The Cottons Medical Centre Patient Participation Group Meeting 10TH October 2013 6pm Present: Karen Lisamore (KL) Practice Manager, Michelle Garratt (MG) Office Manager, Michael Pratt (MP) PPG, George Westcott (GW) PPG, Graham Roberts (GR) PPG, Sharon Donnelly (SD) PPG, Eileen Plowe (EP) PPG, Ellen Brady (EB) PPG, Pamela Paybody (PP) PPG, Mary Pantling (MP) PPG, Pauline Ewing (PE) PPG, Janet Harper (JH) PPG, Steven Westwood (SW) PPG, Eddie Hooking (EH) PPG, Roger Martin (RM) PPG Apologies: Toni Boto (TB) PPG, Helen Boto (HB) PPG, Peter Collins (PC) PPG Number Meeting Notes 1. Minutes of the meeting held on the 16th July 2013: KL tabled the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th July and agreed to add them to the website. 2. Changes to Doctors: KL gave a discussion concerning the doctors and what impact this was having with regards to GP appointment. Dr Ansary was on extended maternity leave, Dr Misty Olusanya is now a salaried but runs late and refused to change what he does has he gives value for money. Dr Edmund Mankazana Locum GP to cover Dr McGarity. There is a message on the Jex Board apologising for appointments running late, especially when a GP is on call as they have to take all the urgent calls and home visits. We have been unsuccessful in recruiting for a GP at the moment. 3. 4. On-Line Appointments KL advised the group that we are moving forward with The Cottons Web page with regards to making on-line appointments for a trial period for December and January. Locality Engagement Patient Group: EP gave a run down of the Locality Engagement Patient Group on how it works for the 9 GP surgeries. A Northamptonshire Healthcare Structure information sheet has been attached to these minutes. The next meeting will be held Thursday 5th December at 2.00pm at the Saxon Hall the agenda being Elderly and Frail, Isolation, Diabetes, Links – Health Watch and Drop in Appointments. Action 5. 6. 7. 8. Nurse Practitioners: KL explained how the nurse practitioners appointments worked and informed the group that they were able to prescribe medication. A few of the group members have used this service and were very pleased with the nurse practitioners. It was agreed that a poster with the criteria for the Nurse Practitioners would help patients understanding as to what they can see them for. Practice Notice Board: The PPG agreed that a practice notice board would be beneficial and they would like to take charge. To agree a time with KL. Hearing Aid Service: The Hearing Aid Clinic which was held once a month at the surgery has now been stopped as it was not being used. They may start this again in April depending on Funding. CQC Inspection: This can be done at anytime as the CQC only give 48 hours notice. 9. Karen Lisamore Practice Manager KL informed the PPG that she will be retiring on the 24th December. 10. Chairperson and Secretary: It was agreed that Sharon Donnelly as Chairperson and George Westcott as Secretary. To arrange a meeting with KL on her return from annual leave Date of the next meeting: To be arranged when KL is back from annual leave.