Topic Tasks First forbidden transitions 1 - Survey all published measured beta spectra data. List of 0-,1-,2- transitions (review of spins/parities) 2- Give the list of important contributors among those nuclei to theoreticians 3 - Compare these data with theoretical calculations. Compare the calculation of transition types over all the nuclei. Already give the main trends of effect of first forbidden decays on antineutrino spectra. 1 - List the data deficiencies we are aware of. 2 - Create a priority list of nuclides whose decay properties need to be studied experimentally + Give a short list of nuclei to be studied by theoreticians. Pandemonium and First Forbidden Pandemonium or other experimental biases of data Theory Weak Magnetism Understand the disagreement between the Rudstam beta spectra and that derived from Greenwood TAS data and new TAS measurements. Write the beta and antineutrino spectra equations for allowed and forbidden transitions with explicit dependence on the beta and antineutrino kinetic energy. Provide required coefficients for shape calculation. 1 - Study Weak Magnetism for Fission Products : survey of available information in the data 2 – Make new Weak Magnetism calculations with better models than impulse approximation 3 – Make theoretical with impulse approx. for fission products Members of the task subgroups Actions & Deadlines Write a summary giving the current status. Provide tables of well measured cases. Write a summary giving the current status. List of nuclei: criteria = contribution, spin/parity knowledge, Pandemonium candidate, GS branch, complementarity with other measurements (TAS, HR & beta shapes) Provide a detailed analysis nucleus by nucleus. Write a summary giving the current status. Write a summary giving the current status. Write a summary giving the current status. Fission Yields 1 – give a critical assessment of existing fission yields and existing errors (detailed analysis for important contributors), including covariance matrices 2 – List important fission yields to (re-) measure 3 – Fission Yields of isomers are an issue 4 – Fission yield dependence on the neutron energy 5 – try a set of fission yield data coming from only one type of experiments, with knowledge of covariance matrix 6 – meta analysis for covariance matrix for JEFF FY 7 – Check impact of decay data on fission yield data Write a summary giving the current status. Towards the state of the art of the summation method Use the list of recommended data (beta decay &fission yields) defined in the previous tasks. Develop and make available codes to calculate beta and antineutrino spectra. Make available a data library in a simple format for summation calculations. Write a summary giving the current status. Error calculation associated to summation method spectra First give a conservative error envelop. Tabulate various sources of systematics and provide a rough estimate of our confidence. A covariance matrix will be needed. Develop methodologies for the propagation of errors on summation method spectra & Make calculation 1 – Use different conversion method 2 – Assess potential impact of first forbidden non unique transitions and weak magnetism (help from theory would be welcome) Write a summary giving the current status. Reinvestigation of the conversion method Write a summary giving the current status. Neutrino Experiments New Nuclear Physics Experimental needs Synergy with Decay heat, prompt neutron numbers, beta delayed neutron emission ILL + Münich integral beta spectra Motivations for neutrino physics (fundamental & applied) Neutrino experiments 3 – Converge towards a conservative error 4 – Compare converted spectra from 250keV and 50keV ILL data Provide measured spectra in antineutrino energy Provide for that response matrices of the detectors Provide required information about reactor fuel compositions associated with measured spectra 1 – TAS experiments on Pandemonium nuclei important for antineutrino spectra 2 – Measurement of the electron spectrum for 0-, 1and 2- transitions, especially for important contributors (to x-check theoretical predictions) 3 – Measurement of Weak Magnetism 4 – Measurement of Fission Yields (for important contributors) Discussions intercommunities => organize common effort (WPEC, IAEA) Underline the Potential impact on reactor physics Fresh look at these experiments from experts of this type of experiments at reactors ? New integral measurements of electron spectra associated to thermal U5, and Pu isotopes, and U8 fast fission Current and future needs Write a summary giving the current status. Write a summary giving the current status. Describe the current effort and the expectations Write a summary giving the current status. Write a summary giving the current status. Write the introduction of the white paper ! Describe the current effort and the expectations relative to spectral measurement (from sterile nu expts, and DC, DB, and Reno)