Name: Date: ______ The TOK Essay: Unpacking the Prescribed

NAME: _________________________
DATE: __________
Directions: This worksheet is intended to help you understand exactly what any given TOK Prescribed Title requires of you. Follow the directions
to answer all of the questions about the title you are using for your TOK Essay. You should type directly into the boxes; they will expand to
accommodate your needs. You should type more than the space provided here so as to answer the questions thoroughly.
STEP 1: Copy the Prescribed Title exactly as it is given:
“When the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems begin to resemble nails” (Abraham Maslow). How might this apply to
ways of knowing, as tools, in the pursuit of knowledge?
STEP 2: List all the command verbs from the
apply (understood)
STEP 4: List key terms in the Prescribed Title
STEP 3: For each of the command verbs, explain in your own words what it
requires you to do.
STEP 5: Define the key terms/Explain the significance of the key terms
STEP 6: Given your assessment of the key words, identify and list all of the assumptions that underlie the statement or
question in the title. Note that these cannot be contravened in your essay. It the title makes an assumption about something, your essay cannot
be argued on the basis that that assumption is false. If you disagree with these assumptions, then you need to select a different Prescribed Title to
work on.
STEP 7: Given your assessment of the key words, identify and list all of the implications that underlie the statement or
question in the title.
STEP 8: If the Prescribed Title is not already a question, reword it in question form. BE CAREFUL! You must not alter the
meaning of the statement in any way. Just re-order the words into question format. Your job in writing a TOK Essay is to
answer the question which is implied or stated in the Prescribed Title.
Make sure you have STEP 9:
STEP 10:
STEP 11:
included at least 8
Gather ideas.
Incorporating TOK.
Directly state the
examples. You may What examples can you think of from
Based on your examples, what
source of the
not explore these 8 your IB classes, your knowledge of facts
knowledge issues have arisen? How do information.
in depth throughout
and events, CAS, your personal
they involve the Areas of Knowledge
the paper, but you
and the Ways of Knowing?
should include at
that allow you to address this prescribed
least 8 so as to be
able to choose the
most effective
examples later.
Example #1
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4
Example #5
Example #6
Example #7
Example #8
STEP 11: How will you organize all of this? Create a short, yet explicit, outline. This is extremely important. Make your
organizational structure very clear here.
Don’t make sweeping claims!
Avoid stereotyping! (Be careful when using the word “all”!
Avoid an essay composed only of questions!
Avoid a full-on persuasive essay!
Don’t use the book as a substitute for independent thought!
Edited from a document created by Carolyn Henly.