STEP-BY-STEP CASE STUDY SCOREBOOK PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRAINING YOU WILL NOT COMPLETE EVERY ITEM. Introduction These Step-by-Step Scorebook Preparation Instructions take you through a process for completing your case study review. Before you begin Schedule time to complete your scorebook. View the Scorebook Navigator Recordings or Scorebook Navigator User Manual. Access the Scorebook Navigator at and log on to your account. To obtain a copy of the Case Study, click on your scorebook to open the Key Factors page and click on the “Display the Application” icon “ “ Steps for preparing an Independent Review Scorebook (details follow for each step) Read the profile sections. Select and record key factors in the Scorebook Navigator. Complete Process analyses for Items 1.1, 5.1, 5.2 Analyze the applicant’s response, using Key Factor and ADLI analysis. Record you analysis findings in your assigned scorebook in the Scorebook Navigator Score the Items using the associated Scoring Grid. Read and begin to evaluate Results Item in Category 7.3. Analyze the results to determine how well the applicant is performing. Record your Results analysis in your scorebook. Score Item 7.3 using the associated Scoring Grid. Use the Reports Tab to print out a copy of your scorebook. Bring a copy to the August training class. 1 Detailed Steps for preparing a scorebook Use the steps in the step/action table that follows to complete your scorebook. Note that STEPS are higher level and ACTIONS include details and notes. STEPS Read the application. ACTIONS Draft a key factors worksheet. Read the entire application to get familiar with the applicant and identify any misplaced information. Definition: A key factor is an attribute of an organization or its environment that influences the way the organization operates and the key challenges it faces. Examiners will use key factors to focus their assessments on what is important to the applicant. Read the Criteria questions for Items P.1 and P.2, including notes and additional descriptions; refer to the glossary for term definitions. Read the applicant’s Organizational Profile, which responds to the Criteria questions in Items P.1 and P.2. Open the Key Factors Tab in the SN and record key factors in the Key Factors pages in your SN scorebook. One page is provided for each of the 5 “areas to address” in the P1 and P2 Items. Other key factors may appear in the Eligibility Certification Forms or in the applicant’s responses to the Criteria requirements. When these additional key factors are found, they may be added to the appropriate “area to address” page. 2 Read and begin to evaluate Process Items 1.1, 5.1, and 5.2 PROCESS ITEM EVALUATION STEPS For each Item, complete the Item Evaluation Process, and record observations on the Independent Review Worksheet. Read the specific Criteria Item to refresh your memory and understand the Item requirements. Include the questions, the notes, the Key Term definitions in the Glossary, and the Commentary. Open the Item Evaluation Tab in the SN and select the Item you are evaluating from the Item Dropdown box. Click on a row in the Key Factor Reference table to open a Key Factor dropdown box. — Review your Key Factors in the dropdown to determine those attributes of the organization that would influence its responses to the Item requirements. — Select the most relevant 4–6 key factors for the Item. This will be a subset of those listed on the Key Factors Worksheet. Read the relevant section of the application. Identify the processes the applicant uses to meet Item requirements, Flag, mark up, and/or take notes as needed. Select the requirements addressed by the applicant that you will analyze. — Click on an empty row in the Evaluation Factors Table to open the list of requirements for the Item and select one to analyze. — From the popup box that displays the criteria questions, copy the question(s) you will analyze and paste into the adjacent column (labeled Process) — Click on the Key Factors column and select the Key Factors that apply to the selected question(s). 3 Analyze the applicant’s response to each Process Item, and record your observations in bullet form for A, D, L, and I. Determine if any important criteria requirements or relevant key factors are not addressed Evaluate the applicant’s response by asking the questions on the “BlueCard” tool for A, D, L, and I. In the next four columns of the Evaluation Factors table, briefly record observations under each evaluation factor—approach, deployment, improvements (learning), and integration ― Mark favorable observations with a “+” sign and unfavorable observations with a “-“ sign. In the Gaps table, note any key Criteria requirements or relevant key factors the applicant has not addressed. ― Click on an empty row and select the criteria associated with the gap. ― Describe the gap, why it is significant and click the box in the “Key” column if it is part of a potential key theme. ― Remember that not all requirements are of equal importance to all applicants. The intent is to identify gaps in the response that are of significance for the applicant because they are related to a critical key factor. Record Overall Use the Overall Notes table to record any critical thoughts that you want to be reminded of later. Item notes ― This is a place to record the results you expect to see in Category 7 4 Score the Item using the associated Scoring Grid. Review the Criteria requirements. Begin with the “approach” evaluation factor column. Review the observations for the Item. Note the balance and importance of these observations relative to the Item requirements and key factors. Using the first row of the Scoring Table, labeled “approach” identify which scoring range, of the six provided, is most descriptive of the organization’s achievement level. Once you have selected a range, read the descriptions to the left and to the right of it to ensure you have selected the most appropriate one. Highlight your selecting by clicking on the score range box below the description of the range. Review and score each of the remaining evaluation factors of deployment, learning, and integration. Next you will determine the overall range for the Item. This is the combination of all the individual evaluation factor descriptions. Thus, it is helpful to use the scoring guidelines in the Criteria booklet. Considering the applicant’s performance holistically, determine the overall scoring range for the Item. Highlight the overall item scoring range by clicking on the box. Remember that the applicant does not need to demonstrate all characteristics in the selected range—rather the score is based on a holistic view of the four evaluation factors in aggregate. Finally, determine a percent score that is a multiple of 5 for the Item. Highlight the selected score by clicking on its box, 5 Read and begin to evaluate Results Item 7.3. RESULTS ITEM EVALUATION STEPS For Item 7.3, complete the 6-step Item Evaluation Process and record observations on the SN Scorebook. Read the specific Criteria Results Item to refresh your memory and understand the Item requirements. Include the questions, the notes, the Key Term definitions in the Glossary, and the Additional Description. Open the Item Evaluation Tab in the SN and select the Item you are evaluating from the Item Dropdown box. Click on a row in the Key Factor Reference table to open a Key Factor dropdown box. — Review your Key Factors in the dropdown to determine those attributes of the organization that would influence its responses to the Item requirements. — Select the most relevant 4–6 key factors for the Item. This will be a subset of those listed on the Key Factors Worksheet and may even be a subset of one key factor (e.g., one strategic challenge that is most relevant to the Item, rather than the entire set of strategic challenges.). Read the relevant section of the application. Highlight, flag, mark up, and/or take notes as needed. Refer to the measures or indicators that you identified in reviewing Categories 1 and 5 for which you expected to see results. Use the “BlueCard” tool to evaluate each result provided by the applicant. Select the requirements addressed by the applicant that you will report. — Click on an empty row in the Evaluation Factors Table to open the list of requirements for the Item and select one to analyze. — In the adjacent column, labeled Results, list the graphs and figures that are addressed by your observations. — Click on the Key Factors column and select the Key Factors that apply to the selected graphs and figures. You do not need to provide observations for every figure in the application. Instead, focus on figures that are responsive to the Criteria requirements and address important customer, product, and service, market, process and action-plan performance requirements identified in the Organizational Profile and in Process Items, or identify the results that are missing in these important areas. 6 Determine if any important criteria requirements or relevant key factors are not addressed In the Gaps table, note any key Criteria requirements or relevant key factors the applicant has not addressed. ― Click on an empty row and select the criteria associated with the gap. ― Describe the gap, why it is significant. ― Remember that not all requirements are of equal importance to all applicants. The intent is to identify gaps in the response that are of significance for the applicant because they are related to a critical key factor. Record Overall Use the Overall Notes table to record any critical thoughts that you want to be reminded of later. Item notes Score the Item using the associated Scoring Grid. Review your scorebook and print a copy to use during the August training. Review the Criteria requirements. On the SN Scorebook, review the comments you have written. Note the balance and importance of these observations relative to the Item requirements and key factors. Using the first line of the Scoring Table, labeled “Levels,” identify which scoring range, of the six provided, is most descriptive of the organization’s achievement level. Once you have selected a range, read the descriptions to the left and to the right of it to ensure you have selected the most appropriate one. Highlight the selected range by clicking on its box. Review and score on the Scoring Grid each of the remaining evaluation factors of trends, comparisons, and integration—particularly noting missing results or “gaps”. Next you will determine the overall range for the Item. This is the combination of all the individual evaluation factor descriptions. Thus, it is helpful to use the scoring guidelines in the Criteria booklet. Considering the applicant’s performance holistically, determine the overall scoring range for the Item. Highlight the selected range by clicking on its box. Finally, determine a percent score that is a multiple of 5 for the Item and highlight it by clicking on its box. Remember that the applicant does not need to demonstrate all characteristics in the selected range—rather the score is based on a holistic view of the four evaluation factors in aggregate. Click on the Reports Tab on the Menu Bar. Open the “Select a Report” dropdown menu and select “Scorebook”. After the Scorebook report appears, open the dropdown menu in the Action/Export box and select Export to Word. After exporting to Word, you can delete the unused pages. Bring a copy to the August class of your completed scorebook with Key Factors list and analysis for Items 1.1, 5.1, 5.2 and 7.3. 7