Generals Terms A (Prefix) - Abscess - Agenisis - Anemia - Anoxia - Aspiration - Atresia - Atrophy - Biopsy - Debridement - Degeneration - Diagnosis - Disease - Dys (prefix) - Embolus - Endogenous - Epidemiology - Erythema - Etiology - Exogenous - Exudates - Fistula - Forensic - Homeostasis - Hyperplasia - Hypertrophy - Hypoxia - Iatrogenic - Idiopathic - Interstitial - Infarction - Ischemia - Lesion - Manifestation - Microorganism Morbidity - Mortality - Necrosis - Nosocomial - Parenchyma - Pathogenesis - Prognosis - Sequel - Test - Thrombus - Transduate - Acute - Chronic Central Nervous System 1. Define the following terms Brain death Agnosia Coma Aphasia Stupor Dementia Craniotomy Syncope Diplopia Vertigo Dysphasia Papilledema Paraplegia Concussion Quadriplegia Contusion Hemiplegia Trigeminal neuralgia Head injury (open vs closed) Facial Palsy Basilar skull fracture Proptosis Interventional Stereotactic biopsy Stereotactic surgery 2. List the common sign and symptoms associated with diseases and Disorder of the CNS. Headache Weakness Nausea and Vomiting Motor disturbances or paralysis Sensory disturbances Drowsiness, stupor , or coma Mood swings Fever 3. List indications for performing a CT and /or MRI examinations on the CNS Developmental abnormalities Congenital abnormalities Endocrine abnormalities Vascular structures Inflammation / infection Tumors (headaches, seizures, or neurological disorders) Metastases Suspected disk herniation Spinal stenosis Trauma. 4. Explain the CT myelography procedure. Thorax (Chest and Mediastinum) 1. Define the following terms as they relate to the cardiovascular system. Arrhythmia Angina Bradycardia/Tachycardia Coarctation Diastolic/Systolic pressure Hypertension/Hypotension Ischemia Pericardial tamponade Pericardocentesis Petechia Syncope Valvular stenosis/regurgitation Congestive heart failure (left side vs. right side) Transthoracic needle biopsy and aspiration 2. Define the following terms as they relate the pulmonary system. Cyanosis Diaphrosis Diaphragmatic hernia Dyspnea Empyema Exudae Hemoptysis Orthopnea Pallor Pleural effusion Thoracentesis Thoracotomy Transudate 3. List of the common sign and symptoms associated with the disease and disorders of the cardiovascular system. Fatigue Dyspnea Fever Weakness Tachycardia Palpitations Pallor Chest pain Unusual sweating Edema Nausea,vomiting or anorexia Anxiety Headache 4. List the common signs and symptoms associated with the diseases and disorders of the pulmonary system. Pain Cough Breathing irregularities Fever Malaise Headache Cyanosis 5. List indications for performing a CT and MRI examination on the chest and /or mediastinum. Abnormalities Vascular structures Lymphadenopathy Cysts Tumors Metastases Trauma 6. List indications for performing MRI of the breast. Mass Biopsy Implant leakage Abdomen and Pelvis 1. Define the following terms as they relate to the abdomen/ Pelvis. Acites Colostomy Dysphagia Ileostomy Mcburney’s Point Polyp Pruritus Polyp Anastomosis Hernia Fistula Varices Atresia Xerostomia Stenosis Stricture 2. List the commons signs and symptoms associated with the diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Loss of appetite and weight loss Nausea and vomiting Change in bowel habits Blood or mucus in stool Fever Pain in the GI tract Heartburn, indigestion, or dysphagia Malaise Diaphoresis 3. List indications for performing a CT and/ or MRI examination of the abdomen and pelvis. Abnormalities Vascular structures Lymphadenopathy Cysts Tumors Metastases Trauma (laceration, hemorrhage, or hematoma) 4. List the common signs and symptoms associated with the diseases and disorders of the genitourinary tract. Urinary: Male: Female: 1.abdominal urinary patterns and frequency 2. Pain in the lumbar region 3. Fever 4. Nausea and vomiting, or anorexia 5. Malaise, fatigue, or lethargy 1. abnormal urinary patterns and frequency 2. Pain in any of the reproductive structures 3. Swelling or enlargement of any reproductive structure 4. Any sexual dysfunction 1. abnormal urinary patterns and frequency 2. Pre – and postmenstrual complaints 3. Lower abdominal or pelvic pain 4. Abnormal vaginal discharge 5. Any sexual dysfunction 6. Unusual changes in the breast 5. Identify (8) points in evaluating the abdomen/pelvis: Bowel gas pattern Organomegally Abnormal mass Osseous(bony) structures Free fluid and/or free intraperitoneal air Psoas muscles Abnormal calcifications Peritoneal Fat Musculoskeletal (Joints) Define the following terms as they relate to the musculoskeletal system. Epiphysis, diaphysis, Articular Cartilage & Periosteum Epiphyseal (Growth) Plate Compact/Spongy bone Tendon/ Ligament Flexor / Extensor Marrow / hematopoiesis Fixation devices (internal and external) Joint effusion Dislocation Nidus Sequestrum List the common signs and symptoms associated with the diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Pain Tenderness and swelling Malaise, weakness and fatigue Fever Obvious bone deformation Inflammation Stiffness Weight loss List indications for performing a CT and /or MRI examination of the musculoskeletal system. Palpable masses Cysts Tumors Vascular supply(avascular necrosis) Metastases trauma