Mid-latitude Atmospheric OH Response to the Most Recent 11-year Solar Cycle 1 2 3 Shuhui Wanga,1, King-Fai Lib,c, Thomas J. Pongettia, Stanley P. Sandera, Yuk L. Yungb, Mao-Chang Liangd, 4 Nathaniel J. Liveseya, Michelle L. Santeea, Jerald W. Hardere, Marty Snowe, and Franklin P. Millsc, f 5 6 a Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA 7 b Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91125, USA 8 c Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratories, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National 9 University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia 10 d Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, TaiPei, 115, Taiwan 11 e Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80303, USA 12 f The Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia. 13 14 The authors declare no conflict of interest. 15 This article is a PNAS Direct Submission and has a prearranged editor. 16 1 17 Major Category: Physical Sciences 18 Minor Category: Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences 19 Keywords: middle atmospheric chemistry, odd hydrogen, long-term variability Corresponding author E-mail: Shuhui.Wang@jpl.nasa.gov 1 20 The hydroxyl radical (OH) plays an important role in middle atmospheric photochemistry, in 21 particular ozone (O3) chemistry. Because it is mainly produced through photolysis and has a short 22 chemical lifetime, OH is expected to show rapid responses to solar forcing (e.g., the 11-year solar 23 cycle), resulting in variabilities in related middle atmospheric O3 chemistry. Here we present the 24 first effort to investigate such OH variability using long-term observations (from space and the 25 surface) and model simulations. Ground-based measurements and data from the Microwave Limb 26 Sounder (MLS) on NASA’s Aura satellite suggest a ~7-10% decrease in OH column abundance 27 from solar maximum to solar minimum that is highly correlated with changes in total solar 28 irradiance (TSI), solar Mg II index, and Lyman-α during Solar Cycle 23. However, model 29 simulations using a commonly accepted solar UV variability parameterization give much smaller 30 OH variability (~3%). While this discrepancy could result partially from the limitations in our 31 current understanding of middle atmospheric chemistry, recently published solar spectral 32 irradiance data from the SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) suggest a solar UV 33 variability that is much larger than previously believed. With a solar forcing derived from 34 SORCE data, modeled OH variability (~6-7%) agrees much better with observations. Model 35 simulations also reveal the detailed chemical mechanisms, suggesting that such OH variability and 36 the corresponding catalytic chemistry may dominate the O3 response to SC in the upper 37 stratosphere. Continuing measurements through Solar Cycle 24 are required to further 38 understand this OH variability and its impacts on O3. 39 2 40 \body 41 Quantifying effects of the solar cycle (SC) in Earth’s atmosphere helps differentiate relative 42 contributions of natural processes and anthropogenic activities to global climate change (1). From 11- 43 year SC maximum (max) to minimum (min), the total solar irradiance (TSI) varies by only ~0.1%. 44 However, changes in solar ultraviolet (UV) fluxes can be much larger (2). Thus, detectable SC impacts 45 on Earth’s climate are more likely to be linked to changes in middle and upper atmospheric composition 46 through photochemistry in the UV. 47 A number of observational and modeling studies have devoted to characterize SC modulations in 48 mesospheric and stratospheric chemistry, especially those in ozone (O3) (3-9). Changes in UV 49 absorption by O3 at low latitudes over the SC can lead to changes in thermal structures in the upper 50 atmosphere, affecting tropospheric and polar climates (10, 11) and may lead to changes in global 51 circulations. Accurate simulations of the O3 response to SC is therefore required for better understanding 52 the sun-climate relation (1). However, the SC signal in O3 simulated by different models show 53 quantitative differences, which may be due to differences in model resolutions, model parameterizations 54 related to dynamical processes, and/or photochemistry that have yet been examined in a definitive 55 manner (12-14). Diagnostic studies must involve not only O3 but also its major catalytic sink species 56 that are also photochemically active, such as odd-hydrogen (HOx = H + OH + HO2) (15-20). 57 OH, in particular, is a key species in HOx reaction cycles. It is mainly produced through direct 58 photolysis of water vapor (H2O) at ~120 and 170 – 205 nm and photolysis of O3 at ~200 – 330 nm 59 followed by reaction of O(1D) with H2O (21). Due to its short chemical lifetime, rapid response of OH to 60 SC can serve as a rapid indicator of solar-forcing-induced changes in atmospheric composition and 61 chemistry. Unfortunately, very few studies have been done on HOx response to SC and little attention 62 has been paid to the impacts of such changes on O3 (16). Moreover, Recent observations over the 3 63 declining phase of Solar Cycle 23 by the Solar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE) 64 (22) and the Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SIM) (23) instruments aboard SORCE satellite suggest an 65 unexpectedly large decrease in solar UV irradiance, which has important implications for O3 and HOx 66 photochemistry (5). Such observations disagree with previous satellite observations and model 67 parameterizations, adding UV variability as another dimension of uncertainty for upper atmospheric 68 modeling. 69 The objectives of this work include: (i) providing observational evidence of SC-related changes 70 in OH column abundance (XOH) from a near-15-year ground-based measurement, augmented by 5-year 71 satellite OH measurements by the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) aboard Aura; (ii) quantifying the 72 impacts of using SORCE UV variability on XOH SC variability with a three-dimensional (3-D) whole 73 atmosphere community climate model (WACCM) (2) and a one-dimensional (1-D) photochemical 74 model (24, 25); and (iii) estimating sensitivity of stratospheric O3 to the SC-related OH changes 75 obtained in (ii). Note that previous studies on the O3 response to SC investigate the overall O3 variability 76 due to chemistry and radiation. Our objective (iii) is to illustrate the role of OH in the SC modulations of 77 O3 chemistry. 78 This study is the first effort of using long-term OH measurements from space and the surface to 79 investigate the OH response to the SC, providing a basis for simulating long-term variability of middle 80 atmospheric hydrogen chemistry. 81 82 Observational Evidences 83 Studies on SC-modulations of OH had been limited in the past by the lack of long-term 84 systematic observations. The only two long-term records are XOH measurements at NASA Jet 85 Propulsion Laboratory’s (JPL) Table Mountain Facility (TMF) in California (18, 26) and at NOAA Fritz 4 86 Peak Observatory (FPO) in Colorado (27). Based on the FPO XOH data during 1977 – 2000, an XOH 87 variability of ±4.2% (or 8.4%), was derived and believed to be associated with the 11-year SC (16). A 88 trend suggestive of a similar SC response in TMF XOH data during 1997 – 2001 was also reported (18), 89 but the robustness of such analysis was limited by the short period of the observation. In this study, we 90 update TMF XOH data to 1997 – 2011, covering most of the SC 23 and the rising SC 24. 91 XOH is measured by a high-resolution Fourier Transform Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrometer 92 (FTUVS) at TMF at an altitude of ~2.3 km in Wrightwood, California (34.4N, 117.7W) (26). FTUVS 93 makes diurnal XOH measurements during daytime. Two dominated natural variabilities of OH are the 94 diurnal cycle due to the change of solar zenith angle (SZA) over the course of a day and the seasonal 95 cycle which is a combined effect of varying SZA and sources of OH (16, 28). To focus on the SC signal, 96 we first minimize the diurnal effect by using daily max (Figure 1a) determined by a polynomial fit of the 97 diurnal pattern (see Figure S1; Supporting Information (SI)). The average time of daily max is close to 98 20:00 Universal Time (UT) (local noon). To minimize the seasonal effect, we applied a Fast Fourier 99 Transform (FFT) low-pass filter to the XOH daily max. The result of 2-year FFT (removing variations 100 with frequencies higher than once every two years) is selected to best represent the long-term variability 101 that is primarily due to the SC (Figure 1a, red). Further FFT filtering smears the SC signal, while less 102 FFT filtering retains additional interannual features that are not related to SC (e.g., 1-year FFT shown in 103 Figure 1a, green). We also applied a regression analysis using the long-term Lyman-α index as a proxy 104 for SC. The results are consistent with FFT analysis. All results are normalized by the all-time-mean 105 XOH (Figure 1c). The TMF XOH SC variability is found to be 10±3% from peak to valley, where the 106 uncertainty is estimated from the regression (9). This 10% variability agrees with that observed over 107 FPO (16), although the absolute values of XOH from FPO and TMF, both in mid-latitudes, have shown 108 statistical differences of several tens of percent (29). 5 109 Since the launch of Aura in July, 2004, daily global OH distribution has been measured by MLS 110 (30). Excellent quality of MLS OH data has been demonstrated through extensive validations with air- 111 borne and ground-based measurements and modeling (31-33). Nearly continuous MLS OH data are 112 available from 2004 (middle of the declining phase of SC 23) to the end of 2009 (start of SC 24). To 113 support TMF observations, we focus on MLS OH at TMF latitude (29.5N – 39.5N). Data between 114 21.5 – 0.0032 hPa are integrated to give an estimate of XOH, which covers ~90% of the total atmospheric 115 OH (33). Therefore such integration is expected to include most of the SC signal. Furthermore, the 116 average MLS overpass time at TMF during daytime is ~21:00 UT (33), making MLS XOH compared to 117 TMF daily max XOH (~20:00 UT). Figure 1b shows the zonal mean daily MLS XOH over TMF and the 118 annual average (mid-August to mid-August) in which the seasonal variation is removed. The first year 119 mean (Aug 2004 to Aug 2005) is used to normalize the annual mean XOH to obtain the relative 120 variability (Figure 1c, blue), which is primarily due to the SC, with small additional interannual 121 variations. It is in good agreement with that of TMF XOH, although only five annual mean MLS data 122 points are available and the slightly high MLS XOH during 2007 – 2008 may require further 123 investigation. Between 2004 and 2009, MLS annual mean XOH decreased by over 3%. Based on the 124 scale of TMF XOH variability, we estimate the total SC signal in MLS XOH to be ~7%. 125 As a robustness test, the XOH SC signals obtained above are compared with observations of 126 various solar parameters (Figure 2). Independent TSI measurements have been provided by a number of 127 satellite instruments since 1978. Due to calibration issues, TSI data from different instruments may show 128 similar trends but different absolute values. Based on these observations, various versions of TSI 129 composite have been constructed, e.g., ACRIM (primarily from measurements by 3 generations of 130 Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor) (34, 35) and PMOD (from Physikalisch- 131 Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos World Radiation Center) (36). These composites, as well as the 6 132 most recent TSI measurement (2003 – 2011) by the Total Irradiance Monitor (TIM) (37) aboard SORCE, 133 are plotted in Figure 2a. Despite quantitative differences between ACRIM and PMOD which may be 134 due to uncorrected instrumental drifts (38), both composites clearly demonstrate a prolonged solar min 135 near the end of SC 23. SORCE TSI is annually averaged and the composites are smoothed to remove the 136 short-term variability. The extracted SC signals in XOH show excellent correlation with SORCE TSI 137 (Figure 2b) and generally follow the TSI composites (Figure 2c), with some differences in the ascending 138 phase of SC 23. While TSI is a good indicator of the integrated solar spectrum variability, short- 139 wavelength UV radiation may vary differently from longer-wavelength radiation. Therefore, we also 140 compare the observed XOH variability with those in solar Lyman- at 121.5 nm and the Magnesium 141 (Mg)-II index near 280 nm (composites from the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics and 142 NOAA, respectively), which are proxies for solar UV variations. They both well correlate with the 143 observed XOH variability over SC 23 (Figure 2d). 144 145 Model Results and Discussions 146 We simulate the SC modulation in XOH with WACCM, a 3-D global atmospheric model 147 extending from the surface to the thermosphere (2). The advantage of using WACCM is that chemistry, 148 radiation, and dynamics are fully coupled, providing a comprehensive simulation of SC effects on XOH 149 at mid-latitudes. Four 50-year-long WACCM runs with different prescriptions of solar UV variability (to 150 be described below) are carried out. 151 Most climate models with prescribed solar forcing use a parameterized solar spectral irradiance 152 (SSI) variability developed at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) (39) primarily based on space- 153 borne UV measurements during 1991 – 2000 (40). Figure 3a shows the simulated annual mean XOH 154 from 1964 to 2010 using this NRL solar forcing. TMF and MLS XOH are represented by model OH 7 155 integrated from the upper mesosphere down to 2.3 km and 25 km, respectively. The average SC signal 156 in XOH is only ~3% from max to min, suggesting differences of a factor of ~3 between model and 157 observations (Figure 3b). Note that another run with the standard WACCM SC setting (parameterized 158 UV variability based on \observations in previous solar cycles (2)) shows similar results. 159 While the differences could be partially caused by limitations in our current understanding of 160 middle atmospheric HOx-O3 chemistry, the uncertainty in solar UV variability could be a dominate 161 source. Haigh et al. (5) reported the SORCE (SOLSTICE and SIM) SSI variability during April 2004 – 162 November 2007, which is significantly larger than that of NRL SSI and can better explain observed 163 atmospheric O3 changes (5, 6, 8, 9). Thus we use SORCE SSI to replace NRL as the solar forcing in 164 WACCM. To mimic a full SC, SORCE SSI data is extrapolated back to the max of SC 23 in January 165 2002 through a linear regression with the long-term record of Mg-II index. The resultant SSI variability 166 and its comparison with NRL are shown in Figure 4 (extrapolation scaling factor is shown in the inset). 167 The SORCE UV variability is generally larger than that from the NRL model. The relative difference is 168 ~30% at Lyman- and much larger (factor of 2 – 6) at 200 – 280 nm. Considering the significant 169 difference between SOLSTICE and SIM SSI variability at 210 – 240 nm, we made two WACCM runs 170 using combined SSI variability from the two instruments with cutoffs at 240 nm and 210 nm, 171 respectively. Figure 3c shows the annual mean model XOH using SORCE SSI variability (SOLSTICE 172 below 240 nm; SIM above 240 nm). The XOH SC variability is ~6% (twice of that in Figure 3b) and 173 agrees much better with observations (10% for TMF; 7% for MLS); the difference between the 174 WACCM result and TMF observations is reduced to a factor of ~1.5 (Figure 3d). The other WACCM 175 run using 240 nm as cutoff between SOLSTICE and SIM data gives a slightly larger XOH variability of 176 ~7%, reducing the difference between model and observations to a factor of ~1.3. Availability of longer 8 177 SORCE UV data covering the recent solar min (2008 – 2009) and the rising SC 24 in the future will help 178 make more robust conclusions. 179 To better understand the detailed mechanism of OH response to SC, we use a 1-D photochemical 180 model (24, 25) to study the vertical and spectral distribution of OH sensitivity to SSI changes. It has 181 advantages including the much higher computational efficiency and flexibility than WACCM, allowing 182 for a wide range of sensitivity studies to elucidate the underlying mechanisms responsible for the OH 183 response to SC. The spectral OH response, defined as the ratio of the relative change in model OH to the 184 relative change in solar photon flux at the top of the atmosphere (%-[OH] / %-photon flux) highlights 185 the important processes for OH photochemistry (Figure 5a): (i) OH enhancements at 65 – 90 km and 50 186 – 80 km occur at Lyman-α and 170 – 200 nm, where H2O photolysis is the major OH source; (ii) 187 Positive OH responses at 210 – 320 nm correspond to enhanced O3 photolysis followed by enhanced OH 188 production through the reaction of O(1D) (from O3 photolysis) with H2O; (iii) Negative OH responses at 189 above 80 km correspond to enhanced photolysis of O2 (160 – 200 nm) and O3 (255 – 290 nm), which 190 produces atomic oxygen, a sink species for OH. This effect is insignificant in XOH due to the very low 191 OH abundance at these altitudes; (iv) Negative response at 190 – 220 nm below 40 km is caused by a 192 shielding effect (18) resulted from enhanced UV reduction by the enhanced overhead O3 (O3 at higher 193 altitudes with a positive response to SC (5) absorbs more UV and weakens photolysis rates at lower 194 altitudes). It mostly cancels out with effect (ii) at these altitudes, leaving a small net negative response. 195 The vertical profile of model OH response to SC (OH]) (Figure 5b) is obtained by convolving 196 the spectral response in Figure 5a with SSI variability (black: using NRL; blue: using SORCE). An 197 earlier modeling work by Canty and Minschwaner (16) (orange ) using a solar forcing similar to that of 198 NRL is close to our model result using NRL SSI. Such OH] is the overall OH change due to changes 199 in photolysis and OH sources/sinks. OH] derived using SORCE SSI is generally larger than that using 9 200 NRL, owing to the greater solar UV variability from SORCE. It is up to 18% at 70 – 80 km, near 5% at 201 40 – 60 km, and slightly negative at 30 – 40 km. In particular, by using SORCE SSI, OH SC signal 202 increases by a factor of 2 at 40 – 60 km. The integrated XOH response derived using NRL SSI is 3.7%; 203 when SORCE SSI is used, the XOH response increases to 6.4%. These values agree well with those from 204 WACCM. 205 206 Implications 207 Catalytic O3 loss above ~40 km is primarily controlled by HOx reactions (17, 19, 20). O3 in this 208 region of the atmosphere is expected to show early signs of O3 layer recovery (41) and has a strong 209 impact on global stratospheric temperatures, circulation, and thus climate (42). Our findings of OH 210 response to SC have important implications on the O3 changes associated with HOx variability. Previous 211 studies on the O3 response to SC (5, 6, 8, 9) are for the overall O3 change ([O3]) including direct 212 changes through photolysis, indirect changes through O3-destroying catalysts (e.g., HOx), and possible 213 indirect changes through thermal structures and circulation. It is important to quantify the impact of each 214 individual process. Here we discuss the component of O3 that is solely due to [OH] (denoted by 215 ∂[O3]). We made another set of 1-D model runs by constraining [OH] to values from above-discussed 216 runs using NRL and SORCE SSI and fixing UV flux (no other components of O3). All species other 217 than OH are allowed to vary until reaching steady state. The resultant O3 change represents ∂[O3] 218 (Figure 5c). Above 60 km, ∂[O3] = –[OH] holds approximately (16); The peak ∂[O3] at 75 km is –15% 219 and –18% for the runs using [OH] from NRL and SORCE SSI, respectively. Below 40 km, ∂[O3] is 220 negligibly small. Between 40 and 60 km, using [OH] from SORCE SSI instead of from NRL leads to 221 nearly doubled ∂[O3]. Merkel et al. (6) showed that WACCM modeled [O3] at 40 – 60 km increases 10 222 drastically from 0.5% to 1% when NRL SSI is replaced by SORCE SSI. Similar results are also obtained 223 using other models (5, 8). These changes in [O3] at 40 – 60 km is close to that in ∂[O3] alone, 224 suggesting that OH SC variability may be a dominant factor underlying the O3 response to SC in the 225 upper stratosphere. More quantitative diagnostic studies will help confirm it. 226 227 Concluding Remarks 228 Both 1-D and WACCM models using NRL SSI produce an XOH response to SC that is much 229 smaller than observed XOH at TMF. The use of SORCE SSI gives results much closer to observations. 230 Thus the uncertainty in SSI variability may be a primary limitation for accurate modeling of OH 231 variability and the corresponding catalytic O3 change. While the NRL model could have underestimated 232 the solar forcing in SC 23, several other factors involving the trends in OH sources/sinks could have 233 contributed to the larger observed OH variability. 234 One candidate is the trend in atmospheric H2O (43). Satellite and ground-based measurements 235 revealed a decreasing trend of a few %/year in H2O at 16 – 26 km during 2000 – 2005 (43, 44). 236 Remsberg (45) reported an increasing trend in mesospheric H2O of ~1%/year at 60 – 80 km (45). We 237 approximate the H2O trend at 26 – 60 km by linear interpolation and simulated the impact of these 238 trends on OH using the 1D model (Figure S3 in SI). The resultant change in XOH is only –0.2%/year. 239 The decreasing H2O trend (44) also stops since 2005, suggesting little impact on the observed XOH 240 decrease during 2005 – 2009. 241 Similarly, a non-SC O3 trend may also contribute to the observed XOH change. A recent study 242 using ground-based lidar measurement over TMF showed ~2%/decade O3 trend at 35 – 45 km after 11 243 1997. Unfortunately, there is no report of the trends at other altitudes. Assuming 2%/decade for all 244 altitudes, our 1-D model suggests negligibly small change in XOH of ~0.08%/decade. 245 Models using SORCE SSI variability produce an XOH response (6~7%) that agrees much better 246 with observed XOH (~10% from FTUVS; ~7% from MLS). The remaining small difference is within the 247 uncertainty range of TMF XOH, and could also originate from the above-mentioned small impacts of 248 H2O and O3 trends. In addition, the SORCE SSI variability in this study is extrapolated from 2004 – 249 2007 (5) back to the max of SC 23 in 2002, but the SSI in 2007 is expected to be slightly larger than the 250 real SC min (2008 – 2009). This could also lead to a slightly underestimated OH SC signal from the 251 model. Updated SORCE SSI data in the future could help to confirm this. 252 While models using SORCE SSI over SC 23 as solar forcing agree better with observations than 253 using NRL SSI, it is still early to conclude that climate models should switch from NRL to SORCE SSI. 254 Questions remain as to why previous SSI measurements during earlier SCs did not show such large 255 variability, whether SORCE SSI variability is applicable to other SCs, and whether the difference is at 256 least partially due to possible shortcomings in the NRL model and/or calibration issues of SORCE 257 instruments. 258 In any case, continuous long-term observations of solar SSI, OH, O3 and other related chemical 259 species through the SC 24 are crucial for further investigations to solve the above puzzle. While MLS 260 OH observations have been temporarily suspended at the end of 2009 to reserve its remaining lifetime, 261 month-long measurement in each summer in the next few years is planned to cover the peak of SC 24. 262 This unique data, in combination with the continuous ground-based FTIVS measurements, will provide 263 valuable information about the global and vertical distribution of the SC signal in OH. The latter, with 264 an accurately measured SSI variability, can rigorously test the photochemical mechanisms in current 265 models. 12 266 267 Methods 268 Ground-based FTUVS at TMF measures the total OH column under clear to lightly cloudy 269 conditions. The major systematic error is the uncertainty in the OH line center absorption cross section 270 (10%). The precision for a single data point (~15 minute interval) is generally within 10% and is 271 substantially improved when using the daily max determined from the polynomial fit of the diurnal 272 variation. The gaps in the time series are due to weather, instrument adjustments or upgrades, and 273 measurements for other species. When deriving the SC signal using regression, an index describing the 274 vertical propagation of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the stratosphere was also included in the 275 analysis, but was found to be insignificant. The effect of ENSO (El Niño/La Niña-Southern Oscillation) 276 was also found to be negligible. 277 MLS OH data used in this study are from v3.3 retrieval software. The systematic uncertainty is 278 within 8% over 32 – 0.0032 hPa (32). We use data at 21.5 – 0.0032 hPa to avoid the increasing noise 279 due to H2O absorption at higher pressures. The zonal mean around TMF [29.5N, 39.5N] are used. A 280 similar analysis using data from a 10×25 grid box at TMF was also performed. The results are similar 281 to those presented here. 282 WACCM uses MOZART3 as the chemical mechanism (2). Chemical species are all allowed to 283 vary during model runs. For each UV setting, the model is run from 1960 to 2010. The first 4 years are 284 ignored to allow the model for spin-up. We use the monthly mean output to derive the OH SC signal. 285 We also generated daily max outputs during solar max year and solar min year to compare with results 286 using monthly mean. The diurnal effect is found to be very small. 13 287 The 1-D model is a Caltech/JPL photochemical model that includes over 100 chemical species, 288 over 460 thermal and photochemical reactions, vertical transport (eddy, molecular, and thermal 289 diffusion), and coupled radiative transfer (24, 25). The chemical kinetics have been updated to JPL06-2 290 (46). A more recent update of JPL10-6 (47) does not introduce significant differences on major reactions 291 related to HOx chemistry. 65 layers are used to cover from the ground to 130 km. The OH fluxes at the 292 surface and the top of the atmosphere are fixed as zero. During model runs, chemical species are not 293 constrained unless otherwise stated. The temperature profile is fixed. The model has been applied to 294 study the diurnal cycle of OH (48). It produces realistic O3 vertical profiles at 30 – 100 km (25). Typical 295 model profiles of OH, O3, and related species are shown in Figure S2 (SI). 296 SORCE solar spectral data: The SOLSTICE measurement (22) has a spectral resolution of 0.1 297 nm and an absolute accuracy within 5%. The SIM measurement (23) has varying spectral resolution (~1 298 nm in UV) and an absolute accuracy within 2%. 299 300 Acknowledgements 301 We acknowledge the support of the NASA Aura Science Team, Upper Atmosphere Research, and 302 Tropospheric Chemistry programs. Work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of 303 Technology, was done under contract to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Support 304 from an Australian Research Council Linkage International grant is gratefully acknowledged. We 305 acknowledge R. C. Willson for providing the ACRIM TSI composite (http://www.acrim.com/), L. Puga 306 and D. Bouwer for providing the latest Mg II index (http://sol.spacenvironment.net/), and the LASP 307 Interactive Solar Irradiance Datacenter (LISIRD) for Lyman- record (http://lasp.colorado.edu/lisird/). 308 We 309 (http://www.pmodwrc.ch/pmod.php?topic=tsi/composite/SolarConstant), and acknowledge unpublished also acknowledge receipt of dataset from PMOD/WRC, Davos, Switzerland 14 310 data from VIRGO (the Variability of solar IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations on board the SOlar and 311 Heliospheric Observatory). Some early years FTUVS OH data were collected by R. P. Cageao. We 312 thank H. M. Pickett, the PI (retired) for the MLS OH measurements and a NASA Aura Science Team 313 project. We also thank R.-L. Shia and S. Newman for help with the models and insightful discussions. 314 315 Author contributions 316 S. Wang, K.-F. Li, S. P. Sander, Y. L. Yung, and F. P. Mills designed the research. S. Wang carried out 317 the observational data analysis and investigations. K.-F. Li carried out the 1-D model runs and 318 contributed to the investigations under the guidance of Y. L. Yung and F. P. Mills. Under the guidance 319 of S. P. Sander, T. J. Pongetti made most TMF measurements. M.-C. Liang carried out the WACCM 320 model runs. N. J. Livesey and M. L. Santee contributed to MLS data quality analysis. J. W. Harder and 321 M. Snow provided SORCE SSI data. The manuscript was mainly written by S. Wang, with the 1-D 322 model section contributed from K.-F. Li. All authors contributed comments on the manuscript. 323 324 Additional information 325 The authors declare no competing financial interests. Correspondence and requests for materials should 326 be addressed to S. Wang. 327 15 328 Figure Legends 329 Figure 1. Daily max OH column at TMF and its SC variability. 330 (a) Daily max FTUVS XOH (black) and its long-term variability based on FFT (red and green). (b) Daily 331 zonal mean MLS XOH around TMF latitude (black) and its annual mean (blue). (c) Long-term FTUVS 332 XOH variability normalized to all-time-mean (red and green: from FFT; gray: from regression) and the 333 comparable variability in MLS XOH (blue). 334 335 Figure 2. OH SC variability correlates well with solar parameters. 336 (a) Daily mean TSI from SORCE (black), PMOD composite (purple), and ACRIM composite (green). 337 (b) FTUVS (red) and MLS (blue) XOH variability (see Figure 1) in comparison with variability in annual 338 mean SORCE TSI (black). (c) Same as (b), but replacing SORCE TSI with smoothed ACRIM and 339 PMOD composites. The PMOD TSI was adjusted by 4.7 W/m2. (d) XOH variability in comparison with 340 variabilities in Lyman-α (gray) and Mg II (cyan). 341 342 Figure 3. Comparison of OH SC variabilities from WACCM and observations. 343 (a) Modeled variability of annual mean XOH (using NRL solar forcing) integrated over the altitude 344 ranges for FTUVS (red) and MLS (blue) XOH. (b) Model XOH variability is increased by a factor of 3 345 (gray) to compare with observed XOH SC signal (red and blue). The gray band indicates the scatter range 346 of model XOH variability over the simulated SCs. (c) and (d) are equivalent to (a) and (b) but for model 347 results using SORCE SSI. 348 349 Figure 4. Solar UV spectral variability derived from SORCE SSI. 350 The blue and orange lines correspond to SSI data from SOLSTICE and SIM, respectively. The purple 16 351 line shows the mean of the two at 210 – 240 nm. The black line is the NRL SSI variation. All spectra 352 have been convolved to the model grid. The inset shows the spectral scaling factors for extrapolating the 353 observed SSI (April 2004 – November 2007) to the solar max in January 2002. For above 340 nm (not 354 important for OH chemistry), an arbitrary factor of 3.5 is applied (dashed). 355 356 Figure 5. Vertical profile of OH SC signal and its implications for O3. 357 (a) The spectral response of OH to changes in wavelength-resolved solar irradiance (the relative change 358 in OH divided by the relative change in the photon flux) from the 1-D model. The reference UV 359 spectrum for perturbation is constructed with SOLSTICE data below 210 nm, SIM data above 240 nm, 360 and the mean of SOLSTICE and SIM at 210 – 240 nm where they disagree (see Figure 4). (b) Vertical 361 profiles of OH SC signal from the model run using NRL SSI (black), using SORCE SSI (blue; shade 362 representing the upper and lower limits of results derived by using SOLSTICE or SIM data at 210 – 240 363 nm.), and from Canty and Minschwaner (16) (orange). (c) The corresponding O3 variability (solely due 364 to the changes in OH in panel (b)). 365 366 References 367 368 1. Gray LJ, et al. 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