Geographical Enquiry Marking Scheme Marking Grid 2014 Candidate Name: Assessment Objective 1 Knowledge and Understanding – maximum 12 marks / Centre mark awarded = / 12 Level 1: 1 – 3 marks Level 2: 4 – 6 marks Level 3: 7 – 9 marks Level 4: 10 – 12 marks The candidate: Recalls limited, general information about the place studied and the task set which underpin the enquiry. Presents an account of the task that is descriptive. Attempts a weak conclusion. The candidate: Recalls information about the place studied and the task set. Occasionally uses specialist terms. Communicates understanding with some basic/generic explanation of the evidence. Reaches simple conclusions. The candidate: Recalls and selects information specific to the place studied and the task set. Uses a range of specialist terms. Communicates understanding with specific explanation of some evidence. Reaches conclusions that are relevant to the task and place. The candidate: Recalls and selects information that is detailed and specific to the place studied and the task set. Uses relevant specialist terms accurately. Communicates understanding with specific explanation that is consistent with the evidence. Reaches conclusions that are relevant and substantiated. A mark of 0 will be awarded if there is insufficient evidence to meet the descriptor for Level 1 Assessment Objective 2 Application – maximum 14 marks / Centre mark awarded = / 14 Level 1: 1 – 3 marks Level 2: 4 – 7 marks = Level 3: 8 – 11 marks Level 4: 12 – 14 marks The candidate: Attempts to link their investigation to wider geographical principles/ theories/ concepts/issues in an account that is descriptive. Describes other places he/she has studied, in order to provide a context. The candidate: Links their investigation to wider geographical principles /theories / concepts/issues in an account with some basic/generic explanation. Relates knowledge and understanding of the enquiry location to other places. Asks basic questions relating to geographical futures. The candidate: Links their investigation to wider geographical principles/ theories/ concepts/issues in an account with specific explanation. Clearly relates their knowledge and understanding of the enquiry location to other places. Asks some pertinent questions relating to geographical futures. The candidate: Links their investigation to wider geographical principles/ theories/ concepts/issues in an account with specific explanation that is consistent with the evidence. Clearly relates their knowledge and understanding of the enquiry location to other places, to explore if it is typical or atypical. Asks a range of well-defined questions relating to geographical futures, pertinent to the place studied/task. A mark of 0 will be awarded if there is insufficient evidence to meet the descriptor for Level 1 AO/JF/W25(13) Assessment Objective 3 Skills, analysis and evaluation – maximum 24 marks / Centre mark awarded = / 24 Level 1: 1 – 6 marks Level 2: 7 – 12 marks Level 3: 13 – 18 marks Level 4: 19 – 24 marks The candidate: Presents a report that contains elements of an enquiry process. Investigates a limited range of primary data. Uses a very limited range of techniques/technologies to present graphical information. Analysis is limited to simple description of the graphical evidence. The candidate: Uses a basic outline to structure the enquiry process. Investigates a range of primary/secondary data using simple techniques/technologies. Some secondary source material is referenced. Uses a limited range of techniques/technologies to process and present graphical information. Analysis includes simple explanation of some graphical evidence. Comments on the limitations of his/her investigation. The candidate: Selects and uses relevant geographical questions to sequence the enquiry process. Investigates primary and secondary data using a range of techniques/technologies. Most secondary source material is accurately referenced. The candidate: Independently selects and uses pertinent geographical questions to sequence the enquiry process. Independently investigates primary and relevant secondary data using a range of techniques/technologies. All secondary source material is accurately referenced. Independently selects and uses a range of techniques/technologies to process and present graphical and cartographic/statistical information. Analysis includes specific explanation of graphical evidence to support his/her effective investigation of the hypothesis. Critically evaluates the methodology. Comments on the validity of the evidence. Suggests how the enquiry might be further developed. The report has an appropriate structure, tone and style. The meaning of text is clear. There is reasonable accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar. Communication is clear, logical and has structure. Spelling, punctuation and grammar have considerable accuracy Information is communicated by brief statements. The meaning of text is largely clear. There is some accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar. A mark of 0 will be awarded if there is insufficient evidence to meet the descriptor for Level 1 AO/JF/W25(13) Independently selects and uses a range of techniques/technologies to process and present graphical/cartographic information. Analysis includes explanation of a range of graphical evidence. Evaluates the methodology and data. Communication is very clear, sophisticated and well structured. Spelling, punctuation and grammar have consistent accuracy.