For Examiner Only Case: Acute Glaucoma Author: Lynne McCollough, MD Reviewer: Douglas Char, MD Approved: 2/113/06 ORAL CASE SUMMARY CONTENT AREA Ophthalmology SYNOPSIS OF CASE Elderly woman with acute onset of right-sided headache, visual disturbance, nausea and vomiting due to glaucoma SYNOPSIS OF HISTORY 1-hour history of severe right eye pain; symptoms occurring during the day. Had just come outside from dark movie theater SYNOPSIS OF PHYSICAL Normal vitals except high BP, exam unremarkable except for classic findings associated with acute angle closure glaucoma of the right eye exam when elicited. CRITICAL ACTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Checking intraocular pressure Making the diagnosis Initiating appropriate therapy, Consulting ophthalmology for definitive treatment Provide pain and anti-emetic medications for comfort SCORING GUIDELINES (Critical Action No.) 1) Take off points if physician doesn’t check the IOP 2) Take off points if ophthalmology doesn’t come to the ED to see the patient. FOR EXAMINER ONLY For Examiner Only PLAY OF CASE GUIDELINES (Critical Action No.) Pretty straightforward case of acute onset non traumatic right eye pain in elderly female. Onset after being in the dark then coming in to the sun is significant No hx of trauma. There is no need to do the CT head or get other ancillary tests but they are provided if the physician is doing a extensive work up and misses the clues suggesting the need for measuring IOP nudge them back to task FOR EXAMINER ONLY For Examiner Only Critical Actions 1. Check intraocular pressure This critical action is met by the candidate if they use Tonopen , Schiatz tonometer or applination device to determine intraocular pressure Cueing Guideline: 2. Make diagnosis of acute angle closure glaucoma This critical action is met by the candidate – tell patient dx and explain problem Cueing Guideline: 3. Treat with topical β-blocker, pilocarpine, alphaagonist and steroid medications. IV therapy with acetozolamide and mannitol should be considered, if not initiated for such a severe case This critical action is met by the candidate starting medications to reduce IOP Cueing Guideline: 4. Emergent ophthalmology consult for definitive treatment This critical action is met by the candidate physician demanding that ophthalmology come to the ED to see that patient Cueing Guideline: “doctor they called back and said that they can see her tomorrow in the clinic” 5. Symptomatic medications: anti-emetics, analgesics This critical action is met by the candidate providing supportive medications Cueing Guideline: “doctor she is still vomiting and says the pain is worse” For Examiner Only History Data Panel Onset of Symptoms: Approximately 1 hour after leaving movie theater, she experienced symptoms after walking outside from the darken theater into the afternoon sun. Severe right eye pain Description of Complaint: She was feeling well until she left movie theater, walked into the sun (she forgot her dark glasses in the car). Patient developed frontal headache (right greater than left), multiple episodes of nausea and vomiting. She also noted difficulty focusing on the television. No history of similar symptoms, no fever, chills. Vague non-specific, mild abdominal discomfort accompanied the nausea and vomiting. No diarrhea, no urinary symptoms. Past Medical History Surgical: appendectomy Medical: HTN, DM Injuries: (-) Allergies: PCN Habits Smoking: ½ ppd Drugs: (-) Alcohol: social Family Medical History Father: NC Mother: NC Siblings: NC Social History Married: yes Children: none Employed: retired from real estate Education: college For Examiner Only Physical Data Panel Patient: 67-year-old woman Patient Name: Gladys White General Appearance: uncomfortable, appears fatigued, sitting up in bed dry heaving into emesis basin, holding right eye-forehead Vital Signs: BP : 188/94 P : 94 R : 22 T : 37° C Head: NCAT Eyes: Bilateral conjunctival injection R>>L, 3 mm sluggishly reactive pupil, no discharge, steamy cornea on the right. SLE otherwise normal Ears: normal Mouth: dentures, mucosa moist, no lesions, tongue not swollen Neck: supple, no bruits, no JVP Skin: no rash, cool, clammy Chest: CTA bilaterally Heart: RRR II/VI SEM, pulse +2 equal Abdomen: soft, NT with active bowel sounds, no Murphy’s no McBurney’s Extremities: well perfused, trace edema Rectal: normal Pelvic: N/A Neurological: normal Mental Status: normal For Examiner Only Case Lab Data Panel Stimulus #2 - Hematology Complete Blood Count WBC 8.5/mm3 Hgb 11.6g/dL Hct 36% Platelets 267/mm3 Differential Segs 65% Bands 0% Lymphs 22% Monos 10% Eos 1% Stimulus #5 –ECG LVH, no acute changes Stimulus #6 –CT head (no acute changes) VERBAL REPORTS Tonopen R=64, L=38 Chest X ray – within normal limts Stimulus #3 - Chem-7 Na+ K+ CO2 Cl- 137 mEq/L 4 mEq/L 104 mEq/L 22 mEq/L Glucose BUN Creatinine 88 mg/dL 18 mg/dL 1.2 mg/dL Stimulus #4 - Urinalysis Color yellow Sp gravity 1.010 Glucose - negative Protein - trace Ketone - negative Leuk. Est. - negative Nitrite - negative WBC 2 / hpf RBC 1 / hpf KUB – within normal limits For Examiner Only Stimulus Inventory #1 Emergency Admitting Form #2 CBC #3 BMP #4 Urinalysis #5 Tonopen results #6 ECG #7 CT head FOR EXAMINER ONLY Mock Oral Feedback Form – ABEM model Date: Examiner: Examinee: Data acquisition Worst 1 NOTES 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Problem solving Worst 1 NOTES 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Patient management Worst 1 2 NOTES 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Resource utilization Worst 1 2 NOTES 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best Health care provided Worst 1 2 NOTES 3 4 5 6 7 8 Best 4 5 6 7 8 Best Comprehension of path physiology Worst 1 2 3 4 NOTES 5 6 7 8 Best Clinical competence (overall) Worst 1 2 3 NOTES 5 6 7 8 Best Patient Interpersonal relations Worst 1 2 3 NOTES 4 Critical Actions Dangerous actions 1. Check intraocular pressure and omissions 2. Diagnosis acute glaucoma based on hx and exam Penalty for delay in getting 3. Initiate therapy to reduce IOP IOP, score down if 4. Consult ophthamology 5. Treat pain and vomiting 6. 7. FOR EXAMINER ONLY ophthalmology not requested to come to the ED Mock Oral Feedback Form – Core Competencies Date: Examiner: Does not meet expectations Examinee: Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations 1. Patient care 2. Medical knowledge 3. Interpersonal skills and communication 4. Professionalism 5. Practice-based learning and improvement 6. Systems-based practice Critical Actions Dangerous actions 1. Check intraocular pressure and omissions 2. Diagnosis acute glaucoma based on hx and exam Penalty for delay in getting 3. Initiate therapy to reduce IOP IOP, score down if 4. Consult ophthamology 5. Treat pain and vomiting 6. 7. FOR EXAMINER ONLY ophthalmology not requested to come to the ED Stimulus #1 ABEM General Hospital Emergency Admitting Form Name Gladys White Age 68 Sex Female Method of Transportation ambulance Person giving information Presenting complaint patient vomiting and headache Background: Patient has been otherwise well up until presentation. She ate refrigerated leftovers for lunch. She had just finished seeing a movie with her husband. She had the abrupt onset of symptoms. Vital Signs BP : 175/88 P : 90 R : 22 T : 37.2° C Stimulus #2 - Hematology Complete Blood Count WBC 8.5/mm3 Hgb 11.6g/dL Hct 36% Platelets 267/mm3 Differential Segs 65% Bands 0% Lymphs 22% Monos 10% Eos 1% Stimulus #3 - Chem-7 Na+ K+ CO2 Cl- 137 mEq/L 4 mEq/L 104 mEq/L 22 mEq/L Glucose BUN Creatinine 88 mg/dL 18 mg/dL 1.2 mg/dL Stimulus #4 - Urinalysis Color yellow Sp gravity 1.010 Glucose - negative Protein - trace Ketone - negative Leuk. Est. - negative Nitrite - negative WBC 2 / hpf RBC 1 / hpf Stimulus # 5 ECG Stimulus # 6 CT head radiology reading : no acute findiings