Doctoral education at KI During your doctoral

Welcome to the Department of Clinical Science, Intevention and
Technology and the doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet!
Introduction. All doctoral students at Karolinska Institutet (KI) have to participate in an introduction
to doctoral education during their first year. Please register as soon as possible, as the introduction is
more valuable if you take it early.
The web. You will find important information about your doctoral education on The webpages are updated with new rules/regulations
and forms. Please make a habit of visiting the doctoral education webpages regularly! Important links
for doctoral students are compiled at the end of this document. Information for doctoral students at
our department can be found at
Doctoral news. News regarding the doctoral education is presented both online and in the
newsletter Doctoral news. To subscribe to Doctoral news, send an e-mail to
Figure. Schematic description of the doctoral education at KI
Doctoral education at KI
During your doctoral education at KI you will conduct research under supervision as described in your
individual study plan. The doctoral education also includes courses and the writing of a doctoral or
licentiate thesis. A schematic description of the doctoral education at KI is shown in the figure above.
Intended learning outcomes. You and your supervisor describe how you will fulfil the intended
learning outcomes for doctoral education in the individual study plan. You can read more about
intended learning outcomes here.
Annual follow up and half-time review. The individual study plan is determined already at your
admission. The progress of it will be followed up in writing once a year and can then be further
revised or altered if needed. In connection to the first yearly follow-up you will also get the
opportunity to meet the director of doctoral studies. Half-way through the studies perform you will
perform an extended annual follow-up, a so-called half-time review. Read more about this in Rules
for doctoral education at Karolinska Institutet.
External mentor. As a complement to the supervisor, an independent person shall be appointed to
act as mentor to the doctoral student during the doctoral education. The external mentor may be
from the university, county council, industry or another sector of society. The external mentor should
provide support to the doctoral student with regard to advice from an independent person
concerning issues such as career planning, contacts with clients and other sectors outside KI, or other
types of advice. When choosing your mentor (or mentors), it can be helpful to think about what you
would like to do in the future. You might ask someone you regard as a role model or someone
working in a field that you are interested in.
Courses and other learning activities. All doctoral students at KI must acquire a certain amount of
knowledge by the way of general science courses, project-specific courses and other credit-awarding
activities. Read more about this in the General syllabus for third-cycle/doctoral education in the
subject of Medical Science. Courses are advertised in the course catalogue. In order to complete the
general science courses before the half-time review, apply for these courses in the beginning of your
doctoral education. The application deadlines for doctoral courses are approximately May 15 and
October 15.
Doctoral programmes. The purpose of the thematic doctoral programmes at KI is to provide a
comprehensive range of learning activities for doctoral students within specific research fields. To
participate in activities organized by the programmes is yet another way for you as a doctoral
student to create a network within your field of research, or beyond your own research group and
department. As a doctoral student you can register your interest in one or more doctoral
programmes to obtain information about the courses and activities that are arranged within a
specific research field. You can register to the doctoral programmes in your individual study plan. At
any time, you can register to additional doctoral programmes by sending an e-mail to the doctoral
programme’s administrator or coordinator.
Doctoral schools. As a complement to the traditional doctoral education, KI offers a range of
doctoral schools. The doctoral schools have more scheduled learning activities, and the students are
mostly clinicians.
Ladok. Your courses and other credit-awarding activities are registered in Ladok, a computerized
system for study documentation. Your can print your own official study result transcript and
certificate of study registration using ”Ladok on the Web”.
Personnel support. For questions about doctoral studentship, collective agreement, doctoral grant
(in Swedish utbildningsbidrag), assistant employment, salary, stipends, pension and insurances,
please turn to the department's human resources officer. You can read more about study funding
Support to doctoral students. There are different support functions for doctoral students at KI. For
questions regarding course requirements, changes in your individual study plan, credit transfer, the
half-time review, your time-plan or supervision etc., turn in the first place to your supervisors. The
director of doctoral studies at your department can give additional support concerning these
matters. The administrator for doctoral education at your department provides support in practical
issues, e.g. LADOK documentation and activity report. Depending on what you need, there are also
other support functions, e.g. central directors of studies, the doctoral student’s ombudsman, the
student health center etc. You are welcome to become a member of the doctoral students
Organization of doctoral education at the Department of
education (here you can find the names and contact details of the director of doctoral studies and
the study administrator).
Useful links
Rules for doctoral education at KI:
Doctoral Students’ Association:
General syllabus for third-cycle/doctoral
education in the subject of Medical Science:
Equal treatment:
You will find most that you need to know here
(for example regarding the half-time review,
doctoral courses, doctoral programmes, rules
and regulations, thesis defence, funding and
compulsory introduction to doctoral
Forms and documents for doctoral education:
Intended learning outcomes for the doctoral
Visiting Researcher Services:
Partnerships on doctoral level:
Sustainability work:
Ladok on the web:
Doctoral student’s ombudsman
External links
The Higher Education Ordinance
Doktorandhandboken (in English):
Study in Sweden:
Your employment:
Work environment and health:
Student health centre:
Health promotion: