Student Affairs Senate Tuesday, November 6, 2012 Olin A I. II. III. IV. V. The Student Affairs Senate was called to order at 1:00 pm by Vice President Ben Schilling. Roll Call 38 members present i. Members absent at time of roll call 1. Unexcused: Tom Schroeder, Sara Olson, Allison Behrens, Gabe Taylor 2. Excused: Cody Miller, Hannah Wright, Alex Ahlers, Patty Hawk, Ryan Sutter, Kellan Schmidt Minutes a. The minutes from Oct. 30th were approved Special Orders Officer Reports a. President i. Service hour challenge 1. Total hours: 2,818.5 2. Advisory committee a. Ideas for promoting the link to log hours b. Talk to Phil if interested in attending this meeting ii. Religious Student Organization Summit 1. Meeting will be set this afternoon 2. Talk to Phil if interested iii. Constitution for the Nebraska State Student Association 1. First meeting will entail formalizing the constitution a. Advocacy in student affairs b. Student across the state can ban together for issues that affect higher education c. Increase communication 2. Next week there will be a resolution for support of the initiative iv. Board of Governors & University Judiciary 1. Applications are in the student life office 2. Submit applications by Fri. Nov. 16th b. Vice President i. Last week senate 1. If someone has a question about procedure—rise and question parliamentary order 2. SB-8 was passed last year, so ThePACK is a recognized student organization 3. Confirmed with Clark Chandler that there are 3 licenses that ThePACK can use for music broadcasting c. Treasurer i. No report d. Secretaries i. No report e. Parliamentarian i. Table indefinitely VI. VII. 1. Motion is swept aside and motion cannot come back to the floor for a whole calendar year ii. Refer to committee 1. Committee will revise the legislation, answer questions and bring the resolution back to the floor iii. Table definitely 1. You can table the bill for as long as you would like 2. Set aside until the definite moment and then we can hear it again on the floor iv. Time crunch 1. SAS will finish at 1:50 and if we’re not done with the legislation—it will be the first order of business the next week f. Technology Advisor i. PRS system instead of hand voting will begin next week Committee Reports a. Academic Affairs i. Meeting at 9 pm, Wed. Nov. 7th ii. Process team will present committee revisions next semester in January b. Budget i. Budget hearings this weekend ii. If your advisor in the student organization is unaware of this please make sure they are informed c. Campus Grounds and Safety i. Safety walk 1. Largest attendance ever 2. Thank-you to everyone that attended d. Multicultural Affairs and Minority Viewpoints i. No report—committee will meet after senate e. Public Relations and Elections i. Advertising for SAS ii. Refined message for Wesleyan Wheels iii. Like us on Facebook and follow on Twitter for prizes! f. Student Affairs i. Meal plans 1. Survey will be sent out in a few weeks ii. Legislation in the next two weeks is under process New Business a. SR-5 i. Sen. Woodus motioned to consider SR-5 1. Sen. Wilson seconded ii. Secretary Roth read SR-5 iii. Sen. Miller proposed a friendly amendment to change the SHOUTcast Subscription to $399.90 and the total reflected this change: total = $742.77 iv. Period of clarification 1. Sen. Jones moved to reflect the new total of $742.77 throughout the resolution v. Period of discussion 1. Sen. Miller rose in favor of SR-5—these are all things that would have been in their budget, had they been able to submit a budget last year vi. Sen. Evert moved to previous question 1. Sen. Mumford seconded b. SR-5 passed by unanimous vote c. SR-6 i. Sen. Evert motioned to consider SR-6 1. Sen. Ryan seconded ii. Secretary Roth read SR-6 iii. Sen. Schied asked why The Pack isn’t using CSIT’s material 1. Response by Michael Crake a. CSIT couldn’t offer anything that was newer, equipment that they were offering was old and isn’t compatible with their system iv. Sen. Damme asked the Budget Committee what they constitution stated about reimbursement 1. Sen. Miller—there are no guidelines for reimbursement at this time v. Sen. Pirnie inquired about the spending that occurred during the summer 1. Response by Michael Crake a. Michael tried to get into contact with people and he couldn’t reach, the current station manager stated that there was a possibility to be refunded by SAS so Michael purchased the items because he was told (by the current station manager) that SAS would refund him vi. Sen. Jones asked for specifics about who made the purchases 1. Response by Michael Crake a. All supplies were purchased by Michael Crake vii. Sen. Woodus asked about what the miscellaneous expenses were 1. Response by Michael Crake a. He wasn’t sure exactly how the Budget Committee divided expenses up 2. Response by Budget Chair, Mandi Miller a. All expenses that have been submitted have matching receipts viii. Sen. Klimek asked if the budget handbook specifically stated anything regarding reimbursement 1. Sen. Miller—no ix. Sen. Menousek asked what repercussions would come from these not being in the constitution 1. Sen. Miller—the Budget committee will work on editing the budget handbook after budget hearings x. Sen. Damme asked why the Communication Department was willing to pay for these charges 1. Response by Michael a. In the original resolution they asked for enough money for everything to work out, but when things did work out they went to the Communication department for funds xi. Sen. Jones asked what would happen if SAS did not repay the Communication department 1. Karri Sanderson said that the department need to pay the expense 2. VP Schilling stated that the SAS Executive Committee would still hold the power to decide who would take the hit xii. Sen. Pirnie asked if the Communication department paid for the subscription with the hopes of being reimbursed 1. Response from Michael a. Thought it would be easier to come to SAS and get money, if he had known this he would have asked for a longer trial period through SHOUTcast xiii. Sen. Klimek asked who, specifically from the Communication department was asked about providing funding for the SHOUTcast subscription 1. Response from Michael a. Dr. Whitt xiv. Period of discussion (moved by VP Schilling due to time constraints) 1. Sen. Miller rose in favor of SR-6 a. It stinks that people spent money they didn’t have, but they were not breaking any rules because reimbursements are not mentioned in the constitution or the budget handbook 2. Sen. Jones moved to divide the question to separate the SHOUTcast subscription from the reimbursement requested by Michael Crake 3. The question was divided 4. $505.99 will be reimbursed to Michael Crake 5. Sen. Klimek moved to previous question a. Sen. Mumford seconded 6. Sen. Jones motioned for a hand vote a. This motion was not seconded b. The motion died 7. Sen. Miller motioned for a roll call vote 8. The motioned passed 9. Sen. Evert motioned to insert the word Studies between the words Communication Department in the BE IT RESOLVED section of the resolution 10. Sen. Damme asked if period of clarification counted as a period of debate 11. Sen. Damme—point of order a. Can amendments be made during the period of debate on the entire resolution 12. Parliamentarian Katie explained that after a question was divided we cannot make amendments to the resolution 13. VP Schilling stated that SAS separates the period of clarification and period of debate in order to senators not to be confused with the number of times they can speak 14. Sen. Damme asked to suspend the rules 15. Sen. Miller moved to reconsider the first part of the division a. Sen. Menousek seconded 16. Sen. Damme asked that if two “Be it Resolved” sections were made— what is actually happening with the entirety of the resolution? 17. Sen. Jones spoke about specifics in Robert’s Rules of Order VIII. IX. 18. Parliamentarian Katie recommended that SR-6 be sent back to the Budget committee 19. VP Schilling entertained a motion to send SR-6 back to Budget committee a. Sen. Woodus moved to send SR-6 back to budget committee b. Sen. Miller seconded Announcements a. Interested in being an NSO leader b. Waffle Man i. Tomorrow at United Methodist Church from 7-9 ii. Tickets are $5/person iii. $6/person at the door c. Election viewing party tonight in Olin B d. Tomorrow is Bingo in the dining hall Adjourn at 1:50 pm