Basic Programme - Collagen Colway

Welcome to Collagen Colway Product Training.
In this part:
 You will be introduced to basic concepts of Colway
 You will learn the differences between Collagen
Colway and other collagens available on the market
 You will learn how unique our products are
 You will find out how to put the products in
Collagen has become really popular as a skin care
product ingredient and a supplement. The reason is
simple - collagen is the most important body protein. It is
the foundation of connective tissue which connects and
supports all body parts. It literally glues us together.
It is abundant in all body, not only hair and nails, but
particularly in the skin – as much as 70% of the skin is
collagen. But it is also found in cartilage, tendons,
ligaments, muscles, eyes, veins, and bones. Nearly every
single body element has it.
Ageing literally means the loss of collagen.
We start losing collagen – which means that our cells
produce less and less of it, at about the age of 25. And by
age of 50, we have already lost as much as 30% of our
primary collagen.
The skin visibly loses its elasticity and resilience because
collagen fibres become weaker and the collagen
“mattress” in the skin is less tight!
You can easily notice it in the picture below. 10 years’
difference between the faces on the left and the right and
the result – more wrinkles, visibly looser skin.
Collagen fibres are located in deeper layers of the skin
protected by epidermis – the outer layer. When we are
young the fibres are strong and thick but when we age
they get weaker and the skin loses its tightness and gets
slack. Collagen is like a scaffolding for the skin.
But collagen is not only found in the skin - it is also in
cartilage, joints, ligaments, and tendons, and when its
level decreases you literally feel it in your bones!
Because the relation between collagen loss and ageing
has been proven, lots of collagen products have appeared
on the market. But is there just one collagen?
Most collagens that are available in health or beauty
shops are produced from purified, sterilised bovine or
porcine waste material such as tendons, ligaments,
cartilage, bones, skin, or even intestinal walls. The
process of extracting is called hydrolysis and the final
product – hydrolysed collagen, which we also known as
Also fish cartilage, skin, and scales are used to produce
hydrolysed collagen.
The quality of this type of collagen depend on the quality
of the material used to its production and also the
process as such. It utilises a high temperature or
enzymes to break down the fibres into smaller chunks
which can be digested by our system.
Remember! There is no plant collagen! It is an exclusively
animal protein produced by vertebrates.
Collagen Colway is a completely different type of protein.
To understand it fully, you need to know how collagen
protein develops.
It starts as a peptide. Peptides create chains, then –
triple helices. They evolve into fibrils, then finally into
fibres which make up the tissue.
Most collagen on the market is produced from these
fibres, whereas Collagen Colway is preserved at the triple
helix stage. It means it hasn’t become collagen yet, it’s
still pro-collagen which would have developed into fibres,
but it was extracted from fish skin and preserved still as
helices. This is what makes it so different and unique - it
is NOT a processed protein. What is more, it is preserved
with only two natural and organic acids in a water
solution without any chemicals, so we can use it as a
skin care product at home keeping it safely in a bottle for
up to a year. It is derived from fish skin in its natural
To sum up, as opposed to hydrolysed collagen, Collagen
Colway is a hydrated protein – helical chains of natural
protein are preserved in water with two organic acids –
caprylyl glycol and lactic acid.
There are three grades of Collagen Colway:
 Platinum (for face) is the purest
 Silver (for body) which contains some amount of
natural fish skin colouring so it’s a little darken than
 Graphite (for hair and nails) – the darkest one
They are the same kind of protein, basically the same
products, the only difference is that they contain
different amounts of natural fish skin colouring –
Collagen Colway is not only a specific product but it also
works in a very specific way. Whereas hydrolysed
collagen cannot penetrate the skin as its molecules are
far too big to get through the epidermis, Collagen Colway
can break down into peptides and amino acids which are
so small that they have no difficulty in penetrating the
epidermis to get into dermis.
Why do collagen chains break? Biologically active protein
keeps its helical structure as long as the temperature in
which it is kept is between 5 - 26°C. The skin’s warmth
(36,6°C) breaks it into small chunks of protein and
peptides and amino acids with transdermal properties –
they can penetrate the skin. They reach fibroblasts – the
cells which produce collagen, and they stimulate them to
become more active.
These amino acids and peptides have a double role to
play. Firstly, they send signals to fibroblasts to become
more active and produce more body collagen. Secondly,
once they reach the intracellular matrix in the skin, they
are used by the cells as building blocks to produce
collagen fibres.
Collagen Colway deals with the causes of ageing – slower
production of collagen in the body. It stimulates the cells
to produce more collagen.
You can observe first positive results within few weeks,
although it’s best to wait at least 3 months as it takes
time for the skin to rebuild its tissues and produce
stronger collagen fibres.
If Collagen Colway is used regularly, the skin becomes
tighter, lighter, and looks better. Collagen activates
protein production in the body, so wrinkles appear later
and the skin keeps its youthful looks for longer.
Collagen Colway’s Factfile
 Invented in Poland in 1980s
 Derived from fish skin – silver carp
 ISO, FDA certified
 the method of extraction collagen from fish skins collagen filtration through silk which allows
maintaining triple helix structure of protein in
water solution
 Purest and most concentrated form of protein
available as a pure collagen cream , not a cream
“with collagen”
 No chemical preservatives, fragrances, colourings
 Technologically advanced, though simple as
 Trans-epidermal! reaches the dermis
 Stimulates fibroblasts to produce more body
 Slows down the ageing process at cellular level
Collagen contains only 5 natural ingredients: water,
collagen, elastin, lactic acid, and caprylyl glycol.
When is the right time to start looking after your skin
and body to prevent degenerative processes? As it has
already been mentioned – the loss of collagen begins at
the age of 25, so it’s best to start NOW.
Ageing Factfile
What happens in our body when we are over 40
 Brain begins to age – neurons’ number dwindles
by 10 %
 Long-sightedness develops
 Amount of blood dwindles by 8-9%
 Hair is getting thinner, brittle, greying
 Less muscle tissue, more fatty tissue leading to a
gradual loss of stamina, WE ARE GETTING
 Muscles lose strength and flexibility
 Bones shrink in size and density and become more
susceptible to fracture
 60 % of degenerative illnesses of the spine and
joints begin
Ageing affects all our body, not just our face. Wrinkles
are visible signs of collagen loss, but remember that all
degenerative processes happen in our entire body.
Along with Collagen Platinum for Face, Silver for Body,
and Graphite for Hair and Nails, Collagen Colway offers a
unique food supplement – Colvita® - collagen in
capsules. This is practically the same kind of protein, but
prepared in the way it can be consumed. It’s fish collagen
with algae and the best quality Vitamin E. Collagen used
to produce Colvita® is not hydrolysed. It has been
prepared in the process called lyophilisation (freeze
Lyophilisation is a method of extracting water from
collagen, by freezing it so it becomes ice, then under
vacuum sublimating ice into water vapour.
The process does not destroy collagen’s physical
structure. It is expensive but ensures the highest quality
of a final product – pure protein of a very high value and
a great source of amino acids. Chains of human collagen
are built of 20 amino acids. 11 are produced by the
organism, but 9 of the 20 standard amino acids must be
taken from food. We need to make sure we give our body
a regular supply of all amino acids.
Colvita’s® ingredients:
 Fish natural Collagen
 Algae: contain amino acids, fibre, carotene,
bioflavonoids, and vitamins A, B, C, E and K, rich in
micro- and macroelements: calcium, copper, iron,
manganese, magnesium, potassium, selenium,
phosphorus, chromium, zinc and iodine. Mineral
content of algae is similar to human body fluids.
Minerals and amino acids are VITAL in all formative
processes in the body, particularly in bones.
 Vitamin E obtained from oil plant sprouts (non
GMO) with a very high biological value. It is easily
absorbed by our body unlike synthetic forms, which
are not properly assimilated.
Depending on our needs and our body condition we can
choose from three collagen programmes. It is important
to use products in programmes not just apply collagen
on the face. All tissues need to be nourished as the
ageing process affects all our body, not just the facial
skin. If we concentrate on what we see in the mirror
without looking after your body properly, we cannot
expect very good results.
Download the e-book from our website to find out more
about it.
Basic Programme:
Colvita®– 2 capsules daily
Vitamin C – 1-2 capsules daily
Collagen Platinum for Face used twice daily
Colvita provides our body essential amino acids, Vitamin
C plays an important role in collagen formation. It
triggers this process and looks after immune system.
Vitamin C is called the Vitamin of youth. Platinum is an
important element in the Basic Programme because it is
our face which is the most exposed to sunrays, pollution,
etc. and it shows the signs of ageing the soonest.
Advanced Programme:
Contains all elements of the Basic Programme plus Silver
and Graphite.
Colvita® – 2 capsules taken once daily
Vitamin C – 1 capsule taken once daily
Collagen Platinum for Face
Collagen Silver for Body
Collagen Graphite for Hair and Nails applied
twice daily
A proper skin care is a vital element of any anti-ageing
programme. If our skin is glowing, well moisturised, and
smooth we feel more confident about ourselves which
instantly gives us a youthful look! Colway’s Ultimate
Collagen Programme ensures ultimate results both in
maintaining overall wellbeing of the body and condition
of the skin.
Ultimate Programme
Colvita® – 2 capsules taken once daily
Vitamin C – 1 capsule taken once daily
Collagen Platinum for Face
Collagen Silver for Body
Collagen Graphite for Hair and Nails applied topically
twice daily
Skin Care collection – six easy steps to beautiful skin
which is prepared to give maximum results with minimum
Step 1 Cleanse your skin with Wash Gel minimum twice
Step 2 Remove dead cell buildup once a week with Scrub
Step 3 Tone and balance your skin after each cleansing
or exfoliating with Toner
Step 4 Apply Collagen Platinum after cleansing and
toning on a damp face before your regular daily or
nightly cream
Step 5 Moisturise and protect your face with
Moisturising Day Cream
Step 6 Nourish and restore the skin with Regenerating
Night Cream
Distinctively formulated range of cosmetics with amazing
benefits work synergistically with each other to deliver
optimum results. Everyday skin care is the most
important treatment your skin gets and its quality is
reflected by healthy, glowing, and youthful skin.
Why Vitamin C is an important part of all Collagen
Programmes? It is the most important vitamin in ou
diet. One of the reasons is its role in the formation of
collagen in the body - the protein of youth and the main
component of connective tissue. In simple words – Vit C
is necessary to produce collagen. Without it – collagen
cannot be rebuilt in tissues. It is also well known for its
anti-oxidant activity, acting as a reducing agent to
reverse oxidation in the body caused by free-radicals.
Because humans, unlike animals, have lost the ability to
produce Vitamin C in our body, it has to be provided
with food.
Whereas it’s the most popular supplement we buy, it is
difficult to find a quality one. Most of Vitamin C in shops
is just synthetic ascorbic acid. It is usually synthetized
from corn dextrose. It makes all or part of the
composition of the majority of the products distributed
as vitamin C. It is poorly absorbed by the body, and
taking it regularly or in high doses can cause adverse
health effects. Bioorganic, completely natural, non-acidic
and levorotatory (left handed) Vitamin C-olway is
absorbed in the same way as the vitamin C obtained
from food as its origin is the same.
What’s bioavailability? It’s the degree to which a
nutrient becomes available to the tissue.
For example, citrus extract is 1210% more bioavailable
than USP ascorbic acid and it should be the preferred
form for human supplementation.
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