Belinda Benn, 50 - Super Sexy Skin

5 Keys to Younger Looking Skin
By Belinda Benn, Author Super Sexy Skin & Former International Cosmetic
Belinda Benn, 50
Author Super Sexy Skin
Every day, millions of women around the world look in the mirror
and wonder; “How can I slow-down or reverse the visible signs of
my aging skin?” They secretly wonder if anything can be done to
rejuvenate “old-looking” skin, without risky surgery, questionable
drugs or expensive cosmetics?
The truth is, there is something that can be done to bring back
that ‘youthful’ look and feel.
But you won’t hear about this “in the mainstream” - because there
isn’t big money to be made when women learn this. In fact - this
saves women lots of money, frustration and time.
This powerful secret is revealed in the…
5 keys to reversing the signs of
Key # 1: Cut-Down on Toxic Cosmetics That
Suffocate Your Skin
Every layer of make-up you apply to your face is another layer that
suffocates your skin’s natural ability to breathe; from the inside out. That suffocating layer not only blocks your skin’s ability to
release waste products - but it actually seals them in. Here’s how:
Chemically laden foundation, concealer and color cosmetics cause
our pores to become clogged and blocked. This stops the skin
from releasing toxins, sweat, oils and bacteria - resulting in
progressive build-up of these unfriendly elements - leading to
irritation, inflammation, discoloration and wrinkling.
And what happens next?
We use more and more skincare products to try “fixing” those
visible problems - wasting hundreds of dollars, month after month.
The vicious cycle not only continues - but it gets even worse
because there are ingredients, preservatives and chemicals in the
products most women use that make the irritation, inflammation,
discoloration and wrinkling even more severe.
Fortunately, there’s a natural, 3-step process that reverses this
frustrating cycle.
But first we need to look at Key #2...
Key # 2: Stop Eating Hidden “Skin-Killers”
Do you ever stop to consider what you’re about to eat - and what
harmful impact that food has on the aging of your skin?
Most people never take the time to think this through - and they
wonder why their skin always looks horrible.
Concentrated sugars, genetically modified oils, dough-conditioners,
artificial sweeteners, chemical preservatives, anti-caking agents, the
list of avoidable ingredients goes on - ALL at the expense of your
natural beauty.
These ingredients - which make foods cheaper to manufacture,
and more profitable for the companies who make them - can have
damaging effects on our outer skin layers - by way of effecting
women internally, at the hormonal levels.
We already know how delicate the female hormone system is.
But when we introduce these foreign elements into our
physiological ecosystem - they can impact female hormone
regulation in punishing ways - resulting in unwanted “signs” of
early aging on the outer layers of our skin - especially the face.
There’s a simple way to flip this food equation around, so you get
the opposite effect - the “ageless beauty effect”.
Key # 3 brings you closer to it:
Key # 3: Stop Risking Your Beauty and
Health with “Surgical Alternatives”
Touted as “Less Invasive” there is a class of injectables which
are advertised as wrinkle erasers, cheek lifters and lip
volumizers. Minimal downtime and fast results are some of the
buzzwords used to hook desperate women.
But what we have to dig deep for are the warnings and associated
risks in the fine-print. It’s up to the patient to search for the
reports of adverse effects, permanent disfigurement or even death.
The reality is - these are foreign chemical agents injected into the
skin to get a specific response - primarily a temporary change in
the structural appearance of the face - REGARDLESS of short and
long term risks.
And even though this group of treatments are relatively new - we
are now starting to see the backlash trickling down from the
celebrities who were the first to afford these newer options.
For example, Gwyneth Paltrow was quoted in a NY Post article; “I
won’t do Botox again, because I looked crazy. I looked like Joan
And Nicole Kidman, who also openly admitted to the injections,
was quoted in that same article; “I did try Botox, unfortunately, but
I got out of it and now I can finally move my face again.”
Think about this. The youthful firmness of your face is due to it’s
underlying muscular layer. If you “freeze” a muscle with Botox it
weakens and atrophies, creating premature sagging (around the
eyes, cheeks and mouth). We are already seeing evidence of this in
women who’ve been using Botox for years and the deeper, long
term effects are frightening.
But here’s a fact that can’t be denied. The female face has over
42 individual muscles. And just like any other muscle in the body
- if we stimulate them with some unique, but gentle, movements we can get those little muscles more toned, shapely and lifted.
Without the high cost - and without the dangerous risk to your
body and health.
And guess what this natural approach does to the look and
complexion of your beautiful face?
Read on and I’ll show you what it does.
Key # 4: Detox and ‘Reset’ Your Skin
Production Layer from the Inside
The skin’s cellular regeneration cycle is 28 days.
This means - the skin you see in the mirror today started to be
formed just 28 days ago inside the deeper stratum basale layer of
the epidermis.
Most people inaccurately refer to this as skin sloughing. However,
the precise term is Epidermal Desquamation.
The critical key here, regardless of what we call it - is that we can
tap into this ongoing, 28-day cycle to enhance and improve the
quality of our skin’s self-renewal power.
How do we do this?
Answer: We fuel the skin’s production process, from the inside,
with powerful, youth-inducing foods and nutrients. This is the
only way to truly nourish the skin - regardless of the sales
messages that try to make you think you can nourish it at the
surface level with expensive, cleverly-named, topical products.
Many women, realize after the fact - that when they start making
certain, simple changes in eating habits, their skin quickly begins
to regain its youthful appearance. They no longer eat certain foods
or snacks which have negative effects on the skin production
process and they’ve replaced them with the proper foods our
bodies need in order to thrive - on all levels.
It’s the opposite effect of what poor choices of lifestyle habits do
to one’s skin. For example, if you look at people who smoke, drink
excessive amounts of alcohol and eat foods which lack nutritional
value - they look far older than they actually are, because they are
starving their body of what it needs - and filling it with damaging
toxins that are accelerating aging….dramatically.
By doing the opposite, that is - eating foods high in essential skin
nutrients, you can turn back your biological beauty clock in as
little as a few weeks.
This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase inner-beauty.
But it gets even better.
Key # 5: Feed Your Skin With YouthInducing Foods & Nutrients
Hormones get a bad rap for being the cause of so many
problems for women.
But the reality is there are certain choices and actions we can
make - that can help us trigger extremely positive hormonal shifts
- that actually start to reverse some of the problems - to the
extent that some women “can’t even believe the changes they are
seeing in the mirror.”
This isn’t airy-fairy thinking or hair-salon mythology - this is
actual proven biological science - that just doesn’t get enough
media attention. And that’s why I’m highlighting it here, today.
Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are 3 of the primary
hormones involved in the skin regeneration process mentioned
above. And more importantly - they are responsible for the visual
and structural integrity of the skin. They directly affect how our
skin looks and feels. That is how important they are to the quality
and attractiveness of your skin. And this is why it is so important
to balance and optimize them from the inside, through the power
of beauty-enhancing nutrition.
When your body has an abundant supply of these vital hormonal
building blocks, optimal homeostatic balance is restored, naturally
“healing” the underlying root-cause of common skin problems and reversing the visible signs of aging.
Not only is this simple - but it’s also extremely enjoyable once
you get a taste of it…..especially once you discover the most
important secret of all…..Key #6
Key # 6: BONUS Tip - Give Yourself a
Natural 5-Minute Face-Lift
The simple but powerful secret is based on the health and
wellness methods of Eastern healing practitioners.
While still new to Western science - this technique has been
practiced for thousands of years in the East and is said to hold the
key to longevity & vibrant aging. The essence of this method is
based on tapping into the body’s Meridian System to increase
blood flow, enhance lymph activity and invigorate neuro-muscular
By massaging your face and neck using gentle Shiatsu fingerstrokes you cause 3 powerful things to happen:
A - you help deliver all the new anti-aging nutrients in your
blood-stream - directly into all the skin cells that are craving them.
B - you release toxins out of the cells (skin, muscles, fat, etc.), by
lymphatic stimulation (it’s the accumulation of toxins that many
scientists believe are the number one cause of aging).
C - you stimulate the muscles to become fuller and more
‘toned’ by enhancing neural activity, thus ‘lifting’ the sagging areas
of our face, making our skin smoother and firmer.
Most women are surprised to report additional benefits of the
personal ‘Shiatsu Facial Massage Method’, that go way beyond a
more beautiful face and younger complexion. These other key
benefits include:
• Reduced stress
• Heightened levels of emotional well-being
• Increased self-confidence and self-image
To see why and how this works - including before and after
photos illustrating how the ‘5 Keys’ works its magic on women
just like you - then this next page is where we reveal all.