k2=0.01; AR=3.75; delt=0.0375; e=1/(k2*pi*AR+1+delt) clc v=(0:.1:200); TA=1.5; rho_sl=.0023769; rho_100000=.0017556; s=3.75; CDo=.0170; TR_sl=.5*rho_sl.*v.^2.*s*CDo; TR_10000=.5*rho_100000.*v.^2.*s*CDo; plot(v,TA,v,TR_sl,'g',v,TR_10000,'r') title('Power Avaliable vs. Power Required') xlabel('Velocity (ft/s)') ylabel('Thrust (lbs)') legend('Power Avaliable','Power Required (sea level)','Power Required (10,000 ft)',-1) f_sl=@(v).5*rho_sl.*v.^2.*s*CDo-TA; fzero(f_sl,80) f_10000=@(v).5*rho_100000.*v.^2.*s*CDo-TA; fzero(f_10000,95)