Detailed description of the project Programme Sub-programme Action Deadline for submission Creative Europe Culture Sub-programme Networks 19/03/2014 Project title Project acronym 1 PART A. INFORMATION ON THE NETWORK A.1. ORGANISATION Full name of the organisation Registered office Street Number City Post code Region Web site Country http:// Telephone 1 Fax Date of incorporation (legal registration) (dd/mm/yyyy) Has the network been registered as a legal person for at least 2 years on the date of the deadline the submission of applications? Yes Please go to point A.2. No Note that your network must have been legally established for at least 2 years on the date of the deadline for submission of applications in order to be eligible. The network was recently (i.e. less than 2 years ago) constituted as a result of a consortium or a merger between existing networks Date of the merger (dd/mm/yyyy) Details of the individual networks involved in the merger Full name of network 1 Registered office of network 1 Date of incorporation (legal registration) of network 1 (dd/mm/yyyy) Full name of network 2 Registered office of network 2 Date of incorporation (legal registration) of network 2 (dd/mm/yyyy) 2 Full name of network 3 Registered office of network 3 Date of incorporation (legal registration) of network 3 (dd/mm/yyyy) A.2. AIMS AND ACTIVITIES OF THE NETWORK Please provide a description of the network in terms of the aims and the objectives. (Max. 3500 characters) In which way does the network interact with networks active in other fields? (Max. 1000 characters) A.3. STAFF Members Coord. entity Member 1 Member 2 Member 3 Member 4 Member 5 Member 6 Member 7 Member 8 Member 9 Member Name of the organisation Number of staff employed by the organisation up till submission of the project Number of new staff recruited by the organisation as from the start of the project Permanent Permanent Temporary Country code region Temporary Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the 3 10 country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Choose the country code Member 11 Member 12 Member 13 Member 14 Member 15 Member 16 Member 17 Member 18 (Add as many rows as needed) A.4. MEMBERSHIP AND GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE Describe the membership structure of the organisation. Detail if your network comprises organisations representing cultural operators at national level. Describe how members take actively part in the activities of the network. How is their continued active involvement ensured? Provide a complete list of member organisations established in a country participating in the Culture Sub-programme. (Note: Networks must consist of at least 15 member organisations (not natural persons) legally established in at least 10 different countries taking part in the Sub-programme, of which at least 5 must have their legal seat in 5 different EU Member States or EFTA countries) Organisation/Member Country (Add as many rows as needed) Select the country Select the country 4 Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Select the country Does your network also have individual members? Yes Number: No 5 PART B. ACTION PLAN COVERING THE ENTIRE DURATION OF THE FRAMEWORK PARTNERSHIP B.1. Overall action plan Please describe the action plan covering the entire duration of the framework partnership (objectives, priorities, strategy, actions to be implemented, expected outputs/results, foreseen structuring effect on players in the sector, foreseen fluctuation in the subsequent years of the framework partnership, etc.) (Max. 3 pages) B.2. Breakdown per year of the framework partnership Please provide a breakdown of the objectives, actions and expected results per year of the framework partnership Year 1 Objectives (Max. 1000 characters) Actions (Max. 2000 characters) 6 Expected results (Max. 2000 characters) Year 2 Objectives (Max. 1000 characters) Actions (Max. 2000 characters) Expected results (Max. 2000 characters) Year 3 Objectives (Max. 1000 characters) Actions (Max. 2000 characters) Expected results (Max. 2000 characters) 7 PART C. WORK PROGRAMME FOR THE FIRST YEAR OF THE FRAMEWORK PARTNERSHIP C.1. Calendar (Please provide the start and end date of the activities) Start date (dd/mm/yyyy) End date (dd/mm/yyyy) Project duration (maximum 12 months) .. months C.2. Description of the activities Please provide a detailed schedule of the activities. For each activity, the following information should be provided: Activity n° 1 Activity title Type of activity Start date End date Location Choose an activity Target group Expected total number of participants Expected number of members in the total number of participants Objectives/expected results (Max. 500 characters) Description of the activity - for instance and as relevant : content, subject, format, length, quantities, communication , etc. (Max.1000 characters) 8 Foreseen evaluation methodology - qualitative & quantitative (Max. 500 characters) Activity n° 2 Activity title Type of activity Start date End date Location Choose an activity Target group Expected total number of participants Expected number of members in the total number of participants Objectives/expected results (Max. 500 characters) Description of the activity - for instance and as relevant : content, subject, format, length, quantities, communication , etc. (Max.1000 characters) Foreseen evaluation methodology - qualitative & quantitative (Max. 500 characters) Activity n° 3 Activity title Type of activity Start date End date Location 9 Choose an activity Target group Expected total number of participants Expected number of members in the total number of participants Objectives/expected results (Max. 500 characters) Description of the activity - for instance and as relevant : content, subject, format, length, quantities, communication , etc. (Max.1000 characters) Foreseen evaluation methodology - qualitative & quantitative (Max. 500 characters) Activity n° 4 Activity title Type of activity Start date End date Location Choose an activity Target group Expected total number of participants Expected number of members in the total number of participants Objectives/expected results (Max. 500 characters) 10 Description of the activity - for instance and as relevant : content, subject, format, length, quantities, communication , etc. (Max.1000 characters) Foreseen evaluation methodology - qualitative & quantitative (Max. 500 characters) Activity n° 5 Activity title Type of activity Start date End date Location Choose an activity Target group Expected total number of participants Expected number of members in the total number of participants Objectives/expected results (Max. 500 characters) Description of the activity - for instance and as relevant : content, subject, format, length, quantities, communication , etc. (Max.1000 characters) Foreseen evaluation methodology - qualitative & quantitative (Max. 500 characters) Activity n° 6 11 Activity title Type of activity Start date End date Location Choose an activity Target group Expected total number of participants Expected number of members in the total number of participants Objectives/expected results (Max. 500 characters) Description of the activity - for instance and as relevant : content, subject, format, length, quantities, communication , etc. (Max.1000 characters) Foreseen evaluation methodology - qualitative & quantitative (Max. 500 characters) Activity n° 7 Activity title Type of activity Start date End date Location Choose an activity Target group Expected total number of participants Expected number of members in the total number of participants 12 Objectives/expected results (Max. 500 characters) Description of the activity - for instance and as relevant : content, subject, format, length, quantities, communication , etc. (Max.1000 characters) Foreseen evaluation methodology - qualitative & quantitative (Max. 500 characters) Activity n° 8 Activity title Type of activity Start date End date Location Choose an activity Target group Expected total number of participants Expected number of members in the total number of participants Objectives/expected results (Max. 500 characters) Description of the activity - for instance and as relevant : content, subject, format, length, quantities, communication , etc. (Max.1000 characters) Foreseen evaluation methodology - qualitative & quantitative (Max. 500 characters) 13 Activity n° 9 Activity title Type of activity Start date End date Location Choose an activity Target group Expected total number of participants Expected number of members in the total number of participants Objectives/expected results (Max. 500 characters) Description of the activity - for instance and as relevant : content, subject, format, length, quantities, communication , etc. (Max.1000 characters) Foreseen evaluation methodology - qualitative & quantitative (Max. 500 characters) Activity n° 10 Activity title Type of activity Start date End date Location Choose an activity Target group Expected total number of participants Expected number of members in the total number of participants 14 Objectives/expected results (Max. 500 characters) Description of the activity - for instance and as relevant : content, subject, format, length, quantities, communication , etc. (Max.1000 characters) Foreseen evaluation methodology - qualitative & quantitative (Max. 500 characters) Add as many activities as needed by doing a copy paste of the entire activity 15 PART D. AWARD CRITERIA Please answer the following questions. (Max. 1000 characters per question) D.1. Relevance How relevant is the project to one or more of the following priorities considered as instrumental to the achievement of the objectives of the Programme. Providing cultural players with skills, competences and know-how, including encouraging adaptation to digital technologies, testing new approaches to audience development and testing new business and management models (Max. 1000 characters) Enabling cultural players to cooperate internationally and to internationalise their careers and activities in the EU and beyond (Max. 1000 characters) Strengthening European cultural and creative organisations and international networking in order to facilitate access to professional opportunities (Max. 1000 characters) Supporting audience development as a means of stimulating interest in European cultural works (Max. 1000 characters) Are there other priorities identified in the framework of the project and how appropriate are they to achieve the specific objectives of the Programme? (Max. 1000 characters) Is the network seeking to work inter-disciplinarily and/or beyond the cultural sector? (Max. 1000 characters) To what extent is the project aiming at producing results which will go beyond the sole interest of the network members and direct participants and have potential long-term impacts on the cultural and creative sector? (Max. 1000 characters) How complementary is the project to cultural actions implemented at national, regional or local level? (Max. 1000 characters) D.2. Quality of the content and activities Are there concrete and well defined project outputs and how appropriate are they towards the overall objectives of the project? (Max. 1000 characters) 16 Is an assessment of the results foreseen? If so, describe how the assessment will be done. (Max. 1000 characters) How concrete and well defined are the actions to be implemented in the framework of the project? How clearly related are the objectives and activities of the projects to the identified needs of the target groups? (Max. 1000 characters) How relevant is the experience of the team taking part in the project in terms of, for example, organisational skills, experience and track record in the cultural and creative sectors, communication and language skills? (Max. 1000 characters) How appropriate is the allocation of the budget and human resources to the different activities undertaken in the framework of the programme? (Max. 1000 characters) How clear and realistic is the time-table for the work programme? (Max. 1000 characters) D.3. Communication and dissemination How clear and appropriate is the strategy to communicate on the activities of the network, including the objectives, target groups, tools, channels, media, impact and timeline? (Max. 1000 characters) How will EU support be made visible throughout the duration of the project and beyond? (Max. 1000 characters) How and to whom will the experience and knowledge acquired through the project be disseminated, including beyond the duration of the project? (Max. 1000 characters) D.4. Quality of the European network How broad is the coverage of the network both in terms of geography and within the sector in which it operates? (Max. 1000 characters) To what extent does the network bring together members from the countries which joined the European Union from 2004 and onwards? (Max. 1000 characters) How does the functioning of the relationship between members ensure their direct and active involvement? (Max. 1000 characters) 17 How open is the network to non-members? (Max. 1000 characters) I the undersigned hereby certify that all the information contained in this application form is accurate and correct. Name of the applying organisation Legal representative (Name, first name) Position Date Signature 18