Root Meaning in English ab-, a-, absacacerbacidacracr(o)acuad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, ap-, ar-, as-, atadipaer-, aeroaesthetagri-, -egriagroalbam-, amat-, amorambiamic-, -imicamphi- away sharp or pointed sharp, bitter, sour sour or acid bitter, pungent, sharp, sour height, summit, tip sharp amplan-, aana-, anandroanemoanimaann-, -ennant-, antiante-, antianthanthropapoaquarararchaeo-, archeoarche-, archiargentaristarthrastrathlaud(i)aug-, auctauriaut-, autoaviaxiaxiobacbarobasibathy-, bathobe-, beatbell(i)ben- Greek/ Latin L L L L L G L Derived Words in English abnormal, abrasion, absent, abstain, abstract, acupuncture acerbic, exacerbate acidosis acrid, acrimony acrobatics, acromegaly, acronym, acrophobia, acupuncture, acute, acutifoliate movement toward; in addition to L accept, adapt, affect, approximate, ascend fat air, atmosphere feeling, sensation field field dull white love, loved both, on both sides friend around, about, both L G G L G L L L L G adipose aeronautics, aerosol aesthetics, anaesthetic agriculture, peregrine agronomy albedo, albino, albumen amateur, amorous ambidexterity, ambivalent amicable, inimical amphibian, amphibolic ample, abundant, bountiful L amplification not, without again, against, back, up male, masculine wind breath year, yearly against, oppos, preventive before, in front of, prior to flower human separate - farthest point water be dry plow, till ancient ruler silver excellence joint star, star-shaped prize hearing, listening, sound grow, increase relating to the ear self; directed from within bird axis merit rod-shaped weight, pressure at the bottom deep, depth bless war good, well G G G G L L G L G G G L L L G G L G G G G L L L G L L G L G G G L L L anhydrous, atypical anabaptist, anaphylaxis, anion, anode androgen, android anemometer animal, animation anniversary, annual, biannual, millennium antagonist, antibiotic, antipodes antebellum, antediluvian, anticipate, anther, anthology anthropology, anthropomorphic apocrine, apogee, apostasy aquamarine, aquarium, aqueduct, aquifer arid arable archaeology or archeology, archaic archangel, archetype argent, Argentina aristocracy arthritis, arthropod asterisk, astrology, astronomy, disaster athlete, pentathlon audible, auditorium, auditory augend, augmentation auricle autograph, automobile, autonomy aviary, aviation axisymmetry axiology bacilla, bacteria barograph, barometer, baroreceptor basic, basis batholith, bathyscaphe beatification antebellum, bellicose, belligerent benefit, benignity bibi(o)bibbiblblastblenn(o)bon(i)borbotanbovbrachi(o)brachybradybranchibrev(i)brombrombronchbrontbuccbulbbullburscac(o)cad-, -cid-, cascaed-, -cid-, caes-, -ciscalccallicalorcalypcamercampcancan-, -cin-, cantcandcap-, -cip-, capt-, -ceptcapit-, -cipitcaprcapscarbocarcer- two life drink book embryo, cell with nucleus slime good north plant cow, ox arm short slow gill brief, short (time) oats stench windpipe thunder cheek, mouth, cavity bulbous bubble, flask pouch, purse bad fall cut stone beautiful heat cover vault field dog sing glowing, iridescent hold, take head goat box, case coal jail carcin- cancer (disease) cardi(o)cardincarncarpcarpcastcata-, catcatencatharcaudcaus-, -cuscavced-, cessceler- relating to the heart hinge flesh relating to fruit relating to the wrist pure down chain pure tail cause or motive hollow go quick L G L G G G L G/L G L G G G G L G G G G L L L L G L L G/L G L G L L L L L L L L L L L L from G G L L G G L G L G L L L L L binary, binoculars, bigamy, biscotti biography, biology, biologist, biosphere, imbibe bible, bibliography blastula, fibroblast, osteoblast, sideroblast blennophobia, blennosperma bonify, bonitary borealis botany bovine brachial artery, brachiosaurus brachydactyly bradycardia branchiopod, nudibranch abbreviation, brevity Bromus ramosus bromide bronchitis, bronchus, bronchiole Brontosaurus buccal, buccinator muscle bulbous, bulbule ebullient, ebullism bursa, bursar, bursary, disburse cacophony accident, cadence, case caesura, incisor calcite, calcium, calculus calligraphy calorie apocalypse bicameral, camera champion, campaign canine, Canis Major cantata, canto, cantor candela, candid, candle, candor, incandescent capture, captive, conception, recipient capital, decapitation, precipitation Capricorn, caprine capsule carbon incarceration carcinogenic, carcinoma cardiograph, cardiology cardinal carnal, carnival, carnivore carpology carpal, carpal tunnel syndrome caste, castigate, castrate catabolic, catalyst, catastrophe, catatonia, catenary, concatenation catharsis caudal causative cave, cavity, excavation procession, recede, secede acceleration, celerity cen(o)cen(o)centcentencentesimcentrcephalceramceratcerncervicceterchelonchirchlorchordchorechromchronchryscilicinecinercing-, cinctcirccircumcirrcirrcivcladclarclastclaud-, -clud-, claus-, -clusclavcleithrclementclincochlcoelcogncolcollcolorconcon-, co-, col-, com-, corcondicontracoprcoraccordcorncoroncorporcorticcosmcostcotyl- empty new hundred hundred each hundredth center head clay horn sift relating to the neck/cervix other relating to a turtle of the hand or hands green cord relating to dance color time gold eyelash motion ash gird circle around curl, tentacle orange citizen branch clear broken close key bar, key mild bed, lean, recline shell hollow know strain neck color cone with, together season against dung raven heart horn crown body bark universe rib cup G G L L L G G G G L L L G G G G/L G G G G L G L L L L L G L G L G L G G L L G G L L L L G L L L G G L L L L L G L G cenotaph Cenozoic cent, centennial, centurion centenary centesimal, centesimation eccentric cephalic, cephalopod, encephalogram ceramic keratin discern, secern cervix, cervical et cetera chelonia chiral, chiropractic, chiroptera chlorine, chlorophyll, chloroplast chordata choreography chromium, chromosome, monochrome chronic, chronology, chronometer chrysolite cilia, supercilious cinema incineration succinct circus circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate cirrus cirrhosis civility clade clarity, declaration iconoclast, osteoclast clause, exclusion, include clavichord, clavicle, conclave cleithrum clemency, inclement declination, inclined cochlea blastocoel, coelom, spongocoel cognitive, cognizant, recognize colander collar coloration, coloratura, tricolor conic, conical, conoid coagulate, collide, compress, connect, corrode condiment contradiction, contrast coprolite, coprophagia, coprophilia coracoid accord, cordial cornea, cornucopia, unicorn corona, coronation corporation, corpse, corpuscle corticosteriod cosmic, cosmonaut costal cotyledon -cracy, -crat cranicrasscrecredcribrcris-, critcrispcristcruccrurcryptctencubcubculinculpcunecurr-, curscurvcuspidcutcyancyclcylindcyncystcytdactyldamn-, -demndedebdeca-, dec-, deka-, dekdecimdem-, demodendendr-, dendrodensdentdermdeuterdexidexterdidiadictdigitdinodipldoc-, doctdodecdogmat-, doxdomdondormdorsdu- government, rule, authority skull thick make believe, trust sieve judge curled crest cross leg, shank hidden comb cube lie kitchen blame, fault wedge run bent lance, point skin blue circular roll dog capsule cell finger, toe, digit to inflict loss upon from, away from, down owe ten tenth part people ten each resembling a tree thick tooth skin second right right two apart, through say, speak finger terrible, fearfully great double; twofold teach twelve opinion, tenet house give sleep back two G G L L L L G L L L L G G G L L L L L L L L G G G G G G G L L L G L G L G L L G G G L G G L L G G L G G L L L L L democracy cranium crassitude creation, creature credentials, credibility, creditor, incredible cribble, cribrate crisis, critic crispate cristate crucial, crucifix, crucify, excruciating crural cryptic, cryptography ctenophore cubic, cuboid incubation, succuba culinary culpable, exculpate cuneiform concurrent, current, cursive, recursion curvature bicuspid cuticle cyanide bicycle, cycle, cyclone cylinder cynosure cystic cytoplasm, cnidocyte dactylology, pterodactyl condemn, damnation deletion, dementia, descend debit decagram, decahedron decimal, decimate demagogue, democracy denarius, denary dendrite, dendrochronology condense, density dental, dentifrice, dentures dermis, epidermis, hypodermic Deuteronomy, deuterostome Dexiarchia dexterity, dextrose dicot, diode, dipole dialysis, diameter, diagram contradict, dictate, dictation, dictionary, edict digital dinosaur diploid, diplosis docile, doctor, indoctrinate dodecasyllabic dogmatic, orthodox dome condone, donation dormant, dormitory dorsal dual dubduc-, ductdulcdurdydynamdysececoectoed-, esegoego-, egem-, emptemeemulen-, emendoenneaeo-, eos-, eosoepi-, epepistemequequ-, -iquergerrerythr(o)esoethmethnetho-, eth-, ethietymeueurex-, e-, efexoexter-, extraextremf-, fatfabfac-, -fic-, fact, -fectfalcfall-, -fell-, falsfallacfamilifantfascfatufelfelicfellfeminfemorfend-, fensfenestrferferoc- doubtful lead sweet hard two power badly, ill out house outside eat self, I (first person) goat buy vomit striving to equal, rivaling in inside nine dawn, east upon knowledge or science horse even, level work stray red within sieve people, race, tribe, nation custom, habit TRUE well, good wide from, out outside outer outermost, utmost say, speak bean make sickle deceive FALSE a close attendant to show bundle foolish, useless cat happy, merry suck women, female thigh strike window carry fierce L L L L G G G G G G L G/L G L G L G G G G G G L L G L G G G G G G G G L G L L L L L L L L L G L L L L L L L L L L L dubious abduction, conductor, introduction, production, dulcet durable, duration, duress, endure, obdurate dyad dynamism, dynasty, dynamite dysentery, dysplasia, dystrophy eccentric ecology, economics, ecumenism ectoderm edible egocentric egophony exemption, preempt, redeem emetic emulator emphasis endocrine ennead, enneagon Eocene epicenter, epoch epistemic Equestrian equal, equivalence ergonomics aberration, errant erythrocyte esoteric ethmoid ethnic, ethnarch ethology etymology euphoria, euthanasia Europe exclude, extend, extrude exoskeleton, exothermic exterior extremity, extremophile fate, infant, preface faba bean defect, factory, manufacture falciform falsity, infallibility fallacy familiarity fantasy fasciculation, fascism fatuous, infatuation Felinae, feline felicity fellation femininity femoral defend, offense defenestration reference, transfer ferocity ferrfetficfid-, fisfilfilifinfind-, fissfirmfistulflflaccflavflect-, flexflig-, flictflorflu-, fluxfocfod-, fossfolifontforformfornicfortfovefrang-, -fring-, fract-, fragfrater-, fratrfric-, frictfrigfrontfruct-, frugfug-, fugitfumfund- iron stink fig faith, trust thread son end split fix, settle hollow, tube blow flabby yellow bend strike flower flow hearth dig leaf spring bore, drill shape vault strong shallow round depression break brother rub cold forehead fruit flee smoke bottom L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L ferrous fetid, fetor Ficus confidence, fidelity filament affiliation finish, final fission, fissures confirmation, firmament fistula flatulence, inflation, insufflation flaccid flavonoid flexible, flexile, flexor, inflection conflict, inflict floral, florid effluent, fluency, influx focal fossil defoliant font, fontal, fontanelle foralite, foramen, foraminifer, perforation conformity, deformity, formation, reformatory fornication fortification fovea fracture, fragment, frangible, infringe fraternity dentifrice, friction frigid, frigorific confront, frontage, frontal fructose centrifuge, fugitive, refuge fume, fumigation fundamentalism, profundity fund-, fus- pour L diffusion, effusion, fusion, profuse, profusion, transfusion fung-, functfur-, furtfurcfuscgalactgastrgegelgen(o)ger-, gestgerminglabrglacigladigliaglobgloriglutingrad-, -gred-, gressgram- do steal fork dark milk stomach earth icy cold race, kind,birth bear, carry sprout hairless ice sword glue sphere glory glue walk, step, go writing L L L L G G G L G L L L L L G L L L L G function, fungibility furtive bifurcation obfuscation galactic gastric, gastroenterology geography, geology, geometry gelatin, gelid eugenics, genocide digest, gestation germination glabrous glacier gladiator glial global, globule glorify agglutination grade, regress grammar, grammatic grangrandgraphgratgravgregguberngustguttgutturgymngynhab-, -hib-, habit-, -hibithaem(o)-, hem(o)hal(o)hal-, -helhapl(o)haur-, haustheli(o)hemihenhendechepther-, hesherbheredherpheterheurhexhibernhiemhipp(o)hirsuthispidhistrihod(o)hol(o)hom(o)homalhome(o)hominhonorhorhor(o)hormhort(i)hospithosthumhyalhydr(o)hygrhyohyp(o)hyperhypn(o)- grain grand draw, write thank, please heavy flock govern, pilot taste drop throat nude woman have blood salt breathe simple, single draw sun half one eleven seven cling grass heir creep different, other find six wintry winter horse hairy bristly actor way whole same even, flat like human esteem boundary hour that which excites garden host enemy ground glass water wet U-shaped under above, over sleep L L G L L L L L L L G G L G G L G L G G G G G L L L G G G G L L G L L L G G G G G L L G G G L L L L G G G G G G G granary, granite, granola, granule grandiloquous, grandiosity grapheme, graphic, graphology gratitude, ingrate aggravation, grave, gravity egregious, gregarious, segregation gubernatorial disgust, gusto gutta, guttifer, guttiform guttural gymnasium, gymnastics, gymnosperm gynecology habit, prohibition haemophilia, hemoglobin halogen anhelation, inhale haploid, haplotype exhaustion heliocentric, heliotrope, helium hemicycle, hemisphere henad, hyphen hendecagon heptagon, heptathlon, heptode adhesive, coherent herbal, herbicide heredity herpes, herpetology heterodoxy heuristic hexagon, hexahedron, hexode hibernation hiemal hippodrome hirsute hispidity, hispidulous histrionic cathode, herpolhode, hodometer holistic homophone, homosexual anomalous homeostasis hominid honorable, honorarium aphorism, horizon horoscope hormone horticulture hospital, hospitality hostile exhumation, inhume hyaline, hyaloid hydraulics, hydrology, hydrolysis, hydrophily, hygrometer hyoid hypothermia hyperbole, hypertonic hypnosis hysterichthy(o)icosid(o)ide(o)idi(o)ignin- (1), imin- (2), il-, im-, irinfrainsulinterintrairasc-, iratis-, isoiteritinerjacjac- (originally IAC), -jectjanujocjugjung-, junctjunior- later fish twenty shape idea; thought personal fire in, on not, un- (negation) below, under island among, between within be angry equal, the same again route, way lie cast, throw door joke yoke join younger G G G G G G L L L L L L L L G L L L L L L L L L hysteresis ichthyology icosagon, icosahedron idol ideogram, ideology idiom, idiosyncrasy, idiot igneous, ignition import, incur, intend, invite illicit, impossible, inimical, irrational infrastructure insular, insulation intercollegiate, intermission, intersection intramural irascible, irate isometric, isomorphic, isotropic iteration itinerary adjacent eject, interject, ejaculate, trajectory janitor jocularity conjugal, subjugate conjunction, juncture juniority jus-, jur-, judic- law, justice L judge, jury, justice juv-, jutjuven- help young, youth L L adjutant juvenile, rejuvenate juxta- beside, near L juxtaposition[disambiguation needed] kil(o)kinekleptkudolab-, lapslabilaborlacerlacrimlactlaminlamplapidlarglarvlat(i)laterlaud-, lauslavlaxled-, leslegleioleklenileonleplepsleuc(o)-, leuk(o)- thousand movement, motion steal glory slide, slip lip toil tear cry, tears milk layer, slice shine stone large ghost, mask broad, wide side praise wash not tense hurt law smooth dish, pot gentle lion flake, scale grasp, seize white G G G G L L L L L L L G L L L L L L L L L L G G L L G G G kilobyte, kilogram, kilometer telekinesis, kinetic energy, kinesthetic kleptomania kudos elapse, relapse bilabial, labial collaboration, elaboration laceration lacrimal, lacrimous lactate, lactation, lactose laminate, lamination lamp lapidary enlargement larva, larvae, larval latitude bilateral laud lavatory laxative, relaxation lesion legal, legislative leiomyoma lekane, balance leniency Leo, leonine, Leopold Lepidoptera epilepsy leucocyte levliberlibrliglimlinlingulinqu-, lictlip(o)literlith(o)locloglongloqu-, locutluclud-, lusluminlunlysis macromagnmajmalmammmanmanmandmania manumarmater-, matrmaximmedi-, -midimegmeimelanmeliormellmemormen(o)meningmenstrumensurmentmermercmerg-, mersmesmetameter-, metrmicmicr(o)migrmilitmillmillen- lift, light free book bind slug line language, tongue leave fat letter stone place thought, word, speech long speak bright, light play light moon dissolving long great, large greater bad, wretched, breast flow stay hand mental illness hand sea mother greatest middle great, large less black, dark better honey remember month membrane monthly measure mind part reward, wages, hire dip, plunge middle above, among, beyond measure grain small wander soldier thousand thousand each L L L L L L L L G L G L G L L L L L L G G L L L L L L L G L L L L L G G G L L L G G L L L G L L G G G L G L L L L elevator, levitation liberation, liberty librarian, library ligament, ligature limacon, limacoid linearity, line bilingual, linguistic relict, relinquish lipolysis alliteration, illiterate, literal, obliterate lithosphere, megalith, monolith, Neolithic Era local, location logic, monologue, morphological elongate, longitude allocution, eloquence Lucifer (bearer of light) allude, illusion illumination, luminous lunar, lunatic analysis, cytolysis, hydrolysis macron magnanimous, magnificent, magnitude majesty, majority, majuscule malicious, malignancy, malodorous mammal, mammary gland emanate, emanationism, immanant, immanence, immanent, manse, permanence, mandate, remand kleptomania, maniac manual, manuscript marine, maritime maternity, matriarch, matrix maximum median, medieval megaphone meiosis Melanesia, melanoma amelioration mellifluous memorial menopause meningitis menstruation, menstrual commensurate demented, mentality polymer mercantile, merchant emerge, immersion mesolithic, mesozoic metaphor, metaphysics metric, thermometer micelle microphone, microscope emigrant, migrate military, militia millennium, million millenary mimminminmirmismisce-, mixtmitmitt-, missmnemolmollmonmonilmontmordmorphmortmov-, motmulg-, mulsmultmurmusmuscmutmymyrimyrmecmythmyxmyznarcnarrnasnasc-, natnautnavne(o)necr(o)nect(o)nect-, nexnegnemanemornephrnesneurnictnigrnihilnoctnodnomnominnonnonnonagennonagesim- repeat jut less, smaller wonder, amazement hate mix thread send memory grind soft one string of beads mountain bite form, shape death move, motion milk many, much wall thief fly change mouse countless, ten thousand ant story slime suck numb tell nose born ship ship new dead swimming join, tie say no hair grove, woods kidney island nerve wink black nothing night knot arrangement, law name ninth not ninety each ninetieth G L L L G L G L G L L G L L L G L L L L L L L L G G G G G G G L L L G L G G G L L G L G G G L L L L L G L L L L L mime, mimic prominent minority, minuscule admire, miracle, mirror misandry, misogyny miscellaneous, mixture mitochondrion intermittent, missionary, transmission mnemonic molar emollient, mollify monism, monolith, monotone Moniliformida Montana mordacious, morsel, remorse anthropomorphism, morpheme, morphology immortal, mortality, mortuary mobile, momentum, motor, move emulsion multiple, multiplex, multitude immured, mural mouse Muscicapidae, Muscidae mutation musophobia myriad, myriapod Myrmidons, myrmecoid mythic, mythology Myxini Myzopoda narcosis, narcotic narrative nasal nascent, native astronaut, Argonaut naval neologism necrophobia nectopod connection negative nematode nemoral nephritis Polynesia neurology, neurosurgeon nictation denigrate annihilation nocturnal, noctambulist node, nodule autonomous, taxonomy nomination nonary none nonagenary nonagesimal notnothnotonovnovnovennox-, nocnunubnucnuchnudnull(i)numernuncinutri- letter, note, paper spurious back, south new nine nine each harmful nod to marry, to wed nut back of neck naked none number announce nourish L G G L L L L L L L L L L L L L ob-, o-, oc-, of-, og-, op-, os- against L octoctoctavoctogenoctogesimoctonoculodododontodoroecooedoenoesophogdo-oid ole- eight eight eighth eighty each eightieth eight each eye hate path, way tooth fragrant house swollen wine gullet eighth like oil olecran- skull of elbow oligoliv-oma omasomentominommomniomphaloneronomont-onym ooopacoperophiophthalmopisth- few olive cancer paunch fat skin creepy eye all navel burden name existing name egg shady work snake eye behind G L L L L L L L G G L G G G G G G L L from G G L G L L L G L G L G G G G L L G G G annotation, notable nothogenus notochord innovation, nova November, novennial novenary noxious innuendo connubial, nubile nucleus nuchal cord denude, nudity nullify numeral pronunciation nutrient obstinate, obstreperous, occur, offend, omit, oppose, ostentatious octagon, octahedron, octode octangular, octennial, octovir octaval octogenary octogesimal octonary ocular, oculus, ullage odious anode, diode, odometer, pentode, tetrode odontology odorous ecology oedema oenology oesophagus ogdoad asteroid, mucoid, organoid oleosity olecranon oligarchy olivaceous, olivary, olivette melanoma omasum omental abominable, ominous ommatidium omnipotence, omnivore omphalectomy exonerate, onerous onomatopoeia ontogeny, ontology antonym, pseudonym, synonym oocyte opacity inoperable, opera ophiophagy ophthalmology opisthosoma, opsimath optoptoptimororborchordinorganori-, ortornornith(o)orth(o)oscilloss(i)osteoostiostracotovovioxypacpachpaedpaginpalpalae-, palepalinpallpallipalmpalustrpan-, pampand-, panspar(a)parietpartparthenparvpasc-, pastpasserpatpathpati-, passpatrpatrpaucpeccpectpectorpecunpedpedpejorpell-, pulspenpend-, pens- choose eye best mouth circle testicle order organ, instrument, tool eastern decorate bird straight swing bone bone entrance shell ear egg sheep sharp, pointed peace thick child page stake ancient, old back be pale mantle palm in marshes all spread beside, near wall part maiden little feed sparrow be open feel, hurt suffer, feel, endure, permit father father few sin fixed chest money child foot worse drive almost hang L G L L L G L G L L G G L L G L G G L L G L G G L L G G L L L L G L G L L G L L L L G L G L L L G L L G L L L L L adopt, optional optical optimum oral, orator orbit orchid ordinal, ordinary organism orient adorn, ornament, ornate ornithology orthodontist, orthodoxy, orthosis oscillation ossification osteoporosis ostiole ostracism otology oval, ovary, ovule ovine oxygen, oxymoron pacifism pachydermata, Pachypodium paediatric pagination impalement, pale paleontology palindrome pallid, pallor pallium palmate palustral pandemic expand, expansion parallel, parameter parietal bipartite, partition parthenogenesis parvovirus pasture, repast passeriform, passerine patent pathetic, pathology passive, patience patriarch patrilocal paucal, pauciloquent, paucity impeccable pectic, pectin pectoral pecuniary pedagogy pedal, quadruped pejorative propellent, propulsor, repellent peninsula, penultimate, penumbra suspend penn-, pinnpentpentecostpeptperperipessimpetpetrphaephag- L G G G L G L L G G G pennate, pinnate pentagon, pentode, pentagrid pentecostalism peptic, peptide perfection, permeate, persistence, pervade perimeter, peripheral, periscope pessimal appetite, competition petroglyph phaeomelanin sarcophagus G phalanges phalarphanerpharmacpherphil-, -phile phlegphloephobphonphorphos-, photphragmphrenphrynphylphyllphysphysalidphytpilpinpinping-, pictpingupirpiscplacplac-, -plicplagiplanplasplaty- feather five fiftieth to digest thoroughly, through around worst strive towards rock dark eat close formation of troops, finger bones having a patch of white visible drug, medicine bear, carry love, friendship heat tree bark fear sound carry, bear light fence diaphragm, mind toad, toad-like tribe leaf nature bladder plant hair drink pine paint fat pear fish calm please oblique flat mould flat, broad G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G L G L L L L L L L G L G G phalarope phanerozoic pharmacy pheromone hydrophile, philosophy phlegm, phlegmatics phlobaphene, phloem hydrophobia homophone, microphone, phonograph metaphor phosphor, photograph diaphragm phrenetic, schizophrenia Phrynobatrachus phylogenetics, phylum chlorophyll, phyllotaxis physics physalis neophyte, phytoplankton depilatory, epilator pinocytosis pineal gland depiction, picture Pinguicula piriformis muscle Pisces, piscivore placate placebo, placid plagioclase explanation, planar, plane plasma, plastic platypus plaud-, -plod-, plaus-, -plos- approve, clap L applaud, applause, explosion, implode, plaudits, plausible ple-, pletplebplecplect-, plexplenplethplicplumplumbplur- fill people interwoven plait full full fold feather lead more L L G L L G L L L L complement, suppletion plebian, plebs plectics, symplectomorphism perplex plenary plethora duplication, replicate plumage, plumate plumber plural phalang- plusplutpluvipneupodpogonpoiepolpole-, polipolempolypon-, positponderpontpopulporporcporphyrportportpostpotpotamprasinpravpreprecprehend-, prend-, prehensprem-, -prim-, presspresbypreterprimpriorpriv(i)proprobproctpropriprotproximprunpseudpsilpsychpterptoptychpubpugnpulchrpulmonpulverpung-, punctpunipuppurpurg- more wealth rain air, lung foot beard make pole city war many put weight bridge people passage pig purple carry gate after, behind drink river leek-green crooked before pray grasp press old past first former separate for, forward try anus one's own, ownership first nearest plum FALSE bare mind wing, fern fall fold, layer sexually mature fight beautiful lung dust prick punish doll pure cleanse L G L G G G G G G G G L L L L G L G L L L L G G L L L L L G L L L L L L G L G L L G G G G G G L L L L L L L L L L surplus plutocracy pluvial pneumatic podiatry, tripod pogonotrophy poiesis dipole, polar metropolis, politics polemic polygon component, position, postpone preponderance pontoon population pore porcine, pork porphyrin export, transportation portal posterior, postscript potable hippopotamus, Mesopotamia prasinous depravity previous deprecation comprehend pressure Presbyterianism preterite, pretermission primary, primeval, primitive priority deprivation, privilege propulsion probation proctology appropriate, property, propriety protoplasm approximate, proximity prune pseudonym epsilon psycho helicopter ptosis triptych pubescent, pubic pugnacious, repugnant pulchritude pulmonary pulverize puncture, pungent punitive pupa, puppet impurity, purify expurgate, purgatory, purge putpygpylpyrquadrquadragenquadragesimquartquasiquaternquer-, -quir-, quesit-, -quisitquiquinquindecimquindenquinquequintquotrad-, rasradiradicramranrancrapraucre-, redreg-, -rig-, rectremrenrep-, reptretretrorhabdrhach-, rachrhagrherhigrhinrhizrhod(o)rhombrhynchrid-, risroborrod-, rosrogrostrrotruber-, rubrrugruminrump-, ruptrursaccharsacr-, secrsagac- prune, reckon rump gate heat, fire four forty each fortieth fourth as if four each search, seek rest five each fifteenth fifteen each five fifth how many, how great scrape, shave beam, spoke root branch frog rancidness, bitterness turnip harsh, hoarse again, back straight oar kidney crawl, creep net backward, behind rod spine tear, rent flow chill nose, snout root rose spinning top snout laugh oak, strength gnaw ask beak, prow wheel red wrinkle throat break country sugar sacred wise L G G G L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L G G G G G G G G G G L L L L L L L L L L L G L L compute, putative pygostyle, callipygian pylon pyrolysis quadrangle, quadrillion quadragenary quadragesimal quartary, quartile quasar quaternary, quaternion Inquisition, query quiet, requiem quinary quindecimal quindenary quinquennium quintary, quintile quota, quotient abrade, abrasion, erasure radiance, radiation eradicate, radical ramification, ramose Rana rancid, rancor rapeseed raucous recede, redact dirigible, erect, erection, rectum bireme, trireme renal reptile reticle, retina retrograde, retrospective, retrovirus rhabdoid, rhabdom rhachiodont rhagades rheostat rhigosaurus rhinoplasty rhizome rhododendron rhombus Rhynchobatus derision, ridicule corroboration corrode, erosion, rodent derogatory, interrogation rostral, rostriform, rostrum rotation rubric, ruby corrugation rumination eruption, rupture, interrupt rural saccharin consecrate, sacrament sagacity sagittsalsali-, -sili-, saltsalicsalvsansancsanguinsapi-, -sipisaponsarc(o)saurscabscalscalenscand-, -scend-, scans-, -scens- arrow salt jump willow save healthy holy blood taste, wise soap flesh lizard, reptile scratch ladder, stairs uneven climb L L L L L L L L L L G G L L G L sagittal plane, Sagittaria salinity resilient, salient, saltus salicin salvation insane, sanity sanctify, sanctuary consanguinity, sanguine insipience, sapient saponification sarcophagus dinosaur scabies scalar, scale scalene muscles, scalene triangle ascend, transcendent, descend scaph- anything hollow, bowl, ship G scaphoid bone scelschemschissciscind-, scisssclerscoliscop-, sceptscrib-, scriptsculpscutscyphse-, sedsebsec-, sect-, segsedsed-, -sid-, sesssedecseiselensellsemasemiseminsensensenti-, sensseptseptseptenseptimseptuagenseptuagesimseptuagintsequ-, secutserserser-, satserpserr- leg, thigh plan split know split hard crooked look at, examine, observe write carve shield cup apart tallow cut settle, calm sit sixteen shake moon saddle, seat sign half seed old man six each feel fence, partition, enclosure seven seven each seventh seventy each seventieth seventy follow body fluid late cultivate crawl, creep saw, saw-toothed G G G L L G G G L L L G L L L L L L G G L G L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L isosceles schematic schism prescient, science rescind, scissors scleroderma, sclerosis scoliosis horoscope, kaleidoscope, stethoscope inscribe, scripture sculpture scute Scyphozoa secede, sedition sebaceous, sebum secant, section, segment sedative reside, sediment, session, supersede sedecimal seismograph Selene, selenium sella turcica semantics, semaphore semifinal insemination senator, senility senary consensus, sentient transept septennial septenary septimal, septime septuagenary septuagesima, septuagesimal Septuagint consecutive, sequence serous serein, serotine sative serpent serration servsesquisetseversex-, sesexagensexagesimsextsibilsiccsidersignsilsilv(i)simisimilsimulsingulsinistrsinusiph(o)sistsit(o)socisolsolsolsolensolv-, solutsomasomnsonsophsorb-, sorptsordsororspatispec-, -spic-, spectspectspeculsperspermsphersphinctspicspinspirspu-, sputsqualststagnstannstatu-, -stitusteastegstellsten- save, protect, serve one and a half bristle, hair stern, strict, serious six sixty each sixtieth sixth hiss dry star sign quiet or still forest ape, monkey likeness, trust, group imitating, feigning one each left (to draw) a line tube cause to stand food, grain, wheat group alone, only comfort, soothe sun pipe, channel loosen, set free body sleep sound wise suck dirt sister space look watch, look at observe hope seed ball closing spike thorn breathe spew, spit scaly, dirty, filthy stand pool of standing water tin stand fat, tallow covering star narrow L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L G L G L L L L G L G L L G L L L L L L L L G G G L L L L L L L L L G G L G conservation sesquicentennial seta, setose severity semester, sexangle, sexennium sexagenary sexagesimal sextant sibilance desiccation sidereal design, designate, signal silence silviculture simian assimilate, similarity simulation singular sinistral insinuate siphon consist, persistence sitology associate, social desolate, sole, solo, solipsism consolation, solace solar solenoid dissolve, solution somatic insomnia resonance sophist absorb, absorption sordid sorority spatial conspicuous, inspection, specimen spectator speculation desperation, esperance angiosperm sphere, spheroid sphincter spicule spine respiration sputum squalid, squalor stable, station, statistic, statue, status stagnant stannous institution, statute stearic acid steganography constellation, stellar stenography sternstern-, stratstillstimulstingu-, stinctstochstomstrigstring-, strictstrophstru-, structstudstupstylsu-, sutsuad-, suassuavsub-, su-, sussubtersucrsudsuisulcsum-, sumptsupersupinsuprasurdsurgsyn-, sy-, syl-, symsyringtac-, -tictachtaenitaltang-, -ting-, tact-, tagtapettardtarstaurtaurtaxtechnteg-, tectteleteletemntemporten-, -tin-, tenttend-, tenstenutepter-, tritteretterg-, terstermintern- breastbone spread, strew drip goad, rouse, excite apart aim mouth compress upright, stiff turning to make up, build dedication wonder column, pillar sew urge sweet below under sugar sweat self furrow take above, over lying back above, over deaf rise with pipe be silent swift ribbon ankle touch carpet slow ankle bull bull arrangement, order art, skill cover complete far, end cut time hold stretch, strain slender, thin be warm rub rounded wipe boundary, limit, end three each G L L L L G G L L G L L L G L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L G G L G G L L L L G G L G G L G G G L L L L L L L L L L sternum stratify distillation stimulate distinction, distinguish stochastic stomatoplasty strigogyps stringent apostrophe construction, construe student stupor stylus suture persuasion suave submerge subterfuge sucrose sudoriferous suicide sulcus assumption, consume supersede supination supranationalism absurdity resurgent symbol, symmetry, synonym, system syringe reticent, tacit tachometer, tachycardia taenidium, taeniodont, Taeniolabis talus bone contact, tactile, tangent tapestry, tapetum, tapis retard, tardigrade, tardy tarsal Minotaur Taurus taxonomy technology integument, protection teleology telegram, telephone, telescope Temnospondyli contemporary, temporal, temporary continent, detention, tenacious, tenor extend, extension attenuate, tenuous tepid, tepor attrition, contrite, detritus, trite subterete, teretial detergent, terse determine, terminal, termination ternary, ternion terrtertitesttetrtex-, textthalassthanthethe-, thus-theca theoritherthermthymthyrthyretimting-, tincttomtontoptorpetorqu-, torttottrabtrachytragtrah-, tracttrans-, tra-, trantrapeztraumtrecenttredectreiskaidektremtrematritritricentricesim-, trigesimtrichtrintrittrochtroptrophtrud-, trustusstympantypuberuliginultimultraumbilicumbrun-, uni- dry land third witness four weave sea death put god case speculation beast, animal heat, warm mood door large shield be afraid moisten cut stretch place numb twist all, whole beam rough goat draw, pull across four-sided, table wound three hundred thirteen thirteen tremble hole three three thirty each thirtieth hair three each third wheel turning feed, grow thrust cough drum stamp, model fruitful in marshes farthest beyond navel shade, shadow one L L L G L G G G G G G G G G G G L L G G G L L L L G G L L G G L L G L G G L L L G L G G G G L L G G L L L L L L L subterranean, terrace, terracotta, terrain tertian, tertiary testament, testimony tetrahedron, tetrode context, texture, textile Panthalassa euthanasia theme, thesis theology, enthusiasm Bibliotheca theorem, theory theroid, theropod endotherm, thermometer dysthymia thyratron Thyreophora, thyroid, thyrotropin, thyroxine timid, timorous tincture ectomy, atom, tome isotonic, monotone, tone topic, topography torpent, torpid, torpor extortion, torque, torture subtotal, total, totality trabeculae trachea tragus subtrahend, tractor tradition, transcend, transportation trapezoid trapezius trauma, traumatic trecentennial, trecentillion tredecimal triskaidekaphobia tremor trematode triad, trigon, triode, tripod triangle, triumvirate, trivia tricenary trigesimal peritrichous, trichopathophobia, Trichoptera trinary, trine, trinity tritagonist trochlea heliotropism, psychotropic, tropic dystrophy, pogonotrophy, trophic extrusion, intrude pertussis tympani archetype, phenotype, typography exuberant uliginous ultimatum, ultimate ultrasonic umbilical penumbra, umbrella unary, union uncunciundundecimundenungulur-, urour-, urourburgursut-, usuvuxorvacvad-, vasvagvanvapveh-, vectvelvell-, vulsvelocvenvenven-, ventvendvenerventventrververbverbervermvernvert-, versvesicvespervestvestigvetvetervivicvicen-, vigenvicesim-, vigesimvid-, visvilvillvinvinc-, victvirvirviscviscervitvitell- hooked ounce, twelfth wave eleventh eleven each claw, hoof tail urine city work bear use grape wife empty go wander empty, vain, idle lack (of) carry veil pull quick hunt vein come sell respectful wind belly TRUE word whip worm spring turn bladder evening, western clothe, garment follow, track forbid old way change twenty twentieth see cheap shaggy hair, velvet wine conquer green man thick organs of the body cavity life yolk L L L L L L G G L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L uncinate uncial abundant, undulate undecimal undenary ungulate uroid, uroborus urology urban, urbanize, suburbanite, urbanism urgent Ursa Major, ursine usual, utility uvea uxoricide vacancy, vacation, vacuum evade, pervasive vagabond, vague vanity evaporation, vapid, vaporize vehicle, vector revelation, velate convulsion velocity venison venosity advent, convention vendor, vending veneration, venereal ventilation ventral aver, veracious, verify, verisimilitude, verity verbal, verbatim, verbosity reverberation vermiform vernal convert, inversion, invert, vertical vesical vesperal divest, vest investigate veto inveterate, veteran deviate, obvious, via vice versa, vicissitude vicenary vicesimary, vicesimation, vigesimal video, vision vile, vilify villiform vinous invincible, victory virid, viridian virility viscosity eviscerate, visceral vital, vitamin vitellogenesis vitivitrvivvocvolvolvolv-, volutvomvor-, voracvov-, votvulgvulnervulpxenxerxiphxylzozonzygzym- fault glass live voice fly wish roll discharge swallow vow common, crowd wound fox foreign dry sword wood animal, living being belt, girdle yoke ferment L L L L L L L L L L L L L G G G G G G G G vice, vitiate vitreous revive, survive, vivid provocative, vocal, vocation volatility volition convolution, revolve vomit devour, voracious votive divulge, vulgarity, vulgate vulnerable vulpine xenophobia xerography, xerophyte xiphoid xylophone, xylem protozoa, zoo, zoology zone heterozygous, zygote enzyme, lysozyme