Data Warehouse Reporting-Finance

Data Warehouse Reporting-Finance
Budget Report
The Budget Report provides a view of your available budget. It looks at actual, outstanding purchase orders and pending
requisitions. You can view your original budget and the any budget adjustment with you most recent budget. The drill down
feature provides information about any journal entries, pro card charges along with invoice and purchasing information. Look to
the budget report to answer your question “how much do I have left?”.
* for reference – the month close is 15 days after the end of the month
1. To enter your Click on reports, click on
Budget Reports.
The Budget Reports library contains two reports (more to come). The Remaining Budget by Account – Trend Analysis funds is
designed to use the same accounts as in your Trend Report (compatibility).
2. Click on the link for Remaining Budget by Account – All Funds
This report will include all funds and has four slicers,
calendar Fiscal, Account Type, Department
and Fund.
The row of data you see will be by account.
The columns include:
original budget
revised budget
open pre-encumbrance
remaining budget
% budget remaining
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Data Warehouse Reporting-Finance
3. To “expand” your data, click on the plus sign
4. Continue to expand, by clicking on the
plus sign next to Income Statement.
5. You should now see your Total
Expenses, click on the plus sign
to expand your view.
6. Again, click the plus sign to expand
even further to see the details of
your expenses.
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In this example, we expanded our
Administrative Expenses.
You can see our “slicers” show
the Calendar year 2011,
Expenditure Account type and
we are looking at All Funds.
7. Click the drop down arrow next to
the year 2011 to select a another
period, such as Dec 2010
…and you will see your report change
to just your December expenses.
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Drilling Down
To see what makes up an amount for
an account, click onto and amount field
and you will see the cell turn yellow.
Notice your Navigation Panel has changed,
and you see a small tan pop up box.
**Ignore the pop up box**
1. Using the left Navigation Panel, under
the Actions section, click on “Drill Journal
Entry Lines”.
A new window will open, with
information about the
journal entries.
Journal Id shows you what
type of entry it was (i.e procard,
etc…) The Journal date is the
date of purchase while the
Posted Date is the date the
transaction posted. The Journal
Entry Description shows what
was purchased and finally the
amount in the last column.
Close this detail window using
the X in the upper right
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2. Click on Drill Voucher Lines – Journal Entry Lines
If there is no data to see, you may see a box like this
If there is drill down data available, a new window will pop up to show you the Voucher amount, Invoice Date, date
Entered, Date Due, Voucher Type, the Vendor Name and ID along with the description of what was purchased. You
will need to scroll to the right to view the entire screen, and see the additional columns such as payment amount,
date and check number in the last column.
Drilling down on an amount will give you varying information based on how the data was originally entered and how
it is saved by the data warehouse. For example, you may not be able to drill on a Trend Report because of the way
the data is calculated but you could drill down in your budget report. You might only be able to use the Journal drill
down and not the Voucher drill down for purchase made on a pro-card. You should be able to drill sown on reports
where there is a PO, a Voucher and a report that covers all your funds.
To view your information differently, just change the slicers. For example, if you wanted to see what you spent in
December on Telecom services.
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Other tips
To export your Report to excel, select the export to excel icon in the upper right corner.
Once in excel, you can delete columns, move data, hid columns or rows, turn it into a chart, etc. The report export exactly as you
see on the screen, so the title of the report will be in column A. If you delete
column A to remove the repetitive ‘all accounts’, you will
also remove the title of the report.
To email the report page to someone, save it to your “My Views” and click on the
email icon in the upper right corner.
My views
have the
is a good place to save your view of your report for future comparison. Each month you can
same look and feel but with different content for that new month.
**Internet Explorer 8 can cause an issue. If you find you have difficulties, use the emulator option on your Internet Explorer
toolbar at the top of your screen.
Shows you your report choices while in
the report folder.
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Is the screen we’ve been using
to look at our report.
Data Layout
is available to customize your
report. You can select what
should appear it a row or change
your columns.
In the view tab, you can turn
your report into a chart or change
your grid view to show subtotals
Allows you to sort by column headings
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Allows for more detailed filtering as well as hiding
empty rows or columns.
Reporting works from a warehouse format. It takes information nightly from PeopleSoft and puts it into a format (database) which
is use for writing reports and retrieving data. While you cannot manipulate or enter data in here, you also do not have the worry of
breaking anything or having to build a query to get your analysis. Follow your Budget report each month to monitor your
expenses and where you are with your budget.
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