resource - Data North Yorkshire

Dalton Parish Council
Record of Minutes
Dalton Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 9 December, 2015 @ Dalton Village Hall @ 7.30pm
K. Croft (Chairman)
J. Boddy
D. Spence
R. Balderston
B. Ward
Members of the Public:
5 + Cllrs. Robson, Bardon and Baker.
Meeting opened at 7.35pm by K. Croft
Para 1: Apologies for Absence
Cllr. C. Parker-Eland
Para 2: Minutes of last meeting
Minutes of last meeting agreed and signed as a true and accurate record by the Chairman and Clerk.
Matters Arising
Para 3a: Playing Field
No problems were reported.
Para 3b: Public Lighting
No problems were reported.
Para 3c: Highway Matters
Kerbstone at the bottom of Pit Ings Lane will be monitored during routine inspections.
Cllr. Baker still has no update on an official bus stop by the village hall for the school bus.
Sowerby to Dalton road – is it possible to have this cleaned? Cllr. Robson will speak to HDC.
Para 3d: Village Beck
Field supervisor monitors beck regularly.
Para 4: Planning Applications
Declaration of interests by Councillors – None.
Mr. Binks Appl: No: 15/01324/FUL has been granted.
Para 5: Clerks Report
A figure of £6,000 for the precept for the financial year 2016/17 was agreed.
Transparency Code for Small Parish Councils – Should have passwords and log in details in the next few
days in order to be able to publish data in accordance with the Transparency Code.
There are no trees alongside the village hall with preservation orders on them. The only tree with an order
on it is outside 1 Willow Bridge Lane.
Urban Grass cutting – It was agreed that we carry on with urban grass cutting as in previous years.
Contribution from NYCC will be £226.76
Mini recycling centres will cease from March 2016.
Local Plan Public Consultation – Mr. Croft and Mr. Boddy will attend meeting to be held on 26 January 2016
at Thirsk Town Hall.
Minerals & Waste Joint Plan – Preferred Options Consultation is taking place from November 2015 to
January 2016. Full details are available on Any responses are to be
made by 15 January 2016.
There are no more bookings by the Cycling Club until June next year. Mr. Ramshay will advise the clerk and
she will speak to the Club regarding complaints received regarding cyclists’ behaviour on Willow Bridge
Mr. Croft has checked and the National Insurance for clerk’s salary and pension scheme is being dealt with
correctly at this point in time but will need to be re-assessed should the present clerk leave.
New property on the airfield adjacent to Brockhills will be known as Foxfield, Dalton.
Para 6: Treasurers Report
Following invoice was agreed for payment:- SGS grass cutting £354.00
Invoice for tree report is for £384.00 but as this invoice has been incorrectly addressed to the Village Hall
and not the Parish Council, Mr. Boddy will ask for it to be rectified prior to payment being made.
Balance in hand is £1,529.64.
Topcliffe Charities payments are still to be finalised.
Para 7: Any other Business
Councillors will meet on site on Saturday 12 December to decide on course of action regarding the trees
alongside the village hall.
Drainage and levelling of football field – Mr. Binks has been awarded the contract at the price of £25,250.
We are still waiting for prices for the construction of the entrance into the field.
Electricity cables – Northern Power Grid have agreed to move the power lines over the field on the proviso
that the adjoining landowners agree. Mr. Boddy will speak to Mr. Dale regarding this.
Footpath from the Hatchery down to Stepping Stones is becoming very overgrown. Needs to be inspected
and a decision made as to what can be done.
A member of the public asked if there were any allotments available in Dalton but the PC do not own any
and there is no land available at the present time.
Re: planning permission for the proposed construction of new bridge and highway over Cod Beck – a
decision should be made by HDC on 10 December 2015.
Date of next General Meeting:
Wednesday, 20 January, 2016