
1. There are many card board boxes that are thrown away when we can recycle them
2. This relates to environmental because it is about recycling the card board boxes and
making a use of the boxes. By recycling the boxes we can save the earth by reusing the
boxes or learn how to make things using pieces or scraps of card board. That way we
don’t have to cut down trees to make card board.
3. Cardboard is a very environmentally friendly thing. Cardboard is made from recycled
pieces of paper pulp or long strong paper fibers. Cardboard is made from recycled things
then card board is used for boxes and then we can recycle those scraps of cardboards
4. Google sketch-up can help us by providing 3d example pictures of card board chairs.
This allows us to look at these example chairs from all points. Sketch Chair is another
program that can help us. This program can help us by allowing us to design a chair
virtually and test it virtually. We have chose sketch chair as our hardware to use. We
picked this because sketch chair is simpler and easier to use. This program also allows us
to test our chair virtually.
5. Our design brief is to make a fill-sized chair, or table out of nothing but cardboard – both
will support Mr. Patterson for at least a minute. Our chair must be comfortable and
attractive , and be usable by either students or teachers.
Our design specifications are to only use cardboard, cardboard cutters, markers and
rulers in our construction. Our chair will be about 2 feet tall. Our chair will be using
three boxes worth of cardboard. Our chair will have four legs and have a bake rest. Our
chair will have no arm rests.
(a) We will test are product by using sketch chair by testing it virtually. We will also
make a smaller paper version to test out our design.
(b) We collected information using the internet, teacher, and books
(c) ???
Part 1: 1inch by 2 inches
Chair 1
Chair Parts `
Chair 2
Chair 3
Design Cycle
1. Make several designs that fulfill the design specification.
2. Choose the best design. I chose chair #1
3. My chair is made out of only cardboard and I used only scissors, a knife, ruler, protractor,
pencil, and google sketch up.
4. We chose this chair because we have a 3d image of it on google sketch up, which allows us to
view the chair from all points. The model of this chair seems to be sturdy.
1. I plan to have finished the full size chair in 2 hours and a half. 5 minuets to organizing our
cardboard boxes and gather our needed tools. 20 minuets to draw our measurements on to
the cardboard boxes. 30 minuets to trace the shape of each shape for as many of those shapes
are needed. 45 minuets to cut out all shapes. 20 minuets to cut slits into are shapes and
assemble them together. 30 minuets to make any adjustments to the chair or for any
unexpected problems.
Evaluation by Nakita Moler 25th October 2011
1.What did I do?
Me and my partner worked together to make a cardboard chair. For the investigation
stage I researched different types of programs that can help me make a chair virtual before
actually making the real chair. These programs provide virtual chairs that can be tested
virtually. The program I picked helped me by providing a 3d picture of my design which allowed
me to be able to view my chair from all points. I also researched the different types of
cardboard chairs that can be made. I looked at pictures on Google of other peoples cardboard
chairs so that when I make my design I can use those pictures as a reference picture to help
create my design. The pictures of the different chairs help me a lot in making my own chair
design because at first I didn’t n. In the investigate stage I decided on three different types of
chairs that I could make that were simple and met the design specifics. I choose one of my
three designs by looking at which chairs design would be better, simpler and more stable. I did
this by making designs for each chair and using the measurements that my partner and I choose
let me see which chair would be easier and more efficient to make. After my partner and I had
chose which design we were going to make we perfected the design by making the final
measurements that we were going to use. Then I made a time schedule of how much time my
partner and I would need to make the chair, by listing out a time chart showing how much time
would I need to draw, cut, measure, and put together my chair.
2. Who was affected or involved (self, other):
My partner Sunghee and I worked together on making this chair. We assigned are selves
homework on this project. For example I would tell her that I would work on the design
cycle at home and that she should research different programs that could be used and
then we would put are research together. I think we divided the work fairly but
sometimes I think I took over control too much. She helped me a lot and I think we
worked well together and compromised with each other.
3. Where can this lead?
Before I would have never thought that beautiful furniture could be made from recycled
cardboard! When I was researching I saw not just cardboard chairs, I saw sofas, tables,
and other kinds of furniture. This had amazed me, to think of all the things that could
have been made from the card board I have thrown out. This made me think what else
can be made from other things, what else can be recycled in to furniture beside
4. Where would this be helpful/useful/good
This would be useful for recycling and helping the world go green. By using card board
instead of wood to make our furniture we can save many trees. The design cycle helps
me my making my self more organized and prepared in the steps that I would take to
make my chair.
5. How can I grow from this/ how can I explain my answer to the unit question?
What happens to the world without recycling?
The question was “What happens to the world without recycling?”
Without recycling the world would run out of natural resoursces quickly and there
would be more polution. We would have too much waits with no where to put it.
Recyciling takeds care of that problem by alowing us to reuse things.
6. Why was this useful?
This was uselful for me because I learned how to recycle more and became more
familiar to the desing cycle recycling is a very importiant thing in the world and without
it we probably couldn’t see the bule sky or breath the air.