Third Grade 3rd Quarter Common Core Math Checklist I Can… OPERATIONS AND ALGEBRAIC THINKING Essential Standard: Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Grade Level Standard: Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. 1 2 3 *I can determine when to multiply and divide in word problems. (OA.3) *I can represent (model) multiplication and division word problems using drawings, and equations with unknowns in all positions. (OA.3) I can determine the unknown number in multiplication and division word problems using drawings, and equations with unknowns in all positions. (OA.4) Grade Level Standard: Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. 4 5 6 7 8 I can explain the commutative property (6 x 4 – 24 then 4 x 6 – 24, associative property (3 x 5 x 2 can be found by 3 x 5 = 15, then 15 x 2= 30, or by 5 x 2=10, then 3 x 10 = 30), and distributive property (8x4=40 and 8x2=16, one can find 8x7 as 8x(5+2) = (8x5) + (8x2) = 40 + 16 = 56) of multiplication. (OA.5) I can turn a division problem into a multiplication problem with an unknown factor (find 32/8 by finding the number that makes 32 when multiplied by 8). (OA.6) Essential: Multiply and divide within 100. *I can divide whole numbers with a divisor within 100 and with a whole number quotient with ease by picking and using strategies that will get to the answer fairly. (OA.7) *I can instantly recall from memory the product of any two 1-digit numbers. (OA.7) *I can choose the correct operation to perform the first computation, and choose the correct operation to perform the second computation in order to solve twostep word problems. (OA.8) MEASUREMENT AND DATA Essential: Measure liquid volume and mass in g, kg, l, and solve +, -, x, and / problems. Grade Level Standard: Represent and interpret data. 9 I can measure a duration of time in minutes (ex. Date/Skill Date/Skill Date/Skill Level Level Level 10 11 basketball practice is 45 minutes long). (MD.1) *I can estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of measure (grams, kilograms, and liters). (MD.2) I can measure liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of measure (grams, kilograms, and liters). (MD.2) Grade Level Standard: Solve problems involving measurement and estimation. 12 I can use a ruler to measure lengths in whole, half, and quarter inches. (MD.4) GEOMETRY Grade Level Standard: Reason with shapes and their attributes. 13 14 I can explain any unit fraction (1/b) as one part of a whole divided into b equal parts (ex. ½, ¼, 1/8). (G.2) I can partition (divide) shapes into equal parts with equal areas. (G.2) NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS- FRACTIONS Essential: Understand fraction representation. Grade Level Standard: Develop and understanding of fractions as numbers. 14 *I can explain any unit fraction (1/b) as one part of a whole. (NF.1) 15 *I can I can explain any fraction (a/b) as “a” (numerator) being the number of parts considered and “b” (denominator) as the total number of equal parts in the whole. (NF.1) 16 *I can represent a unit fraction (1/b) on a number line between 0 and 1. (NF.2) 17 *I can use models to show and explain whole numbers as fractions (ex. 3/3 = 1 or 6/3 = 2). (NF.3) 18 *I can locate whole numbers as fractions on a number line. (NF.3) 19 *I can use models to show and explain equivalent fractions. (NF.3) Essential: Develop understanding of fractions as numbers. 20 I can represent any fraction (a/b) on a number line. (NF.2) 21 I can explain and show how a/b can be represented on a number line in two ways: (1) as a number that is located a distance of a/b to the right of 0 and (2) as the size of a parts when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts. (NF.2) 22 I can explain how the size of equal parts can be used to compare two fractions with the same numerator, and explain how the number of equal parts can be used to compare two fractions with the same denominator. (NF.3) 23 I can locate equivalent fractions on a number line. (NF.3) 24 I can locate whole numbers as fractions on a number line. (NF.3) 25 I can use models to show and explain whole numbers as fractions. (NF.3) 26 I can use models to compare two fractions and record the comparison using <, >, =. (NF.3) MT= More Time Needed *= Will be spiraled in future quarters. Notes: P= Proficient A= Advanced