Mathematics Unit Strand(s) & Areas: NS & Numeration: Integers Quantity Relationshi ps Grade 7 Grade 8 Identify & compare integers found in real-life contexts Represent and order integers, using a variety of tools Represent, compare & order rational numbers [including integers] Use estimation when solving problems involving operations with whole numbers, decimals, percents, integers, and fractions, to help judge the reasonableness of a solution Operational Sense Grade: 7/8 Timeline: Spring Add and subtract integers, using a variety of tools Represent the multiplication and division of integers, using a variety of tools Solve problems involving operations with integers, using a variety of tools Evaluate expressions that involve integers, including expressions that contain brackets and exponents, using order of operations Big Ideas: 1. The negative integers are the “opposites” of the whole numbers. Each integer is the reflection of its opposite across a line that is perpendicular to the number line at 0. 2. In a number of ways, integers are more like whole numbers than like fractions or decimals. 3. The zero property (i.e…..) plays an important role in many integer operations. 4. The meaning for the operations that apply to whole numbers, fractions, decimals also apply to all integers. Each meaning can be represented by a model, although some models suit some meanings better than others. Culminating Task / Problem: Formative Problems / Tasks Related to Culminating task: Vocabulary Positive Negative Zero pairs Integers Mathematics Unit Strand(s) & Areas: NS & Numeration: Integers Day Big Idea & Learning Goal Big Idea - In a number of ways, integers are more like whole numbers than like fractions or decimals. Grade: 7/8 Timeline: Spring Minds On Action Who’s in the NHL playoffs? How is this decided? Here are different types of stats for hockey teams. According to this, are the best teams currently in the playoffs? Is that a true determination of who the best teams are? Learning Goal – We are learning to understand the values of numbers. Provide students with the regular season team stats (Goals For, Goals Against). Have students determine how to rank the teams using the information. 2 (Probably do 2 & 3 on same day) 1 3 Big Idea: The zero property (i.e…..) plays an important role in many integer operations. Show picture 4 (+) = 4 (-), Ask: Is this true (Turn & Talk with partner)? Watch the Integer video. Does this balance? How do you know? File: Integer Video.mp4 Consolidation Gallery Walk – Focus on Question 1: “How did different groups rank the teams? Was it consistent with your method?” “How did the different groups represent negative numbers? How did they deal with negative numbers?” Highlight: Bigger negative numbers have a lower value/ranking A negative ranking means the team was scored on more than they scored Summarize: Both negative & positive numbers can be found on a number line, and 0 is in the middle. Gallery Walk: Highlight – - Matching one +ve to one –ve - Value on opposite side of = sign is the same Summarize Zero Principle – the sum of a negative integer and its opposite is always zero Define Zero Pairs Big Idea: Show one positive integer tile. The meaning for the operations that apply to whole numbers, fractions, decimals also apply to all integers. Each meaning can How much is here? (1) (add 3 zero pairs) How much is here now? How do you know (turn & talk). - No change b/c you are just How can you use the tiles to find the answer to any negative number added to a positive number? Prompt: Does your strategy always work? Does it work if you add a negative number to a positive number? Bansho / Gallery Walk / Congress Highlight How to represent an adding question (drawings) How to record +ve, -ve numbers Assessment Practice: Math Notebook – create a horizontal number line using values -10 to +10. Vertical? Practice – Choose at least one of the other integer pictures. How would you make it equivalent to zero. File: Integer Pictures.doc Reflection – Jessie says adding negative numbers is the same as subtracting positive numbers. Why might she think this? Do you agree? Mathematics Unit Strand(s) & Areas: NS & Numeration: Integers be represented by a model, although some models suit some meanings better than others. adding zero Grade: 7/8 Timeline: Spring Could you start with one example? - Positive and negative numbers added together will cancel out Summary: Learning Goal – We are learning how to show to adding integers with tiles. 4 Big Idea: The meaning for the operations that apply to whole numbers, fractions, decimals also apply to all integers. Each meaning can be represented by a model, although some models suit some meanings better than others. – using “zero pairs” strategy, and see how much you have left over Eyes on Math p. 174 You add two numbers and the answer is negative. What two numbers might you have added? What do all of these pictures show? Highlight: Use of tiles Use of number lines Reflection – When might the principles we’ve discovered help you? Partner. All pictures have a value of 0. Summarize: The sum of 2 –ves is always –ve The sum of 2 +ve is always +ve The sum of +ve and –ve can be either +ve or –ve. Learning Goal – We are learning how to model addition of integers with integer tiles and number lines. 5 6 Big Idea: The meaning for the operations that apply to whole numbers, fractions, decimals also apply to all integers. Each meaning can be represented by a model, although some models suit some meanings better than others. Learning Goal – We are learning how to model subtraction of integers with integer tiles. Big Idea: The meaning for the operations that apply to What could a negative value mean in real life? Debt Cold Golf score (below par) Loss on stock market Hockey player / team rating Below sea level Time zones? - You have a positive number. You subtract another number and end up with a negative number. How is this possible? Show you thinking. Highlight Use of Number line Use of tiles Practice Questions - Integer Black Jack - Intergo (Gr. 7 Nelson text p. 206) Summarize You can add in zero pairs to take away the amount needed. You can change a subtraction question into an addition question with a missing value. Would you calculate (-10) – (-3) in the same way you would calculate 10-(-3)? Explain your thinking. Summarize Practice: Magic Square (Making Math Meaningful p.267) Mathematics Unit Strand(s) & Areas: NS & Numeration: Integers whole numbers, fractions, decimals also apply to all integers. Each meaning can be represented by a model, although some models suit some meanings better than others. Learning Goal – We are learning how to model subtraction of integers with integer tiles. Big Idea: The meaning for the operations that apply to whole numbers, fractions, decimals also apply to all integers. Each meaning can be represented by a model, although some models suit some meanings better than others. Learning Goal – We are learning how to model subtraction of integers with integer tiles. 7 Grade: 7/8 Timeline: Spring - Practicing Adding & Subtracting (mini quiz, problem) – good activity (Spinning Spinners, Gr. 8 Nelson Text p. 180 – what is the greatest sum, least sum etc. Take away sub steps) When subtracting a negative value, the answer will be more than with what you started Mini Quiz: 1. Write an addition sentences that represents each statement: a) All addends are negative integers and the sum is -7 b) At least one addend is a positive integer and the sum is -7 c) Which statement has the most answers? Explain. 2. Tell whether each statement is sometimes, always, or never true. Explain how you know. a) Positive – positive = positive b) Negative – positive = negative c) Negative – negative = negative Mathematics Unit Strand(s) & Areas: NS & Numeration: Integers Grade: 7/8 Timeline: Spring d) Positive – negative = negative 8 9 10 Big Idea: The meaning for the operations that apply to whole numbers, fractions, decimals also apply to all integers. Each meaning can be represented by a model, although some models suit some meanings better than others. Learning Goal – We are learning to multiply integers. Big Idea: The meaning for the operations that apply to whole numbers, fractions, decimals also apply to all integers. Each meaning can be represented by a model, although some models suit some meanings better than others. Learning Goal – We are learning to multiply integers. Big Idea: The meaning for the operations that apply to whole numbers, fractions, decimals also apply to all integers. Each meaning can be represented by a model, although some models suit some meanings better than others. Learning Goal – We are How can you represent 3 x 4? Would represent 3 x (-4) the same way as 3 x 4? Manipulatives? Real life? Diagram? Grouping? Repeated Addition How is 3 x (-4) the same / different as (-4) x 3? Highlight Different representations (adding, manipulatives, group, real life) Summarize - Positive x positive = positive - Positive x negative = negative If 3 x (-4) is adding groups to a “pot”, what might (-3) x (-4) mean? How could you represent or model this? Turn & Talk Allow students to create a video? Ipad, phone or Laptop? Prompt – How can you represent zero in a pot, but change how much is in there? (add zero pairs) Practice multiplying integers (Integer Flip Game) Reflection – Explain why the following statements are true or false: Positive x positive = positive Positive x negative = negative Practice questions? Highlight Different strategies (tiles, number line) Summarize Negative x negative = positive (Review summary of multiplying principles) Mathematics Unit Strand(s) & Areas: NS & Numeration: Integers 11 learning to multiply integers. Big Idea: The meaning for the operations that apply to whole numbers, fractions, decimals also apply to all integers. Each meaning can be represented by a model, although some models suit some meanings better than others. What is dividing? - Sharing Grouping Opposite of multiplying Learning Goal – We are learning to divide integers. 12 Performance Task - Grade: 7/8 Timeline: Spring Do the rules for multiplying integers stand true for dividing integers? Explain your thinking. Highlight – 1. understanding of inverse operations 2. Use of understanding about positive number relationships Summarize 1. Rules stand true for division