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27th Annual Midwest Ocular Angiography Conference
Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace
July 15-18, 2015
Dear Colleague:
I am pleased to invite you to attend and partake in the 27th Annual Midwest Ocular Angiography
Conference (MOAC), which will be held at the spectacular Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace
Budapest, Budapest, Hungary, from July 15-18, 2015. This superbly restored 1906 Art Nouveau
building/hotel is centered directly in front of the Chain Bridge, overlooking the Danube River and the
Buda Castle across the river. Similar to all of the preceding MOAC meetings, the tradition of an
absolutely high quality scientific meeting will continue, along with the opportunity to partake in a
number of social and recreational activities.
Meeting Information: The availability of lodging will limit the number of attendees to a maximum of
approximately 70, so please register for the meeting as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that in
several of the past years, we had to turn some potential attendees away, in order to keep the meeting
at a reasonable size (and to maximize the discussion of the cases). Fifteen category CME credits will
be available. All presentations will once again be computer-based, and will need to be sent in to me
approximately one month prior to the start of the meeting (deadline for receipt of cases is Monday,
June 8th). Cases should be sent in electronically to At the conclusion of the
conference, all attendees will receive a copy of all cases on an external drive. In this manner, the
cases at the conference can be presented as unknowns.
Meeting Format: The format of the meeting will be similar to that of our past conferences. There will
be a welcome reception on Wednesday evening, July 15 th, at the Four Seasons Hotel Gresham
Palace. The meeting will run from Thursday through Saturday, July 16-18th (7:30 AM – 1 PM). Daily
breakfast is included in the price of your lodging. We will have a gala dinner at the Redoute Vigado
Concert Hall (see next paragraph), on Friday evening, July 17 th. Afternoons are free to explore the
city of Budapest, or the surrounding area. More information can be found on our website under the
MOAC 2015 tab, and then clicking the About Budapest section.
Gala Dinner: This year’s gala dinner will be at the Redoute, Vigadó Concert Hall. The Redoute was
opened in January 1833 with a grand ball and the only concert hall in (Buda)Pest at the time. Both
Johann Strauss the Elder and the Younger and Ferenc Erkel performed here. Ferenc Liszt gave the
first concert after the great flood of 1838 for charity. However, in May 1849, it fell victim to the artillery
fire of the invading Austrian troops. In 1859 Frigyes Feszl was commissioned to design a new
building, now called Vigadó. Unfortunately, Vigadó was seriously damaged in World War II and
recently underwent a complete renovation in 2014. Here, we will celebrate our 27th Annual MOAC in a
grand style. This year’s gala dinner will be a formal black tie event with a theme of
“masquerade ball”. Please remember to show off your interesting masks!
Meeting Registration and Financial Disclosure Forms: Enclosed is a registration and financial
disclosure form. Please complete the form, enclose your check made out to Midwest Ocular
Angiography, Inc., and send it to the address as indicated on the form (the office of Jennifer J KangMieler). Don’t forget to fill out the financial disclosure form as well.
Lodging at the Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace Budapest: To secure your hotel rooms,
complete the attached hotel reservation form and return it to us along with a copy of credit card and
passport. Once we received the information, we will forward it to the hotel. Please note that we will
need all information to confirm your rooms. If you do not feel comfortable sending your credit card
information via mail, please indicate it on the hotel reservation form. Once initial process is
completed, then you will need to call the hotel to complete the process.
Arriving into Budapest, Hungary: Visitors from the USA, Canada, and Australia only require a valid
passport to enter Hungary. If from other countries, please check specific Visa requirements. Flying
into Budapest is quite easy, as virtually every major airline serves the city. Check either with your
travel agent, or online travel service, for the lowest fares. Once at the airport, options into the city
include taxis or airport bus shuttles. The distance is approximately 25 kilometers. If coming to
Budapest from the ASRS meeting in Vienna, options include flying, train service, car rental/service, or
even hydrofoils on the Danube.
General Information: For significant information pertaining to the Four Seasons Hotel Gresham
Palace Budapest, along with the city of Budapest, please check their website
( Our MOAC website (, once fully updated, will also
have additional information regarding recreational activities in and around the city of Budapest.
Additionally, if you have questions, I can be reached at, or you can contact me at
my office at UIC at (312) 996-7832, or via my cell phone at (773) 744-1383.
We are looking forward to a very successful 27th annual meeting of the Midwest Ocular Angiography
Conference (MOAC), and we hope that you will be able to participate.
William F. Mieler, MD
Jennifer J Kang-Mieler, PhD
Cless Family Professor and Vice-Chairman
Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL
Associate Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL
27th Annual Midwest Ocular Angiography
Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace
July 15-18, 2015
Course Participant:
Office Telephone: (
) _______________
(must be included)
Please indicate:
___ Course Participant and spouse/guest*:
$1200 until April 1, 2015
$1300 until June 1, 2015
No onsite
*Fees include Welcome Reception and Friday Banquet for physician and spouse/guest.
Spouse/guest name: ___________________________________________________________
___ Additional Guests: (for Welcome Reception and Friday Banquet)
** Children: Under 10 years old, $300 (kids’ meal) until April 1, 2015
10 years and older, $600 (adult meal) until April 1, 2015
$400 until June 1, 2015
$700 until June 1, 2015
Please indicate name(s) and age(s) of child(ren):
**Adult guests: $600 until April 1, 2015
Please indicate name(s):
$700 until June 1, 2015
___ Dietary Requirement: Please indicate and name(s)
Total Registration fees enclosed: $ ____________
1. Please fill out the hotel registration form in order to secure rooms at the Four
Seasons Hotel. Send me the completed form, a copy of the front side of your credit
card and a copy of your passport. We need all information in order to process your
hotel room. If you do not feel comfortable sending a copy of your credit card, then,
indicate on the hotel registration form. Once initial process is done, you will have to
call the hotel to give your credit card information to complete the hotel registration.
2. Please be sure to complete the Financial Disclosure forms. Completion of the
Financial Disclosure form is mandatory in order for all attendees of the MOAC to
receive CME credits (up to a total of 15 category 1 CMEs).
3. Please follow the instructions below regarding payment of your registration fee, and
the mailing address of where you need to send the forms to. Please note that we
cannot accept credit card.
Midwest Ocular Angiography, Inc
Attn: Jennifer J. Kang-Mieler, PhD
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Illinois Institute of Technology
3255 South Dearborn St.
WH 314
Chicago, IL 60616
When sending in your registration fee, please send Jennifer an email (, and let her know that your registration is forthcoming. Once received,
an acknowledgement will be sent to you. Thanks.
The University of Illinois at Chicago
College of Medicine
Continuing Medical Education
It is the policy of UIC that any faculty (speaker) who makes a presentation at a CME activity designated for AMA
Physician's Recognition Award (PRA) Category 1 credit must disclose any financial interest or other relationship (i.e.
grants, speakers bureau, research support, consultant, full-time/part-time employment, honoraria, royalty, stock) which
that faculty member, or his/her immediate family members, have or have had within the last year with the manufacturer/s
of any commercial product/s that may be discussed in the educational presentation.
UIC does not imply that such financial interests or relationships are inherently improper or that such interests or
relationships would prevent the faculty/speaker from making a presentation. However, failure to disclose or false
disclosure will require UIC to identify a replacement for you. Conflicts of interest, as determined by the activity director
and department head, must be resolved prior to the activity.
UNLABELED USE OF PRODUCTS - Speakers must disclose that the product is not labeled for the use under discussion or that
the product is still investigational.
CME Activity: 27th annual Midwest Ocular Angiography Conference
I agree to follow the UIC and ACCME policies outlined above, and
I, the undersigned, declare that I or my immediate family does not have a financial interest or other relationship
with any manufacturer/s of any commercial product/s or services which may be discussed at the conference.
Print name
B. I, the undersigned, declare that I, or my immediate family, have a financial interest or other relationship with a
manufacturer/s of a commercial product/s which may be discussed at the conference. This financial interest or
relationship is specified below.
Company Name/s
Grant ____________________________________________________________
Speaker’s bureau _____________________________________________________
Research support______________________________________________________
Consultant ___________________________________________________________
Employment _______________________________________________________
Honoraria ___________________________________________________________
Royalty _____________________________________________________________
Stock _____________________________________________________________
Print name