product and vocabulary

Unit Product and Language Box
Unit Product:
Students design and present one of the three options for a Unit Product. The
product demonstrates the ability to understand and use effective communication
strategies and skills as well as application of the lexical bundles. Each of the three
options, may be performed/presented in live or digitally.
Option One: Students will conduct a dialogue, interview or role play in two parts: 1)
Part One will highlight errors and what not to do in appropriate active listening and
body language; and 2) Part 2 will demonstrate the corrected version. Each part will
be approximately 1 minute with a total of 2 minutes allotted for both parts.
Option Two: Choose two examples of communication to compare and contrast and
Option Three: Using a cartoon, students analyze barriers to communication and
write alternate dialogue that applies effective communication strategies and lexical
Lexical bundles
Lexicon: alternative, assume , interact(-ion), positive, respond, technology
Lexical Collocations: see Grade 10 Word List for all collocations.
alternative: alternative approach, alternative explanation, alternative
form, alternative interpretation, etc; assume: assume responsibility, assume (the)
role, generally assumed; etc interact: complex interaction, human
interaction, significant interaction, social interaction; positive: positive
action, positive aspect, positive attitude, positive connotation, positive
correlation, positive discrimination, positive effect, positive feature, etc. Respond:
respond appropriately, appropriate response, emotional response, individual
response; technology: advanced technology, current technology, digital
technology, modern technology, technological advances, technological
change, technological development, technological innovation, technological
Concept/content word and phrases: active listening, ice breakers, communication
styles, nonverbal communication, personal space, first impressions, decoding
[behavior / cultural cues]
Language Functions:
expressing preferences; giving examples and illustrations (for instance, for example),
back channelling (yeah, uh huh, mmm, right, ok); clarifying / paraphrasing;
rephrasing / summarizing, turn taking.
Lexical bundles:
Encouraging: “I see. . . .” “That’s interesting”
Eliciting: “Tell me more about what worries/concerns/is important to you”
Restating/paraphrasing:“So what you’re saying is…”“So the way you see it is. . .”
“Would it be correct to say. . .?”
Clarifying: “I’m not sure what you mean by. . .” “Could you please explain more
about..?” “Can you explain why you believe that... ?”
Empathizing:“I can see why you feel that…” “I can understand how you see it that
Summarizing: “These seem to be the key ideas you have expressed. . .” “So your
view of this whole situation is…” As I understand it, you are concerns are…”
Reframing: “Let’s think about how we could change the situation…”“Since we both
value.” “let’s see if we can…” “I’m sorry you feel that way, but I’m glad you raised the
issue. Let’s see how we can work together to…”