Adams` Presidency 1796 – 1800 Notes Election of 1796 Federalist


Adams’ Presidency 1796 – 1800 Notes

Election of 1796

Federalist - John Adams; Thomas Pinckney

Republican – Thomas Jefferson; Aaron Burr

 1 st contested Election in American History

 Results o Adams – 71 Electoral Votes o Jefferson – 68 Electoral Votes

 Problem o President and Vice President from different parties

(Federalist and Republican) o Constitution did not foresee political parties

 Foreign Affairs o Traditionally, the Federalists supported and identified with the

British o This creates negative relations with France.

 Example: Genet Affair – Edmond Genet French Diplomat bypasses George Washington and deals with Thomas

Jefferson in hopes he can convince US to side with

France and have Privateers (ships) attack British ships.

 XYZ Affair o French seizing U.S. ships for dealing with the British o Adams wants to smooth relations over o Sends 3 officials to France to negotiate settlement and decrease tensions

 John Marshal

 Elbridge Gerry

 Charles Pinckney o Officials expected to meet with Tallyrand (French Minister = secretary of state) o Instead, are met by 3 low-level French officials o Officials make demands from U.S. before the three men can see


 $250,000 just to see Tallyrand (Bribe)

 Apology from Adams for not supporting the French

 $12 Million loan up front (about the amount loaned to U.S. by France during Revolution) o Insulting for U.S. Officials, Adams and U.S. as a whole o Adams sees this as the opportunity to unify the Republicans and

Federalists o Adams writes a report to congress describing the event.

 Calls officials XYZ, because they did not know names of 3

French clerks.

 Gives affair its name

 Quasi War (semi war)

 Adams infuriated by French disrespect

 U.S. prepares for war against the French

 Buildup of U.S. military o Standing army increased at Hamilton’s suggestion (Hamilton wanted military glory). o Washington asked to lead the army. He said he would if he had to, but wrote a letter to Hamilton delegating military power to him.

 Adams eventually backs down. Realizes war is not the best decision.

 “War” primarily fought on the ocean o French and U.S. ships seize one another o Hostilities last 2 years o Naval war between France and US

Republican Response: opposed to the war and wanted to improve relations with France

Federalists Response: wanted a war to send a message to France

 Adams’ decision not to pursue full-scale war upsets the Federalists. o Wanted to teach French lesson once and for all o Probably a good decision by Adams o But it backfires politically because he loses standing in his own party.

 Alien and Sedition Acts

 Republicans oppose Adams. o Newspapers o Pamphlets

 Criticism o English Favoritism – Many thought this was ridiculous because they ruled us with monarchy o Problems with France

 Immigration – America becoming more stable o Ireland and France o Large Numbers

 Oppressed by British after British start to colonize Ireland

 Irish start to come to a more stable America

 What party would they support? Why? Anti-Federalists, because they were anti-British their support would be with the Republicans – worrying Adams.

 Adams becomes Paranoid o Worried that immigrants would vote his party out of power o Cannot take Republican criticism

 Adams has Federalist support in Congress so he is able to pass the ALIEN

AND SEDITION ACTS 1798 while Quasi War is going on.


Naturalization Act a.

Aliens must be residents for 14 years, not 5 years before they become citizens b.

Motive: Prevent immigrants from voting for the

Republicans (delays vote)


Alien Act a.

During peacetime b.

President can deport aliens dangerous to the peace and safety of the U.S. c.

Federal government has the power to deport aliens.


Aliens Enemies Act a.

During wartime b.

Aliens could be arrested, imprisoned, and deported if they were connected to an enemy nation


Sedition Act (most controversial) a.

Any Treasonable activity is punishable by fine and imprisonment i.

Any criticism written or verbal could be treasonable ii.

Publications of any false, scandalous and malicious writing


Restricted rights of first Amendment rights of press, speech and assembly c.

25 men mostly republican newspaper editors were arrested. Newspapers forcibly closed d.

Franklin’s Grandson- Benjamin Franklin Bache imprisoned by the sedition act.

Republican Response – Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

 Written anonymously by Madison and Jefferson: o Jefferson Vice President keeps identity anonymous o What resolutions called for: o Asserted the principle of Nullification.

 The right of states to nullify (consider void) any act of

Congress they felt was unconstitutional.

 Felt Alien and Sedition Acts violated the 1 st Amendment and were thus unconstitutional

 Called for other states to adopt the principles

 Not done, but these Resolutions aroused the consciousness of the American people even more against Adams and the acts stopped being enforced (makes Adams look indecisive)

 Also showed Federalism (power sharing between state and federal government) was still in question. o Acts were widely unpopular for restricting civil liberties and led to the downfall of Adams and the Federalist party as a whole.

Adams Downfall o Loses support because he does into go to war o He was thinking of preventing war o Only close to war during xyz affair o Hamilton starts to criticize Adams just as much as Jefferson.
