CURRICULUM VITAE - Saint Louis University


Roy A. Ruckdeschel



Educational History

Ph.D. 1975


Professor of Social Work

School of Social Work

Saint Louis University

Office: (314) 977-2733

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. Doctoral Program in

Sociology. Areas of specialization: Methodology, social psychology and sociology of education. Dissertation title:

Teachers and Their Unions: A Rank and File Perspective.

Dissertation Chairman: Mark Lefton

M.S.S.W. 1969

B.S. 1967




University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,

Milwaukee. Major emphasis in community organization and group work. Master’s Thesis: An Analysis of Black Power

Responses in the Milwaukee Study of Civil Disorder.

University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, Milwaukee. Major:


Professor of Social Work

School of Social Service

Saint Louis University

Director of the Masters Program

School of Social Service

Saint Louis University

1974-1985 Assistant Professor and Associate Professor

School of Social Service

Saint Louis University

Major Responsibilities at the School of Social Work, Saint Louis University (1974-Present)

Administrative and Curriculum Development Responsibilities

Chairperson, Faculty Recruitment and Review Committee (1998-2000)

Professional Writing

Publications and Scholarly Activity

Shaw, I., Briar-Lawson, K., Orme, J., and Ruckdeschel R. Editors, ( Published,

November, 2009) The Sage Handbook of Social Work Research . Sage Publications,


Editorial Essay, Shaw, I., Briar-Lawson, K., Orme, J., and

Ruckdeschel R.

Uses of Social Work Research, Ruckdeschel, R., and Chambon, A.

Challenges and directions in social work research and social work practice, Orme J. Ruckdeschel, R., and Briar-Lawson, K.

Editor, Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice. Sage Publications, London, UK.

2002-Present. Founding Editor along with Ian Shaw of York University, UK

Roy Ruckdeschel (2002). “Qualitative Social Work: A Room with a

View” with Ian Shaw. Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice, 1 (1) 5-24

Roy Ruckdeschel (2002). “Teaching as Practice: Issues, Questions and

Reflections” with Ian Shaw Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice, 1 (2)


Roy Ruckdeschel. “Qualitative Clinical Research and Evaluation, Obstacles,

Opportunities and Issues” in Evaluation and Social Work Practice ed. by Ian

Shaw and Joyce Lishman, Sage publications, 1999

Chairperson, School of Social Service Rank & Tenure Committee (1998-2002)

Chairperson, Family Concentration (1999-2002)

Chairperson, Strategic Planning Committee (1997-1998)

Director of the Masters Program (1987-1990)

Chair, University Qualitative Research Committee (1994-1996)

Member, University Rank and Tenure Committee (1989-1992, 1995-1996)

Member, University’s Graduate School Faculty (Appointed, 1979 to Present)

Member, various Ph.D. Dissertation Committees (1978-Present)

Member, Advisory Committee, Ethics Across the Curriculum (1998-present)

Member, Executive Committee, Center for Health Care Ethics (1997-present)

Chair, College of Education and Public Service Rank and Tenure Committee (2007-


Faculty Representative, Saint Louis University Board of Trustees Development and

Community Relations Committee (appointed by the Provost) (2007-present)

Roy Ruckdeschel. “Does Emphasizing Accountability and Evidence Dilute Service

Delivery and the Helping Role – Yes Response” in Controversial Issues in Social

Work Research, ed. by Walter Hudson and Paula Nurius. Needham Heights, MA;

Allyn and Bacon, 1994, pp. 9-13, 1921.

Roy Ruckdeschel, Pat Earnshaw and Andrea Firrek. “The Qualitative Case Study and

Evaluation: Issues, Methods and Examples” in Qualitative Research in Social

Work, ed. by Edmund Sherman and William Reid. New York, Columbia

University Press, 1994, pp. 251-264.

“Qualitative Research as a Perspective.” Social Work Research and Abstracts, Special

Issue, Contemporary Developments in Social Work Research Methodology,

Vol. 21, No. 2, Summer 1985, pp. 17-21.

“Microcomputers in Social Service Settings: Research Applications,” with Larry

Kreuger. Social Work, Vol. 30, No. 3, May-June 1985, pp. 219-224.

“The Student Log as a Vehicle for Development of a Professional Self” with Don Malon and Donna Spencer. Arete, Vol. 7, No. 2, Winter 1982, pp. 73-75.

“Qualitative Evaluation of Social Work Practice in Education” with Don Malon.

The Journal of Applied Social Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring/Summer 1982, pp. 121-132.

“Science: Critical Faith or Dogmatic Ritual?” with Buford Farris. Social Casework,

Vol. 63, No. 5, May 1982, pp. 272-275.

“Qualitative Research: Epistemology and Practice.” Proceedings of the Conference on

Emerging Strategies For Inquiry in the Human Sciences, Saint Louis University

Department of Education Teachers Corps Program, Metropolitan College, Section

III, March 19-20, 1981, pp. 1-24.

“Phenomenological and Linguistic Turns in Social Thought: Impact on Community

Organization and Practice.” with Buford Farris. Social Development Issues,

Special Double Issue, “Community Organization for the 1980’s,” ed. by

Armand Lauffer and Edward Newman, Vol. 5, No. 2 & 3, Summer and Fall,

1981, pp. 126-133.

“Assessing Practice, A Critical Look at the Single Case Design,” with Buford Farris.

Social Casework, Vol. 62, No. 7, Sept. 1981, pp. 413-419.

“Catch 1234B: Integrating Material on Women into the Social Work Research

Curriculum” with Linda Rosenman. Journal of Education for Social Work,

Vol. 17, No. 2, Spring, 1981, pp. 5-12.

The Family Treatment Project—Data Analysis and Assessment, Report and Evaluation, sponsored by the Law Enforcement and Assistant Administration and the

St. Louis County Juvenile Court, Sept. 1979.

“An Empirical Study of the Symbolic and Objective World of the Pre-School Child:

A New Methodology and Some Preliminary Findings” with Don Malon.

Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, Vol. VI, No. 1, Jan. 1979, pp. 102-121.

Papers and Presentations (Since 2005)

Roy Ruckdeschel (May 27, 2010) Workshop: Navigating the Academy as Qualitative Social

Work Researchers with Jane Gilgun and Karen Staller

Roy Ruckeschel (May 28, 2010) Chair, Spotlight Session: Journal Publishing, Panelists: Roy

Ruckdeschel, Dorothy Becvar, Carol Rambo, RonChenail, Ian Shaw, Harry Torrance, and

Donna Mertens

Roy Ruckdeschel (May 28, 2010) A Critical Perspective on the Politics of Publication,

Plenary: Getting Qualitative Research Published in Refereed Journals: Some Political

Considerations Chair: Julianne Cheek, panelists Janice Morse, Roy Ruckdeschel, Yvonna

Lincoln and Julianne Cheek.

Roy Ruckdeschel (May 29, 2010) Chair Panel III: Symbolic Interaction and Social Work: The

Continuing Influence of the SI Perspective, Session Sponsored by Society for the Study of

Symbolic Interaction, Panelists: Roy Ruckdeschel, Ian Shaw and Mary Jo Deegan

Presentation (May 2009) 'Careers, Moral and Otherwise', Member of the panel on 'Historical

Perspectives in U.S. Social Work', Third International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Invited Expert (February 2009), “Data Analysis: An Interactive Session”, Generations in

Qualitative Research, University of Missouri-St. Louis in St. Louis, Missouri

Chair (February 2009), “Writing for Publication: Invited Panel of Editors”, Generations in

Qualitative Research, University of Missouri-St. Louis in St. Louis, Missouri

Chair (January 2009), Special Interest meeting of Journal Qualitative Social Work: Research and

Practice at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting in New Orleans

Chair (January 2008), Special Interest meeting of Journal Qualitative Social Work: Research and

Practice at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting in Washington D.C.

Chair (January 2006), Special Interest meeting of Journal Qualitative Social Work: Research and

Practice at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

Chair (January 2005), Special Interest meeting of Journal Qualitative Social Work: Research and

Practice at the Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida

Chairperson and Organizer, (May 2005) Invited Roundtable, “Social Work as Qualitative

Inquiry; Praxis, Paradox and Parable”, First International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,

Discussant, (January 2005) Symposium on “Qualitative Research on Client Experiences of

Treatment”, Society for Social Work and Research, Miami, Florida
