Minutes-1.13.11 - Northern Community Mediation

Northern Community Mediation
Board of Directors’ Meeting
January 13, 2011
City Park Grill, Petoskey
Board members present: Barry Anderson, Mary Faculak, Lisa Hoyt, David Leusink, John
Marshall, Dr. Roger Postmus, Jim Raber, Ted Teller, Joel Wurster
Board members absent: Toni Arthur, Michelle Cortright, Pat Seagmen, Paula Welmers
Staff Present: Jane Millar
Ted called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
The meeting minutes from November 11, 2010, were approved, with one change. In item
#13 of the minutes regarding the Executive Director’s report, the word “concuss” was
corrected to the word “consensus”. Moved by Roger Postmus, seconded by Barry
Anderson. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
John Marshall referred to the Treasurer’s Report that was provided during the annual
meeting that immediately preceded this meeting. Jane Millar explained that a $15,000
adjustment indicated in the most recent financial reports was to correct an issue where a
bank deposit was inadvertently debited from the Chase bank account instead of being
appropriately credited.
Election of Officers:
The following slate of officers for 2011 was offered by Barry Anderson, seconded by
Mary Faculak:
President – Ted Teller
Vice President – Lisa Hoyt
Secretary – Joel Wurster
Treasurer – John Marshall
Motion carried.
President’s Report,
Ted welcomed the new board members and indicated his appreciation for their
willingness to serve and for the continuing involvement of members from both counties.
Executive Director’s Report, presented by Jane Millar:
1. Chamber representatives – Discussed efforts to increase NCM presence at
area chamber of commerce functions through board member and
mediator attendance.
2. Board Retreat – Discussed having a board retreat this year. Tentatively
scheduled for Monday, February 28, 2011, at the Weathervane
restaurant in Charlevoix. Jane will see if Steve Tresidder would be
willing to conduct.
3. Website and Calendar – The website and calendar have been updated. Due to
scheduling conflicts with some of the regular board meetings scheduled
for this year, the board agreed by consensus to reschedule the March
meeting to March 5, the May meeting to May 5, and the September
meeting to September 1, with each rescheduled meeting to be held at
12:00 noon at the same places that the meetings were otherwise
scheduled to be held during those months.
4. Board membership – Jane reviewed the current board membership and the
staggering of terms for each member. Jane indicated that she would
soon be meeting with new board members Michelle Cortright and
David Leusink to help further familiarize them with NCM and the
5. Television Documentary – Jane reported that she had spoken with a
representative of Studio City in recent days. They are still interested in
proceeding with a pilot involving a few mediations conducted by NCM
if appropriate arrangements can be made and all parties consent. Jane
will continue communications with them about arrangements that may
allow this project to proceed.
Old Business: none
New Business: none
Meeting Adjourned at 1:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joel Wurster, Secretary