College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences NUI Galway DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIP CONDITIONS OF TENURE College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences National University of Ireland, Galway 1. Purpose The Scholarships are awarded for the purpose of assisting graduate students who are entering a fulltime PhD programme at the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, NUI Galway. The holder may not simultaneously register for another course [apart from approved ‘transferrable skills’ modules of the structured PhD]. 2. Tenure (i) The Scholarships are awarded in the first instance for a period of one year, but may, subject to the availability of funding thereafter, be renewed on an annual basis, provided the holder's progress in his/her studies is satisfactory and renewal is recommended by the Graduate Research Committee. A Scholarship will not be tenable beyond four years in all. (ii) Scholarship holders are required, during their first year of tenure, to apply for alternative external funding. If successful in securing alternative funding to a similar or greater level of support, the Scholarship will lapse and be reallocated. (iii) Registration for the second and subsequent years will take place in September. If registration is not completed on the due date for the second and subsequent years of the PhD, then the Scholarship may not be renewed and will be re-allocated elsewhere. 3. Eligibility To be eligible for the payment of the Scholarship, the holder must: (a) be accepted for admission to the PhD degree; (b) have completed, each year, the due registration procedures; (c) have furnished complete information regarding grants, Scholarships, or other endowments held by him/her or for which he/she is eligible, and to notify of any change in respect of these as may arise in the course of their programme; (d) In all other respects have complied with the Conditions of the Scholarship. 4. Qualifications The minimum qualification for the award of a Scholarship is a primary degree with Second Class Honours, Grade 1, including where appropriate, Second Class Honours, Grade 1, in the Subject in which the Scholarship is held. Scholarships are awarded competitively on merit, and these minimum qualifications do not ensure an application will be successful. Document1 10 February 2016 College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences NUI Galway 5. Award and Renewal (a) Awards and renewals are made by the Dean of the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences on the recommendation of the Head of School concerned (b) The deadline for receipt of applications will be October 25th, 2013. (c) Awards will be decided competitively based on the order of merit within the School. (d) Late applications will not be considered. (e) A positive recommendation for progression from the GRC is a necessity for renewal of the Scholarship Award 6. Value The maximum value of the Scholarship Award student stipend for 2013/14 will be €12,000 and up to €4,000 annually towards project costs. Tuition fees (EU level) and the student levy will also be paid for qualifying students who are not in receipt of a Local Authority Maintenance Grant or equivalent. 7. Classification of Scholarship Payment Scholarships do not attract Tax or Social Insurance. Recipients are not employees of the University. 8. Number The number of new awards in any Academic Year is limited, and will relate to the funds available to the College, and the number of Scholarships being renewed from the previous year. 9. Payment of Scholarship The Scholarship (years 1-4) will be payable in equal instalments over twelve months (October to September) 10. Payment by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) The Scholarship value, as determined under 6 above, will be paid by EFT directly to the student’s bank account. The appropriate section of the award letter giving applicant’s bank account details must be completed in order to receive payment. 11. Duties of the Graduate Scholar a. As indicated in (1) above, the purpose of the Scholarship is to assist graduate students who are proceeding full-time to PhD at the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences. The carrying out, by the Scholar, of the research or other graduate work which is laid down for the degree is, accordingly, the primary consideration of the Scholar and of the School in which they are a student. b. Document1 With a view to the general academic development of the Scholar however, and in order to assist them to acquire transferrable academic skills in teaching and research, it is expected that the Scholar will be required to support the teaching and associated examination work in the School or its units. It should be noted, however, that this experience will not attract additional payment, 10 February 2016 College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences NUI Galway but may be required of the Scholar as a condition of the Scholarship. There may be variations to this condition at the discretion of the Head of School. 12. c. So as to ensure, however, that the primary purpose of the Scholarship is achieved, the Academic Planning and Resource Committee has determined the following limits which can be assigned to this aspect of the Scholarship in the case of any individual holder: d. Two tutorial hours per week (subject to a maximum of 50 hours during the academic year) or supervision of practical classes, or their equivalent, up to six hours per week (subject to maximum of 120 hours during the academic year); or, any combination of such duties (subject to a maximum appropriate to such combination). e. Scholars who are requested to engage duties beyond this level may refer their situation to the appropriate Graduate Research Committee of the School. f. The College of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences acknowledges the value to the student of carrying out part of their research in another University or Institution or in the field. However, in general it is a condition of the Scholarship that the Scholar should normally spend two-thirds of their research time in the University or accessible to their programme supervisor. The College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences reserves the right to alter the conditions of tenure of the Doctoral Scholarship at any time. Document1 10 February 2016