KS3 HW FEEDBACK FOR ________________________________________________________ WWW You have completed the HW task successfully You have varied your sentence lengths effectively You punctuated successfully Your writing was interesting and engaging You have paragraphed effectively You used a variety of connectives Your spelling of challenging words is secure NCT Your vocabulary was stimulating Your sentences are imaginative You held your audience’s interest Your ideas were original and creative Please copy the HW down carefully so you can complete it properly Next time, see the teacher if you need help Attempt all of the questions Check your spelling carefully Check your punctuation (full stops and commas) Use a dictionary or thesaurus for words you don’t know the meaning of Paragraph carefully Vary your punctuation (use semi colons, colons and exclamation marks) Vary your sentence lengths (use some small sentences and some long ones too) Use connectives (because, although and however) Fix your errors with a green pen Additional Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________Date: _____________ Teacher’s signature: ________________ KS3 HW FEEDBACK FOR _________________________________________________ WWW You have completed the HW task successfully You have varied your sentence lengths effectively You punctuated successfully Your writing was interesting and engaging You have paragraphed effectively You used a variety of connectives Your spelling of challenging words is secure Your vocabulary was stimulating Your sentences are imaginative You held your audience’s interest Your ideas were original and creative NCT Please copy the HW down carefully so you can complete it properly Next time, see the teacher if you need help Attempt all of the questions Check your spelling carefully Check your punctuation (full stops and commas) Use a dictionary or thesaurus for words you don’t know the meaning of Paragraph carefully Vary your punctuation (use semi colons, colons and exclamation marks) Vary your sentence lengths (use some small sentence and some long ones too) Use connectives (because, although and however) Fix your errors with a green pen Additional Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________Date: _____________ Teacher’s signature: ________________