WARNING Cat Poisoning (Anti-freeze) In late August/early September two young local cats have died through kidney failure as a result of poisoning. The likely substances will be similar to Anti-Freeze. In each case the cats were taken to the Veterinary Hospital to manage the end in the most humane manner. The alternative would have seen a prolonged period of suffering. Not least the distress caused to each animal, both cats were children’s pets and their deaths continue to cause significant heartache. There are two possible options: Accidental Ingestion Please check around your property for any unsecured chemical deposits. There may have been a leak from a motor vehicle for example. There have also been reports of garden water features being topped up with Anti-Freeze across the winter. Anti-Freeze is particularly lethal to small animals and birds in even the smallest of quantities. An Intentional Act It may be that there are other cats locally who have suffered a similar fate. If cats roam around 150m on average then, over a period of time, the source may become easier to trace. Causing unnecessary suffering or administering poisons to a protected animal (Domestic etc) is a Criminal Offence under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 If a person is caught and prosecuted there are a range of sentences available to the courts. In addition it is very likely that this would attract significant media attention Cat deterrent options If this is a case where someone has become upset with the cats in or around their property I would urge them to consider more humane methods. Please see the RSPB internet link: http://www.rspb.org.uk/makeahomeforwildlife/advice/gardening/unwantedvisitors/cats/cat deterrents.aspx The purpose of this communication is to raise awareness & collate any incidents that may prevent further incidents of harm to animals. If you live in the vicinity and have any information that may help please telephone Annis or Paul on 07933 632156. However, If you have some information that may point to a criminal act then please contact The Police on 101, the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.