YOUNGSTOWN ALL BREED TRAINING CLUB, INC. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Minutes of Monday, November 16, 2015 MEETING: The General Membership Meeting convened on Monday, November 16, 2015 at 8:15 P.M. at the YABTC facility in North Jackson. ATTENDANCE: Perri Graf, President; Lori Baker, Vice President; Stacy Judge, Treasurer; Debbie Harper, Recording Secretary; Mary Mignogna, Corresponding Secretary; Kim Burrier, Sharon Phillips, Lisa Sangregorio, Elaine Shively, Kathy Allen, Donn Bell, Patsy Catalano, Steve Catalano, Vicki Casey, Mary Lou Church, Anne Cicero, Sue Davis, Gordon Grinham, Kathy Hopkins, Sandy Irish, Diana James, Shelley Kacenski, Susan Kilpatrick, Janet Moore, Peggy Palma, Bill Reinhart, Joann Sesser, Kathy Baca Stehnach, Helen White and Barb Wilson. Guest: Richard DiMarco SECRETARY’S REPORT: Following a motion by Stacy Judge and seconded by Barb Wilson, the General Membership voted to waive the reading of and approve the minutes of the General Membership meeting of September 21 as published. TREASURER’S REPORT: Stacy Judge Stacy Judge reported that our total assets as of November 16 are $904,390.81. The amount of our total liabilities is $533,170.53. Our year to date net income is $42,531.95. An income statement, balance sheet and cash flow report were circulated among the membership. Following a motion by Barb Wilson and seconded by Mary Mignogna, the membership voted to accept the Treasurer’s Report. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: Mary Mignogna—no report COMMITTEE REPORTS: Hospitality: Anne Cicero asked the membership to volunteer for donations of cakes. Barb Wilson and Peggy Palma volunteered for January. Sharon Phillips and Mary Mignogna volunteered for May. Program: A program is needed for January. Welfare: Kathy Taleos—no report Training: Dale Burrier The agility schedule should be done within a week. Obedience and Rally Trials: Mary Mignogna and Lori Baker Lots of compliments were received about the October obedience and rally trials. The next trials will be in April. The Ashtabula Kennel Club will be renting our building for their trials which are in March two weeks prior to our trials. Obedience Run Thrus: Kim Burrier reported that the last run thrus of the year will be on the last Tuesday in November which is the 24th. Rally Run Thrus—Mary Mignogna reported that the last run thrus of the year will be held on Tuesday, December 1. Agility Trial: Sandy Irish, Debbie Harper, Mike Coates Debbie Harper that the last agility trial of the year will be held at the Wellness Center on November 28 and 29 which is Thanksgiving weekend. Workers are needed. Please let Debbie know if you are able to help set up on Friday at 3 P.M. Raffle items can be given to Karen Wisler. 2016 Trials: March 19 and 20—2 days at YABTC June 24, 25 and 26 -- 3 days at Wellness Center August 20 and 21 --2 days at Wellness Center October 7, 8 and 9 --3 days at YABTC December 3 and 4 -- 2 days at Wellness Center Agility Run-Thrus: Sandy Irish and Debbie Harper Sandy reported that someone is needed to take over the run thrus in 2016. The last run thrus on October 18 brought in $150. Publicity: Diana James—no report Public Education: no report Someone is needed to take over this position. Awards: Elaine Shively and Jennifer Milliner—no report Building Maintenance: Ed Newsome, Dale Burrier and Mike Coates The Big Ass Fans are here. We are working with Mike Coates to enlarge the parking lot and fill in the holes. Finance: Stacy Judge—no report Membership: Mary Mignogna Membership dues are past due. Newsletter: Marla Belzowski Marla would like pictures, articles and brags submitted for the newsletter. They can be left in Perri’s mailbox. Website: Stacy Judge—no report Auditing: Mary Ann Coates—no report New Members: Mary Mignogna The following person was approved by the Executive Board and is being introduced to the General Membership as a prospective member of YABTC: Richard DiMarco Following a motion by Janet Moore and seconded by Lori Baker, the membership voted to vote on the above person by a show of hands rather than written ballots. Following a motion by Lisa Sangregorio and seconded by Kathy Hopkins, the membership voted to accept the above person as a member of YABTC. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The Top Dog Obedience Seminar was a huge success. People thanked Sharon Phillips for arranging the seminar. The presenters gave private lessons on the Monday after the seminar. Sandy Irish reported that the Christmas photo session on October 18 was successful. The pictures have been delivered to the club. The ornaments will be delivered at a future date. The Deb Sacerich Seminar, held on September 27, was very well attended. There will be an agility seminar presented by Denise Thomas on Sunday, December 20. It will include eight working spots in each of the two sessions. Cheryl Christy is taking the reservations. Another agility seminar presented by Steve Schwartz is being planned for the spring of 2016. NEW BUSINESS: There are four DVD’s available for purchase at a discounted rate from the Top Dog presenters. Following a motion by Kim Burrier and seconded by Sharon Phillips, the membership voted to purchase the DVD’s at a cost of $115. They will be available in the library for members to borrow. The Christmas dinner will be held on Sunday, December 27 at the Fifth Season’s Banquet Center. The doors will open at 4 P.M. and the dinner buffet will begin at 4:30 P.M. The cost is $25 per person and Mary Mignogna will be taking the reservations. Reservations must be made by December 20. If you qualify for a free membership, then you qualify for a free meal. There will be two raffles—West Virginia and Chinese. Members are asked to bring desserts. Kim Burrier has coolers and training bags left from the obedience trail that can be purchased for $10 each. Perri announced that there are ballots available for members to vote on the Good Sportsmanship Award through the end of November. The recipient will be announced at the Christmas dinner. The business portion of the meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. following a motion by Barb Wilson and seconded by Kathy Hopkins. ELECTIONS: The nominating committee was chaired by Sandy Irish and included Vicki Casey, Elaine Shively, Donn Bell, Kathy Hopkins and Helen White. The committee presented their slate of officers and board members to the membership for the 2016 year and opened the floor for additional nominations. President: Perri Graf A motion to close the nominations was made by Barb Wilson and seconded by Debbie Harper. Barb Wilson asked that the secretary cast a unanimous vote for the office of President. The motion was seconded by Kathy Hopkins and was unanimously passed by a vote of the membership. Vice President: Lori Baker A motion to close the nominations was made by Barb Wilson and seconded by Joann Sesser. Anne Cicero asked that the secretary cast a unanimous vote for the office of Vice President. The motion was seconded by Mary Mignogna and was unanimously passed by a vote of the membership. Treasurer: Stacy Judge A motion to close the nominations was made by Debbie Harper and seconded by Kathy Allen. Anne Cicero asked that the secretary cast a unanimous vote for the office of Treasurer. The motion was seconded by Kathy Allen and was unanimously passed by a vote of the membership. Recording Secretary: Debbie Harper A motion to close the nominations was made by Kathy Allen and seconded by Kim Burrier. Joann Sesser. Lisa Sangregorio asked that the secretary cast a unanimous vote for the office of Recording Secretary. The motion was seconded by Joann Sesser and was unanimously passed by a vote of the membership. Corresponding Secretary: Mary Mignogna A motion to close the nominations was made by Joann Sesser and seconded by Barb Wilson. Vicki Casey asked that the secretary cast a unanimous vote for the office of Corresponding Secretary. The motion was seconded by Janet Moore and was unanimously passed by a vote of the membership. Board Members: Kim Burrier, Sharon Phillips, Lisa Sangregorio and Elaine Shively A motion to close the nominations was made by Barb Wilson and seconded by Joann Sesser. Kathy Stehnach asked that the secretary cast a unanimous vote for the positions of the general board members. The motion was seconded by Joann Sesser and was unanimously passed by a vote of the membership. A motion to close all nominations for 2016 was made by Barb Wilson, seconded by Janet Moore and was passed by a vote of the membership. The results of the election were as follows: President: Perri Graf Vice President: Lori Baker Treasurer: Stacy Judge Recording Secretary: Debbie Harper Corresponding Secretary: Mary Mignogna Board Members: Kim Burrier, Sharon Phillips, Lisa Sangregorio and Elaine Shively The next General Membership Meeting will be held on Monday, January 18, 2016 at the YABTC facility. Respectfully submitted, Debbie Harper Recording secretary